Nanase and Naoyuki

Session 1 : Male 1 to Female 2


Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 100.5   B: 92.0

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

432.2 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

11.4 (724 syllables)

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 112.0   B: 99.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

404.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

10.5 (756 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 62.0 secs.

Percentage: 6.8%

Total Speaking Time:

899 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

14.0 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


F2: Hello.

M1: Hello.

F2: My name is Kuratake Nanase.

M1: My name is Kure Naoyuki. Are you fine?

F2: Yes↑. How about you?

M1: Ah I’m ok. Nice to meet you. ↓

F2: Ah what’s your class.

M1:I have a science class, and chemical class, (geography) class and math class. Eh: un↓ so so. What’s your class (sniffle)?

F2: W   m m hoa- I’m major in mechanical↑ intelligence. Uh: I’m interested in astronomic. So↑ I majored in this.

M1: What’s your ↓ hobby?

F2: Uh I like Disney↑ song. Ah I can sing Disney song in English.

M1: Oh really?

F2:  Yeah

M1: What’s your can you sing?

F2:  Oh: eh↓ I can sing “Let it Go”, “For the first time Forever”. And eh (.) hmm I can sing (.) Baymax song.

M1: Ah! Heh heh

F2: How about  Ah What’s your hobby?

M1: My hobby is reading a book. Or uh yeah reading a book. I like a Harry Potter. Uh I read it many times

F2: (Japanese: eh eto)  Did you go to Universal Studio in Japan?

M1: Ah I went it eh: 2 years ago. Eh: then a Harry Potter is not holded. I want to go this year or next year.

F2: I’ll go there in September. This year↑. Yeah↑.

M1: Ah It’s very good.

F2: Yeah I I’m looking forward to going there.

M1: Ah un heh heh ok  What’s your favorite (things).

F2:  Oh: ah (2.5) uh  I like uh I like playing the piano.

M1: Ah:  me↑ too.

F2: Eh↑!

M1: Ah I can I can play.

F2: Eh!!! what eh What What’s What’s what’s  song do you (.) can (5.1) can I play?

M1:  Ah I can play the only song It is“Eri-ze no Tameni”. It’s Only only this one.

F2: Eh It was composed by Beethoven. Do you know?

M1: Yeah I know↓.

F2: I often I often play the piano composed by Chopin↑.

M1: Ah

F2: And last year I play (.) play the piano which name is (.) “Koinu no Warutsu”. Do you know↑?

M1: Yeah I know↑ I know↑. But I can’t play it.

F2: Hmm

M1:Ah umm (.) I I I wa –  I (played) the piano but now I quit it.

F2: Ah me too↑ me too↑.

M1:It’s very hard to practice yeah.

F2: And it’s very expensive to take them to take it.

M1: Yeah yeah

F2: Ah (3.1) ah what↑ club do you belon–do you belong to?

M1: Now I’m belong to American Football. Ah, it’s very interesting. In I I I my high school I played rugby. But uh this↑ (Japanese ano↓) school I I’m interested in eh football so I want to play it.

F2: Ah now you you belong to football club.

M1: Yeah.

F2: Oh what is your position?

M1: My position is right. Do you know right?

F2: No.

M1: Ah right is a hit.

F2: Hit?

M1:Always hit. and use myself power. beat enemy.

F2: Oh ah:↑!

M1: What is your club? What’s are you belong to?

F2: I belong to the satellite club.

M1: Ah! ok ↓

F2: And the club the club is often make satellite. and  (2.7) and th- (3.7) and (.) and and I belong to I also belong to Meisen club.

M1: Ah-ah-ah

F2: The club often the club often after play basketball and volleyball and foot ball with many people.

M1: Ah: It (.) it is happy.

F2: Eh: (3.9) to how often how often do you play football?

M1: Ah, in weeks 5 days every weeks. So my rest is only 2 days. Today, but I belong to another club, and it’s making mechanical so I have no rest in week.

F2: But (Japanese: demo) it is it looks very hard.

M1: Ah un un so so↑. Hard but very↑ interesting. So↑ I can do.

F2: Yeah yeah I understand. I have satellite club in always. But I don’t have to go there (.) everyday. But tomorrow I have satellite competition. So today is very  busy.

