Ken and Masaki

Session Adv 1 : Male 1 to Male 2


Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 164.3   B: 146.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

340 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

21.6 (933 syllables)

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 164.8   B: 155.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

278 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

18.2 (766 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 2.6 secs.

Percentage: 0.4%

Total Speaking Time:

622 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M2: Ok, shall we start. So, nice to meet you.M1: Nice to meet you.

M2: Ok, today, let’s share our each ↑ information↑, ok?

M1: Ok.

M2: Ah: ↑  wha, what would you like to buy you this year?

M1: Um, I, I…

M2: Do you have something↓?

M1: I bought camera, very expensive camera.

M2: Camera. Ok, good. Why are you interested in camera.

M1: Umm, yeah, when I bought the camera, I, I have not interested in taking photos, but um, since I bought a camera, I, I think my, my view of daily lives is I think will change, I think.

M2: Oh, good↑, good↑, good↑. More vivid, vivid↑.

M1: Yeah, yes. So, ↑ I bought a camera. How about you?

M2: Ok, in my case that, um, I’m thinking of buying the, um, Mac. Mac book (.) air↑.

M1: Yeah, yeah, ok. Computer?

M2: Computer, exactly. Umm, because now I’m thinking of going to, ah, going to study, study, um, studying abroad? Umm, next year.  So, yeah, I need↑ to familiar with the (.) ah: the (.) iMac. And, I need more skills to cope with the um homework and ah study activities in another country. So, now that’s the reason why…

M1: I, I think very cool↑, ah, cool iMac is.

M2: Yeah.

M1: And, and, I, so, do you use a iPhone↑?

M2: Yes↑, now.

M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah↓.

M2: Yeah.

M1: I, I↓ don’t have the any, any Apple’s products. Of course, I, I don’t use iPhone and iMac and so on.

M2: Oh, really↑ ?

M1: But, the, the shape and the color is very cool, I think.

M2: Yeah. I think so.

M1: And, everyone in… I think the, um, in all over the world um, the iMac and iPhone is very popular, I think,

M2: Yeah, more popular

M1: Yeah.

M2: Ok, so the (.) Ok, let’s go on the next topic.

M1: Ok.

M2: Umm, the, do you buy similar items and products. Ah, similar, ok… So, the, that question means, umm:

M1: Ah:

M2: Do you buy similar–

M1: I think, um, both of them is not similar. And, me is camera and you, you bought iMac. So, so anything else people we discuss, I think.

M2: Yeah, ok↓.

M1: Umm I (2.6) so (£).

M2: What umm if we think about more carefully, and ah, our, there, there is little bit some similarity between, ah, you and me.  The products. I mean and, ah, both items technological things.

M1: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

M2: Oh, right? You camera, and in my case that iMac. Umm (.) ok, so↑ Now, I try↑ to talk about (.) what do you think about (.) umm (.) technology, and umm (.) yeah↑, ok heh

M1: Ok. About technology. And, I have some ideas about technology because um, there is, there are a lot of smart phones and, and, and other

M2: Other products. [2:06.9]M1: Yeah. Yeah. And, and we often use SNS and like Facebook and Twitter and, and on the, on the very technological devices. So, so everyone says it, it lead us, um, very, um, not good for  people.

M2: Yeah, someone says. It is not good. Yeah, I know that.

M1: But, and for the, for the↑ first, ↑ these technological devices is and↓  eh: (.) is very useful to us. And it is not, ah (.) not important for our daily lives at first. But, umm, then↑, these technological devices is very popular, when these things is popular we, we: cannot live without these technology.

M2: Yeah, ↑ can’t stop↑.

M1: Yeah.

M2: The, yeah, the getting more popular,

M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah

M2:That’s the phenomena, right?

M1: Yeah. So, I think this is the problem, I think.

M2: Umm. Yeah, that’s good point, yeah. I, I agree with your opinion. Yeah, but umm (.) If you, if we think about ah positive side about technology, umm. Ok, in my opinion.

M1: Yeah, yeah, ok.

