Nanase and Shuhei

Session 1 : Female 2 to Male 2


Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 96.8   B: 88.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

228 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

8.7 (359 syllables)

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 92.9   B: 83.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

433 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

14.0 (672 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 47.6 secs.

Percentage: 14.5%

Total Speaking Time:

656 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

22.4 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


F2: About study. Ah (.) I (.) ah: ↑ your father and mother and grand father and grand(.)mother is (.) are↑ teacher?

M2: Um, Yes↑.

F2: So: do you mention about studying?

M2: (Japanese: benkyo)?

F2: Yeah. Yeah.<

M2: Study. (Japanese: nandarou.)

F2: Oh. If you got, if you got bad test, uh–

M2: Ah. Yes. ↑ Yes. ↑ Of course, Yeah. I mentioned about study. Yes. My family. And so test… It is no problem heh for me. yes

F2: Hm. I have never↑ mentioned about study

M2: Ah: Why? ↑ Heh heh Why? ↑

F2: Uh, my father think ah (2.4) woman should cook well.

M2: Ah. Ah.

F2: But I am not good at cooking.

M2: Ah yeah.

F2: So my father scold me, “why?”

M2: Ah heh heh. Don’t↑ worry↑ about it. ↑

F2: Why you can not…Yes yes. ↑

M2: Heee. Hum… What’s your hobby?

F2: Oh my hobby is to watch Disney movie.

M2: Disney movie!↑

F2: Yeah.

M2: Too many? Many?

F2: Oh ↑ yeah↑.

M2: What’s the best ↑ movie do you like?

F2: Ah my best is Rapunzel.

M2: Rap…ah! ↑ Ok I see. Heh heh

F2: Oh ↑ e↑. Have you ever see it?

M2: No no no!↑ But ↑ my friends told me this is nice nice ↑ movie heh.

F2: I I also recommend ↑ you ↑ to watch it.

M2: heh heh ok!

F2: Soon! ↑

M2: Soon! Ok ok. Heh heh When I came back today, so I’ll go to Tsutaya and borrow it. Heh

F2: Of course ↑ in English.↑

M2: Heh heh Ok ↑ I’ll ↑ learn English this movie. (.) um hobby… other other hobby…

F2: Oh other hobby. Oh:

M2: Watch movie and…

F2: UM2: I (.) I like I like shopping.

M2: Shopping! Me too! Heh heh

F2: Oh

M2: Do you go to the shopping, ah. buy clothes?

F2: Oh I I often (.) go to shopping to buy clothes and (.) and often shoes.

M2: Shoes↑?

F2: I like shoes ↑.

M2: Eh: ↑ so in your house, how many shoes do you have?

F2: oh (Japanese: eto) I have, uM2:, about 10

M2: 10?  ↑ heh heh Wow! ↑ It’s many for me. I have (.) I have 3.

F2: Oh.

M2: which maker which shoes maker do you like?

F2: Oh: I don’t have my favourite↓ shoes maker but the (.) cool shoes is li–. the cool shoes is often buy↑ often buy↑.

M2: Ah: this shoes is it cool?

F2: Um (.) so-so.

M2: heh heh.↑Okay.

F2: But↑ white choice is good.

M2: Oh: thank↑ you↑ heh heh.

M2: So my: ah↑ (Japanese: demo) my (2.2) my parents um I said my parents both are teacher but↑ they↑ are not strict.

F2: Uhm↑

M2: un so I so I can I can speak I can tell about study to you. Yes because they are very kindful↑ so (.) and yesF2: Oh what subject do your parents teach?M2: Ah so my parents both are in elementary school. So in elementary school teacher is teach ah teaching teaching to all subjects to students.

F2: ah many has.

M2: But my father good at ri… good at sc-Science. to teaching science is very well. So my mother is good at ah teaching Japanese. So but↑for me heh ah in my house a li…for my youth,eh: my…my mother told teach me Japanese but heh I am not good at

F2: Ah me too me too

M2: Japanese heh yeah

F2: I I don’t like Japanese.

M2: Yeah: Japanese is difficult↑.

F2: heh heh Ah yes.

M2: Ah uh I am not good at uh so studying studying about the↑ test of center↑.

F2: Oh↑ yes Japanese center↑ is heh difficult.

M2: heh heh yes difficult yah.

F2: But I I don’t know (.) what the author wants to say.

M2: Ah yeah yes. um↓ For me, the test is needed to technic to solve answer so uh I I often go to the when I was in high school, so I go to the cram school and teach me, tea:cher just teached me this technic but↑ I can’t understand heh heh.