[14.0]M1:Hmm what’s your dream in the future?F2: Uh ah I want to study about (.) I want to make the mechanism which which is which develop elec- electronic power with using: traditional power (2.5) in space. (.) Eh I want to devel– I want I wants to develop (2.2) space. (3.1) How about you?M1:I have no dream I have no dream now. So I’m searching now↑ in this university/ do this do that and yeah.F2:Do do you want to work soon?

M1:Ah. I want to study more in the university or master or

F2: Ah me too me too. I I I I I’m I don’t know which is better to work soon↑ or go to master.

M1: Ah

F2:I I don’t know what I don’t know which is better.

M1: We have more time so think slowly after decided.

F2: Yeah Yeah I understood.

M1: Ok heh heh

F2: Do you interested in the astronomic?

M1: What is astronomic?

F2: About ↑space

M1: Ah. I (love) it. Um yah↑. In my youth, I I like (it) search read space, about ↓  read↑ a book about space.

F2: Oh: (.) have you read The Space Brothers?

M1: Ah yeah yeah yeah! So I in that↑ comic, introduce a (kansert)↑,

F2: Ah yeah yeah!

M1: Do you know↓?

F2: Yeah!

M1: I belonged that!

F2: OH!

M1: Kansert! I want to America kansert eh:-


M1:competition! I want to join. but I’m now very hard, very busy now, I: I will not.

F2: Where is the competition is held.

M1: America’s (dessert), tanegashima, do you know? Tanegashima and Noshiro in Aomori. Nosher Aomori


M1:yeah noshiro.

F2:I don’t know but I’m looking forward to looking forward you to winning the competition.

M1: Thank you.

F2: What’s the character of space brothers do you like?

M1: Heh ah: (3.4) I forget the name (.) ah (.) NASA’s pilot. Do you do you remember? Ah

F2: Yanjii?

M1:Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yangi- yangi yeah! Heh

F2: I like too.

M1: heh heh He is a very interesting guy

F2: Yeah! but his words to, his words to Muta is (.) is (.) very very deep.and (3.2) the words the word is very very very um (3.9) strike to me.


F2:I like mutta. mutta’s character is very very very very very nice. (.) He always he is always lead many people. And ↓ so I I envy his (4.1) hi- I envy his skill.

M1: Ah ok.

F2: Eh did you read the latest comic of?

M1: Ah no. I (2.5)  I one year ago, I stopped read comic. So: I don’t know the latest information about this comic.

F2: Yeah me too me too. I stopped reading this because I have to study

M1: Yeah yeah to enter the university.

F2:  yeah yeah yes. I want to read latest comics.

M1: Yeah.

F2:  What what the other comics do you do you like?

M1: Ah I have hmm (2.1) I don’t read comics so a lot (.) so much (.) so I have no comics have read

F2:  Ah ah do you like books?

M1:yes. I like books. I like comics but I have no time to (.)I  read about comics. (.) I So I want to read Japanese comics about Naruto  or so on. I want to read but I have no time now.

F2: Ah I I never I never I have never read Naruto comic. So I I don’t know about Naruto.

M1: Yeah

F2: So could you tell me the story of Naruto?

M1:I don’t know I have I never have read. I want to read but I have no time.


This discussion reflects a balanced and engaged discussion. Both participants have a high number of words 518 for Kure and 555 for Nanase along with similar MLRs 11.4 for Kure and 10.5 for Nanase.  Nanase does have a lot of repetition 49 occurrences and higher retracing. Furthermore, the speaking rate is fairly high 92.0 and 99.7. The amount of silence is moderate, 6.8% or 62 seconds.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs

1. M1:Hello. = 2
2. M1: My name is Kure Naoyuki. Are you // fine? = 11
3. M1: Ah I’m ok. Nice to meet you. ↓ = 8
4. M1:I have a science class, and chemical // class, (geography) class and math class. // Eh: un↓ so so. What’s your class (sniffle)? = 28
5. M1: What’s your ↓ hobby? = 4
6. M1: Oh really? = 3
7. M1: What’s your can you sing? = 5
8. M1: Ah! Heh heh = 1
9. M1: My hobby is reading a book. Or uh // yeah reading a book. I like a Harry // Potter. Uh I read it many times. = 29
10. M1: Ah I went it eh: 2 years ago. Eh: // then a Harry Potter is not holded. // I want to go this year or next year. = 29
11. M1: Ah It’s very good. = 5
12. M1: Ah un heh heh ok What’s your favorite (things). = 10
13. M1: Ah: me↑ too. = 3
14. M1: Ah I can I can play. = 6
15. M1: Ah I can play the only song It is // “Eri-ze no Tameni”. It’s Only on//ly this one. = 22
16. M1: Yeah I know↓. = 3
17. M1: Ah = 1
18. M1: Yeah I know↑ I know↑. But I can’t play it. = 10
19. M1:Ah umm (.) I I I wa – I (played) the // piano but now I quit it. = 17
20. M1:It’s very hard to practice yeah. = 8
21. M1: Yeah yeah = 2
22. M1: Now I’m belong to American Foot//ball. Ah, it’s very interesting. In // I I I my high school I played rugby. // But uh this↑ (Japanese ano↓) school I I’m interested // in eh football so I want to play it. // = 40
23. M1: Yeah. = 1
24. M1: My position is right. Do you know right? = 9
25. M1: Ah right is a hit. = 5
26. M1:Always hit. and use myself power. beat // enemy. = 13
27. M1: What is your club? What’s are you belong to? = 10
28. M1: Ah! ok ↓ = 3
29. M1: Ah-ah-ah = 3
30. M1: Ah: It (.) it is happy. = 6
31. M1: Ah, in weeks 5 days every weeks. So // my rest is only 2 days. Today. but // I belong to another club, and it’s ma//king mechanical so I have no rest // in week. = 42
32. M1: Ah un un so so↑. Hard but very↑ in//teresting. So↑ I can do = 17

33. M1:Hmm what’s your dream in the future? = 8
34. M1:I have no dream I have no dream now. So // I’m searching now↑ in this universi//ty do this do that and yeah. = 27
35. M1:Ah. I want to study more in the un//iversity or master or = 18
36. M1: Ah = 1
37. M1: We have more time so think slowly after // decided. = 13
38. M1: Ok heh heh = 2
39. M1: What is astronomic? = 6
40. M1: Ah. I (love) it. Um yah↑. In my youth, I // I like (it) search read space, about ↓ read↑ a book // about space. = 23
41. M1: Ah yeah yeah yeah! So I in that↑ comic, // introduce a (kansert)↑, = 16
42. M1: Do you know↓? = 3
43. M1: I belonged that! = 4
44. M1: Kansert! I want to America kan//sert eh: = 12
45. M1:competition! I want to join. but I’m // now very hard, very busy now, I: // I will not. = 23
46. M1: America’s (dessert), tanegashima, do // you know? Tanegashima and Noshi//ro in Aomori. Nosher Aomo//ri = 31
47. M1: yeah noshiro. = 4
48. M1: Thank you. = 2
49. M1: Heh ah: (3.4) = 1
50. (M1) I forget the name (.) ah (.) NASA’s pilot. // Do you do you remember? Ah = 18
51. M1:Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yangi- yangi yeah! Heh = 10
52. M1: heh heh He is a very interesting guy = 10
53. M1:ah = 1
54. M1: Ah ok. = 3
55. M1: Ah no. I (2.5) = 3
56. (M1) I one year ago, I stopped read comic. // So: I don’t know the latest informa//tion about this comic. = 26
57. M1: Yeah yeah to enter the univers//ity. = 11
58. M1: Yeah. = 1
59. M1: Ah I have hmm (2.1) = 4
60. (M1) I don’t read comics so a lot (.) so much (.) // so I have no comics have read = 18
61. M1: yes. I like books. I like comics but I // have no time to (.)I read about comics. // (.) I So I want to read Japanese com//ics about Naruto or so on. I // want to read but I have no time now. = 49
62. M1: Yeah = 1
63. M1:I don’t know I have I never have read. // I want to read but I have no time. = 19

