Ayaka and Mao

Session 6 : Female 1 to Male 1


Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 73.7   B: 68.9

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

196.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.2 (242 syllables)

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 88.9   B: 79.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

307 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

8.2 (455 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 120.2 secs.

Percentage: 19.2%

Total Speaking Time:

624 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

23.1 sec.

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For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M1: My family is two people.

F1: Oh.

M1: Mother and me.

F1: Oh.

M1: (Single) mother. (2.9) Ah:↑ (.) six, my mother↑ is (.) uh↑ (3.8) (sniffle) thirty years ago, about about thirty years ago, my mother is singer, (3.1) my mother was singer.

F1: Oh, Oh. Oh

M1: She↑ (.) she: (.) she: don’t sell sh- very much, heh but but but but so she’s uh: very well, she, singing very well. (3.4) Um: my mother (4.7) uh:↑ uh loves me heh heh.

F1: You are (loved) by your mother. My family is father and mother and me and (.) a dog (£).

M1: Oh, (3.6) what name is dog?

F1: Nana, (.) very cute.

M1: Nana, seven, seven.

F1: Seven. She is um: about ten years old.

M1: Oh: ↑.

F1: Father my father and my mother live in Saga.

M1: Saga.

F1: But, I’m from Kokura, no no no, I live in Kokura now. I often↑ (2.3) co- um come–

M1: Go back home?

F1: Go back home go back home and today.

M1: Today!

F1: Today, I will go back Saga heh.

M1: Oh I’m. uh (.) I bring up Kokura, I bring up Kokura. And I live in Kokura (now)↓ (2.8) Kokura ah (.) Kokura is my hometown.

F1: Oh.

M1: If I travel in Kokura, tell me, tell me.

F1: Oh. Heh

M1: I–

F1: Ask you?

M1: I help you.

F1: Oh.

M1: I can help you.

F1: Oh.

M1: B: discuss question: What do you both have in common? (8.7) Common character, (.) common is, (2.2) what what what↑ mean↑ common heh heh?

F1: Common, (Japanese: Ano)…, compared…, no no no.

M1: C, C? ↑ (4.9) heh Compared strictness. I don’t have father, so um: I strict, no my mother, only my mother. My mother is, ah when when I’m high school student (.) is, I I go back home by eleven o’clock.

F1: Eleven. I’m When I, high school student um: (4.4), if I back home (5.2) 12 o’clock–

M1: Oh, normal, normal.

F1: I (2.2) contact my mother, OK. Heh heh

M1: I contact with mother, but↑ but↑ um (8.8) I, by 11, not change.

F1: Not change, no change.

M1: Not change.

F1: Kokura is dangerous heh eh.

M1: Oh, no danger, no danger.

F1: Dangerous.


M1: Kokura is, ah (5.1) uh other pre-↓ prefecture, pre-↓ pre-↓ (3.6) Saga, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima people think danger in Kokura.

F1: I think.

M1: But I don’t think so.

F1: Oh, really?↑ heh I think Kokura is dangerous and my mother (.) think (.) same thing.

M1: I’m not stolen my wallet.

F1: Oh.

M1: My wallet. But↑, ah (3.1) one time, I’m stolen my bicycle.

F1: Oh.

M1: But↑, but↑ but↑ I walk the street, (4.1) so I (4.1) eh I find my stolen bike. heh I surprised, I surprise, I surprised so–

F1: You are happy heh heh

M1: So I’m I’m ride this bike↑. Um, with ah (3.1) I’m (4.1) so↓ I ride this bike (3.5) as my as I go back home heh heh.

F1: Oh very lucky heh. Well, I decided come Kokura, my friends, my parents and my friends, very (3.4) um: heh–

M1: Worrying?

F1: Yeah (worrying).

M1: What what’s, ah what ah uh which ah which parents stricter?

F1: Um↑,

M1: Which parents is stricter?

F1: My (mother)↑. Um: she very worry about me.

M1: Oh.

F1: But↑ um, (Japanese: ima), I contact her, um OK, every time.

M1: heh heh Not so↓: Not stricter (sniffle).

F1: But, if I don’t contact her, she is very angry heh.

M1: My family is, there is rule, my family rule is um ah: dinner↑, um dinner↑ with my mother and me.

F1: Oh.

M1: I (.) I go home so late, I get home so late, but my mother don’t eat.

