Yuka and Mao

Session Adv 1 : Female 1 to Female 2


Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 222.8   B: 213.3

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

402.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

17.5 (1050 syllables)

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 58.9   B: 54.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

314.3 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.4 (309 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 13.2 secs.

Percentage: 2.2%

Total Speaking Time:

597 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


F1: What you want buy this year heh heh↓ ?

F2: Uh (3.1) I want to buy-, (.)

F1: Clothes

F2: Clothes, yeah, clothes, of course. A lot of clothes. (2.9) I wanna buy a bear doll.

F1: Ah, bear doll. I love it, too. Heh heh

F2: I love Disney, so-

F1: Ah:↑

F2: What’s that name?

F1: Duffy?

F2: Duffy (Duffy) and Shelliemay.

F1: Umm, that’s quite expensive.

F2: Yeah, you know. What about you?

F1: Umm, for me↑, I want buy air plane tickets to abroad. Heh heh I wanna go to India and Thailand. I’m, I’m about to (graduate) next year. I gonna (graduate), and start job, so I wanna travel abroad before that.

F2: Umm↓ .

F1: So, I wanna buy that and some nice sweets.

F2: I I bought a ticket to America for this summer.

F1: How long will you go there?

F2: Um↓ , how long I gonna↓ stay there (.) one month and a half↓ .

F1: For your study?

F2: Nope↑ heh heh.

F1: Just a travel?

F2: Yeah, I have a host family there, so I gonna↓ stay there↓ .

F1: Ah, you studied in America before?

F2: I, I just↑ stay, (.) I just stay one month, four years ago.

F1: Four years↑ ago. Before going, come to uni.

F2: Um.

F1: Oh:↑sounds good. I haven’t done home staying before, never, so I feeling so envy. Yeah: cuz I, I’ve studied in abroad for nine month, but it was not home staying. I had accommodation, learning by uni, so I have a, um, front mate, I have a front friends live in together, but not family, so (2.7) home staying sounds very nice for me↓.

F2: Yeah.

F1: Ah: (.) Do wanna do B?↑ “Do you buy similar items and products”.(.) Do you like, um, having got, having a party in your house or friend’s house?

F2: Ah↑, in my house. Yeah, I like.

F1: Umm, so maybe, we’re buying some foods and nice snacks, sweets and some alcohols and get a rental DVD, watching together um, having a nice time, maybe. Heh heh

F2: But, I’m in my first year, so-

F1: Oh:↑Really↑?

F2: Yep!↑

F1: Oh;↑Are you nineteen↑, eighteen↑?

F2: Yep, I’m eighteen↑.

F1: Ah, I’m twenty third. Ah, I’m twenty three.

F2: Ah, twenty three↓ .

F1: Suddenly, I’m nervous. You are five years younger than me.

F2: So, I wanna have a lot of party, Parties↓ from now↓ .

F1: Oh do you have a lot of free time?

F2: Umm.

F1: That sounds good. Do you belongs to any circle activity?

F2: Yes. I’m in a cappella.

F1: Ah↑, you love singing!

F2: Yeah, really love singing.

F1: Sounds good. Ah, I used to belongs to ESS, do you know?

F2: Yeah.

F1: Umm, that was a good time,↑ learning and having fun with friends.(2.2) Umm (.) buy similar items. Where do you buy your outfits mostly?

F2: Outfits, ah, clothes? (.) In Kokura.

F1: I’m rather-

F2: Yep.

F1: Umm, how often do you buy?

F2: How often↑, not, not many often.

F1: Not really?

F2: Umm.

F1: Have you got, ah nice summer outfits already?

F2: Ah, no, not yet.

F1: Are you plan to, planning to buy, do, do you have, are you doing part-time job?

F2: No. So I don’t have enough money to buy clothes.

F1: Yeah, me too. I’m doing a job, but not really for my outfit.

F2: Umm.

F1: About, yeah, obviously, I want to buy (.) um, I’m looking for some wo- how do I say, bathing suits.

F2: Ah, bathing suit.

F1: Bathing suit heh heh

F2: Umm, I wanna buy one.