Female 2 Mean length runs

1. F2: Hello.F2: My name is Kuratake Nanase. =9
2. F2: Yes↑. How about you? = 5
3. F2: Ah what’s your class. = 4
4. F2: Whoa- I’m major in mechanical↑ in//telligence. Uh: I’m interested in as//tronomic. So↑ I majored in this. = 29
5. F2: Uh I like Disney↑ song. Ah I can sing // Disney song in English. = 16
6. F2: Yeah = 1
7. F2: Oh: eh↓ I can sing “Let it Go”, “For the // first time Forever”. And eh (.) hmm I can // sing (.) Baymax song. = 24
8. F2: How about Ah What’s your hobby? = 7
9. F2: (Japanese: eh eto) Did you go to Universal Studi//o in Japan? = 14
10. F2: I’ll go there in September. This year↑. Yeah↑. = 10
11. F2: Yeah I I’m looking forward to going // there. = 11
12. F2: Oh: ah (2.5) = 2
13. (F2) uh I like uh I like playing the pi//ano. = 11
14. F2: Eh↑! = 1
15. F2: E!!! what eh What What’s What’s what’s song do you (.) // can (5.1) = 11
16. (F2) can I play? = 3
17. F2: Eh It was composed by Beethoven. Do // you know? = 12
18. F2: I often I often play the pia//no composed by Chopin↑. = 16
19. F2: And last year I play (.) play the piano which // name is (.) “Koinu no Warutsu”. Do you // know↑? = 21
20. F2: Hmm = 1
21. F2: Ah me too↑ me too↑. = 5
22. F2: And it’s very expensive to take them // to take it. = 13
23. F2: Ah (3.1) = 1
24. (F2) ah what↑ club do you belon–do you be//long to? = 12
25. F2: Ah now you you belong to football club. = 10
26. F2: Oh what is your position? = 7
27. F2: No. = 1
28. F2: Hit? = 1
29. F2: Oh ah:↑! = 2
30. F2: I belong to the satellite club. = 9
31. F2: And the club the club is often make sa//tellite. and (2.7) = 13
32. (F2) and th- (3.7) = 2
33. (F2) and (.) and and I belong to I also // belong to Meisen club. = 16
34. F2: The club often the club often after // play basketball and volleyball and foot // ball with many people. = 26
35. F2: Eh: (3.9) = 1
36. (F2) to how often how often do you play // football? = 11
37. F2: But (Japanese: demo) it is it looks very hard. = 8
38. F2: Yeah yeah I understand. I have satel//lite club in always. But I don’t have to // go there (.) everyday. But tomorrow I // have satellite competition. So to//day is very busy. = 46

39. F2: Uh ah I want to study about (.) I want to // make the mechanism which which is which // develop elec- electronic power // with using: traditional power (2.5) = 39
40. (F2) in space. (.) Eh I want to devel– I want // I wants to develop (2.2) = 16
41. (F2) space. (3.1) = 1
42. (F2) How about you? = 3
43. M1:I have no dream I have no dream now. So // I’m searching now↑ in this universi//ty/ do this do that and yeah. = 26
44. F2: Do do you want to work soon? = 7
45. F2: Ah me too me too. I I I I I’m // I don’t know which is better to work soon↑ // or go to master. = 25
46. F2: I I don’t know what I don’t know which is // better. = 11
47. F2: Yeah Yeah I understood. = 6
48. F2: Do you interested in the astro//nomic? = 12
49. F2: About ↑space = 2
50. F2: Oh: (.) have you read The Space Brothers? = 8
51. F2: Ah yeah yeah! = 3
52. F2: Yeah! = 1
53. F2: OH! = 1
54. F2: competition? = 4
55. F2: Where is the competition is held. = 8
56. F2: Noshiro? = 3
57. F2: I don’t know but I’m looking forward to // looking forward you to winning the com//petition. = 13
58. F2: What’s the character of space brothers do you like? = 10
59. F2: Yanjii? = 2
60. F2: I like too. = 3
61. F2: Yeah! but his words to, his words to Muta // is (.) is (.) very deep.and (3.2) = 16
62. (F2) the words the word is very very ve//ry um (3.9) = 12
63. (F2) strike to me. = 3
64. F2:I like mutta. mutta’s character is // very very very very very // nice. (.) He always he is always lead // many people. And ↓ so I I envy // his (4.1) = 41
65. (F2) hi- I envy his skill. = 6
66. F2: Eh did you read the latest comic of? = 10
67. F2: Yeah me too me too. I stopped reading this // because I have to study. = 17
68. F2: yeah yeah yes. I want to read latest co//mics. = 11
69. F2: What what the other comics do you do // you like? = 12
70. F2: ah ah do you like books? = 7
71. F2: Ah I I never I never I have // never read Naruto comic. So I // I don’t know about Naruto. = 28
72. F2: So could you tell me the story of Na//ruto? = 12


F2: Hello.