F2: Me too. Me too. My teacher often said me, said to me “you you should you should you should read more (.) more um (3.3) mo-more exactly. ” But↑ I can’t do it.

M2: Heh ah heh heh so but ah Japanese↓ today’s test a little difficult. But um (3.7) (Japanese: Nani) (.) Japanese (7.7) Japanese test↓ hmm (5.9) ok ah which, what subject do you like the best↑ the best↑ subject.

F2: The best is world history.

M2: World history↑?! Why? heh Why do you come here? To

F2: I want to study about Astronomic.

M2: Ah Astronomic

F2: But I’m not good at studying math, physics, chemical heh but I want to↑ I want to study in space. (.) So I I came here.

M2: Ah Okay.(.) so (.) For me, I like, the best subject is physics↑. So when I was in high school and I study physics↑, I feel this subject is ↑ interesting! So draw line and ah the ah draw line and find out find out

F2: solution?

M2: yeah solution! This, (.) how how to solve this problem is interesting, is interesting to me.

F2: Ah: I when I study physics, (.) uh: I often, (.) I often I often can’t find the solution.

M2: Ah solution um

F2: Oh What, what’s, I don’t know what solution is the best.

M2: The best solution is (.) the first ah looking, look looking at the (Japanese: nandarou) (.) looking at problems and why ah for example, for example (Japanese: nandarou) this is, for example, this is table and this is ball. So (.) first step, you look at why, you look at this ball is (Japanese: nanteiundarou muzukashiina) …

F2: yeah gravity.

M2: ah yes. Gravity and push on the at the the force! ↑ the force↑!

F2: oh yeah.

M2: and draw line so draw… the last you can find out (.) this.


One of the strengths is of this dialogue is that the participants have established a good rapport—a great deal of laughter is to be noted. Cross talk pausing is moderately high, but it was notable that Nanase’s amount of silence was only 5.7 as compared to Shuhei’s 19.5 seconds. Fluency for both participants is high but could be improved with fewer repetitions. Shuhei has 482 words compared to Nanase’s 379, and the male has a MLR of 14.0 syllables as compared to the female’s 8.7

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

1. About study. Ah (.) I (.) ah: ↑ your father // and mother and grand father and grand(.) // mother is (.) are↑ teacher? = 26
2. HmM2: I have never↑ mentioned about // study = 12
M2: Ah: Why? ↑ Heh heh Why? ↑ = 3
3. Uh, my father think ah (2.4) = 6
4. woman should cook well. = 5
5. So my father scold me, “why?” = 7
6. Why you are not…Yes yes. ↑ = 6
7. Oh my hobby is to watch Disney mo // vie. = 11
8. Yeah. = 1
9. Oh ↑ yeah↑. = 2
10. Ah my best is Rapunzel. = 7
11. Oh ↑ e↑. Have you ever see it? = 8
12. I I also recommend ↑ you ↑ to wa // tch it. = 12
13. Soon! = 1
14. Of course ↑ in English.↑ = 5
15. Oh other hobby. Oh: = 6
16. UM2: I (.) I like I like shopping. = 8
17. Oh = 1
18. I I often (.) go to shopping to buy // clothes and (.) and often shoes. = 17
19. I like shoes ↑. = 3
20. oh (Japanese: eto) I have, uM2:, about 10 = 7
21. Oh. = 1
22. Oh: I don’t have my favorite↓
shoes // maker but the (.) cool shoes is li–. the // cool shoes is often buy↑ often buy↑ // . = 30
23. Um (.) so-so. = 3
24. But↑ white choice is good. = 5
25. Uhm↑ = 1
26. Oh what subject do your parents teach? // = 10
27. ah many has. = 4
28. Ah me too me too = 5
29. I I don’t like Japanese. = 8
30. heh heh Ah yes. = 2
31. Oh↑ yes Japanese center↑ is heh diffi // cult. = 11
32. But I I don’t know (.) what the author wa // nts to say. = 13
33. Me too. Me too. My teacher often said // me, said to me “y you should you shou// ld you should read more (.) more um = 28
34. mo-more exactly. ” But↑ I can’t do // it. = 11
35. The best is world history. = 8
36. I want to study about Astrono // mic. = 11
37. But I’m not good at studying math, phy // sics, chemical heh but I want to↑ I want // to study in space. (.) So I I came here. // = 30 
38. solution? = 3
39. Oh What, what’s, I don’t know what so // lution is the best. = 15
40. yeah gravity. = 4
41. oh yeah. = 2

Male 2 Mean length runs.