M2: And, ah… we can may be the, if (.) technological thing, the (.) um (.) the (.)  we can cope with the environment problems. Such as the, um, if you use the paper document,  maybe we have to use,–

M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah

M2: And ah, we have to use a lot of papers, so that’s, that’s not good deal,

M1: Yeah, I think

M2: Right? What, ah, if you can the technology in very precisely, maybe, you right, the, we can (.) umm (.) we can cope with the, yeah, the problem, environmental problem. And, ah, gradually, the situation, ah, will be changed, and ah, the generations, um comes to next, maybe the, yeah, that, that’s, umm, that will be helpful the generations come, right↑?

M1: Yeah. And, and, ah, the topic of the environment,  I think, ah, someone says, um, our, our the earth getting worse because um there are some environmental problems, and the atmosphere is very high and hottest, ah, and hotter. And, but I think it is not correct, I think. And, and some scientist says, um, this is the period↑ of the, the hottest period and coldest period, yeah. So, like that↑ I think. So, we, we cannot↑ control the, the earth, so we, we can, we can be control by↑  the, the um:

M2: Natural phenomena.

M1: Yeah, I think so.

M2: Yeah.

M1: But, um, it it’s very↑ useful to, to like technological devices and… that’s, that makes us to, to more consider about the, the problem like environmental and, and human resources and other things. Yeah.

M2: Umm, yeah. Exactly. ↑

M1: It’s very good things, I think.

M2: Uh, ok, thank-you. Ok, the go on the topic C.

M1: Anime ↓ ?

M2: Who has… yeah. The topic is totally changed,

M1: Yeah, yeah, right?

M1: Ok↑, I see. Yeah.

M2: Umm, by the way, do you watch Anime? No↓?

M1: No, no, no↑. And, I, I actually, I, I never, I never ↑ (.) watch a Manga and Anime, I think.

M2: Yeah, actually me, either. I’m not interest, interested in

M1: So, so, so. I don’t know

M2: Manga and Anime culture, yeah.

M1: Yeah, I don’t know the, the world of Anime and comics, I don’t know.  And, I, and I don’t have a umm, purpose to go Akihabara, so, so foreigners call us what is Japanese culture and we, we talk of course anime and…

M2: Yeah, even though foreigners↑ are more, no, know more

M1: Yeah, ↑ yeah↑, yeah↑ yeah about Japanese anime, and, ah, Manga↑. Yeah, compare to us…

M1: So, I’m, I’m very shamed↑ for, for him, Yeah.

M2: Yeah…

M1: So, so, so I think um, we, we need to study about anime, and heh about Japanese culture.

M2: Yeah.

M1: And, ↑ ah, but I have a course about anime in this university, and, and not just anime but about the animation↑ and the culture in Japanese, I, I↑ study now. So, in this, in this course, the professor say anime reflect↑ the, the condition in our lives.

M2: Oh, really? ↑ That’s interesting point, yeah.

M1: And the problems en, environment and other, other very complex problems and Anime has.) So↑, I, I, my idea for the anime is changed↑, ah, changing now. So, it is important as Japanese to study and to, to understand anime was refer to, ah, refer to, I think.

M2: Umm. Maybe the (.) before the anime is just entertainment, one of the entertainment in Japan. But, ah, nowadays, it is changeable, right? changing, any changing. The not only the, um, the meaning of the Manga is not only the, reflects, not only the entertainment, ah, but also the… yeah, one of the, our Japanese culture and our lives, and people and a character, right? That’s very interesting point and, yeah, unique point.


In this same-sex discussion, the number of words for both participants is relatively similar 660 for Masaki and 540 for Ken.  Speaking rates are unusually high, 146.7 and 155.5 for Ken which reflects a high level of motivation. No cross-talk pausing is noted, and the amount of silence is only 2.6 seconds, thus 0.4%. Masaki does have not syntactic dysfluency in regard to meaningless syllables 100 as compared to 43 for Ken. MLRs are long: 21.6 and 18.3, though Masaki does have a high level of repetition compared to Ken’s 64 to 7 occurrences. Abandoned sentences are noted in this discussion.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean Length Runs