M1: Hello.

F2: My name is Kuratake Nanase.

M1: My name is Kure Naoyuki. Are you fine?

F2: Yes↑. How about you?

M1: Ah I’m ok. Nice to meet you. ↓

F2: Ah what’s your class.

M1:I have a science class, and chemical class, (geography) class and math class. Eh: un↓ so so. What’s your class (sniffle)?

F2: W   m m hoa- I’m major in mechanical↑ intelligence. Uh: I’m interested in astronomic. So↑ I majored in this.

M1: What’s your ↓ hobby?

F2: Uh I like Disney↑ song. Ah I can sing Disney song in English.

M1: Oh really?

F2:  Yeah

M1: What’s your can you sing?

F2:  Oh: eh↓ I can sing “Let it Go”, “For the first time Forever”. And eh (.) hmm I can sing (.) Baymax song.

M1: Ah! Heh heh

F2: How about  Ah What’s your hobby?

M1: My hobby is reading a book. Or uh yeah reading a book. I like a Harry Potter. Uh I read it many times

F2: (Japanese: eh eto)  Did you go to Universal Studio in Japan?

M1: Ah I went it eh: 2 years ago. Eh: then a Harry Potter is not holded. I want to go this year or next year.

F2: I’ll go there in September. This year↑. Yeah↑.

M1: Ah It’s very good.

F2: Yeah I I’m looking forward to going there.

M1: Ah un heh heh ok  What’s your favorite (things).

F2:  Oh: ah (2.5) uh  I like uh I like playing the piano.

M1: Ah:  me↑ too.

F2: Eh↑!

M1: Ah I can I can play.

F2: Eh!!! what eh What What’s What’s what’s  song do you (.) can (5.1) can I play?

M1:  Ah I can play the only song It is“Eri-ze no Tameni”. It’s Only only this one.

F2: Eh It was composed by Beethoven. Do you know?

M1: Yeah I know↓.

F2: I often I often play the piano composed by Chopin↑.

M1: Ah

F2: And last year I play (.) play the piano which name is (.) “Koinu no Warutsu”. Do you know↑?

M1: Yeah I know↑ I know↑. But I can’t play it.

F2: Hmm

M1:Ah umm (.) I I I wa –  I (played) the piano but now I quit it.

F2: Ah me too↑ me too↑.

M1:It’s very hard to practice yeah.

F2: And it’s very expensive to take them to take it.

M1: Yeah yeah

F2: Ah (3.1) ah what↑ club do you belon–do you belong to?

M1: Now I’m belong to American Football. Ah, it’s very interesting. In I I I my high school I played rugby. But uh this↑ (Japanese ano↓) school I I’m interested in eh football so I want to play it.

F2: Ah now you you belong to football club.

M1: Yeah.

F2: Oh what is your position?

M1: My position is right. Do you know right?

F2: No.

M1: Ah right is a hit.

F2: Hit?

M1:Always hit. and use myself power. beat enemy.

F2: Oh ah:↑!

M1: What is your club? What’s are you belong to?

F2: I belong to the satellite club.

M1: Ah! ok ↓

F2: And the club the club is often make satellite. and  (2.7) and th- (3.7) and (.) and and I belong to I also belong to Meisen club.

M1: Ah-ah-ah

F2: The club often the club often after play basketball and volleyball and foot ball with many people.

M1: Ah: It (.) it is happy.

F2: Eh: (3.9) to how often how often do you play football?

M1: Ah, in weeks 5 days every weeks. So my rest is only 2 days. Today, but I belong to another club, and it’s making mechanical so I have no rest in week.

F2: But (Japanese: demo) it is it looks very hard.

M1: Ah un un so so↑. Hard but very↑ interesting. So↑ I can do.

F2: Yeah yeah I understand. I have satellite club in always. But I don’t have to go there (.) everyday. But tomorrow I have satellite competition. So today is very  busy.

[14.0]M1:Hmm what’s your dream in the future?F2: Uh ah I want to study about (.) I want to make the mechanism which which is which develop elec- electronic power with using: traditional power (2.5) in space. (.) Eh I want to devel– I want I wants to develop (2.2) space. (3.1) How about you?M1:I have no dream I have no dream now. So I’m searching now↑ in this university/ do this do that and yeah.F2:Do do you want to work soon?

