Shunichiro and Koki

Session 9: Male 1 to Male 2


Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 80.3   B: 73.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

455.6 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

29.0 (610 syllables)

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 104.2   B: 97.9

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

249.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

20.6 (434 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 38.5 secs.

Percentage: 5.0%

Total Speaking Time:

744 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0.0 sec.

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M1: Yep. Hello.

M2: Hello.

M1: Uh: ↑ what↑ what class mmm do you think (.) most helpful uh (useful) class in high school?

M2: Uh: I (2.7) I in my high school I like (2.5) I like (  ) I think math is most important (  ) because↑ uh when the (3.4) when when I take the entrance exam  this university↑ I I use math (and) after entering this university I I I I used math knowledge everyday so I I think math is the most useful.

M1: Oh. I think P.E↑ (.) is the most useful. (£) P PE make our health

M2: Yes

M1: so I I start started to live only me. Health is very important.

M2: Yes.

M1: So P.E. is very useful.  Heh heh for me↑ for me↑ (.) Health health is very (.) important I↑ I↑  (.) I have caught caught a cold cold (Japanese) uh: once  (.) after I I live here it is very mmm:↑ (3.7) uhm difficult to take take care me so health is very important, so P.E. is very important. (9.9). Here↑ (your) (class) here (   ) your high school. We:↑ we: take uhm some classes in this university what what class better than your high school? Your high school class?
school (  )?

M2: I think physics is better than in high school. In ah high school physics is used in (ski) and mainly calculate so but university’s to demonstrate (and) so I think university so I think physics is difficult.

M1: Mmm. Difficult? ↑

M2: Ah Difficult. So is university physics is advanced. And high school physics is (  ).

M1: What↓ What class? I think (.) English English class is better than in my high school. (3.9) Uh: (.) especially, English A, A1, uh foreign foreign teacher teach teach us, it is very good class. uhm In my high school uh  (.) some class uh foreign foreign teacher teach us but this class mmm (.) I think I don’t (.) I don’t I was I was interested in this that class but university English A class is very interesting because↑ uh (.) my teacher↑ makes us speaking English.↑ It is very good. (.) Language is mmm (5.0) learning language, (.) speaking is very↑ important important factor mmm improve  language skill, so my hi- my high school so uh f- few times few times we we speak English but this college class is very↑ many times we speak English so I feel↑ that my English skill is improve. And I (.) t is uh: ↑ interested (.) for me.

M2: I sometimes feel listening listening to listening to English too hard so (.) what do you think English about speaking foreign people?

M1: Mmm ah uh I understand sixty or eighty percent they speaking but↑ my teacher speaks slowly, and uh again and again, so I understand (.) what they say. So ↓ (.) they use very easy word. So I understand most of what they say. So (.) Your teacher is (difficult)?

M2: Ah so I don’t, I don’t feel my my English teacher don’t I don’t feel (hard) listen too hard, but ↑ sometimes uh another I met another English teacher, so his English is so, not so↑-

M1: heh heh

M2: so I feel (.) a little bit (   ).

M1: For example, Mr. Long? Heh heh

M2: So so so I think (£)

M1: His English is difficult. I I think so-

M2: but his English is nature in-

M1: Yeh

M2: United States.

M1: Good English but difficult to understand. heh heh

M2: heh heh

M1: Class getting more difficult? Getting more-

M2: I think I think English is getting more difficult because high school English is reading sentence from the textbook so so in fifty fifty minutes it it we can’t read small sentences but in but I become university student in this university’s English so we should read many sentence and have one class, so I think English is become more difficult.

M1: English. ↓ My English teacher in my high school is (.) so so↑ difficult. And uh (.) My ronin teacher is difficult, heh so the college English is difficult but (.) so there is not uh (.) I think uh it isn’t my this college English is difficult isn’t much more difficult this college English class than my high school class, English class. So I think math is getting more difficult. (Japanese) is very difficult.

M2: I think so.