1. M1: Nice to meet you.= 4
2. M1: Ok. =15
3. M1: Um, I, I… = 3
4. M1: I bought camera, very expensive camera. = 13
5. M1: Umm, yeah, when I bought the camera, I, I have not interested in taking photos, but um, since I bought a camera, I, I think my, my view of daily lives is I think will change, I think. = 48
6. M1: Yeah, yes. So, ↑ I bought a camera. How about you? = 13
7. M1: Yeah, yeah, ok. Computer? = 7
8. M1: I, I think very cool↑, ah, cool iMac is. = 11
9. M1: And, and, I, so, do you use a iPhone↑? = 10
10. M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah↓.= 3
11. M1: I, I↓ don’t have the any, any Apple’s products. Of course, I, I don’t use iPhone and iMac and so on. = 28
12. M1: But, the, the shape and the color is very cool, I think. = 14
13. M1: And, everyone in… I think the, um, in all over the world um, the iMac and iPhone is very popular, I think, = 29
14. M1: Yeah. = 1
15. M1: Ok. = 2
16. M1: Ah: = 1
17. M1: I think, um, both of them is not similar. And, me is camera and you, you bought iMac. So, so anything else people we discuss, I think. = 36
18. M1: Umm I (2.6) so (£).= 2
19. M1: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. = 4
20. M1: Ok. About technology. And, I have some ideas about technology because um, there is, there are a lot of smart phones and, and, and other = 40
21. M1: Yeah. Yeah. And, and we often use SNS and like Facebook and Twitter and, and on the, on the very technological devices. So, so everyone says it, it lead us, um, very, um, not good for people. = 53
22. M1: But, and for the, for the↑ first, ↑ these technological devices is and↓ eh: (.) is very useful to us. And it is not, ah (.) not important for our daily lives at first. But, umm, then↑, these technological devices is very popular, when these things is popular we, we: cannot live without these technology. = 78
23. M1: Yeah. = 1
24. M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah = 3
25. M1: Yeah. So, I think this is the problem, I think. = 11
26. M1: Yeah, yeah, ok. = 4
27. M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah = 3
28. M1: Yeah, I think = 3
29. M1: Yeah. And, and, ah, the topic of the environment, I think, ah, someone says, um, our, our the earth getting worse because um there are some environmental problems, and the atmosphere is very high and hottest, ah, and hotter. And, but I think it is not correct, I think. And, and some scientist says, um, this is the period↑ of the, the hottest period and coldest period, yeah. So, like that↑ I think. So, we, we cannot↑ control the, the earth, so we, we can, we can be control by↑ the, the um: = 120
30. M1: Yeah, I think so. = 4
31. M1: But, um, it it’s very↑ useful to, to like technological devices and… that’s, that makes us to, to more consider about the, the problem like environmental and, and human resources and other things. Yeah. = 56
32. M1: It’s very good things, I think. = 8
33. M1: Anime ↓ ? = 3
34. M1: Yeah, yeah, right? = 3
35. M1: Ok↑, I see. Yeah. = 5
36. M1: No, no, no↑. And, I, I actually, I, I never, I never ↑ (.) watch a Manga and Anime, I think. = 26
37. M1: So, so, so. I don’t know = 7
38. M1: Yeah, I don’t know the, the world of Anime and comics, I don’t know. And, I, and I don’t have a umm, purpose to go Akihabara, so, so foreigners call us what is Japanese culture and we, we talk of course anime and…= 57
39. M1: Yeah, ↑ yeah↑, yeah↑ yeah about Japanese anime, and, ah, Manga↑. Yeah, compare to us = 22
40. M1: So, I’m, I’m very shamed↑ for, for him, Yeah. = 11
41. M1: So, so, so I think um, we, we need to study about anime, and heh about Japanese culture. = 25
42. M1: And, ↑ ah, but I have a course about anime in this university, and, and not just anime but about the animation↑ and the culture in Japanese, I, I↑ study now. So, in this, in this course, the professor say anime reflect↑ the, the condition in our lives. = 70
43. M1: And the problems en, environment and other, other very complex problems and Anime has.) So↑, I, I, my idea for the anime is changed↑, ah, changing now. So, it is important as Japanese to study and to, to understand anime was refer to, ah, refer to, I think. = 76