M1:Ah. I want to study more in the university or master or

F2: Ah me too me too. I I I I I’m I don’t know which is better to work soon↑ or go to master.

M1: Ah

F2:I I don’t know what I don’t know which is better.

M1: We have more time so think slowly after decided.

F2: Yeah Yeah I understood.

M1: Ok heh heh

F2: Do you interested in the astronomic?

M1: What is astronomic?

F2: About ↑space

M1: Ah. I (love) it. Um yah↑. In my youth, I I like (it) search read space, about ↓  read↑ a book about space.

F2: Oh: (.) have you read The Space Brothers?

M1: Ah yeah yeah yeah! So I in that↑ comic, introduce a (kansert)↑,

F2: Ah yeah yeah!

M1: Do you know↓?

F2: Yeah!

M1: I belonged that!

F2: OH!

M1: Kansert! I want to America kansert eh:-


M1:competition! I want to join. but I’m now very hard, very busy now, I: I will not.

F2: Where is the competition is held.

M1: America’s (dessert), tanegashima, do you know? Tanegashima and Noshiro in Aomori. Nosher Aomori


M1:yeah noshiro.

F2:I don’t know but I’m looking forward to looking forward you to winning the competition.

M1: Thank you.

F2: What’s the character of space brothers do you like?

M1: Heh ah: (3.4) I forget the name (.) ah (.) NASA’s pilot. Do you do you remember? Ah

F2: Yanjii?

M1:Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yangi- yangi yeah! Heh

F2: I like too.

M1: heh heh He is a very interesting guy

F2: Yeah! but his words to, his words to Muta is (.) is (.) very very deep.and (3.2) the words the word is very very very um (3.9) strike to me.


F2:I like mutta. mutta’s character is very very very very very nice. (.) He always he is always lead many people. And ↓ so I I envy his (4.1) hi- I envy his skill.

M1: Ah ok.

F2: Eh did you read the latest comic of?

M1: Ah no. I (2.5)  I one year ago, I stopped read comic. So: I don’t know the latest information about this comic.

F2: Yeah me too me too. I stopped reading this because I have to study

M1: Yeah yeah to enter the university.

F2:  yeah yeah yes. I want to read latest comics.

M1: Yeah.

F2:  What what the other comics do you do you like?

M1: Ah I have hmm (2.1) I don’t read comics so a lot (.) so much (.) so I have no comics have read

F2:  Ah ah do you like books?

M1:yes. I like books. I like comics but I have no time to (.)I  read about comics. (.) I So I want to read Japanese comics about Naruto  or so on. I want to read but I have no time now.

F2: Ah I I never I never I have never read Naruto comic. So I I don’t know about Naruto.

M1: Yeah

F2: So could you tell me the story of Naruto?

M1:I don’t know I have I never have read. I want to read but I have no time.

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 100.5   B: 92.0

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

432.2 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

11.4 (724 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

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Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 112.0   B: 99.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

404.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

10.5 (756 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 62.0 secs.

Percentage: 6.8%

Total Speaking Time:

899 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

14.0 sec.


This discussion reflects a balanced and engaged discussion. Both participants have a high number of words 518 for Kure and 555 for Nanase along with similar MLRs 11.4 for Kure and 10.5 for Nanase.  Nanase does have a lot of repetition 49 occurrences and higher retracing. Furthermore, the speaking rate is fairly high 92.0 and 99.7. The amount of silence is moderate, 6.8% or 62 seconds.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs

1. M1:Hello. = 2
2. M1: My name is Kure Naoyuki. Are you // fine? = 11
3. M1: Ah I’m ok. Nice to meet you. ↓ = 8
4. M1:I have a science class, and chemical // class, (geography) class and math class. // Eh: un↓ so so. What’s your class (sniffle)? = 28
5. M1: What’s your ↓ hobby? = 4
6. M1: Oh really? = 3
7. M1: What’s your can you sing? = 5
8. M1: Ah! Heh heh = 1
9. M1: My hobby is reading a book. Or uh // yeah reading a book. I like a Harry // Potter. Uh I read it many times. = 29
10. M1: Ah I went it eh: 2 years ago. Eh: // then a Harry Potter is not holded. // I want to go this year or next year. = 29
11. M1: Ah It’s very good. = 5
12. M1: Ah un heh heh ok What’s your favorite (things). = 10
13. M1: Ah: me↑ too. = 3
14. M1: Ah I can I can play. = 6
15. M1: Ah I can play the only song It is // “Eri-ze no Tameni”. It’s Only on//ly this one. = 22
16. M1: Yeah I know↓. = 3
17. M1: Ah = 1
18. M1: Yeah I know↑ I know↑. But I can’t play it. = 10
19. M1:Ah umm (.) I I I wa – I (played) the // piano but now I quit it. = 17
20. M1:It’s very hard to practice yeah. = 8
21. M1: Yeah yeah = 2
22. M1: Now I’m belong to American Foot//ball. Ah, it’s very interesting. In // I I I my high school I played rugby. // But uh this↑ (Japanese ano↓) school I I’m interested // in eh football so I want to play it. // = 40
23. M1: Yeah. = 1
24. M1: My position is right. Do you know right? = 9
25. M1: Ah right is a hit. = 5
26. M1:Always hit. and use myself power. beat // enemy. = 13
27. M1: What is your club? What’s are you belong to? = 10
28. M1: Ah! ok ↓ = 3
29. M1: Ah-ah-ah = 3
30. M1: Ah: It (.) it is happy. = 6
31. M1: Ah, in weeks 5 days every weeks. So // my rest is only 2 days. Today. but // I belong to another club, and it’s ma//king mechanical so I have no rest // in week. = 42
32. M1: Ah un un so so↑. Hard but very↑ in//teresting. So↑ I can do = 17

33. M1:Hmm what’s your dream in the future? = 8
34. M1:I have no dream I have no dream now. So // I’m searching now↑ in this universi//ty do this do that and yeah. = 27
35. M1:Ah. I want to study more in the un//iversity or master or = 18
36. M1: Ah = 1
37. M1: We have more time so think slowly after // decided. = 13
38. M1: Ok heh heh = 2
39. M1: What is astronomic? = 6
40. M1: Ah. I (love) it. Um yah↑. In my youth, I // I like (it) search read space, about ↓ read↑ a book // about space. = 23
41. M1: Ah yeah yeah yeah! So I in that↑ comic, // introduce a (kansert)↑, = 16
42. M1: Do you know↓? = 3
43. M1: I belonged that! = 4
44. M1: Kansert! I want to America kan//sert eh: = 12
45. M1:competition! I want to join. but I’m // now very hard, very busy now, I: // I will not. = 23
46. M1: America’s (dessert), tanegashima, do // you know? Tanegashima and Noshi//ro in Aomori. Nosher Aomo//ri = 31
47. M1: yeah noshiro. = 4
48. M1: Thank you. = 2
49. M1: Heh ah: (3.4) = 1
50. (M1) I forget the name (.) ah (.) NASA’s pilot. // Do you do you remember? Ah = 18
51. M1:Yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh yangi- yangi yeah! Heh = 10
52. M1: heh heh He is a very interesting guy = 10
53. M1:ah = 1
54. M1: Ah ok. = 3
55. M1: Ah no. I (2.5) = 3
56. (M1) I one year ago, I stopped read comic. // So: I don’t know the latest informa//tion about this comic. = 26
57. M1: Yeah yeah to enter the univers//ity. = 11
58. M1: Yeah. = 1
59. M1: Ah I have hmm (2.1) = 4
60. (M1) I don’t read comics so a lot (.) so much (.) // so I have no comics have read = 18
61. M1: yes. I like books. I like comics but I // have no time to (.)I read about comics. // (.) I So I want to read Japanese com//ics about Naruto or so on. I // want to read but I have no time now. = 49
62. M1: Yeah = 1
63. M1:I don’t know I have I never have read. // I want to read but I have no time. = 19