1. M2: Um, Yes↑. = 2
2. M2: (Japanese: benkyo)? = 0
3. M2: Ah. Yes. ↑ Yes. ↑ Of course, Yeah. I mentioned // about study. Yes. My family. And // so test… It is no problem heh for me. Yes // = 30
4. M2: Ah: Why? ↑ Heh heh Why? ↑ = 3
5. M2: Ah. Ah. = 2
6. M2: Ah yeah. = 2
7. M2: Ah heh heh. Don’t↑ worry↑ about it. ↑ = 8
8. M2: Heee. Hum… What’s your hobby? = 7
9. M2: Disney movie!↑ = 4
10. M2: Too many? Many? = 5
11. M2: What’s the best ↑ movie do you like? // = 10
12. M2: Rap…ah! ↑ Ok I see. Heh heh = 6
13. M2: No no no!↑ But ↑ my friends told me this // is nice nice ↑ movie heh. = 15
14. M2: heh heh ok! = 1
15. M2: Soon! Ok ok. Heh heh When I came back to//day, so I’ll go to Tsutaya and bo//rrow it. Heh = 12
16. M2: Heh heh Ok ↑ I’ll ↑ learn English this movie. (.) um // hobby… other other hobby… = 18
17. M2: Watch movie and… = 4
18. M2: Shopping! Me too! Heh heh = 4
19. M2: Do you go to the shopping, ah. buy clothes? // = 10
20. M2: Shoes↑? = 1
21. M2: Eh: ↑ so in your house, how many shoes // do you have? = 13
22. M2: 10? ↑ heh heh Wow! ↑ It’s many for me. I have (.) I // have 3. = 13
23. M2: which maker which shoes maker do you // like? = 11
24. M2: Ah: this shoes is it cool? = 6
25. M2: heh heh.↑Okay. = 2
26. M2: Oh: thank↑ you↑ heh heh. = 3
27. M2: So my: ah↑ (Japanese: demo)… my (2.2) = 4
28. my parents um I said my parents both // are teacher but↑ they↑ are not strict. = 19
29. M2: un so I so I can I can speak // I can tell about study to you. Yes // because they are very kindful↑ so (.) and // yes = 31
30. M2: Ah so my parents both are in el // ementary school. So in elemen// tary school teacher is teach ah teaching // teaching to all subjects to students.// = 30
31. M2: But my father good at ri… good at sc-// Science. to teaching science is very // well. So my mother is good at ah te//aching Japanese. So but↑for me heh ah // in my house a li…for my youth,// eh: my…my mother told teach me Ja//panese but heh I am not good at = 68
32. M2: Japanese heh yeah = 5
33. M2: Yeah: Japanese is difficult↑. = 9
34. M2: Ah uh I am not good at uh so stu//dying studying about the↑ test // of center↑. = 23
35. M2: heh heh yes difficult yah. = 5
36. M2: Ah yeah yes. um↓ For me, the test is // needed to technic to solve answer so // uh I I often go to the when I // was in high school, so I go to the cram // school and teach me, tea:cher just teached me // this technic but↑ I can’t understand // heh heh. = 60
37. M2: Heh ah haha so but ah Japanese↓ today’s test a little // difficult. But um (3.7) = 15
38. (Japanese: Nani) (.) Japanese (7.71) = 0
39. Japanese test↓ hmm (5.97) = 6
40. ok ah which, what subject do you like // the best↑ the best↑ subject. =16
41. M2: World history↑?! Why? heh Why do you come // here? To = 12
42. M2: Ah Astronomic = 5
43. M2: Ah Okay.(.) so (.) For me, I like, the best // subject is physics↑. So when I was in // high school and I study physics↑, I feel // this subject is ↑ interesting! So draw // line and ah the ah draw line and find out // find out. = 52
44. M2: yeah solution! This, (.) how how to solve // this problem is interesting, is in//teresting to me. = 25
45. M2: Ah solution um = 5
46. M2: The best solution is (.) the first ah // looking, look looking at the (Japanese: nandarou) (.) looking at // problems and why ah for example, for // example (Japanese: nandarou) this is, for example, this // is table and this is ball. So (.) first // step, you look at why, you look at this ball // is (Japanese: nanteiundarou muzukashiina) … = 61
47. M2: ah yes. Gravity and push on the at // the the force! ↑ the force↑! = 17
48. M2: and draw line so draw… the last you can find // out (.) this. = 12


F2: About study. Ah (.) I (.) ah: ↑ your father and mother and grand father and grand(.)mother is (.) are↑ teacher?