F1: For this summer, yeah, but there are quite expensive so-↓

F2: I wanna buy one before I go to America.

F1: Ah↑, yeah↑. You must buy one.

F2: Umm↓

F1: Ah, the cheap one is not really good, it doesn’t last long, It’s only like for one year and it’s dangerous. Cheap one is dangerous anyway so (£). heh heh that happened for me when I was second year, heh heh so I recommend you a nice one heh heh.

F2: Yeah.

F1: uh third question, who was watch more anime. Anime heh heh

F2: Do you watch anime↓?

F1: Not really↑, actually.

F2: I watch a lot of anime that Disney movies, so-

F1: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love it too, like Ghibli, too.

F2: Ghibli?

F1: Ghibli, studio Ghibli animation heh heh.

F2: Ah, I see. Ah! ↑Ghibli.

F1: Another thing, hmm↑ (.) I, I like watching some video on Youtube, like Disney song like Little mermaid or-

F2: Little mermaid…

F1: Aladdin and something like that. Oh, your, your heh pronunciation, your accent is really American!

F2: Yeah, I know heh heh.

F1: Oh, my god! Heh heh I’m really strange cuz I’ve studied in U.K. the accent is really different, as you may feel. So:, I feel so strange. I actually don’t have not really American friends only like one friend, so I haven’t had opportunity to speak, to speak American accent people. So, I feel so feeling new, fresh.

F2: Yeah, I have completely American accent.

F1: Ah, (.) most↑ of my British friends talk to the accent about “What do you think of American English, Yuka?” “How do you pronounce water?” “Do you say like water?” “Ah, disgusting.” Talking always like that. and I didn’t really care. So, heh heh do, do American people speak talk like that? Do they care about British accent or American accent?

F2: I don’t know. I don’t really talk to American people.

F1: Oh, Ok. That was interesting. They care↑ accent a lot. Even, even not the different living American and English, ah, British, but they also care about that own country’s accent like farmer accent, London cockney accent, “Ah, there are like Cockney!” “Do you re-, do you know (they) (hate) accent?” “He speaks like ba-ah.” heh heh “He doesn’t pronounce T, you, you remember.” They, they talk to me like that. Really.↑ So, that was fun.

F2: Yeah, I wanna go to England↓.

F1: Umm. Who has watch, ah, she so, let’s back, go back to this question, Anime.

F2: Ok.

F1: Umm, heh heh

F2: I’ve been watching a lot of Disney movies lately.

F1: Umm. Ah, about for Disney or Ghibli, we really don’t watch Anime, maybe. Ah, but I like “Card Captor Sakura”

F2: I don’t know.

F1: Eh↑, really↑?

F2: I don’t really.

F1: Very old Anime like, eh↑ generation gap?

F2: Oh!

F1: No! I don’t admit it! It’s a girls, (.) girls traditional Anime heh heh.

F2: Ok.

F1: I (recall).

F2: Ok, ok, ok. I like↓.

F1: Oh, ah, “Pokemon↑”

F2: Ah, yeah, yeah.

F1: Do you like Pokemon? Umm, (3.3) we↓ don’t watch↓ Pokemon anymore↓, maybe.

F2: Umm.

F1: I love↑ reading comics recently↑, because I have quite a lot of free time. (.) I, I just finished reading “Naruto”, you know. (2.3) I just finished yesterday. Heh heh

F2: Ah.

F1: I feel sad now, because I lost-


The participants in this discussion are engaged and happy, laughter being often noted throughout the discussion. While minimal responses are common, there is an equal number of longer and more descriptive replies. Yuka has a high number of words, 729 compared to 234 words for Mao, but she does have a lot of meaningless syllables, 45.  MLRs are high for Yuka 17.5 but Mao’s speech is rather limited to 5.4 MLRs.  The percentage of silence is low though to 13.2 seconds or 2.2%.



The participants in this discussion are engaged and happy, laughter being often noted throughout the discussion. While minimal responses are common, there is an equal number of longer and more descriptive replies. Yuka has a high number of words, 729 compared to 234 words for Mao, but she does have a lot of meaningless syllables, 45.  MLRs are high for Yuka 17.5 but Mao’s speech is rather limited to 5.4 MLRs.  The percentage of silence is low though to 13.2 seconds or 2.2%.


MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean Length Runs:

1. F1: What you want buy this year heh heh↓ ? = 6
2. F1: Clothes = 1
3. F1: Ah, bear doll. I love it, too. Heh heh = 7
4. F1: Ah:↑ = 1
5. F1: Duffy? = 2
6. F1: Umm, that’s quite expensive. = 6
7. F1: Umm, for me↑, I want buy air plane tickets // to abroad. Heh heh I wanna go to Ind//ia and Thailand. I’m, I’m about to (gradu//ate) next year. I gonna (graduate), and // start job, so I wanna travel abroad be//fore that. = 52
8. F1: So, I wanna buy that and some nice sweets. = 10
9. F1: How long will you go there? = 6
10. F1: For your study? = 4
11. F1: Just a travel? = 4
12. F1: Ah, you studied in America before? = 10
13. F1: Four years↑ ago. Before going, come to // uni. = 12
14. F1: Oh:↑sounds good. I haven’t done home staying // before, never, so I feeling so en//vy. Yeah: cuz I, I’ve studied in abroad // for nine month, but it was not home staying. // I had accommodation, learning by // uni, so I have a, um, front mate, I // have a front friends live in together, // but not family, so (2.7) = 75
15. (F1) home staying sounds very nice for me↓.= 9
16. F1: Ah: (.) Do wanna do B?↑ “Do you buy simi//lar items and products”.(.) Do you like, um, // having got, having a party in your house or // friend’s house? = 32
17. F1: Umm, so maybe, we’re buying some foods // and nice snacks, sweets and some alcohols // and get a rental DVD, watching // together um, having a nice time, may//be. Heh heh = 41
18. F1: Oh:↑Really↑? = 3
19. F1: Oh;↑Are you nineteen↑, eighteen↑? = 7
20. F1: Ah, I’m twenty third. Ah, I’m twenty three. = 10
21. F1: Suddenly, I’m nervous. You are five years // younger than me. = 14
22. F1: Oh do you have a lot of free time? = 9
23. F1: That sounds good. Do you belongs to a//ny circle activity? = 16
24. F1: Ah↑, you love singing! = 5
25. F1: Sounds good. Ah, I used to belongs to // ESS, do you know? = 16
26. F1: Umm, that was a good time,↑ learning and ha/ving fun with friends.(2.2) = 15
27. (F1) Umm (.) buy similar items. Where do you buy // your outfits mostly? = 15
28. F1: I’m rather- = 3
29. F1: Umm, how often do you buy? = 7
30. F1: Not really? = 3
31. F1: Have you got, ah nice summer outfits al//ready? = 12
32. F1: Are you plan to, planning to buy, do, do // you have, are you doing part-time job? = 19
33. F1: Yeah, me too. I’m doing a job, but not // really for my outfit. = 16
34. F1: About, yeah, obviously, I want to buy (.) // um, I’m looking for some wo- how do I // say, bathing suits. = 24
35. F1: Bathing suit heh heh = 3
36. F1: For this summer, yeah, but there are quite ex//pensive so-↓ = 13
37. F1: Ah↑, yeah↑. You must buy one. = 6
38. F1: Ah, the cheap one is not really good, it // doesn’t last long, It’s only like for one // year and it’s dangerous. Cheap one is dan//gerous anyway so (£). heh heh that happened for // me when I was second year, heh heh so I re//commend you a nice one heh heh. = 56
39. F1: uh third question, who was watch more ani//me. Anime heh heh = 14
40. F1: Not really↑, actually. = 6
41. F1: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love it too, like Ghi//bli, too. = 12
42. F1: Ghibli, studio Ghibli anima//tion heh heh. = 11
43. F1: Another thing, hmm↑ (.) I, I like watching // some video on Youtube, like Disney // song like Little mermaid or- = 27
44. F1: Aladdin and something like that. Oh, your, your // heh pronunciation, your accent is really // American! = 24
45. F1: Oh, my god! Heh heh I’m really strange cuz I’ve // studied in U.K. the accent is rea//lly different, as you may feel. So:, I feel // so strange. I actually don’t have not rea//lly American friends only like one friend, so // I haven’t had opportunity to // speak, to speak American accent peo//ple. So, I feel so feeling new, fresh.// = 80
46. F1: Ah, (.) most↑ of my British friends talk to the ac//cent about “What do you think of Ame//rican English, Yuka?” “How do you pro//nounce water?” “Do you say like water?” “Ah, // disgusting.” Talking always like that. And // I didn’t really care. So, heh heh do, do A//merican people speak talk like that? Do // they care about British accent or A//merican accent? = 85
47. F1: Oh, Ok. That was interesting. They // care↑ accent a lot. Even, even not // the different living American and // English, ah, British, but they also care // about that own country’s accent like far//mer accent, London cockney accent, “Ah, // there are like Cockney!” “Do you re-, do you // know (they) (hate) accent?” “He speaks like ba-ah.” // heh heh “He doesn’t pronounce T, you, you remem//ber.” They, they talk to me like that. Really.↑// So, that was fun. = 84
48. F1: Umm. Who has watch, ah, she so, let’s // back, go back to this question, Anime. // = 20
49. F1: Umm, heh heh = 1
50. F1: Umm. Ah, about for Disney or Ghibli, // we really don’t watch Anime, maybe. // Ah, but I like “Card Captor Sakura” // = 30
51. F1: Eh↑, really↑? = 3
52. F1: Very old Anime like, eh↑ gene//ration gap? = 13
53. F1: No! I don’t admit it! It’s a girls, // (.) girls traditional Anime heh heh. = 18
54. F1: I (recall). = 3
55. F1: Oh, ah, “Pokemon↑” = 5
56. F1: Do you like Pokemon? Umm, (3.3) = 7
57. (F1) we↓ don’t watch↓ Pokemon anymore↓, may//be. = 11
58. F1: I love↑ reading comics recently↑, be//cause I have quite a lot of free time. (.) I, // I just finished reading “Naruto”, you // know. (2.3) = 31
59. (F1) I just finished yesterday. Heh heh = 7
60. F1: I feel sad now, because I lost- = 8