Male 2 Mean Length Runs

1. M2: Ok, shall we start. So
, nice to meet you. = 10
2. M2: Ok, today, let’s share our each ↑ infor//mation↑, ok? = 14
3. M2: Ah:↑ wha, what would you like to buy you this // year? = 11
4. M2: Do you have something↓? = 5
5. M2: Camera. Ok, good. Why are you inter//ested in camera. = 15
6. M2: Oh, good↑, good↑, good↑. More vivid, vivid↑.= 9
7. M2: Ok, in my case that, um, I’m thinking // of buying the, um, Mac. Mac book (.) air↑.= 19
8. M2: Computer, exactly. Umm, because now // I’m thinking of going to, ah, going // to study, study, um, studying a//broad? Umm, next year. So, yeah, I need↑ to fa//miliar with the (.) ah: the (.) iMac. And, I // need more skills to cope with the um homework // and ah study activities in a//nother country. So, now that’s the reason // why…= 81
9. M2: Yeah. = 1
10. M2: Yes↑, now. = 2
11. M2: Yeah. = 1
12. M2: Oh, really↑ ? = 3
13. M2: Yeah. I think so. = 4
14. M2: Yeah, more popular = 5
15. M2: Ok, so the (.) Ok, let’s go on the // next topic. = 13
16. M2: Umm, the, do you buy similar items // and products. Ah, similar, ok… So, // the, that question means, umm: = 27
17. M2: Do you buy similar– = 6
18. M2: Yeah, ok↓.= 3
19. M2: What umm if we think about more careful//ly, and ah, our, there, there is little bit // some similarity between, ah, you // and me. The products. I mean and, ah, both // items technological things. = 49
20. M2: Oh, right? You camera, and in my case // that iMac. Umm (.) ok, so↑ Now, I try↑ // to talk about (.) what do you think about // (.) umm (.) technology, and umm (.) yeah↑, ok // heh = 40
21. M2: Other products. = 4
22. M2: Yeah, someone says. It is not good. Yeah, I // know that. = 12
23. M2: Yeah, ↑ can’t stop↑.= 3
24. M2: The, yeah, the getting more popular, = 9
25. M2: That’s the phenomena, right? = 7
26. M2: Umm. Yeah, that’s good point, yeah. I, I agree // with your opinion. Yeah, but umm (.) If you, // if we think about ah positive side // about technology, umm. Ok, in // my opinion. = 44
27. M2: And, ah… we can may be the, if we fo//cus on more technological thing, the (.) // um (.) the (.) we can cope with the enviro//nment problems. Such as the, um, if you // use the paper document, maybe we // have to use,– = 53
28. M2: And ah, we have to use a lot of pa//pers, so that’s, that’s not good deal, = 19
29. M2: Right? What, ah, if you can the technolo//gy in very precisely, maybe, you // right, the, we can (.) umm (.) we can cope with the, // yeah, the problem, environmental pro//blem. And, ah, gradually, the situa//tion, ah, will be changed, and ah, the gen//erations, um comes to next, maybe the, yeah, // that, that’s, umm, that will be helpful the gen//erations come, right↑? = 85
30. M2: Natural phenomena. = 7
31. M2: Yeah. = 1
32. M2: Umm, yeah. Exactly. ↑ = 5
33. M2: Uh, ok, thank-you. Ok, the go on // the topic C. = 14
34. M2: Who has… yeah. The topic is totally // changed, = 12
35. M2: Umm, by the way, do you watch Anime? // No↓? = 11
36. M2: Yeah, actually me, either. I’m not in//terest, interested in = 17
37. M2: Manga and Anime culture, yeah. = 9
38. M2: Yeah, even though foreigners↑ are more, no, // know more = 12
39. M2: Yeah…= 1
40. M2: Yeah. = 1 [644]
41. M2: Oh, really? ↑ That’s interesting point, yeah. = 10
42. M2: Umm. Maybe the (.) before the anime // is just entertainment, one of the en//tertainment in Japan. But, ah, nowa//days, it is changeable, right? changing, an//y changing. The not only the, um, the // meaning of the Manga is not only // the, reflects, not only the entertain//ment, ah, but also the… yeah, one of the, // our Japanese culture and our lives, // and people and a character, right? That’s // very interesting point and, yeah, uni//que point. = 112


M2: Ok, shall we start. So, nice to meet you.M1: Nice to meet you.