M2: Um, Yes↑.

F2: So: do you mention about studying?

M2: (Japanese: benkyo)?

F2: Yeah. Yeah.<

M2: Study. (Japanese: nandarou.)

F2: Oh. If you got, if you got bad test, uh–

M2: Ah. Yes. ↑ Yes. ↑ Of course, Yeah. I mentioned about study. Yes. My family. And so test… It is no problem heh for me. yes

F2: Hm. I have never↑ mentioned about study

M2: Ah: Why? ↑ Heh heh Why? ↑

F2: Uh, my father think ah (2.4) woman should cook well.

M2: Ah. Ah.

F2: But I am not good at cooking.

M2: Ah yeah.

F2: So my father scold me, “why?”

M2: Ah heh heh. Don’t↑ worry↑ about it. ↑

F2: Why you can not…Yes yes. ↑

M2: Heee. Hum… What’s your hobby?

F2: Oh my hobby is to watch Disney movie.

M2: Disney movie!↑

F2: Yeah.

M2: Too many? Many?

F2: Oh ↑ yeah↑.

M2: What’s the best ↑ movie do you like?

F2: Ah my best is Rapunzel.

M2: Rap…ah! ↑ Ok I see. Heh heh

F2: Oh ↑ e↑. Have you ever see it?

M2: No no no!↑ But ↑ my friends told me this is nice nice ↑ movie heh.

F2: I I also recommend ↑ you ↑ to watch it.

M2: heh heh ok!

F2: Soon! ↑

M2: Soon! Ok ok. Heh heh When I came back today, so I’ll go to Tsutaya and borrow it. Heh

F2: Of course ↑ in English.↑

M2: Heh heh Ok ↑ I’ll ↑ learn English this movie. (.) um hobby… other other hobby…

F2: Oh other hobby. Oh:

M2: Watch movie and…

F2: UM2: I (.) I like I like shopping.

M2: Shopping! Me too! Heh heh

F2: Oh

M2: Do you go to the shopping, ah. buy clothes?

F2: Oh I I often (.) go to shopping to buy clothes and (.) and often shoes.

M2: Shoes↑?

F2: I like shoes ↑.

M2: Eh: ↑ so in your house, how many shoes do you have?

F2: oh (Japanese: eto) I have, uM2:, about 10

M2: 10?  ↑ heh heh Wow! ↑ It’s many for me. I have (.) I have 3.

F2: Oh.

M2: which maker which shoes maker do you like?

F2: Oh: I don’t have my favourite↓ shoes maker but the (.) cool shoes is li–. the cool shoes is often buy↑ often buy↑.

M2: Ah: this shoes is it cool?

F2: Um (.) so-so.

M2: heh heh.↑Okay.

F2: But↑ white choice is good.

M2: Oh: thank↑ you↑ heh heh.

M2: So my: ah↑ (Japanese: demo) my (2.2) my parents um I said my parents both are teacher but↑ they↑ are not strict.

F2: Uhm↑

M2: un so I so I can I can speak I can tell about study to you. Yes because they are very kindful↑ so (.) and yesF2: Oh what subject do your parents teach?M2: Ah so my parents both are in elementary school. So in elementary school teacher is teach ah teaching teaching to all subjects to students.

F2: ah many has.

M2: But my father good at ri… good at sc-Science. to teaching science is very well. So my mother is good at ah teaching Japanese. So but↑for me heh ah in my house a li…for my youth,eh: my…my mother told teach me Japanese but heh I am not good at

F2: Ah me too me too

M2: Japanese heh yeah

F2: I I don’t like Japanese.

M2: Yeah: Japanese is difficult↑.

F2: heh heh Ah yes.

M2: Ah uh I am not good at uh so studying studying about the↑ test of center↑.

F2: Oh↑ yes Japanese center↑ is heh difficult.

M2: heh heh yes difficult yah.

F2: But I I don’t know (.) what the author wants to say.

M2: Ah yeah yes. um↓ For me, the test is needed to technic to solve answer so uh I I often go to the when I was in high school, so I go to the cram school and teach me, tea:cher just teached me this technic but↑ I can’t understand heh heh.

F2: Me too. Me too. My teacher often said me, said to me “you you should you should you should read more (.) more um (3.3) mo-more exactly. ” But↑ I can’t do it.