F1: Really? ↑ Oh↑.

M1: I contact with↓ her, um: I don’t eat in my home, she is ok↑, but I don’t contact-


The speaking rates for both participants are fairly average, 68.9 for Ayaka and 79.1 for Mao. Again, minimal responses are far too common with Ayaka, and often are just one word. Mao does have a high rate of repetition, 23 words compared to Ayaka 8, and the total amount of silence is 120.2 or 19.2%, which is too high and the cross talk pausing is a bit high, 23.1 seconds. Dsyfluency is minimal but so is the production, with Mao having 326 words, and Ayaka’s 169. MLRs are also a bit on the short side, with 6.2 words with Ayaka and Mao’s 8.2.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

1. F1: Oh. = 1
2. F1: Oh. = 1
3. F1: Oh, Oh. Oh = 3
4. F1: You are (loved) by your mother. My family // is father and mother and me and (.) a // dog (£). = 21
5. F1: Nana, (.) very cute. = 5
6. F1: Seven. She is um: about ten years old. = 9
7. F1: Father my father and my mother live // in Saga. = 13
8. F1: But, I’m from Kokura, no no no, I // live in Kokura now. I often↑ (2.3) = 19
9. co- um come– = 2
10. F1: Go back home go back home and today. = 9
11. F1: Today, I will go back Saga heh. = 8
12. F1: Oh. = 1
13. F1: Oh. Heh = 1
14. F1: Ask you? = 2
15. F1: Oh. = 1
16. F1: Oh. = 1
17. F1: Common, ‘Japanese: Ano’), compared…, no no no. = 7
18. F1: Eleven. I’m When I, high school student um: (4.4), = 10
19. (F1) if I back home (5.2) = 4
20. (F1) 12 o’clock– = 3
21. F1: I (2.2) = 1
22. (F1) contact my mother, OK. Heh heh = 7
23. F1: Not change, no change. = 4
24. F1: Kokura is dangerous heh eh. = 6
25. F1: Dangerous. = 3
26. F1: I think. = 2
27. F1: Oh, really?↑ heh I think Kokura is dan//gerous and my mother (.) think (.) same thing. = 19
28. F1: Oh. = 1
29. F1: Oh. = 1
30. F1: You are happy heh heh = 4
31. F1: Oh very lucky heh. Well, I decided // come Kokura, my friends, my parents // and my friends, very (3.4) = 26
32. um: heh–= 1
33. F1: Yeah (worrying). = 4
34. F1: Um↑, = 1
35. F1: My (mother)↑. Um: she very worry a//bout me. = 12
36. F1: But↑ um, (Japanese: ima), I contact her, um OK, ev//ery time. = 12
37. F1: But, if I don’t contact her, she is ve//ry angry heh.=13
38. F1: Oh. = 1
39. F1: Really? ↑ Oh↑. = 3