Female 2 Mean Length Runs

F2: Uh (3.1) = 1
(F2) I want to buy-, (.) = 4
F2: Clothes, yeah, clothes, of course. A lot of clothes. (2.9) I wanna buy a bear doll.
F2: I love Disney, so-
F2: What’s that name?
F2: Duffy (Duffy) and Shelliemay.
F2: Yeah, you know. What about you?
F2: Umm↓ .
F2: I I bought a ticket to America for this summer.
F2: Um↓ , how long I gonna↓ stay there (.) one month and a half↓ .
F2: Nope↑ heh heh.
F2: Yeah, I have a host family there, so I gonna↓ stay there↓ .
F2: I, I just↑ stay, (.) I just stay one month, four years ago.
F2: Um.
F2: Yeah.
F2: Ah↑, in my house. Yeah, I like.
F2: But, I’m in my first year, so-
F2: Yep!↑
F2: Yep, I’m eighteen↑.
F2: Ah, twenty three↓ .
F2: So, I wanna have a lot of party, Parties↓ from now↓ .
F2: Umm.
F2: Yes. I’m in a cappella.
F2: Yeah, really love singing.
F2: Yeah.
F2: Outfits, ah, clothes? (.) In Kokura.
F2: Yep.
F2: How often↑, not, not many often.
F2: Umm.
F2: Ah, no, not yet.
F2: No. So I don’t have enough money to buy clothes.
F2: Umm.
F2: Ah, bathing suit.
F2: Umm, I wanna buy one.
F2: I wanna buy one before I go to America.
F2: Umm↓
F2: Yeah.
F2: Do you watch anime↓?
F2: I watch a lot of anime that Disney movies, so-
F2: Ghibli?
F2: Ah, I see. Ah! ↑Ghibli.
F2: Little mermaid…
F2: Yeah, I know heh heh.
F2: Yeah, I have completely American accent.
F2: I don’t know. I don’t really talk to American people.
F2: Yeah, I wanna go to England↓.
F2: Ok.
F2: I’ve been watching a lot of Disney movies lately.
F2: I don’t know.
F2: I don’t really.
F2: Oh!
F2: Ok.
F2: Ok, ok, ok. I like↓.
F2: Ah, yeah, yeah.
F2: Umm.
F2: Ah.


