Yuma and Miya

Session 5 : Male 1 to Female 1


Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 134.5   B: 122.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

140.0 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.5 (314 syllables)

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 90.4   B: 84.4

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

313.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

7.5 (473 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 177.1 secs.

Percentage: 28.0%

Total Speaking Time:

631 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

50.5 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M1: Hello, my name is Yuma Chihara.

F1: Ah, my name is Miya Osaki. I’m second grade.

M1: I’m first grade.

F1: Nice to meet you.

M1: Nice to meet you. (4.1) Where are you from?

F1: I’m from Fukuoka.

M1: Fukuoka city↑?

F1: Near↑ Fukuoka city, but not Fukuoka city.

M1: Me too. Do you know Onojo city?

F1: Oh! ↑

M1: Oh! Me

F1: Ah, yeah, I live in Kasuga city.

M1: Oh, very near.

F1: Do, do you live Onojo↓ now?

M1: Ah, no. I live alone in Tobata.

F1: I live in dormitory, (2.9) do↓ you know↓?

M1: Ah:

F1: But, last year, I live in my home. So, come came to school, took two hours↓.

M1: It’s took ↓ (two) (hours) ↓?

F1: Yes, I sleep in twenty. (7.5) Where, umm, (4.6) what (4.2) what name did you (6.0) where high school do you-

M1: Ah↑ Kyushu Sangyo High School.

F1: Ah! Very near. My high school is Chikushi High School.

M1: I want to go there, but umm, (3.4) (Japanese: Sengan?, umm, Nandaro, wakannai.)

F1: What, ah, do you belong to any club?

M1: Ah, I belong to nature science club.

F1: Oh:

M1: In this club, eh, I will make robot, programming, and some observation for astronomy.

F1: Ah: I belong to tea ceremony club.

M1: What club?

F1: Sado.

M1: Oh (4.8) Making tea?

F1: Yes.

M1: Very good!

F1: Heh heh At (Japanese: Koudaisai?) Ah, we are, (4.5) we have tea party. At, at Jyoho Center. (10.1) What’s do you TV?

M1: No, ah, I have TV, but NHK come my house, so I don’t use TV.

F1: Oh:

M1: Do you like TV?

F1: Yes, but my room don’t have TV. So, I can’t watch TV.

M1: Every (  ) (   ).

F1: Ah, my floor has fifty-five persons, but one person only have TV. So, every, um, (Japanese: hotondo, minnna), don’t watch TV.

M1: What, what kind of food do you like?

F1: Ah: I like sweets.

M1: Me too.

F1:  Heh heh

M1: I like Sushi and Curry rice.

F1: Ah: me too↑. Sushi, I like too, but Curry rice, don’t.

M1: Can you eat boil fish?

F1: Umm, ah↑, yes.

M1: I can’t eat boil fish. I can eat sush-, ah, only↑ raw fish.

F1: Ah. (5.6) Do you like vegetable?

M1: No. eh: most of all vegetables, ah, vegetable, I can, ah: (3.3) I don’t like.

F1: Umm. (4.5) Do you cook?

M1: Yes, but (.) I, I cook simply.

F1: Ah: (6.6) How old are you?

M1: Eh, I’m eighteen years old.

F1: Ah:

M1: Eh, how old are you?

F1: I’m twenty now. (2.0) So, I drink, I can drink alcohol.

M1: You can drink a lot?

F1: No↑. I’m very weak. So, a little alcohol, I’m sleepy. Heh (6.0) What’s do (2.7) I major is, ah, my major is material science.

M1: I major in, eh, electrical course.

F1: Ah. (5.2) Do you know Ozono?

M1: Ozono? ↑

F1: Ozono (.) Ah, (Japanese: shiranaika). In my club.

M1: Ah, student name?

F1: Yes.

M1: Ah, I know, but I don’t talk him.

F1: Ah. Ah, in my club have him, but↑ I, (2.4) I don’t talk to ↓(Japanese: amari.) (8.8) Do you like trip?

M1: Umm. I like trip. I go to go America.

F1: Oh:↑

M1: Do you want to go abroad?