M2: Heh ah heh heh so but ah Japanese↓ today’s test a little difficult. But um (3.7) (Japanese: Nani) (.) Japanese (7.7) Japanese test↓ hmm (5.9) ok ah which, what subject do you like the best↑ the best↑ subject.

F2: The best is world history.

M2: World history↑?! Why? heh Why do you come here? To

F2: I want to study about Astronomic.

M2: Ah Astronomic

F2: But I’m not good at studying math, physics, chemical heh but I want to↑ I want to study in space. (.) So I I came here.

M2: Ah Okay.(.) so (.) For me, I like, the best subject is physics↑. So when I was in high school and I study physics↑, I feel this subject is ↑ interesting! So draw line and ah the ah draw line and find out find out

F2: solution?

M2: yeah solution! This, (.) how how to solve this problem is interesting, is interesting to me.

F2: Ah: I when I study physics, (.) uh: I often, (.) I often I often can’t find the solution.

M2: Ah solution um

F2: Oh What, what’s, I don’t know what solution is the best.

M2: The best solution is (.) the first ah looking, look looking at the (Japanese: nandarou) (.) looking at problems and why ah for example, for example (Japanese: nandarou) this is, for example, this is table and this is ball. So (.) first step, you look at why, you look at this ball is (Japanese: nanteiundarou muzukashiina) …

F2: yeah gravity.

M2: ah yes. Gravity and push on the at the the force! ↑ the force↑!

F2: oh yeah.

M2: and draw line so draw… the last you can find out (.) this.

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 96.8   B: 88.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

228 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

8.7 (359 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 92.9   B: 83.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

433 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

14.0 (672 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 47.6 secs.

Percentage: 14.5%

Total Speaking Time:

656 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

22.4 sec.


One of the strengths is of this dialogue is that the participants have established a good rapport—a great deal of laughter is to be noted. Cross talk pausing is moderately high, but it was notable that Nanase’s amount of silence was only 5.7 as compared to Shuhei’s 19.5 seconds. Fluency for both participants is high but could be improved with fewer repetitions. Shuhei has 482 words compared to Nanase’s 379, and the male has a MLR of 14.0 syllables as compared to the female’s 8.7

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

1. About study. Ah (.) I (.) ah: ↑ your father // and mother and grand father and grand(.) // mother is (.) are↑ teacher? = 26
2. HmM2: I have never↑ mentioned about // study = 12
M2: Ah: Why? ↑ Heh heh Why? ↑ = 3
3. Uh, my father think ah (2.4) = 6
4. woman should cook well. = 5
5. So my father scold me, “why?” = 7
6. Why you are not…Yes yes. ↑ = 6
7. Oh my hobby is to watch Disney mo // vie. = 11
8. Yeah. = 1
9. Oh ↑ yeah↑. = 2
10. Ah my best is Rapunzel. = 7
11. Oh ↑ e↑. Have you ever see it? = 8
12. I I also recommend ↑ you ↑ to wa // tch it. = 12
13. Soon! = 1
14. Of course ↑ in English.↑ = 5
15. Oh other hobby. Oh: = 6
16. UM2: I (.) I like I like shopping. = 8
17. Oh = 1
18. I I often (.) go to shopping to buy // clothes and (.) and often shoes. = 17
19. I like shoes ↑. = 3
20. oh (Japanese: eto) I have, uM2:, about 10 = 7
21. Oh. = 1
22. Oh: I don’t have my favorite↓
shoes // maker but the (.) cool shoes is li–. the // cool shoes is often buy↑ often buy↑ // . = 30
23. Um (.) so-so. = 3
24. But↑ white choice is good. = 5
25. Uhm↑ = 1
26. Oh what subject do your parents teach? // = 10
27. ah many has. = 4
28. Ah me too me too = 5
29. I I don’t like Japanese. = 8
30. heh heh Ah yes. = 2
31. Oh↑ yes Japanese center↑ is heh diffi // cult. = 11
32. But I I don’t know (.) what the author wa // nts to say. = 13
33. Me too. Me too. My teacher often said // me, said to me “y you should you shou// ld you should read more (.) more um = 28
34. mo-more exactly. ” But↑ I can’t do // it. = 11
35. The best is world history. = 8
36. I want to study about Astrono // mic. = 11
37. But I’m not good at studying math, phy // sics, chemical heh but I want to↑ I want // to study in space. (.) So I I came here. // = 30 
38. solution? = 3
39. Oh What, what’s, I don’t know what so // lution is the best. = 15
40. yeah gravity. = 4
41. oh yeah. = 2

Male 2 Mean length runs.