M1: I don’t like I didn’t like math three, math three in high school student, in my high school so (Japanese) is very difficult I believe. (.) heh heh (3.7) uh other class is getting more easy than high school, so  when I (.) I high school student, I get fifty or sixty (.) score in in test, so this college I get high more high score so I feel getting more easy. Heh heh.


This discussion between Shunichiro and Koki shows a fairly typical interaction for participants at this level. Acoustic, lexical and syntactical dysfluency are quite low and the MLRs are almost native-like 29.0 and 20.6 for Koki. In fact, there are few minimal responses; in addition, the amount of silence is also low, 5.0% or 38.5 seconds, with no cross-talk pausing. The speaking rate is average for Shunichiro (80.3) and a bit higher for Koki (104.2), and while Shunichiro does have a bit too much repetition (31 occurrences) there is no retracing on his part. Shuniricho has a higher number of words compared to Koki, 610 to 434. In short, this reflects a fairly high level of fluency for participants at this level of proficiency.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1. M1: Yep. Hello. = 3
2. M1: Uh: ↑ what↑ what class mmm do you think (.) most help//ful uh (useful) class in high school? = 18
3. M1: Oh. I think P.E↑ (.) is the most useful. (£) // P PE make our health = 16
4. M1: so I I start started to live only // me. Health is very important. = 18
5. M1: So P.E. is very useful. Heh heh for me↑ // for me↑ (.) Health health is very (.) important // I↑ I↑ (.) I have caught caught a cold cold (Japanese) uh: // once (.) after I I live here it is ve//ry mmm:↑ (3.7) = 32
6. M1: uhm difficult to take take care me so // health is very important, so P.E. // is very important. (9.9). = 26
7. (M1) Here↑ (your) (class) here ( ) your high school. We:↑ we: take // uhm some classes in this universi//ty what what class better than your high school? // Your high school class?
school ( )? = 35
8. M1: Mmm. Difficult? ↑ = 4
9. M1: What↓ What class? I think (.) English English class // is better than in my high school. (3.9) = 18
10. M1: Uh: (.) especially, English A, A1, // uh foreign foreign teacher teach teach us, // it is very good class. uhm In my high // school uh (.) some class uh foreign foreign tea//cher teach us but this class mmm (.) I think I // don’t (.) I don’t I was I was interes//ted in this that class but universi//ty English A class is very inter//esting because↑ uh (.) my teacher↑ makes us // speaking English.↑ It is very good. (.) Lan//guage is mmm (5.0) = 103
11. M1: learning language, (.) speaking is very↑ im//portant important factor mmm improve // language skill, so my hi- my high school so // uh f- few times few times we we speak English // but this college class is very↑ many // times we speak English so I feel↑ that my // English skill is improve. And I (.) t is uh: // ↑ interested (.) for me. = 56
12. M1: Mmm ah uh I understand sixty or // eighty percent they speaking but↑ my tea//cher speaks slowly, and uh again and a//gain, so I understand (.) what they say. So ↓ // (.) they use very easy word. So I un//derstand most of what they say. So (.) Your tea//cher is (difficult)? = 65
13. M1: heh heh = 0
14. M1: For example, Mr. Long? Heh heh = 7
15. M1: His English is difficult. I I think // so- = 11
16. M1: Yeh = 1
17. M1: Good English but difficult to under//stand. heh heh = 11
18. M1: Class getting more difficult? Getting more- = 10
19. M1: English. ↓ My English teacher in my high // school is (.) so so↑ difficult. And uh (.) My // ronin teacher is difficult, heh so the // college English is difficult but (.) so // there is not uh (.) I think uh it isn’t // my this college English is difficult // isn’t much more difficult this college // English class than my high school class, English // class. So I think math is getting more dif//ficult. (Japanese) is very difficult. = 97
20. M1: I don’t like I didn’t like math three, math three // in high school student, in my high school so // (Japanese) is very difficult I believe. (.) heh heh (3.7) = 29
21. M1: uh other class is getting more easy // than high school, so when I (.) I high school stu//dent, I get fifty or sixty (.) score in // in test, so this college I get high more // high score so I feel getting more easy. // Heh heh. = 50