Female 2 Mean length runs

1. F2: Hello.F2: My name is Kuratake Nanase. =9
2. F2: Yes↑. How about you? = 5
3. F2: Ah what’s your class. = 4
4. F2: Whoa- I’m major in mechanical↑ in//telligence. Uh: I’m interested in as//tronomic. So↑ I majored in this. = 29
5. F2: Uh I like Disney↑ song. Ah I can sing // Disney song in English. = 16
6. F2: Yeah = 1
7. F2: Oh: eh↓ I can sing “Let it Go”, “For the // first time Forever”. And eh (.) hmm I can // sing (.) Baymax song. = 24
8. F2: How about Ah What’s your hobby? = 7
9. F2: (Japanese: eh eto) Did you go to Universal Studi//o in Japan? = 14
10. F2: I’ll go there in September. This year↑. Yeah↑. = 10
11. F2: Yeah I I’m looking forward to going // there. = 11
12. F2: Oh: ah (2.5) = 2
13. (F2) uh I like uh I like playing the pi//ano. = 11
14. F2: Eh↑! = 1
15. F2: E!!! what eh What What’s What’s what’s song do you (.) // can (5.1) = 11
16. (F2) can I play? = 3
17. F2: Eh It was composed by Beethoven. Do // you know? = 12
18. F2: I often I often play the pia//no composed by Chopin↑. = 16
19. F2: And last year I play (.) play the piano which // name is (.) “Koinu no Warutsu”. Do you // know↑? = 21
20. F2: Hmm = 1
21. F2: Ah me too↑ me too↑. = 5
22. F2: And it’s very expensive to take them // to take it. = 13
23. F2: Ah (3.1) = 1
24. (F2) ah what↑ club do you belon–do you be//long to? = 12
25. F2: Ah now you you belong to football club. = 10
26. F2: Oh what is your position? = 7
27. F2: No. = 1
28. F2: Hit? = 1
29. F2: Oh ah:↑! = 2
30. F2: I belong to the satellite club. = 9
31. F2: And the club the club is often make sa//tellite. and (2.7) = 13
32. (F2) and th- (3.7) = 2
33. (F2) and (.) and and I belong to I also // belong to Meisen club. = 16
34. F2: The club often the club often after // play basketball and volleyball and foot // ball with many people. = 26
35. F2: Eh: (3.9) = 1
36. (F2) to how often how often do you play // football? = 11
37. F2: But (Japanese: demo) it is it looks very hard. = 8
38. F2: Yeah yeah I understand. I have satel//lite club in always. But I don’t have to // go there (.) everyday. But tomorrow I // have satellite competition. So to//day is very busy. = 46

39. F2: Uh ah I want to study about (.) I want to // make the mechanism which which is which // develop elec- electronic power // with using: traditional power (2.5) = 39
40. (F2) in space. (.) Eh I want to devel– I want // I wants to develop (2.2) = 16
41. (F2) space. (3.1) = 1
42. (F2) How about you? = 3
43. M1:I have no dream I have no dream now. So // I’m searching now↑ in this universi//ty/ do this do that and yeah. = 26
44. F2: Do do you want to work soon? = 7
45. F2: Ah me too me too. I I I I I’m // I don’t know which is better to work soon↑ // or go to master. = 25
46. F2: I I don’t know what I don’t know which is // better. = 11
47. F2: Yeah Yeah I understood. = 6
48. F2: Do you interested in the astro//nomic? = 12
49. F2: About ↑space = 2
50. F2: Oh: (.) have you read The Space Brothers? = 8
51. F2: Ah yeah yeah! = 3
52. F2: Yeah! = 1
53. F2: OH! = 1
54. F2: competition? = 4
55. F2: Where is the competition is held. = 8
56. F2: Noshiro? = 3
57. F2: I don’t know but I’m looking forward to // looking forward you to winning the com//petition. = 13
58. F2: What’s the character of space brothers do you like? = 10
59. F2: Yanjii? = 2
60. F2: I like too. = 3
61. F2: Yeah! but his words to, his words to Muta // is (.) is (.) very deep.and (3.2) = 16
62. (F2) the words the word is very very ve//ry um (3.9) = 12
63. (F2) strike to me. = 3
64. F2:I like mutta. mutta’s character is // very very very very very // nice. (.) He always he is always lead // many people. And ↓ so I I envy // his (4.1) = 41
65. (F2) hi- I envy his skill. = 6
66. F2: Eh did you read the latest comic of? = 10
67. F2: Yeah me too me too. I stopped reading this // because I have to study. = 17
68. F2: yeah yeah yes. I want to read latest co//mics. = 11
69. F2: What what the other comics do you do // you like? = 12
70. F2: ah ah do you like books? = 7
71. F2: Ah I I never I never I have // never read Naruto comic. So I // I don’t know about Naruto. = 28
72. F2: So could you tell me the story of Na//ruto? = 12

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