1. M2: Um, Yes↑. = 2
2. M2: (Japanese: benkyo)? = 0
3. M2: Ah. Yes. ↑ Yes. ↑ Of course, Yeah. I mentioned // about study. Yes. My family. And // so test… It is no problem heh for me. Yes // = 30
4. M2: Ah: Why? ↑ Heh heh Why? ↑ = 3
5. M2: Ah. Ah. = 2
6. M2: Ah yeah. = 2
7. M2: Ah heh heh. Don’t↑ worry↑ about it. ↑ = 8
8. M2: Heee. Hum… What’s your hobby? = 7
9. M2: Disney movie!↑ = 4
10. M2: Too many? Many? = 5
11. M2: What’s the best ↑ movie do you like? // = 10
12. M2: Rap…ah! ↑ Ok I see. Heh heh = 6
13. M2: No no no!↑ But ↑ my friends told me this // is nice nice ↑ movie heh. = 15
14. M2: heh heh ok! = 1
15. M2: Soon! Ok ok. Heh heh When I came back to//day, so I’ll go to Tsutaya and bo//rrow it. Heh = 12
16. M2: Heh heh Ok ↑ I’ll ↑ learn English this movie. (.) um // hobby… other other hobby… = 18
17. M2: Watch movie and… = 4
18. M2: Shopping! Me too! Heh heh = 4
19. M2: Do you go to the shopping, ah. buy clothes? // = 10
20. M2: Shoes↑? = 1
21. M2: Eh: ↑ so in your house, how many shoes // do you have? = 13
22. M2: 10? ↑ heh heh Wow! ↑ It’s many for me. I have (.) I // have 3. = 13
23. M2: which maker which shoes maker do you // like? = 11
24. M2: Ah: this shoes is it cool? = 6
25. M2: heh heh.↑Okay. = 2
26. M2: Oh: thank↑ you↑ heh heh. = 3
27. M2: So my: ah↑ (Japanese: demo)… my (2.2) = 4
28. my parents um I said my parents both // are teacher but↑ they↑ are not strict. = 19
29. M2: un so I so I can I can speak // I can tell about study to you. Yes // because they are very kindful↑ so (.) and // yes = 31
30. M2: Ah so my parents both are in el // ementary school. So in elemen// tary school teacher is teach ah teaching // teaching to all subjects to students.// = 30
31. M2: But my father good at ri… good at sc-// Science. to teaching science is very // well. So my mother is good at ah te//aching Japanese. So but↑for me heh ah // in my house a li…for my youth,// eh: my…my mother told teach me Ja//panese but heh I am not good at = 68
32. M2: Japanese heh yeah = 5
33. M2: Yeah: Japanese is difficult↑. = 9
34. M2: Ah uh I am not good at uh so stu//dying studying about the↑ test // of center↑. = 23
35. M2: heh heh yes difficult yah. = 5
36. M2: Ah yeah yes. um↓ For me, the test is // needed to technic to solve answer so // uh I I often go to the when I // was in high school, so I go to the cram // school and teach me, tea:cher just teached me // this technic but↑ I can’t understand // heh heh. = 60
37. M2: Heh ah haha so but ah Japanese↓ today’s test a little // difficult. But um (3.7) = 15
38. (Japanese: Nani) (.) Japanese (7.71) = 0
39. Japanese test↓ hmm (5.97) = 6
40. ok ah which, what subject do you like // the best↑ the best↑ subject. =16
41. M2: World history↑?! Why? heh Why do you come // here? To = 12
42. M2: Ah Astronomic = 5
43. M2: Ah Okay.(.) so (.) For me, I like, the best // subject is physics↑. So when I was in // high school and I study physics↑, I feel // this subject is ↑ interesting! So draw // line and ah the ah draw line and find out // find out. = 52
44. M2: yeah solution! This, (.) how how to solve // this problem is interesting, is in//teresting to me. = 25
45. M2: Ah solution um = 5
46. M2: The best solution is (.) the first ah // looking, look looking at the (Japanese: nandarou) (.) looking at // problems and why ah for example, for // example (Japanese: nandarou) this is, for example, this // is table and this is ball. So (.) first // step, you look at why, you look at this ball // is (Japanese: nanteiundarou muzukashiina) … = 61
47. M2: ah yes. Gravity and push on the at // the the force! ↑ the force↑! = 17
48. M2: and draw line so draw… the last you can find // out (.) this. = 12

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