M2: Ok, today, let’s share our each ↑ information↑, ok?

M1: Ok.

M2: Ah: ↑  wha, what would you like to buy you this year?

M1: Um, I, I…

M2: Do you have something↓?

M1: I bought camera, very expensive camera.

M2: Camera. Ok, good. Why are you interested in camera.

M1: Umm, yeah, when I bought the camera, I, I have not interested in taking photos, but um, since I bought a camera, I, I think my, my view of daily lives is I think will change, I think.

M2: Oh, good↑, good↑, good↑. More vivid, vivid↑.

M1: Yeah, yes. So, ↑ I bought a camera. How about you?

M2: Ok, in my case that, um, I’m thinking of buying the, um, Mac. Mac book (.) air↑.

M1: Yeah, yeah, ok. Computer?

M2: Computer, exactly. Umm, because now I’m thinking of going to, ah, going to study, study, um, studying abroad? Umm, next year.  So, yeah, I need↑ to familiar with the (.) ah: the (.) iMac. And, I need more skills to cope with the um homework and ah study activities in another country. So, now that’s the reason why…

M1: I, I think very cool↑, ah, cool iMac is.

M2: Yeah.

M1: And, and, I, so, do you use a iPhone↑?

M2: Yes↑, now.

M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah↓.

M2: Yeah.

M1: I, I↓ don’t have the any, any Apple’s products. Of course, I, I don’t use iPhone and iMac and so on.

M2: Oh, really↑ ?

M1: But, the, the shape and the color is very cool, I think.

M2: Yeah. I think so.

M1: And, everyone in… I think the, um, in all over the world um, the iMac and iPhone is very popular, I think,

M2: Yeah, more popular

M1: Yeah.

M2: Ok, so the (.) Ok, let’s go on the next topic.

M1: Ok.

M2: Umm, the, do you buy similar items and products. Ah, similar, ok… So, the, that question means, umm:

M1: Ah:

M2: Do you buy similar–

M1: I think, um, both of them is not similar. And, me is camera and you, you bought iMac. So, so anything else people we discuss, I think.

M2: Yeah, ok↓.

M1: Umm I (2.6) so (£).

M2: What umm if we think about more carefully, and ah, our, there, there is little bit some similarity between, ah, you and me.  The products. I mean and, ah, both items technological things.

M1: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

M2: Oh, right? You camera, and in my case that iMac. Umm (.) ok, so↑ Now, I try↑ to talk about (.) what do you think about (.) umm (.) technology, and umm (.) yeah↑, ok heh

M1: Ok. About technology. And, I have some ideas about technology because um, there is, there are a lot of smart phones and, and, and other

M2: Other products. [2:06.9]M1: Yeah. Yeah. And, and we often use SNS and like Facebook and Twitter and, and on the, on the very technological devices. So, so everyone says it, it lead us, um, very, um, not good for  people.

M2: Yeah, someone says. It is not good. Yeah, I know that.

M1: But, and for the, for the↑ first, ↑ these technological devices is and↓  eh: (.) is very useful to us. And it is not, ah (.) not important for our daily lives at first. But, umm, then↑, these technological devices is very popular, when these things is popular we, we: cannot live without these technology.

M2: Yeah, ↑ can’t stop↑.

M1: Yeah.

M2: The, yeah, the getting more popular,

M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah

M2:That’s the phenomena, right?

M1: Yeah. So, I think this is the problem, I think.

M2: Umm. Yeah, that’s good point, yeah. I, I agree with your opinion. Yeah, but umm (.) If you, if we think about ah positive side about technology, umm. Ok, in my opinion.

M1: Yeah, yeah, ok.

M2: And, ah… we can may be the, if (.) technological thing, the (.) um (.) the (.)  we can cope with the environment problems. Such as the, um, if you use the paper document,  maybe we have to use,–

M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah

M2: And ah, we have to use a lot of papers, so that’s, that’s not good deal,

M1: Yeah, I think

M2: Right? What, ah, if you can the technology in very precisely, maybe, you right, the, we can (.) umm (.) we can cope with the, yeah, the problem, environmental problem. And, ah, gradually, the situation, ah, will be changed, and ah, the generations, um comes to next, maybe the, yeah, that, that’s, umm, that will be helpful the generations come, right↑?