Male 1 Mean length runs

1.M1: My family is two people. = 7
2. M1: Mother and me. = 4
3. M1: (Single) mother. (2.9) = 4
4. (M1) Ah:↑ (.) six, my mother↑ is (.) uh↑ (3.8)  = 7
5. (M1) (sniffle) thirty years ago, about about thir//ty years ago, my mother is singer, (3.1) // = 20
6. (M1) my mother was singer. = 6
7. M1: She↑ (.) she: (.) she: don’t sell sh- very much, heh but // but but but so she’s uh: very well, she, // singing very well. (3.4) = 25
8. Um: my mother (4.7) = 4
9. uh:↑ uh loves me heh heh. = 4
10. M1: Oh, (3.6) = 1
11. (M1) what name is dog? = 4
12. M1: Nana, seven, seven. = 6
13. M1: Oh: ↑. = 1
14. M1: Saga. = 2
15. M1: Go back home? = 3
16. M1: Today! = 2
17. M1: Oh I’m. uh (.) I bring up Kokura, I // bring up Kokura. And I live in Ko//kura (now)↓ (2.8) = 23
18. (M1) Kokura  ah (.) Kokura is my hometown. = 10
19. M1: If I travel in Kokura, tell me, // tell me. = 12
20. M1: I– = 1
21. M1: I help you. = 3
22. M1: I can help you. = 4
23. M1: B: discuss question: What do you both have // in common? (8.7) = 13
24. (M1) Common character, (.) common is, (2.2) = 7
25. (M1) what what what↑ mean↑ common heh heh? = 6
26. M1: C, C? ↑ (4.9) = 2
27. (M1) heh Compared strictness. I don’t have father, so // um: I strict, no my mother, only my // mother. My mother is, ah when when I’m // high school student (.) is, I I go back home // by eleven o’clock. = 46
28. M1: Oh, normal, normal. = 5
29. M1: I contact with mother, but↑ but↑ um (8.8) = 9
30. (M1) I, by 11, not change. = 6
31. M1: Not change. = 2
32. M1: Oh, no danger, no danger. = 7
33. M1: Kokura is, ah (5.1) = 4
34. uh other pre-↓ prefecture, pre-↓ pre-↓ (3.6) = 9
35. Saga, Oita, Miyazaki, Kago//shima people think danger in Koku//ra. = 21
36. M1: But I don’t think so. = 5
37. M1: I’m not stolen my wallet. = 7
38. M1: My wallet. But↑, ah (3.1) = 5
39. (M1) one time, I’m stolen my bicycle. = 9
40. M1: But↑, but↑ but↑ I walk the street, (4.1) = 7
41. (M1) so I (4.1) = 2
42. (M1) eh I find my stolen bike. heh I surprised, // I surprise, I surprised so– = 17
43. M1: So I’m I’m ride this bike↑. Um, with ah (3.1) = 9
44. (M1) I’m (4.1) = 1
45. (M1) so↓ I ride this bike (3.5) = 5
46. (M1) as my as I go back home heh heh. = 7
47. M1: Worrying? = 3
48. M1: What what’s, ah what ah uh which ah which pa//rents stricter? = 13
49. M1: Which parents is stricter? = 6
50. M1: Oh. = 1
52. M1: heh heh Not so↓: Not stricter (sniffle). = 5
53. M1: My family is, there is rule, my family // rule is um ah:  dinner↑, um dinner↑ with // my mother and me. = 25
54. M1: I (.) I go home so late, I get home so // late, but my mother don’t eat. = 17
55. M1: I contact with↓ her, um: I don’t eat in // my home, she is ok↑, but I don’t con//tact- = 21


M1: My family is two people.

F1: Oh.

M1: Mother and me.

F1: Oh.

M1: (Single) mother. (2.9) Ah:↑ (.) six, my mother↑ is (.) uh↑ (3.8) (sniffle) thirty years ago, about about thirty years ago, my mother is singer, (3.1) my mother was singer.

F1: Oh, Oh. Oh

M1: She↑ (.) she: (.) she: don’t sell sh- very much, heh but but but but so she’s uh: very well, she, singing very well. (3.4) Um: my mother (4.7) uh:↑ uh loves me heh heh.

F1: You are (loved) by your mother. My family is father and mother and me and (.) a dog (£).

M1: Oh, (3.6) what name is dog?

F1: Nana, (.) very cute.

M1: Nana, seven, seven.

F1: Seven. She is um: about ten years old.

M1: Oh: ↑.

F1: Father my father and my mother live in Saga.

M1: Saga.

F1: But, I’m from Kokura, no no no, I live in Kokura now. I often↑ (2.3) co- um come–

M1: Go back home?

F1: Go back home go back home and today.

M1: Today!

F1: Today, I will go back Saga heh.

M1: Oh I’m. uh (.) I bring up Kokura, I bring up Kokura. And I live in Kokura (now)↓ (2.8) Kokura ah (.) Kokura is my hometown.

F1: Oh.

M1: If I travel in Kokura, tell me, tell me.

F1: Oh. Heh

M1: I–

F1: Ask you?

M1: I help you.

F1: Oh.

M1: I can help you.

F1: Oh.

M1: B: discuss question: What do you both have in common? (8.7) Common character, (.) common is, (2.2) what what what↑ mean↑ common heh heh?

F1: Common, (Japanese: Ano)…, compared…, no no no.

M1: C, C? ↑ (4.9) heh Compared strictness. I don’t have father, so um: I strict, no my mother, only my mother. My mother is, ah when when I’m high school student (.) is, I I go back home by eleven o’clock.

F1: Eleven. I’m When I, high school student um: (4.4), if I back home (5.2) 12 o’clock–

M1: Oh, normal, normal.

