Natsumi and Harumi

Session 7: Female 2 to Female 1


Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 90.5   B: 77.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

362.6 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

10.7 (547 syllables)

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 65.7   B: 42.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

194.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

4.4 (213 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 18.9 secs.

Percentage: 3.2%

Total Speaking Time:

576 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

5.6 sec.

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This discussion between Harumi and  Natsumi shows a relatively average speaking rate for Natsumi (90.5) and a low one for Harumi (65.7). This is one of the more unbalanced same-sex interactions in the corpus, with Natsumi have almost three times the number of words than Harumi (382/170). While acoustic dysfluency is relatively low 18.9 seconds of silence or 3.2%, and only 5.6 cross-talk pausing, and with lexical dysfluency also being low, there is an illusion of fluency, but the low speaking rate does take a toll, as does the issues in syntactic dysfluency, with a lot of retracing on the part of Natsumi, 17 occurrences, and repetition, 42, occurrences, (Harumi also had a high rate in this regard, 27) as well as the MLRs: Harumi only had 4.4 compared to Natsumi’s 10.7. Meaningless syllables were also very high for both speakers, which makes this interaction, while animated, difficult to listen to.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

F2: Ah: ↑ these days you (.) what↑ do↓ what do you:↑ buy↑? // What ↓ do ↓ you buy? ↓ = 14
F2: Pack? = 1
F2: Yes what = 2
F2: Oh: ↑ = 1
F2: Pack? Pack? = 2
F2: Face pack? = 2
F2: Uh I:↑ (3.6) = 2
(F2): uh I↓ think I don’t buy heh these days, (.) ah // but↑ when↑ I go to Kokura ( ) (Japanese) I of//ten buy clothes. = 24
F2: uh: I want to:, (.) I want to buy I want // to th- wa- I want the watch. I want to↓ // I want to↓ buy watch. Uhm ah: Ah↑ I I // want to the (watch) (Bvlgari). = 37
F2: Very cute. = 3
F2: Hmm I see uh heh book uh ah the (Bvlgari) // brand (Bvlgari) watch is very cute I // think always. = 23
F2: Uh: Ah: Hiroshima? In Hiroshima?
F2: Oh. My father ↑ bought me. = 6
F2: No. (.) Higashi-Hiroshima city. = 9
F2: (Fujiland) = 3
F2: Oh↑ = 1
F2: Really? = 2
F2: I often go Fujiground ah↑ often↑ // yeh no heh = 12
F2: Ah how much, ah how much about (how) (much) = 10
F2: Twenty thousand yen yep, uh uh oh. Oh: ↑ // I ask, I will ask eh heh to my father. // Heh I want to buy I want to (Bvlgari) // watch heh heh do you want (.) what do you want (.) to buy // (2.4) = 40
(F2) the best? = 2
F2: Sandals? ↓ = 2
F2: ah: – ah: = 2
F2: Cheap or expensive? = 5
F2: Normal ah: cheap sandal, cheap shoes is um: // broken as soon↑ I (sniffle) but↑ I like heh cheap // shoes. Heh = 22
F2: I: often: buy (2.6) = 4
(F2) Tenjin uh: there is cheap shorts, in Tenjin // and uh Riverwalk↑. = 16
F2: Ah the next to, the next to, ( ) = 7
F2: Do you know? = 3
F2: Uh: I often buy shoes in it. And ah: // Experanza in Aim – = 16
F2: Plaza but↑ Experanza is not so cheap. = 10
F2: So expensive. Heh = 4
F2:Uh ah↓: Other↑ about (do) (you) = 8
F2: Oh: = 1
F2: Do you like (.) reading books? = 7
F2: Oh: I think I I: think I should read // (.) the book as (books) for↑ me↑ but↑ when↑ I // (.) ah↑ I go but I go to bookstore, I // don’t know↑ the book↑ is: interesting. Ma//ny books, there are many books, I don’t, (.) I // don’t↑ know I should, what I should books heh. = 59
F2: Oh: (And) (then) are they uh they are they↑ tell // me the recommend books. = 17
F2: Uh: I I did, ah↑I:↑ do it next time. = 10
F2: Uh, books, so I I↑ want to look,
F2: Uh, ah: I: I: mmm I: send uh I will // read only novel. = 15
F2: but↑ I want to try mmm different cate//gory, = 12
F2: Do you do you↑ re- recommend, do you // recommend what kind of books. = 18
F2: Politics? ↑ = 3
F2: oh (.) heh Politics↑ heh. Uh ah↑ (rock).
F2: Really? ↑ Oh: you are very: (.) smart. Smart. Hmm (.) I: ↑ will read the category (.) maybe↑. Heh heh. Sh I Do you read do you read: the manga?
F2: Comics. Comics.
F2: Hmm. I I don’t read the comics
F2: Oh, what↑what↑ what↑ the name?
F2: Oh: It’s very popular.
F2: You have big jump heh heh. Politics, One Piece.heh Shonen Jump. Oh: (.) Ah variety.
F2: Uh, I don’t read the comics.