F1: Yes, I want to go Europe. I want to eat delicious food. Yeah (5.8) Have you ever go abroad?

M1: No. Eh, have you ever been to abroad?

F1: No. (.) But I want to go. (6.2) Ah, my dormitory, (Japanese: etto), dormitory’s foreign people.

M1: Ah.

F1: So.

M1: Umm. Ah, (living) together?

F1: Yes, next room is (.) Romania people.

M1: Umm.

F1: So, I have to speak, ah, talk English.

M1: He can speak Japanese?

F1: Ah↑, girl.

M1: Ah.

F1: A little, so (.) I, umm, (Japanese: nandaro), communication is so difficult.

M1: Eh, do you have a dream?

F1: Ah: I want to be an engineer.

M1: Me too↑. I go to, ah, I want to make new product.

F1: Ah: I want, (.) I want to make medical machine. So↑, my major material. Medical machine’s material, oh↓ I can make. But (.) I: (10.8.) ah, when I was high school student, I want to study (4.6) not material. So, I want to go (Japanese: Ouyou, Ouyou Kagaku) course, but I can’t enter this course.


This is one of the few discussions in which the female has dominated the discussion, with Miya having 340 words compared to Yuma’s 228. This discussion is made of too many minimal responses. MLRs are somewhat short: 6.5 for the male and 7.5 for Miya, and the percentage of silence is very high, 28.0, 177.1 seconds. Other forms of dysfluency is rather normal but Miya has more repetition and use of L1 than Yuma.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: Ah, my name is Miya Osaki. I’m // second grade. = 13
2. F1: Nice to meet you. = 4
3. F1: I’m from Fukuoka. = 6
4. F1: Near↑ Fukuoka city, but not Fu//kuoka city. = 15
5. F1: Oh! ↑ = 1
6. F1: Ah, yeah, I live in Kasuga city.= 10
7. F1: Do, do you live Onojo↓ now?= 8
8. F1: I live in dormitory, (2.9) = 7
9. (F1) do↓ you know↓? = 3
10. F1: But, last year, I live in my home. So, come // came to school, took two hours↓. = 17
11. F1: Yes, I sleep in twenty. (7.5) = 6
12. (F1) Where, umm, (4.6) = 2
13. (F1) what (4.2) = 1
14. (F1) what name did you (6.0) = 4
15. (F1) where high school do you- = 5
16. F1: Ah! Very near. My high school is Chiku//shi High School. = 13
17. F1: What, ah, do you belong to any club? = 10
18. F1: Oh: = 1
19. F1: Ah: I belong to tea ceremony // club. = 11
20. F1: Sado. = 2
21. F1: Yes. = 1
21. F1: Heh heh At (Japanese: Koudaisai?) Ah, we are, (4.5) = 3
22. (F1) we have tea party. At, at Jyoho Cen//ter. (10.1) = 11
23. (F1) What’s do you TV? = 5
24. F1: Oh: = 1
25. F1: Yes, but my room don’t have TV. So, I // can’t watch TV. = 14
26. F1: Ah, my floor has fifty-five persons, // but one person only have TV. So, // every, um, (Japanese: hotondo, minnna), don’t watch TV. = 27
27. F1: Ah: I like sweets. = 5
28. F1: Heh heh = 0
29. F1: Ah: me too↑. Sushi, I like too, but Cur//ry rice, don’t. = 13
30. F1: Umm, ah↑, yes. = 3
31. F1: Ah. (5.6) = 1
32. (F1) Do you like vegetable? = 6
33. F1: Umm. (4.5) = 1
34. Do you cook? = 3
35. F1: Ah: (6.6) = 1
36. (F1) How old are you? = 4
37. F1: Ah: = 1
38. F1: I’m twenty now. (2.0) = 4
39. (F1) So, I drink, I can drink alcohol. = 9
40. F1: No↑. I’m very weak. So, a little al//cohol, I’m sleepy. Heh (6.0) = 15
41. (F1) What’s do (2.7) = 2
42. (F1) I major is, ah, my major is ma//terial science. = 15
43. F1: Ah. (5.2) = 1
44. (F1) Do you know Ozono? = 6
45. F1: (F1) Ozono (.) Ah, (Japanese: shiranaika). In my club… = 7
46. F1: (F1) Yes. = 1
47. F1: (F1) Ah. Ah, in my club have him, but↑ I, (2.4) = 9
48. (F1) I don’t talk to ↓(Japanese: amari.) (8.8) = 4
49. (F1) Do you like trip? = 4
50. F1: Oh:↑ = 1
51. F1: Yes, I want to go Europe. I want to // eat delicious food. Yeah (5.8) = 16
52. (F1) Have you ever go abroad? = 7
53. F1: No. (.) But I want to go. (6.2) = 6
54. (F1) Ah, my dormitory, (Japanese: etto), dormitory’s // foreign people. = 14
55. F1: So. = 1
56. F1: Yes, next room is (.) Romania people. = 10
57. F1: So, I have to speak, ah, talk English. = 9
58. F1: Ah↑, girl. = 2
59. F1: A little, so (.) I, umm, (Japanese: nandaro), communica//tion is so difficult. = 16
60. F1: Ah: I want to be an engineer. = 9
61. F1: Ah: I want, (.) I want to make medical // machine. So↑, my major material. // Medical machine’s material, oh↓ // I can make. But (.) I: (10.8.) = 35
62. (F1) ah, when I was high school student, I want // to study (4.6) = 13
63. (F1) not material. So, I want to go // (Japanese: Ouyou, Ouyou Kagaku) course, but I can’t enter this course. = 18