Male 2 Mean Length Runs

1. M2: Hello. = 2
2. M2: Uh: I (2.7) = 2
3. M2: I in my high school I like (2.5) = 7
4. M2: I like ( ) I think math is most important ( ) // because↑ uh when the (3.4) = 15
5. M2: when when I take the entrance exam this // university↑ I I use math (and) // after entering this universi//ty I I I I used math knowledge every//day so I I think math is the most use//ful. = 51
6. M2: Yes = 1
7. M2: Yes. = 1
8. M2: school ( )? = 1
9. M2: I think physics is better than in high // school. In ah high school physics is used in // (ski) and mainly calculate so but un//iversity’s to demonstrate (and) so I // think university so I think phy//sics is difficult. = 55
10. M2: Ah Difficult. So is universi//ty physics is advanced. And high school phy//sics is ( ). = 21
11. M2: I sometimes feel listening listening // to listening to English too hard so // (.) what do you think English about speaking // foreign people? = 34
12. M2: Ah so I don’t, I don’t feel my my En//glish teacher don’t I don’t feel (hard) listen //too hard, but ↑ sometimes uh another I // met another English teacher, so his // English is so, not so↑- = 46
13. M2: so I feel (.) a little bit ( ). = 7
14. M2: So so so I think (£) = 5
15. M2: but his English is nature in- = 8
16. M2: United States. = 4
17. M2: heh heh = 0
18. M2: I think I think English is getting more // difficult because high school English is // reading sentence from the textbook so so // in fifty fifty minutes it it // we can’t read small sentences but in but // I become university student // in this university’s English // so we should read many sentence and have // one class, so I think English is become // more difficult. = 74
19. M2: I think so. = 3
20. M1: I don’t like I didn’t like math three, math three in high school student, in my high school so (Japanese) is very difficult I believe. (.) heh heh (3.7)
21. uh other class is getting more easy than high school, so when I (.) I high school student, I get fifty or sixty (.) score in in test, so this college I get high more high score so I feel getting more easy. Heh heh. =


M1: Yep. Hello.

M2: Hello.

M1: Uh: ↑ what↑ what class mmm do you think (.) most helpful uh (useful) class in high school?

M2: Uh: I (2.7) I in my high school I like (2.5) I like (  ) I think math is most important (  ) because↑ uh when the (3.4) when when I take the entrance exam  this university↑ I I use math (and) after entering this university I I I I used math knowledge everyday so I I think math is the most useful.

M1: Oh. I think P.E↑ (.) is the most useful. (£) P PE make our health

M2: Yes

M1: so I I start started to live only me. Health is very important.

M2: Yes.

M1: So P.E. is very useful.  Heh heh for me↑ for me↑ (.) Health health is very (.) important I↑ I↑  (.) I have caught caught a cold cold (Japanese) uh: once  (.) after I I live here it is very mmm:↑ (3.7) uhm difficult to take take care me so health is very important, so P.E. is very important. (9.9). Here↑ (your) (class) here (   ) your high school. We:↑ we: take uhm some classes in this university what what class better than your high school? Your high school class?
school (  )?

M2: I think physics is better than in high school. In ah high school physics is used in (ski) and mainly calculate so but university’s to demonstrate (and) so I think university so I think physics is difficult.

M1: Mmm. Difficult? ↑

M2: Ah Difficult. So is university physics is advanced. And high school physics is (  ).

M1: What↓ What class? I think (.) English English class is better than in my high school. (3.9) Uh: (.) especially, English A, A1, uh foreign foreign teacher teach teach us, it is very good class. uhm In my high school uh  (.) some class uh foreign foreign teacher teach us but this class mmm (.) I think I don’t (.) I don’t I was I was interested in this that class but university English A class is very interesting because↑ uh (.) my teacher↑ makes us speaking English.↑ It is very good. (.) Language is mmm (5.0) learning language, (.) speaking is very↑ important important factor mmm improve  language skill, so my hi- my high school so uh f- few times few times we we speak English but this college class is very↑ many times we speak English so I feel↑ that my English skill is improve. And I (.) t is uh: ↑ interested (.) for me.