Female 1 Mean length runs.

F1: Ah: I went to (Daiso) yes, and I: I (want) many things. Yes And I bought pack. =
F1: Pack↓=
F1: and (mail). =
F1: Yes. =
F1: Yes. =
F1: Yes =
F1: Yes. =
F1: Yes Yes. =
F1: Yes. =
F1: I bought in high school. Yes. =
F1: Yes Yes. =
F1: Ah Hiroshima city? =
F1: Ah: ↓ =
F1: Yes. =
F1: Fuji(ground) =
F1: Yes Yes=
F1: heh heh =
F1: I want to buy shoes↑ yes↓=
F1:Yes Yes sandals. Yes. It’s (.) It’s broken. =
F1: Yes. (.) I think I want to sandal↑ new↑.=
F1: ah: normal↑ heh =
F1: Yes yes. =
F1: Ah yes. =
F1: Oh: Oh: =
F1: I don’t know. =
F1: Yes yes yes =
F1: Yes. Yes. =
F1: Yes. (2.0)
F1: I like Experanza. =
F1: I want to buy I want to buy book. =
F1: I want to learn skills↑ in law. Yes↓. Sk- I: I bought book I I: want to buy a book. =
F1: Yes. Yes. =
F1: You: (.) You should ask shopper, (.) shopper↑. =
F1: Yes Yes =
F1: Yes. (.) Yes. =
F1: Yes Yes. what, how about (4.7) = (F1) category? =
F1: Yes Yes =
F1: Yes Yes. =
F1: I like uh (.) I like politics, polit- and I↓=
F1: Yes Yes. (.) Its very interesting. =
F1: (Rock) uh so. =
F1: Yes Yes. Comics. =
F1: Yes. =
F1: I read the comics very much. =
F1: One Piece↑ =
F1: Yes, I like Shonen Jump. Yes. I like One Piece, Naruto. Bridge. =
F1: Yes Yes. =


F2: Ah: ↑ these days you (.) what↑  do↓  what  do you:↑ buy↑? What ↓     do ↓   you buy? ↓

F1: Ah: I went to (Daiso) yes, and I: I (want) many things. Yes And I bought pack.

F2: Pack?

F1: Pack↓

F2: Yes what

F1: and (mail).

F2: Oh: ↑

F1: Yes.

F2: Pack? Pack?

F1: Yes.

F2: Face pack?

F1: Yes

F2: Uh I:↑ (3.6) uh I↓ think I don’t buy heh these days, (.)  ah but↑ when↑ I go to Kokura (   ) (Japanese) I often buy clothes.

F1: Yes.

F2: uh: I want to:, (.) I want to buy I want to th- wa- I want the watch. I want to↓ I want to↓ buy watch. Uhm ah: Ah↑ I I want to the (watch) (Bvlgari).

F1: Yes Yes.

F2: Very cute.

F1: Yes.

F2: Hmm I see uh heh book uh ah the (Bvlgari) brand (Bvlgari) watch is very cute I think always.

F1: I bought in high school. Yes.

F2: Uh: Ah: Hiroshima? In Hiroshima?

F1: Yes Yes.

F2: Oh. My father ↑ bought me.

F1: Ah Hiroshima city?

F2: No. (.) Higashi-Hiroshima city.

F1: Ah: ↓

F2: (Fujiland)

F1: Yes.

F2: Oh↑

F1: Fuji(ground)

F2: Really?

F1: Yes Yes

F2: I often go Fujiground ah↑ often↑ yeh no heh

F1: heh heh

F2: Ah how much, ah how much about (how) (much)

F1: Two↑ twenty thousand yen. About

F2: Twenty thousand yen yep, uh uh oh. Oh: ↑ I ask, I will ask eh heh to my father. Heh I want to buy I want to (Bvlgari) watch heh heh do you want  (.) what do you want (.) to buy (2.4) the best?

F1: I want to buy shoes↑ yes↓

F2: Sandals? ↓

F1:Yes Yes sandals. Yes. It’s (.) It’s broken.

F2: ah: – ah:

F1: Yes. (.) I think I want to sandal↑ new↑.

F2: Cheap or expensive?

F1: ah: normal↑ heh

F2: Normal ah: cheap sandal, cheap shoes is um: broken as soon↑ I (sniffle) but↑ I like heh cheap shoes. Heh

F1: Yes yes.

F2: I: often: buy (2.6) Tenjin uh: there is cheap shorts, in Tenjin and uh Riverwalk↑.

F1: Ah yes.