M1: Yeah. And, and, ah, the topic of the environment,  I think, ah, someone says, um, our, our the earth getting worse because um there are some environmental problems, and the atmosphere is very high and hottest, ah, and hotter. And, but I think it is not correct, I think. And, and some scientist says, um, this is the period↑ of the, the hottest period and coldest period, yeah. So, like that↑ I think. So, we, we cannot↑ control the, the earth, so we, we can, we can be control by↑  the, the um:

M2: Natural phenomena.

M1: Yeah, I think so.

M2: Yeah.

M1: But, um, it it’s very↑ useful to, to like technological devices and… that’s, that makes us to, to more consider about the, the problem like environmental and, and human resources and other things. Yeah.

M2: Umm, yeah. Exactly. ↑

M1: It’s very good things, I think.

M2: Uh, ok, thank-you. Ok, the go on the topic C.

M1: Anime ↓ ?

M2: Who has… yeah. The topic is totally changed,

M1: Yeah, yeah, right?

M1: Ok↑, I see. Yeah.

M2: Umm, by the way, do you watch Anime? No↓?

M1: No, no, no↑. And, I, I actually, I, I never, I never ↑ (.) watch a Manga and Anime, I think.

M2: Yeah, actually me, either. I’m not interest, interested in

M1: So, so, so. I don’t know

M2: Manga and Anime culture, yeah.

M1: Yeah, I don’t know the, the world of Anime and comics, I don’t know.  And, I, and I don’t have a umm, purpose to go Akihabara, so, so foreigners call us what is Japanese culture and we, we talk of course anime and…

M2: Yeah, even though foreigners↑ are more, no, know more

M1: Yeah, ↑ yeah↑, yeah↑ yeah about Japanese anime, and, ah, Manga↑. Yeah, compare to us…

M1: So, I’m, I’m very shamed↑ for, for him, Yeah.

M2: Yeah…

M1: So, so, so I think um, we, we need to study about anime, and heh about Japanese culture.

M2: Yeah.

M1: And, ↑ ah, but I have a course about anime in this university, and, and not just anime but about the animation↑ and the culture in Japanese, I, I↑ study now. So, in this, in this course, the professor say anime reflect↑ the, the condition in our lives.

M2: Oh, really? ↑ That’s interesting point, yeah.

M1: And the problems en, environment and other, other very complex problems and Anime has.) So↑, I, I, my idea for the anime is changed↑, ah, changing now. So, it is important as Japanese to study and to, to understand anime was refer to, ah, refer to, I think.

M2: Umm. Maybe the (.) before the anime is just entertainment, one of the entertainment in Japan. But, ah, nowadays, it is changeable, right? changing, any changing. The not only the, um, the meaning of the Manga is not only the, reflects, not only the entertainment, ah, but also the… yeah, one of the, our Japanese culture and our lives, and people and a character, right? That’s very interesting point and, yeah, unique point.

Statistics M1

A: 164.3   B: 146.7

Number of Words: 660

Articulation Rate: 2.7

Speaking Time:

340 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

21.6 (933 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 164.8   B: 155.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

278 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

18.2 (766 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 2.6 secs.

Percentage: 0.4%

Total Speaking Time:

622 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0 sec.


In this same-sex discussion, the number of words for both participants is relatively similar 660 for Masaki and 540 for Ken.  Speaking rates are unusually high, 146.7 and 155.5 for Ken which reflects a high level of motivation. No cross-talk pausing is noted, and the amount of silence is only 2.6 seconds, thus 0.4%. Masaki does have not syntactic dysfluency in regard to meaningless syllables 100 as compared to 43 for Ken. MLRs are long: 21.6 and 18.3, though Masaki does have a high level of repetition compared to Ken’s 64 to 7 occurrences. Abandoned sentences are noted in this discussion.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean Length Runs