F1: I (2.2) contact my mother, OK. Heh heh

M1: I contact with mother, but↑ but↑ um (8.8) I, by 11, not change.

F1: Not change, no change.

M1: Not change.

F1: Kokura is dangerous heh eh.

M1: Oh, no danger, no danger.

F1: Dangerous.


M1: Kokura is, ah (5.1) uh other pre-↓ prefecture, pre-↓ pre-↓ (3.6) Saga, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima people think danger in Kokura.

F1: I think.

M1: But I don’t think so.

F1: Oh, really?↑ heh I think Kokura is dangerous and my mother (.) think (.) same thing.

M1: I’m not stolen my wallet.

F1: Oh.

M1: My wallet. But↑, ah (3.1) one time, I’m stolen my bicycle.

F1: Oh.

M1: But↑, but↑ but↑ I walk the street, (4.1) so I (4.1) eh I find my stolen bike. heh I surprised, I surprise, I surprised so–

F1: You are happy heh heh

M1: So I’m I’m ride this bike↑. Um, with ah (3.1) I’m (4.1) so↓ I ride this bike (3.5) as my as I go back home heh heh.

F1: Oh very lucky heh. Well, I decided come Kokura, my friends, my parents and my friends, very (3.4) um: heh–

M1: Worrying?

F1: Yeah (worrying).

M1: What what’s, ah what ah uh which ah which parents stricter?

F1: Um↑,

M1: Which parents is stricter?

F1: My (mother)↑. Um: she very worry about me.

M1: Oh.

F1: But↑ um, (Japanese: ima), I contact her, um OK, every time.

M1: heh heh Not so↓: Not stricter (sniffle).

F1: But, if I don’t contact her, she is very angry heh.

M1: My family is, there is rule, my family rule is um ah: dinner↑, um dinner↑ with my mother and me.

F1: Oh.

M1: I (.) I go home so late, I get home so late, but my mother don’t eat.

F1: Really? ↑ Oh↑.

M1: I contact with↓ her, um: I don’t eat in my home, she is ok↑, but I don’t contact-

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 73.7   B: 68.9

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

196.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.2 (242 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 88.9   B: 79.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

307 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

8.2 (455 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 120.2 secs.

Percentage: 19.2%

Total Speaking Time:

624 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

23.1 sec.


The speaking rates for both participants are fairly average, 68.9 for Ayaka and 79.1 for Mao. Again, minimal responses are far too common with Ayaka, and often are just one word. Mao does have a high rate of repetition, 23 words compared to Ayaka 8, and the total amount of silence is 120.2 or 19.2%, which is too high and the cross talk pausing is a bit high, 23.1 seconds. Dsyfluency is minimal but so is the production, with Mao having 326 words, and Ayaka’s 169. MLRs are also a bit on the short side, with 6.2 words with Ayaka and Mao’s 8.2.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

1. F1: Oh. = 1
2. F1: Oh. = 1
3. F1: Oh, Oh. Oh = 3
4. F1: You are (loved) by your mother. My family // is father and mother and me and (.) a // dog (£). = 21
5. F1: Nana, (.) very cute. = 5
6. F1: Seven. She is um: about ten years old. = 9
7. F1: Father my father and my mother live // in Saga. = 13
8. F1: But, I’m from Kokura, no no no, I // live in Kokura now. I often↑ (2.3) = 19
9. co- um come– = 2
10. F1: Go back home go back home and today. = 9
11. F1: Today, I will go back Saga heh. = 8
12. F1: Oh. = 1
13. F1: Oh. Heh = 1
14. F1: Ask you? = 2
15. F1: Oh. = 1
16. F1: Oh. = 1
17. F1: Common, ‘Japanese: Ano’), compared…, no no no. = 7
18. F1: Eleven. I’m When I, high school student um: (4.4), = 10
19. (F1) if I back home (5.2) = 4
20. (F1) 12 o’clock– = 3
21. F1: I (2.2) = 1
22. (F1) contact my mother, OK. Heh heh = 7
23. F1: Not change, no change. = 4
24. F1: Kokura is dangerous heh eh. = 6
25. F1: Dangerous. = 3
26. F1: I think. = 2
27. F1: Oh, really?↑ heh I think Kokura is dan//gerous and my mother (.) think (.) same thing. = 19
28. F1: Oh. = 1
29. F1: Oh. = 1
30. F1: You are happy heh heh = 4
31. F1: Oh very lucky heh. Well, I decided // come Kokura, my friends, my parents // and my friends, very (3.4) = 26
32. um: heh–= 1
33. F1: Yeah (worrying). = 4
34. F1: Um↑, = 1
35. F1: My (mother)↑. Um: she very worry a//bout me. = 12
36. F1: But↑ um, (Japanese: ima), I contact her, um OK, ev//ery time. = 12
37. F1: But, if I don’t contact her, she is ve//ry angry heh.=13
38. F1: Oh. = 1
39. F1: Really? ↑ Oh↑. = 3