F2: Ah the next to, the next to, (     )

F1: Oh: Oh:

F2: Do you know?

F1: I don’t know.

F2: Uh: I often buy shoes in it. And ah: Experanza in Aim –

F1: Yes yes yes

F2: Plaza but↑ Experanza is not so cheap.

F1: Yes. Yes.

F2: So expensive. Heh

F1: Yes. (2.0) I like Experanza.

F2:Uh ah↓: Other↑ about (do) (you)

F1: I want to buy I want to buy book.

F2: Oh:

F1: I want to learn skills↑ in law. Yes↓. Sk- I: I bought book I I: want to buy a book.

F2: Do you like (.) reading books?

F1: Yes. Yes.

F2: Oh: I think I I: think I should read (.) the book as (books) for↑ me↑ but↑ when↑ I (.) ah↑ I go but I go to bookstore, I don’t know↑ the book↑ is: interesting. Many books, there are many books, I don’t, (.) I don’t↑ know I should, what I should books heh.

F1: You: (.) You should ask shopper, (.) shopper↑.

F2: Oh: (And) (then) are they uh they are they↑ tell me the recommend books.

F1: Yes Yes

F2: Uh: I I did, ah↑I:↑ do it next time.

F1: Yes. (.) Yes.

F2: Uh, books, so I I↑ want to look,

F1: Yes Yes. what, how about (4.7) category?

F2: Uh, ah: I: I: mmm I: send uh I will read only novel.

F1:  Yes Yes

F2: but↑ I want to try mmm different category,

F1: Yes Yes.

F2: Do you do you↑ re- recommend, do you recommend what kind of books.

F1: I like uh (.) I like politics, polit- and I↓

F2: Politics? ↑

F1: Yes Yes. (.) Its very interesting.

F2: oh (.) heh Politics↑ heh. Uh ah↑ (rock).

F1: (Rock) uh so.

F2: Really? ↑ Oh: you are very: (.) smart. Smart. Hmm  (.) I: ↑ will read the category (.) maybe↑. Heh heh. Sh  I  Do you read do you read: the manga?

F1: Yes Yes. Comics.

F2: Comics.  Comics.

F1: Yes.

F2: Hmm.  I I don’t read the comics

F1: I read the comics very much.

F2: Oh, what↑what↑ what↑  the name?

F1: One Piece↑  .

F2: Oh: It’s very popular.

F1: Yes, I like Shonen Jump. Yes. I like One Piece, Naruto. Bridge.

F2: You have big jump heh heh. Politics, One Piece.heh  Shonen Jump. Oh: (.) Ah variety.

F1: Yes Yes.

F2: Uh, I don’t read the comics.

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 90.5   B: 77.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

362.6 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

10.7 (547 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 65.7   B: 42.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

194.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

4.4 (213 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 18.9 secs.

Percentage: 3.2%

Total Speaking Time:

576 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

5.6 sec.


This discussion between Harumi and  Natsumi shows a relatively average speaking rate for Natsumi (90.5) and a low one for Harumi (65.7). This is one of the more unbalanced same-sex interactions in the corpus, with Natsumi have almost three times the number of words than Harumi (382/170). While acoustic dysfluency is relatively low 18.9 seconds of silence or 3.2%, and only 5.6 cross-talk pausing, and with lexical dysfluency also being low, there is an illusion of fluency, but the low speaking rate does take a toll, as does the issues in syntactic dysfluency, with a lot of retracing on the part of Natsumi, 17 occurrences, and repetition, 42, occurrences, (Harumi also had a high rate in this regard, 27) as well as the MLRs: Harumi only had 4.4 compared to Natsumi’s 10.7. Meaningless syllables were also very high for both speakers, which makes this interaction, while animated, difficult to listen to.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