1. M1: Nice to meet you.= 4
2. M1: Ok. =15
3. M1: Um, I, I… = 3
4. M1: I bought camera, very expensive camera. = 13
5. M1: Umm, yeah, when I bought the camera, I, I have not interested in taking photos, but um, since I bought a camera, I, I think my, my view of daily lives is I think will change, I think. = 48
6. M1: Yeah, yes. So, ↑ I bought a camera. How about you? = 13
7. M1: Yeah, yeah, ok. Computer? = 7
8. M1: I, I think very cool↑, ah, cool iMac is. = 11
9. M1: And, and, I, so, do you use a iPhone↑? = 10
10. M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah↓.= 3
11. M1: I, I↓ don’t have the any, any Apple’s products. Of course, I, I don’t use iPhone and iMac and so on. = 28
12. M1: But, the, the shape and the color is very cool, I think. = 14
13. M1: And, everyone in… I think the, um, in all over the world um, the iMac and iPhone is very popular, I think, = 29
14. M1: Yeah. = 1
15. M1: Ok. = 2
16. M1: Ah: = 1
17. M1: I think, um, both of them is not similar. And, me is camera and you, you bought iMac. So, so anything else people we discuss, I think. = 36
18. M1: Umm I (2.6) so (£).= 2
19. M1: Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. = 4
20. M1: Ok. About technology. And, I have some ideas about technology because um, there is, there are a lot of smart phones and, and, and other = 40
21. M1: Yeah. Yeah. And, and we often use SNS and like Facebook and Twitter and, and on the, on the very technological devices. So, so everyone says it, it lead us, um, very, um, not good for people. = 53
22. M1: But, and for the, for the↑ first, ↑ these technological devices is and↓ eh: (.) is very useful to us. And it is not, ah (.) not important for our daily lives at first. But, umm, then↑, these technological devices is very popular, when these things is popular we, we: cannot live without these technology. = 78
23. M1: Yeah. = 1
24. M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah = 3
25. M1: Yeah. So, I think this is the problem, I think. = 11
26. M1: Yeah, yeah, ok. = 4
27. M1: Yeah, yeah, yeah = 3
28. M1: Yeah, I think = 3
29. M1: Yeah. And, and, ah, the topic of the environment, I think, ah, someone says, um, our, our the earth getting worse because um there are some environmental problems, and the atmosphere is very high and hottest, ah, and hotter. And, but I think it is not correct, I think. And, and some scientist says, um, this is the period↑ of the, the hottest period and coldest period, yeah. So, like that↑ I think. So, we, we cannot↑ control the, the earth, so we, we can, we can be control by↑ the, the um: = 120
30. M1: Yeah, I think so. = 4
31. M1: But, um, it it’s very↑ useful to, to like technological devices and… that’s, that makes us to, to more consider about the, the problem like environmental and, and human resources and other things. Yeah. = 56
32. M1: It’s very good things, I think. = 8
33. M1: Anime ↓ ? = 3
34. M1: Yeah, yeah, right? = 3
35. M1: Ok↑, I see. Yeah. = 5
36. M1: No, no, no↑. And, I, I actually, I, I never, I never ↑ (.) watch a Manga and Anime, I think. = 26
37. M1: So, so, so. I don’t know = 7
38. M1: Yeah, I don’t know the, the world of Anime and comics, I don’t know. And, I, and I don’t have a umm, purpose to go Akihabara, so, so foreigners call us what is Japanese culture and we, we talk of course anime and…= 57
39. M1: Yeah, ↑ yeah↑, yeah↑ yeah about Japanese anime, and, ah, Manga↑. Yeah, compare to us = 22
40. M1: So, I’m, I’m very shamed↑ for, for him, Yeah. = 11
41. M1: So, so, so I think um, we, we need to study about anime, and heh about Japanese culture. = 25
42. M1: And, ↑ ah, but I have a course about anime in this university, and, and not just anime but about the animation↑ and the culture in Japanese, I, I↑ study now. So, in this, in this course, the professor say anime reflect↑ the, the condition in our lives. = 70
43. M1: And the problems en, environment and other, other very complex problems and Anime has.) So↑, I, I, my idea for the anime is changed↑, ah, changing now. So, it is important as Japanese to study and to, to understand anime was refer to, ah, refer to, I think. = 76