Male 1 Mean length runs

1.M1: My family is two people. = 7
2. M1: Mother and me. = 4
3. M1: (Single) mother. (2.9) = 4
4. (M1) Ah:↑ (.) six, my mother↑ is (.) uh↑ (3.8)  = 7
5. (M1) (sniffle) thirty years ago, about about thir//ty years ago, my mother is singer, (3.1) // = 20
6. (M1) my mother was singer. = 6
7. M1: She↑ (.) she: (.) she: don’t sell sh- very much, heh but // but but but so she’s uh: very well, she, // singing very well. (3.4) = 25
8. Um: my mother (4.7) = 4
9. uh:↑ uh loves me heh heh. = 4
10. M1: Oh, (3.6) = 1
11. (M1) what name is dog? = 4
12. M1: Nana, seven, seven. = 6
13. M1: Oh: ↑. = 1
14. M1: Saga. = 2
15. M1: Go back home? = 3
16. M1: Today! = 2
17. M1: Oh I’m. uh (.) I bring up Kokura, I // bring up Kokura. And I live in Ko//kura (now)↓ (2.8) = 23
18. (M1) Kokura  ah (.) Kokura is my hometown. = 10
19. M1: If I travel in Kokura, tell me, // tell me. = 12
20. M1: I– = 1
21. M1: I help you. = 3
22. M1: I can help you. = 4
23. M1: B: discuss question: What do you both have // in common? (8.7) = 13
24. (M1) Common character, (.) common is, (2.2) = 7
25. (M1) what what what↑ mean↑ common heh heh? = 6
26. M1: C, C? ↑ (4.9) = 2
27. (M1) heh Compared strictness. I don’t have father, so // um: I strict, no my mother, only my // mother. My mother is, ah when when I’m // high school student (.) is, I I go back home // by eleven o’clock. = 46
28. M1: Oh, normal, normal. = 5
29. M1: I contact with mother, but↑ but↑ um (8.8) = 9
30. (M1) I, by 11, not change. = 6
31. M1: Not change. = 2
32. M1: Oh, no danger, no danger. = 7
33. M1: Kokura is, ah (5.1) = 4
34. uh other pre-↓ prefecture, pre-↓ pre-↓ (3.6) = 9
35. Saga, Oita, Miyazaki, Kago//shima people think danger in Koku//ra. = 21
36. M1: But I don’t think so. = 5
37. M1: I’m not stolen my wallet. = 7
38. M1: My wallet. But↑, ah (3.1) = 5
39. (M1) one time, I’m stolen my bicycle. = 9
40. M1: But↑, but↑ but↑ I walk the street, (4.1) = 7
41. (M1) so I (4.1) = 2
42. (M1) eh I find my stolen bike. heh I surprised, // I surprise, I surprised so– = 17
43. M1: So I’m I’m ride this bike↑. Um, with ah (3.1) = 9
44. (M1) I’m (4.1) = 1
45. (M1) so↓ I ride this bike (3.5) = 5
46. (M1) as my as I go back home heh heh. = 7
47. M1: Worrying? = 3
48. M1: What what’s, ah what ah uh which ah which pa//rents stricter? = 13
49. M1: Which parents is stricter? = 6
50. M1: Oh. = 1
52. M1: heh heh Not so↓: Not stricter (sniffle). = 5
53. M1: My family is, there is rule, my family // rule is um ah:  dinner↑, um dinner↑ with // my mother and me. = 25
54. M1: I (.) I go home so late, I get home so // late, but my mother don’t eat. = 17
55. M1: I contact with↓ her, um: I don’t eat in // my home, she is ok↑, but I don’t con//tact- = 21

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