F2: Ah: ↑ these days you (.) what↑ do↓ what do you:↑ buy↑? // What ↓ do ↓ you buy? ↓ = 14
F2: Pack? = 1
F2: Yes what = 2
F2: Oh: ↑ = 1
F2: Pack? Pack? = 2
F2: Face pack? = 2
F2: Uh I:↑ (3.6) = 2
(F2): uh I↓ think I don’t buy heh these days, (.) ah // but↑ when↑ I go to Kokura ( ) (Japanese) I of//ten buy clothes. = 24
F2: uh: I want to:, (.) I want to buy I want // to th- wa- I want the watch. I want to↓ // I want to↓ buy watch. Uhm ah: Ah↑ I I // want to the (watch) (Bvlgari). = 37
F2: Very cute. = 3
F2: Hmm I see uh heh book uh ah the (Bvlgari) // brand (Bvlgari) watch is very cute I // think always. = 23
F2: Uh: Ah: Hiroshima? In Hiroshima?
F2: Oh. My father ↑ bought me. = 6
F2: No. (.) Higashi-Hiroshima city. = 9
F2: (Fujiland) = 3
F2: Oh↑ = 1
F2: Really? = 2
F2: I often go Fujiground ah↑ often↑ // yeh no heh = 12
F2: Ah how much, ah how much about (how) (much) = 10
F2: Twenty thousand yen yep, uh uh oh. Oh: ↑ // I ask, I will ask eh heh to my father. // Heh I want to buy I want to (Bvlgari) // watch heh heh do you want (.) what do you want (.) to buy // (2.4) = 40
(F2) the best? = 2
F2: Sandals? ↓ = 2
F2: ah: – ah: = 2
F2: Cheap or expensive? = 5
F2: Normal ah: cheap sandal, cheap shoes is um: // broken as soon↑ I (sniffle) but↑ I like heh cheap // shoes. Heh = 22
F2: I: often: buy (2.6) = 4
(F2) Tenjin uh: there is cheap shorts, in Tenjin // and uh Riverwalk↑. = 16
F2: Ah the next to, the next to, ( ) = 7
F2: Do you know? = 3
F2: Uh: I often buy shoes in it. And ah: // Experanza in Aim – = 16
F2: Plaza but↑ Experanza is not so cheap. = 10
F2: So expensive. Heh = 4
F2:Uh ah↓: Other↑ about (do) (you) = 8
F2: Oh: = 1
F2: Do you like (.) reading books? = 7
F2: Oh: I think I I: think I should read // (.) the book as (books) for↑ me↑ but↑ when↑ I // (.) ah↑ I go but I go to bookstore, I // don’t know↑ the book↑ is: interesting. Ma//ny books, there are many books, I don’t, (.) I // don’t↑ know I should, what I should books heh. = 59
F2: Oh: (And) (then) are they uh they are they↑ tell // me the recommend books. = 17
F2: Uh: I I did, ah↑I:↑ do it next time. = 10
F2: Uh, books, so I I↑ want to look,
F2: Uh, ah: I: I: mmm I: send uh I will // read only novel. = 15
F2: but↑ I want to try mmm different cate//gory, = 12
F2: Do you do you↑ re- recommend, do you // recommend what kind of books. = 18
F2: Politics? ↑ = 3
F2: oh (.) heh Politics↑ heh. Uh ah↑ (rock).
F2: Really? ↑ Oh: you are very: (.) smart. Smart. Hmm (.) I: ↑ will read the category (.) maybe↑. Heh heh. Sh I Do you read do you read: the manga?
F2: Comics. Comics.
F2: Hmm. I I don’t read the comics
F2: Oh, what↑what↑ what↑ the name?
F2: Oh: It’s very popular.
F2: You have big jump heh heh. Politics, One Piece.heh Shonen Jump. Oh: (.) Ah variety.
F2: Uh, I don’t read the comics.

Female 1 Mean length runs.

F1: Ah: I went to (Daiso) yes, and I: I (want) many things. Yes And I bought pack. =
F1: Pack↓=
F1: and (mail). =
F1: Yes. =
F1: Yes. =
F1: Yes =
F1: Yes. =
F1: Yes Yes. =
F1: Yes. =
F1: I bought in high school. Yes. =
F1: Yes Yes. =
F1: Ah Hiroshima city? =
F1: Ah: ↓ =
F1: Yes. =
F1: Fuji(ground) =
F1: Yes Yes=
F1: heh heh =
F1: I want to buy shoes↑ yes↓=
F1:Yes Yes sandals. Yes. It’s (.) It’s broken. =
F1: Yes. (.) I think I want to sandal↑ new↑.=
F1: ah: normal↑ heh =
F1: Yes yes. =
F1: Ah yes. =
F1: Oh: Oh: =
F1: I don’t know. =
F1: Yes yes yes =
F1: Yes. Yes. =
F1: Yes. (2.0)
F1: I like Experanza. =
F1: I want to buy I want to buy book. =
F1: I want to learn skills↑ in law. Yes↓. Sk- I: I bought book I I: want to buy a book. =
F1: Yes. Yes. =
F1: You: (.) You should ask shopper, (.) shopper↑. =
F1: Yes Yes =
F1: Yes. (.) Yes. =
F1: Yes Yes. what, how about (4.7) = (F1) category? =
F1: Yes Yes =
F1: Yes Yes. =
F1: I like uh (.) I like politics, polit- and I↓=
F1: Yes Yes. (.) Its very interesting. =
F1: (Rock) uh so. =
F1: Yes Yes. Comics. =
F1: Yes. =
F1: I read the comics very much. =
F1: One Piece↑ =
F1: Yes, I like Shonen Jump. Yes. I like One Piece, Naruto. Bridge. =
F1: Yes Yes. =

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