Male 2 Mean Length Runs

1. M2: Ok, shall we start. So
, nice to meet you. = 10
2. M2: Ok, today, let’s share our each ↑ infor//mation↑, ok? = 14
3. M2: Ah:↑ wha, what would you like to buy you this // year? = 11
4. M2: Do you have something↓? = 5
5. M2: Camera. Ok, good. Why are you inter//ested in camera. = 15
6. M2: Oh, good↑, good↑, good↑. More vivid, vivid↑.= 9
7. M2: Ok, in my case that, um, I’m thinking // of buying the, um, Mac. Mac book (.) air↑.= 19
8. M2: Computer, exactly. Umm, because now // I’m thinking of going to, ah, going // to study, study, um, studying a//broad? Umm, next year. So, yeah, I need↑ to fa//miliar with the (.) ah: the (.) iMac. And, I // need more skills to cope with the um homework // and ah study activities in a//nother country. So, now that’s the reason // why…= 81
9. M2: Yeah. = 1
10. M2: Yes↑, now. = 2
11. M2: Yeah. = 1
12. M2: Oh, really↑ ? = 3
13. M2: Yeah. I think so. = 4
14. M2: Yeah, more popular = 5
15. M2: Ok, so the (.) Ok, let’s go on the // next topic. = 13
16. M2: Umm, the, do you buy similar items // and products. Ah, similar, ok… So, // the, that question means, umm: = 27
17. M2: Do you buy similar– = 6
18. M2: Yeah, ok↓.= 3
19. M2: What umm if we think about more careful//ly, and ah, our, there, there is little bit // some similarity between, ah, you // and me. The products. I mean and, ah, both // items technological things. = 49
20. M2: Oh, right? You camera, and in my case // that iMac. Umm (.) ok, so↑ Now, I try↑ // to talk about (.) what do you think about // (.) umm (.) technology, and umm (.) yeah↑, ok // heh = 40
21. M2: Other products. = 4
22. M2: Yeah, someone says. It is not good. Yeah, I // know that. = 12
23. M2: Yeah, ↑ can’t stop↑.= 3
24. M2: The, yeah, the getting more popular, = 9
25. M2: That’s the phenomena, right? = 7
26. M2: Umm. Yeah, that’s good point, yeah. I, I agree // with your opinion. Yeah, but umm (.) If you, // if we think about ah positive side // about technology, umm. Ok, in // my opinion. = 44
27. M2: And, ah… we can may be the, if we fo//cus on more technological thing, the (.) // um (.) the (.) we can cope with the enviro//nment problems. Such as the, um, if you // use the paper document, maybe we // have to use,– = 53
28. M2: And ah, we have to use a lot of pa//pers, so that’s, that’s not good deal, = 19
29. M2: Right? What, ah, if you can the technolo//gy in very precisely, maybe, you // right, the, we can (.) umm (.) we can cope with the, // yeah, the problem, environmental pro//blem. And, ah, gradually, the situa//tion, ah, will be changed, and ah, the gen//erations, um comes to next, maybe the, yeah, // that, that’s, umm, that will be helpful the gen//erations come, right↑? = 85
30. M2: Natural phenomena. = 7
31. M2: Yeah. = 1
32. M2: Umm, yeah. Exactly. ↑ = 5
33. M2: Uh, ok, thank-you. Ok, the go on // the topic C. = 14
34. M2: Who has… yeah. The topic is totally // changed, = 12
35. M2: Umm, by the way, do you watch Anime? // No↓? = 11
36. M2: Yeah, actually me, either. I’m not in//terest, interested in = 17
37. M2: Manga and Anime culture, yeah. = 9
38. M2: Yeah, even though foreigners↑ are more, no, // know more = 12
39. M2: Yeah…= 1
40. M2: Yeah. = 1 [644]
41. M2: Oh, really? ↑ That’s interesting point, yeah. = 10
42. M2: Umm. Maybe the (.) before the anime // is just entertainment, one of the en//tertainment in Japan. But, ah, nowa//days, it is changeable, right? changing, an//y changing. The not only the, um, the // meaning of the Manga is not only // the, reflects, not only the entertain//ment, ah, but also the… yeah, one of the, // our Japanese culture and our lives, // and people and a character, right? That’s // very interesting point and, yeah, uni//que point. = 112

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