F1: What you want buy this year heh heh↓ ?

F2: Uh (3.1) I want to buy-, (.)

F1: Clothes

F2: Clothes, yeah, clothes, of course. A lot of clothes. (2.9) I wanna buy a bear doll.

F1: Ah, bear doll. I love it, too. Heh heh

F2: I love Disney, so-

F1: Ah:↑

F2: What’s that name?

F1: Duffy?

F2: Duffy (Duffy) and Shelliemay.

F1: Umm, that’s quite expensive.

F2: Yeah, you know. What about you?

F1: Umm, for me↑, I want buy air plane tickets to abroad. Heh heh I wanna go to India and Thailand. I’m, I’m about to (graduate) next year. I gonna (graduate), and start job, so I wanna travel abroad before that.

F2: Umm↓ .

F1: So, I wanna buy that and some nice sweets.

F2: I I bought a ticket to America for this summer.

F1: How long will you go there?

F2: Um↓ , how long I gonna↓ stay there (.) one month and a half↓ .

F1: For your study?

F2: Nope↑ heh heh.

F1: Just a travel?

F2: Yeah, I have a host family there, so I gonna↓ stay there↓ .

F1: Ah, you studied in America before?

F2: I, I just↑ stay, (.) I just stay one month, four years ago.

F1: Four years↑ ago. Before going, come to uni.

F2: Um.

F1: Oh:↑sounds good. I haven’t done home staying before, never, so I feeling so envy. Yeah: cuz I, I’ve studied in abroad for nine month, but it was not home staying. I had accommodation, learning by uni, so I have a, um, front mate, I have a front friends live in together, but not family, so (2.7) home staying sounds very nice for me↓.

F2: Yeah.

F1: Ah: (.) Do wanna do B?↑ “Do you buy similar items and products”.(.) Do you like, um, having got, having a party in your house or friend’s house?

F2: Ah↑, in my house. Yeah, I like.

F1: Umm, so maybe, we’re buying some foods and nice snacks, sweets and some alcohols and get a rental DVD, watching together um, having a nice time, maybe. Heh heh

F2: But, I’m in my first year, so-

F1: Oh:↑Really↑?

F2: Yep!↑

F1: Oh;↑Are you nineteen↑, eighteen↑?

F2: Yep, I’m eighteen↑.

F1: Ah, I’m twenty third. Ah, I’m twenty three.

F2: Ah, twenty three↓ .

F1: Suddenly, I’m nervous. You are five years younger than me.

F2: So, I wanna have a lot of party, Parties↓ from now↓ .

F1: Oh do you have a lot of free time?

F2: Umm.

F1: That sounds good. Do you belongs to any circle activity?

F2: Yes. I’m in a cappella.

F1: Ah↑, you love singing!

F2: Yeah, really love singing.

F1: Sounds good. Ah, I used to belongs to ESS, do you know?

F2: Yeah.

F1: Umm, that was a good time,↑ learning and having fun with friends.(2.2) Umm (.) buy similar items. Where do you buy your outfits mostly?

F2: Outfits, ah, clothes? (.) In Kokura.

F1: I’m rather-

F2: Yep.

F1: Umm, how often do you buy?

F2: How often↑, not, not many often.

F1: Not really?

F2: Umm.

F1: Have you got, ah nice summer outfits already?

F2: Ah, no, not yet.

F1: Are you plan to, planning to buy, do, do you have, are you doing part-time job?

F2: No. So I don’t have enough money to buy clothes.

F1: Yeah, me too. I’m doing a job, but not really for my outfit.

F2: Umm.

F1: About, yeah, obviously, I want to buy (.) um, I’m looking for some wo- how do I say, bathing suits.

F2: Ah, bathing suit.

F1: Bathing suit heh heh

F2: Umm, I wanna buy one.

F1: For this summer, yeah, but there are quite expensive so-↓

F2: I wanna buy one before I go to America.