M2: I sometimes feel listening listening to listening to English too hard so (.) what do you think English about speaking foreign people?

M1: Mmm ah uh I understand sixty or eighty percent they speaking but↑ my teacher speaks slowly, and uh again and again, so I understand (.) what they say. So ↓ (.) they use very easy word. So I understand most of what they say. So (.) Your teacher is (difficult)?

M2: Ah so I don’t, I don’t feel my my English teacher don’t I don’t feel (hard) listen too hard, but ↑ sometimes uh another I met another English teacher, so his English is so, not so↑-

M1: heh heh

M2: so I feel (.) a little bit (   ).

M1: For example, Mr. Long? Heh heh

M2: So so so I think (£)

M1: His English is difficult. I I think so-

M2: but his English is nature in-

M1: Yeh

M2: United States.

M1: Good English but difficult to understand. heh heh

M2: heh heh

M1: Class getting more difficult? Getting more-

M2: I think I think English is getting more difficult because high school English is reading sentence from the textbook so so in fifty fifty minutes it it we can’t read small sentences but in but I become university student in this university’s English so we should read many sentence and have one class, so I think English is become more difficult.

M1: English. ↓ My English teacher in my high school is (.) so so↑ difficult. And uh (.) My ronin teacher is difficult, heh so the college English is difficult but (.) so there is not uh (.) I think uh it isn’t my this college English is difficult isn’t much more difficult this college English class than my high school class, English class. So I think math is getting more difficult. (Japanese) is very difficult.

M2: I think so.

M1: I don’t like I didn’t like math three, math three in high school student, in my high school so (Japanese) is very difficult I believe. (.) heh heh (3.7) uh other class is getting more easy than high school, so  when I (.) I high school student, I get fifty or sixty (.) score in in test, so this college I get high more high score so I feel getting more easy. Heh heh.

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 80.3   B: 73.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

455.6 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

29.0 (610 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

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Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 104.2   B: 97.9

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

249.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

20.6 (434 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 38.5 secs.

Percentage: 5.0%

Total Speaking Time:

744 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0.0 sec.