Male 1 Mean length runs

1. M1: Hello, my name is Yuma Chihara. = 10
2. M1: I’m first grade. = 3
3. M1: Nice to meet you. (4.1) = 4
4. (M1): Where are you from? = 4
5. M1: Fukuoka city↑? = 6
6. M1: Me too. Do you know Onojo city? = 10
7. M1: Oh! Me = 2
8. M1: Oh, very near. = 4
9. M1: Ah, no. I live alone in Tobata. = 10
10. M1: Ah: = 1
11. M1: It’s took ↓ (two) (hours) ↓? = 5
12. M1: Ah↑ Kyushu Sangyo High School. = 8
13. M1: I want to go there, but umm, (3.4) = 7
14. (M1): (Japanese: Sengan?, umm, Nandaro, wakannai.) = 1
15. M1: Ah, I belong to nature science club. = 10
16. M1: In this club, eh, I will make robot, pro//gramming, and some observation for a//stronomy. = 23
17. M1: What club? = 2
18. M1: Oh (4.8) = 1
19. (M1): Making tea? = 3
20. M1: Very good! = 3
21. M1: No, ah, I have TV, but NHK // come my house, so I don’t use TV. = 19
22. M1: Do you like TV? = 5
23. M1: Every ( ) ( ). = 2
24. M1: What, what kind of food do you like? = 8
25. M1: Me too. = 2
26. M1: I like Sushi and Curry rice. = 8
27. M1: Can you eat boil fish? = 6
28. M1: I can’t eat boil fish. I can eat su//sh-, ah, only↑ raw fish. = 16
29. M1: No. eh: most of all vegetables, ah, ve//getable, I can, ah: (3.3) = 16
30. (M1): I don’t like. = 3
31. M1: Yes, but (.) I, I cook simply. = 8
32. M1: Eh, I’m eighteen years old. = 6
33. M1: Eh, how old are you? = 5
34. M1: You can drink a lot? = 5
35. M1: I major in, eh, electrical course. = 10
36. M1: Ozono? ↑ = 3
37. M1: Ah, student name? = 4
38. M1: Ah, I know, but I don’t talk him. = 8
39. M1: Umm. I like trip. I go to go Ameri//ca. = 11
40. M1: Do you want to go abroad? = 7
41. M1: No. Eh, have you ever been to abroad? = 10
42. M1: Ah. = 1
43. M1: Umm. Ah, (living) together? = 7
44. M1: Umm. = 1
45. M1: He can speak Japanese? = 6
46. M1: Ah. = 1
47. M1: Eh, do you have a dream? = 6
48. M1: Me too↑. I go to, ah, I want to make // new product. = 13


M1: Hello, my name is Yuma Chihara.