F1: Ah↑, yeah↑. You must buy one.

F2: Umm↓

F1: Ah, the cheap one is not really good, it doesn’t last long, It’s only like for one year and it’s dangerous. Cheap one is dangerous anyway so (£). heh heh that happened for me when I was second year, heh heh so I recommend you a nice one heh heh.

F2: Yeah.

F1: uh third question, who was watch more anime. Anime heh heh

F2: Do you watch anime↓?

F1: Not really↑, actually.

F2: I watch a lot of anime that Disney movies, so-

F1: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love it too, like Ghibli, too.

F2: Ghibli?

F1: Ghibli, studio Ghibli animation heh heh.

F2: Ah, I see. Ah! ↑Ghibli.

F1: Another thing, hmm↑ (.) I, I like watching some video on Youtube, like Disney song like Little mermaid or-

F2: Little mermaid…

F1: Aladdin and something like that. Oh, your, your heh pronunciation, your accent is really American!

F2: Yeah, I know heh heh.

F1: Oh, my god! Heh heh I’m really strange cuz I’ve studied in U.K. the accent is really different, as you may feel. So:, I feel so strange. I actually don’t have not really American friends only like one friend, so I haven’t had opportunity to speak, to speak American accent people. So, I feel so feeling new, fresh.

F2: Yeah, I have completely American accent.

F1: Ah, (.) most↑ of my British friends talk to the accent about “What do you think of American English, Yuka?” “How do you pronounce water?” “Do you say like water?” “Ah, disgusting.” Talking always like that. and I didn’t really care. So, heh heh do, do American people speak talk like that? Do they care about British accent or American accent?

F2: I don’t know. I don’t really talk to American people.

F1: Oh, Ok. That was interesting. They care↑ accent a lot. Even, even not the different living American and English, ah, British, but they also care about that own country’s accent like farmer accent, London cockney accent, “Ah, there are like Cockney!” “Do you re-, do you know (they) (hate) accent?” “He speaks like ba-ah.” heh heh “He doesn’t pronounce T, you, you remember.” They, they talk to me like that. Really.↑ So, that was fun.

F2: Yeah, I wanna go to England↓.

F1: Umm. Who has watch, ah, she so, let’s back, go back to this question, Anime.

F2: Ok.

F1: Umm, heh heh

F2: I’ve been watching a lot of Disney movies lately.

F1: Umm. Ah, about for Disney or Ghibli, we really don’t watch Anime, maybe. Ah, but I like “Card Captor Sakura”

F2: I don’t know.

F1: Eh↑, really↑?

F2: I don’t really.

F1: Very old Anime like, eh↑ generation gap?

F2: Oh!

F1: No! I don’t admit it! It’s a girls, (.) girls traditional Anime heh heh.

F2: Ok.

F1: I (recall).

F2: Ok, ok, ok. I like↓.

F1: Oh, ah, “Pokemon↑”

F2: Ah, yeah, yeah.

F1: Do you like Pokemon? Umm, (3.3) we↓ don’t watch↓ Pokemon anymore↓, maybe.

F2: Umm.

F1: I love↑ reading comics recently↑, because I have quite a lot of free time. (.) I, I just finished reading “Naruto”, you know. (2.3) I just finished yesterday. Heh heh

F2: Ah.

F1: I feel sad now, because I lost-

Statistics P1

Speaking Rate

A: 222.8   B: 213.3

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

402.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

17.5 (1050 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 58.9   B: 54.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

314.3 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.4 (309 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 13.2 secs.

Percentage: 2.2%

Total Speaking Time:

597 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0 sec.


The participants in this discussion are engaged and happy, laughter being often noted throughout the discussion. While minimal responses are common, there is an equal number of longer and more descriptive replies. Yuka has a high number of words, 729 compared to 234 words for Mao, but she does have a lot of meaningless syllables, 45.  MLRs are high for Yuka 17.5 but Mao’s speech is rather limited to 5.4 MLRs.  The percentage of silence is low though to 13.2 seconds or 2.2%.


MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean Length Runs:

1. F1: What you want buy this year heh heh↓ ? = 6
2. F1: Clothes = 1
3. F1: Ah, bear doll. I love it, too. Heh heh = 7
4. F1: Ah:↑ = 1
5. F1: Duffy? = 2
6. F1: Umm, that’s quite expensive. = 6
7. F1: Umm, for me↑, I want buy air plane tickets // to abroad. Heh heh I wanna go to Ind//ia and Thailand. I’m, I’m about to (gradu//ate) next year. I gonna (graduate), and // start job, so I wanna travel abroad be//fore that. = 52
8. F1: So, I wanna buy that and some nice sweets. = 10
9. F1: How long will you go there? = 6
10. F1: For your study? = 4
11. F1: Just a travel? = 4
12. F1: Ah, you studied in America before? = 10
13. F1: Four years↑ ago. Before going, come to // uni. = 12
14. F1: Oh:↑sounds good. I haven’t done home staying // before, never, so I feeling so en//vy. Yeah: cuz I, I’ve studied in abroad // for nine month, but it was not home staying. // I had accommodation, learning by // uni, so I have a, um, front mate, I // have a front friends live in together, // but not family, so (2.7) = 75
15. (F1) home staying sounds very nice for me↓.= 9
16. F1: Ah: (.) Do wanna do B?↑ “Do you buy simi//lar items and products”.(.) Do you like, um, // having got, having a party in your house or // friend’s house? = 32
17. F1: Umm, so maybe, we’re buying some foods // and nice snacks, sweets and some alcohols // and get a rental DVD, watching // together um, having a nice time, may//be. Heh heh = 41
18. F1: Oh:↑Really↑? = 3
19. F1: Oh;↑Are you nineteen↑, eighteen↑? = 7
20. F1: Ah, I’m twenty third. Ah, I’m twenty three. = 10
21. F1: Suddenly, I’m nervous. You are five years // younger than me. = 14
22. F1: Oh do you have a lot of free time? = 9
23. F1: That sounds good. Do you belongs to a//ny circle activity? = 16
24. F1: Ah↑, you love singing! = 5
25. F1: Sounds good. Ah, I used to belongs to // ESS, do you know? = 16
26. F1: Umm, that was a good time,↑ learning and ha/ving fun with friends.(2.2) = 15
27. (F1) Umm (.) buy similar items. Where do you buy // your outfits mostly? = 15
28. F1: I’m rather- = 3
29. F1: Umm, how often do you buy? = 7
30. F1: Not really? = 3
31. F1: Have you got, ah nice summer outfits al//ready? = 12
32. F1: Are you plan to, planning to buy, do, do // you have, are you doing part-time job? = 19
33. F1: Yeah, me too. I’m doing a job, but not // really for my outfit. = 16
34. F1: About, yeah, obviously, I want to buy (.) // um, I’m looking for some wo- how do I // say, bathing suits. = 24
35. F1: Bathing suit heh heh = 3
36. F1: For this summer, yeah, but there are quite ex//pensive so-↓ = 13
37. F1: Ah↑, yeah↑. You must buy one. = 6
38. F1: Ah, the cheap one is not really good, it // doesn’t last long, It’s only like for one // year and it’s dangerous. Cheap one is dan//gerous anyway so (£). heh heh that happened for // me when I was second year, heh heh so I re//commend you a nice one heh heh. = 56
39. F1: uh third question, who was watch more ani//me. Anime heh heh = 14
40. F1: Not really↑, actually. = 6
41. F1: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I love it too, like Ghi//bli, too. = 12
42. F1: Ghibli, studio Ghibli anima//tion heh heh. = 11
43. F1: Another thing, hmm↑ (.) I, I like watching // some video on Youtube, like Disney // song like Little mermaid or- = 27
44. F1: Aladdin and something like that. Oh, your, your // heh pronunciation, your accent is really // American! = 24
45. F1: Oh, my god! Heh heh I’m really strange cuz I’ve // studied in U.K. the accent is rea//lly different, as you may feel. So:, I feel // so strange. I actually don’t have not rea//lly American friends only like one friend, so // I haven’t had opportunity to // speak, to speak American accent peo//ple. So, I feel so feeling new, fresh.// = 80
46. F1: Ah, (.) most↑ of my British friends talk to the ac//cent about “What do you think of Ame//rican English, Yuka?” “How do you pro//nounce water?” “Do you say like water?” “Ah, // disgusting.” Talking always like that. And // I didn’t really care. So, heh heh do, do A//merican people speak talk like that? Do // they care about British accent or A//merican accent? = 85
47. F1: Oh, Ok. That was interesting. They // care↑ accent a lot. Even, even not // the different living American and // English, ah, British, but they also care // about that own country’s accent like far//mer accent, London cockney accent, “Ah, // there are like Cockney!” “Do you re-, do you // know (they) (hate) accent?” “He speaks like ba-ah.” // heh heh “He doesn’t pronounce T, you, you remem//ber.” They, they talk to me like that. Really.↑// So, that was fun. = 84
48. F1: Umm. Who has watch, ah, she so, let’s // back, go back to this question, Anime. // = 20
49. F1: Umm, heh heh = 1
50. F1: Umm. Ah, about for Disney or Ghibli, // we really don’t watch Anime, maybe. // Ah, but I like “Card Captor Sakura” // = 30
51. F1: Eh↑, really↑? = 3
52. F1: Very old Anime like, eh↑ gene//ration gap? = 13
53. F1: No! I don’t admit it! It’s a girls, // (.) girls traditional Anime heh heh. = 18
54. F1: I (recall). = 3
55. F1: Oh, ah, “Pokemon↑” = 5
56. F1: Do you like Pokemon? Umm, (3.3) = 7
57. (F1) we↓ don’t watch↓ Pokemon anymore↓, may//be. = 11
58. F1: I love↑ reading comics recently↑, be//cause I have quite a lot of free time. (.) I, // I just finished reading “Naruto”, you // know. (2.3) = 31
59. (F1) I just finished yesterday. Heh heh = 7
60. F1: I feel sad now, because I lost- = 8