This discussion between Shunichiro and Koki shows a fairly typical interaction for participants at this level. Acoustic, lexical and syntactical dysfluency are quite low and the MLRs are almost native-like 29.0 and 20.6 for Koki. In fact, there are few minimal responses; in addition, the amount of silence is also low, 5.0% or 38.5 seconds, with no cross-talk pausing. The speaking rate is average for Shunichiro (80.3) and a bit higher for Koki (104.2), and while Shunichiro does have a bit too much repetition (31 occurrences) there is no retracing on his part. Shuniricho has a higher number of words compared to Koki, 610 to 434. In short, this reflects a fairly high level of fluency for participants at this level of proficiency.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1. M1: Yep. Hello. = 3
2. M1: Uh: ↑ what↑ what class mmm do you think (.) most help//ful uh (useful) class in high school? = 18
3. M1: Oh. I think P.E↑ (.) is the most useful. (£) // P PE make our health = 16
4. M1: so I I start started to live only // me. Health is very important. = 18
5. M1: So P.E. is very useful. Heh heh for me↑ // for me↑ (.) Health health is very (.) important // I↑ I↑ (.) I have caught caught a cold cold (Japanese) uh: // once (.) after I I live here it is ve//ry mmm:↑ (3.7) = 32
6. M1: uhm difficult to take take care me so // health is very important, so P.E. // is very important. (9.9). = 26
7. (M1) Here↑ (your) (class) here ( ) your high school. We:↑ we: take // uhm some classes in this universi//ty what what class better than your high school? // Your high school class?
school ( )? = 35
8. M1: Mmm. Difficult? ↑ = 4
9. M1: What↓ What class? I think (.) English English class // is better than in my high school. (3.9) = 18
10. M1: Uh: (.) especially, English A, A1, // uh foreign foreign teacher teach teach us, // it is very good class. uhm In my high // school uh (.) some class uh foreign foreign tea//cher teach us but this class mmm (.) I think I // don’t (.) I don’t I was I was interes//ted in this that class but universi//ty English A class is very inter//esting because↑ uh (.) my teacher↑ makes us // speaking English.↑ It is very good. (.) Lan//guage is mmm (5.0) = 103
11. M1: learning language, (.) speaking is very↑ im//portant important factor mmm improve // language skill, so my hi- my high school so // uh f- few times few times we we speak English // but this college class is very↑ many // times we speak English so I feel↑ that my // English skill is improve. And I (.) t is uh: // ↑ interested (.) for me. = 56
12. M1: Mmm ah uh I understand sixty or // eighty percent they speaking but↑ my tea//cher speaks slowly, and uh again and a//gain, so I understand (.) what they say. So ↓ // (.) they use very easy word. So I un//derstand most of what they say. So (.) Your tea//cher is (difficult)? = 65
13. M1: heh heh = 0
14. M1: For example, Mr. Long? Heh heh = 7
15. M1: His English is difficult. I I think // so- = 11
16. M1: Yeh = 1
17. M1: Good English but difficult to under//stand. heh heh = 11
18. M1: Class getting more difficult? Getting more- = 10
19. M1: English. ↓ My English teacher in my high // school is (.) so so↑ difficult. And uh (.) My // ronin teacher is difficult, heh so the // college English is difficult but (.) so // there is not uh (.) I think uh it isn’t // my this college English is difficult // isn’t much more difficult this college // English class than my high school class, English // class. So I think math is getting more dif//ficult. (Japanese) is very difficult. = 97
20. M1: I don’t like I didn’t like math three, math three // in high school student, in my high school so // (Japanese) is very difficult I believe. (.) heh heh (3.7) = 29
21. M1: uh other class is getting more easy // than high school, so when I (.) I high school stu//dent, I get fifty or sixty (.) score in // in test, so this college I get high more // high score so I feel getting more easy. // Heh heh. = 50

Male 2 Mean Length Runs

1. M2: Hello. = 2
2. M2: Uh: I (2.7) = 2
3. M2: I in my high school I like (2.5) = 7
4. M2: I like ( ) I think math is most important ( ) // because↑ uh when the (3.4) = 15
5. M2: when when I take the entrance exam this // university↑ I I use math (and) // after entering this universi//ty I I I I used math knowledge every//day so I I think math is the most use//ful. = 51
6. M2: Yes = 1
7. M2: Yes. = 1
8. M2: school ( )? = 1
9. M2: I think physics is better than in high // school. In ah high school physics is used in // (ski) and mainly calculate so but un//iversity’s to demonstrate (and) so I // think university so I think phy//sics is difficult. = 55
10. M2: Ah Difficult. So is universi//ty physics is advanced. And high school phy//sics is ( ). = 21
11. M2: I sometimes feel listening listening // to listening to English too hard so // (.) what do you think English about speaking // foreign people? = 34
12. M2: Ah so I don’t, I don’t feel my my En//glish teacher don’t I don’t feel (hard) listen //too hard, but ↑ sometimes uh another I // met another English teacher, so his // English is so, not so↑- = 46
13. M2: so I feel (.) a little bit ( ). = 7
14. M2: So so so I think (£) = 5
15. M2: but his English is nature in- = 8
16. M2: United States. = 4
17. M2: heh heh = 0
18. M2: I think I think English is getting more // difficult because high school English is // reading sentence from the textbook so so // in fifty fifty minutes it it // we can’t read small sentences but in but // I become university student // in this university’s English // so we should read many sentence and have // one class, so I think English is become // more difficult. = 74
19. M2: I think so. = 3
20. M1: I don’t like I didn’t like math three, math three in high school student, in my high school so (Japanese) is very difficult I believe. (.) heh heh (3.7)
21. uh other class is getting more easy than high school, so when I (.) I high school student, I get fifty or sixty (.) score in in test, so this college I get high more high score so I feel getting more easy. Heh heh. =

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