F1: Ah, my name is Miya Osaki. I’m second grade.

M1: I’m first grade.

F1: Nice to meet you.

M1: Nice to meet you. (4.1) Where are you from?

F1: I’m from Fukuoka.

M1: Fukuoka city↑?

F1: Near↑ Fukuoka city, but not Fukuoka city.

M1: Me too. Do you know Onojo city?

F1: Oh! ↑

M1: Oh! Me

F1: Ah, yeah, I live in Kasuga city.

M1: Oh, very near.

F1: Do, do you live Onojo↓ now?

M1: Ah, no. I live alone in Tobata.

F1: I live in dormitory, (2.9) do↓ you know↓?

M1: Ah:

F1: But, last year, I live in my home. So, come came to school, took two hours↓.

M1: It’s took ↓ (two) (hours) ↓?

F1: Yes, I sleep in twenty. (7.5) Where, umm, (4.6) what (4.2) what name did you (6.0) where high school do you-

M1: Ah↑ Kyushu Sangyo High School.

F1: Ah! Very near. My high school is Chikushi High School.

M1: I want to go there, but umm, (3.4) (Japanese: Sengan?, umm, Nandaro, wakannai.)

F1: What, ah, do you belong to any club?

M1: Ah, I belong to nature science club.

F1: Oh:

M1: In this club, eh, I will make robot, programming, and some observation for astronomy.

F1: Ah: I belong to tea ceremony club.

M1: What club?

F1: Sado.

M1: Oh (4.8) Making tea?

F1: Yes.

M1: Very good!

F1: Heh heh At (Japanese: Koudaisai?) Ah, we are, (4.5) we have tea party. At, at Jyoho Center. (10.1) What’s do you TV?

M1: No, ah, I have TV, but NHK come my house, so I don’t use TV.

F1: Oh:

M1: Do you like TV?

F1: Yes, but my room don’t have TV. So, I can’t watch TV.

M1: Every (  ) (   ).

F1: Ah, my floor has fifty-five persons, but one person only have TV. So, every, um, (Japanese: hotondo, minnna), don’t watch TV.

M1: What, what kind of food do you like?

F1: Ah: I like sweets.

M1: Me too.

F1:  Heh heh

M1: I like Sushi and Curry rice.

F1: Ah: me too↑. Sushi, I like too, but Curry rice, don’t.

M1: Can you eat boil fish?

F1: Umm, ah↑, yes.

M1: I can’t eat boil fish. I can eat sush-, ah, only↑ raw fish.

F1: Ah. (5.6) Do you like vegetable?

M1: No. eh: most of all vegetables, ah, vegetable, I can, ah: (3.3) I don’t like.

F1: Umm. (4.5) Do you cook?

M1: Yes, but (.) I, I cook simply.

F1: Ah: (6.6) How old are you?

M1: Eh, I’m eighteen years old.

F1: Ah:

M1: Eh, how old are you?

F1: I’m twenty now. (2.0) So, I drink, I can drink alcohol.

M1: You can drink a lot?

F1: No↑. I’m very weak. So, a little alcohol, I’m sleepy. Heh (6.0) What’s do (2.7) I major is, ah, my major is material science.

M1: I major in, eh, electrical course.

F1: Ah. (5.2) Do you know Ozono?

M1: Ozono? ↑

F1: Ozono (.) Ah, (Japanese: shiranaika). In my club.

M1: Ah, student name?

F1: Yes.

M1: Ah, I know, but I don’t talk him.

F1: Ah. Ah, in my club have him, but↑ I, (2.4) I don’t talk to ↓(Japanese: amari.) (8.8) Do you like trip?

M1: Umm. I like trip. I go to go America.

F1: Oh:↑

M1: Do you want to go abroad?

F1: Yes, I want to go Europe. I want to eat delicious food. Yeah (5.8) Have you ever go abroad?

M1: No. Eh, have you ever been to abroad?

F1: No. (.) But I want to go. (6.2) Ah, my dormitory, (Japanese: etto), dormitory’s foreign people.