Female 2 Mean Length Runs

F2: Uh (3.1) = 1
(F2) I want to buy-, (.) = 4
F2: Clothes, yeah, clothes, of course. A lot of clothes. (2.9) I wanna buy a bear doll.
F2: I love Disney, so-
F2: What’s that name?
F2: Duffy (Duffy) and Shelliemay.
F2: Yeah, you know. What about you?
F2: Umm↓ .
F2: I I bought a ticket to America for this summer.
F2: Um↓ , how long I gonna↓ stay there (.) one month and a half↓ .
F2: Nope↑ heh heh.
F2: Yeah, I have a host family there, so I gonna↓ stay there↓ .
F2: I, I just↑ stay, (.) I just stay one month, four years ago.
F2: Um.
F2: Yeah.
F2: Ah↑, in my house. Yeah, I like.
F2: But, I’m in my first year, so-
F2: Yep!↑
F2: Yep, I’m eighteen↑.
F2: Ah, twenty three↓ .
F2: So, I wanna have a lot of party, Parties↓ from now↓ .
F2: Umm.
F2: Yes. I’m in a cappella.
F2: Yeah, really love singing.
F2: Yeah.
F2: Outfits, ah, clothes? (.) In Kokura.
F2: Yep.
F2: How often↑, not, not many often.
F2: Umm.
F2: Ah, no, not yet.
F2: No. So I don’t have enough money to buy clothes.
F2: Umm.
F2: Ah, bathing suit.
F2: Umm, I wanna buy one.
F2: I wanna buy one before I go to America.
F2: Umm↓
F2: Yeah.
F2: Do you watch anime↓?
F2: I watch a lot of anime that Disney movies, so-
F2: Ghibli?
F2: Ah, I see. Ah! ↑Ghibli.
F2: Little mermaid…
F2: Yeah, I know heh heh.
F2: Yeah, I have completely American accent.
F2: I don’t know. I don’t really talk to American people.
F2: Yeah, I wanna go to England↓.
F2: Ok.
F2: I’ve been watching a lot of Disney movies lately.
F2: I don’t know.
F2: I don’t really.
F2: Oh!
F2: Ok.
F2: Ok, ok, ok. I like↓.
F2: Ah, yeah, yeah.
F2: Umm.
F2: Ah.

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