M1: Ah.

F1: So.

M1: Umm. Ah, (living) together?

F1: Yes, next room is (.) Romania people.

M1: Umm.

F1: So, I have to speak, ah, talk English.

M1: He can speak Japanese?

F1: Ah↑, girl.

M1: Ah.

F1: A little, so (.) I, umm, (Japanese: nandaro), communication is so difficult.

M1: Eh, do you have a dream?

F1: Ah: I want to be an engineer.

M1: Me too↑. I go to, ah, I want to make new product.

F1: Ah: I want, (.) I want to make medical machine. So↑, my major material. Medical machine’s material, oh↓ I can make. But (.) I: (10.8.) ah, when I was high school student, I want to study (4.6) not material. So, I want to go (Japanese: Ouyou, Ouyou Kagaku) course, but I can’t enter this course.

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 134.5   B: 122.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

140.0 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.5 (314 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 90.4   B: 84.4

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

313.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

7.5 (473 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 177.1 secs.

Percentage: 28.0%

Total Speaking Time:

631 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

50.5 sec.


This is one of the few discussions in which the female has dominated the discussion, with Miya having 340 words compared to Yuma’s 228. This discussion is made of too many minimal responses. MLRs are somewhat short: 6.5 for the male and 7.5 for Miya, and the percentage of silence is very high, 28.0, 177.1 seconds. Other forms of dysfluency is rather normal but Miya has more repetition and use of L1 than Yuma.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: Ah, my name is Miya Osaki. I’m // second grade. = 13
2. F1: Nice to meet you. = 4
3. F1: I’m from Fukuoka. = 6
4. F1: Near↑ Fukuoka city, but not Fu//kuoka city. = 15
5. F1: Oh! ↑ = 1
6. F1: Ah, yeah, I live in Kasuga city.= 10
7. F1: Do, do you live Onojo↓ now?= 8
8. F1: I live in dormitory, (2.9) = 7
9. (F1) do↓ you know↓? = 3
10. F1: But, last year, I live in my home. So, come // came to school, took two hours↓. = 17
11. F1: Yes, I sleep in twenty. (7.5) = 6
12. (F1) Where, umm, (4.6) = 2
13. (F1) what (4.2) = 1
14. (F1) what name did you (6.0) = 4
15. (F1) where high school do you- = 5
16. F1: Ah! Very near. My high school is Chiku//shi High School. = 13
17. F1: What, ah, do you belong to any club? = 10
18. F1: Oh: = 1
19. F1: Ah: I belong to tea ceremony // club. = 11
20. F1: Sado. = 2
21. F1: Yes. = 1
21. F1: Heh heh At (Japanese: Koudaisai?) Ah, we are, (4.5) = 3
22. (F1) we have tea party. At, at Jyoho Cen//ter. (10.1) = 11
23. (F1) What’s do you TV? = 5
24. F1: Oh: = 1
25. F1: Yes, but my room don’t have TV. So, I // can’t watch TV. = 14
26. F1: Ah, my floor has fifty-five persons, // but one person only have TV. So, // every, um, (Japanese: hotondo, minnna), don’t watch TV. = 27
27. F1: Ah: I like sweets. = 5
28. F1: Heh heh = 0
29. F1: Ah: me too↑. Sushi, I like too, but Cur//ry rice, don’t. = 13
30. F1: Umm, ah↑, yes. = 3
31. F1: Ah. (5.6) = 1
32. (F1) Do you like vegetable? = 6
33. F1: Umm. (4.5) = 1
34. Do you cook? = 3
35. F1: Ah: (6.6) = 1
36. (F1) How old are you? = 4
37. F1: Ah: = 1
38. F1: I’m twenty now. (2.0) = 4
39. (F1) So, I drink, I can drink alcohol. = 9
40. F1: No↑. I’m very weak. So, a little al//cohol, I’m sleepy. Heh (6.0) = 15
41. (F1) What’s do (2.7) = 2
42. (F1) I major is, ah, my major is ma//terial science. = 15
43. F1: Ah. (5.2) = 1
44. (F1) Do you know Ozono? = 6
45. F1: (F1) Ozono (.) Ah, (Japanese: shiranaika). In my club… = 7
46. F1: (F1) Yes. = 1
47. F1: (F1) Ah. Ah, in my club have him, but↑ I, (2.4) = 9
48. (F1) I don’t talk to ↓(Japanese: amari.) (8.8) = 4
49. (F1) Do you like trip? = 4
50. F1: Oh:↑ = 1
51. F1: Yes, I want to go Europe. I want to // eat delicious food. Yeah (5.8) = 16
52. (F1) Have you ever go abroad? = 7
53. F1: No. (.) But I want to go. (6.2) = 6
54. (F1) Ah, my dormitory, (Japanese: etto), dormitory’s // foreign people. = 14
55. F1: So. = 1
56. F1: Yes, next room is (.) Romania people. = 10
57. F1: So, I have to speak, ah, talk English. = 9
58. F1: Ah↑, girl. = 2
59. F1: A little, so (.) I, umm, (Japanese: nandaro), communica//tion is so difficult. = 16
60. F1: Ah: I want to be an engineer. = 9
61. F1: Ah: I want, (.) I want to make medical // machine. So↑, my major material. // Medical machine’s material, oh↓ // I can make. But (.) I: (10.8.) = 35
62. (F1) ah, when I was high school student, I want // to study (4.6) = 13
63. (F1) not material. So, I want to go // (Japanese: Ouyou, Ouyou Kagaku) course, but I can’t enter this course. = 18

Male 1 Mean length runs

1. M1: Hello, my name is Yuma Chihara. = 10
2. M1: I’m first grade. = 3
3. M1: Nice to meet you. (4.1) = 4
4. (M1): Where are you from? = 4
5. M1: Fukuoka city↑? = 6
6. M1: Me too. Do you know Onojo city? = 10
7. M1: Oh! Me = 2
8. M1: Oh, very near. = 4
9. M1: Ah, no. I live alone in Tobata. = 10
10. M1: Ah: = 1
11. M1: It’s took ↓ (two) (hours) ↓? = 5
12. M1: Ah↑ Kyushu Sangyo High School. = 8
13. M1: I want to go there, but umm, (3.4) = 7
14. (M1): (Japanese: Sengan?, umm, Nandaro, wakannai.) = 1
15. M1: Ah, I belong to nature science club. = 10
16. M1: In this club, eh, I will make robot, pro//gramming, and some observation for a//stronomy. = 23
17. M1: What club? = 2
18. M1: Oh (4.8) = 1
19. (M1): Making tea? = 3
20. M1: Very good! = 3
21. M1: No, ah, I have TV, but NHK // come my house, so I don’t use TV. = 19
22. M1: Do you like TV? = 5
23. M1: Every ( ) ( ). = 2
24. M1: What, what kind of food do you like? = 8
25. M1: Me too. = 2
26. M1: I like Sushi and Curry rice. = 8
27. M1: Can you eat boil fish? = 6
28. M1: I can’t eat boil fish. I can eat su//sh-, ah, only↑ raw fish. = 16
29. M1: No. eh: most of all vegetables, ah, ve//getable, I can, ah: (3.3) = 16
30. (M1): I don’t like. = 3
31. M1: Yes, but (.) I, I cook simply. = 8
32. M1: Eh, I’m eighteen years old. = 6
33. M1: Eh, how old are you? = 5
34. M1: You can drink a lot? = 5
35. M1: I major in, eh, electrical course. = 10
36. M1: Ozono? ↑ = 3
37. M1: Ah, student name? = 4
38. M1: Ah, I know, but I don’t talk him. = 8
39. M1: Umm. I like trip. I go to go Ameri//ca. = 11
40. M1: Do you want to go abroad? = 7
41. M1: No. Eh, have you ever been to abroad? = 10
42. M1: Ah. = 1
43. M1: Umm. Ah, (living) together? = 7
44. M1: Umm. = 1
45. M1: He can speak Japanese? = 6
46. M1: Ah. = 1
47. M1: Eh, do you have a dream? = 6
48. M1: Me too↑. I go to, ah, I want to make // new product. = 13

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