Miya and Ayaka

Session 5 : Female 1 to Female 2


Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 93.8   B: 86.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

187.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.1 (294 syllables)

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 65.2   B: 61.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

288.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.1 (314 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 289.4 secs.

Percentage: 37.7%

Total Speaking Time:

766 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

201.4 sec.

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Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


F2: Hi! My name is Ayaka Miyashita, nice to meet you.

F1: Nice to meet you. My name is Miya Osaki.↓ (11.1) My hobby is listening, listening music.

F2: My hobby is dance.

F1: Oh!

F2: I: belong to dance circle.

F1: (     )?

F2: (     )

F1: Oh!

F2: Every Wednesday, practice.

F1: I belong to tea ceremony club.

F2: Ah! Heh heh


F1: My major is material↓

F2: Ah, my major is heh (.) architecture↓.


F1: What kind of food do you dislike?

F2: Dislike (.) I dislike (3.1) (Japanese: Kinoko), mushroom.

F1: Ah↑, me too.

F2: But↑ I like only↑ (Japanese: Enoki) (£).

F1: Ah oh oh oh.

F2: (Japanese: Enoki), only. Heh heh

F1: Me, too. (3.2) I dislike Shiitake and carrot and corn.

F2: Celery (£).

F1: Ah heh heh


F2: Do you enjoy My dream is prefecture. Umm!? Prefecture? Prefecture. I want to make my house.

F1: Oh! (.) I want to be an engineer. (7.9) I make (6.4) medical (2.7) machine. Heh

F2: Machine. Heh


F1: Do you have pet?

F2: No. Ah, rat↓ (3.4) I had (.) pet, hamster.

F1: Ah!

F2: (      )

F1: I have two pet, now.

F2: Cat?

F1: Yes↑, two cat.

F2: Very cute heh.

F1: One is white. Another is (Japanese: Kizu- neko). Heh


F2: Umm, I had (Japanese: Nettai-gyo,) fish. (.) Very, very beautiful. Heh

F1: heh heh Oh! Heh


F2: Do you like movies? SF movies?

F1: SF, umm:↓

F2: Like, “Harry Potter”.

F1: Ah↑, ah, ah.

F2: I like very much. I want to go “Universal Studio”.

F1: Ah, last year, I went to “Universal”, and this year, (.) again.

F2: Again! I never↑ been to, ah, I never have↑ never been to “Universal Studio”.

F1: Oh.

F2: I want to go “Harry Potter” world.


F1: But, can, last year, a lot of people (Japanese: nara-n-de), want to go↓ so, I can’t ride (.) attraction. So, I saw-

F2: Only saw.

F1: Only.


F2: “Read books” (11.5) My, eh, I have one brother. (3.1) He is (5.7) Chiba↓. He live in Chiba, now (2.9) heh.


F1: My family, one sister and one brother.

F2: Oh. He, ah, my, ah, I’m eighteen years old, and he is two, (.) twenty, twenty. One.

F1: Ah. My sister is eighteen, and my brother is (Japanese: etto) fourteen↑.

F2: Oh. (sniffle)

F1: I’m twenty third now. (15.5) Where are you, where do you live now? Now.

F2: I live in Yahata-Nishi-Ku.

F1: Ah ah ah. ↑

F2: Orio. (4.9) I go, I come here by train and bus, bus↓.

F1: Oh I live in (.) Dormitory.

F2: Dormitory↓

F1: (Japanese: Ryo). ↓

F2: Ah, ah! Dormitory is very clean.

F1: Ah. New, new, new.

F2: New.

F1: So, last year, I come here by train, two hours.

F2: heh Two hours.

F1: So, I very tired↓.


F2: I, it takes about forty minutes. I want to (Japanese: Hitori-gurashi). Heh Alone, alone?

F1: Live alone. Last year, two hours, this year, five minutes. I, I’m late for every day.

F2: Every day? Heh Every day heh.

F1: I (   ) (every) (week) (    ).


F2: Next.


F1: True, true Arbeit work?

F2: Yes. I (3.4) “Pietro”, do you know “Pietro”?

F1: Oh, oh, oh.

F2: Kitchen.

F1: Oh! ↑Make.

F2: Cook.


F1: (    ) Do you save money? (Japanese: Sono, kasei-da okane.)

F2: Yet, yet, (Japanese: mada)↓

F1: Ah.

F2:  (Japanese: Amari↓)

F1: My arbeit works teacher in (Japanese: Kyo-ei) school.↓ So, in summer vacation, I have a lot of money. Heh

F2: Heh A lot of money↓.

F1: So after summer vacation, I spend a lot of money.

F2: I want, I want to go Okinawa, summer, summer vacation. (3.2) So, I hard.


This is one of the more “silent” discussions with cross-talk pausing being extremely high 202.4 seconds, and the overall amount of silence being 311.2 seconds or 40.6%.  Minimal responses almost make up the entire discussions. It seems that both girls had a hard time relating to each other. Ayaka’s silence is 87.2 compared to Miya’s 21.6. Speaking rate is about average 66.0 to Miya’s 86.2. MLPs are long 7.2 seconds.


MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: Nice to meet you. My name is Miya O//saki.↓ (11.1) = 12
2. (F1) My hobby is listening, listening // music. = 12
3. F1: Oh! = 1
4. F1: ( )? = 0
5. F1: Oh! = 1
6. F1: I belong to tea ceremony club. = 10
7. F1: My major is material↓= 8
8. F1: What kind of food do you dislike? = 8
9. F1: Ah↑, me too. = 3
10. F1: Ah oh oh oh. = 4
11. F1: Me, too. (3.2) = 2
12. (F1) I dislike Shiitake and carrot and // corn. = 11
13. F1: Ah heh heh= 1
14. F1: Oh! (.) I want to be an engineer. (7.9) = 9
15. (F1) I make (6.4) = 2
16. (F1) medical (2.7) = 3
17. (F1) machine. = 2
18. F1: Do you have pet? = 4
19. F1: Ah! = 1
20. F1: I have two pet, now. = 5
21. F1: Yes↑, two cat. = 3
22. F1: One is white. Another is (Japanese: Kizu- neko). = 7
23. F1: heh heh Oh! Heh = 1
24. F1: SF, umm:↓ = 3
25. F1: Ah↑, ah, ah. = 3
26. F1: Ah, last year, I went to “Universal”, // and this year, (.) again. = 15
27. F1: Oh. = 1
28. F1: But, can, last year, a lot of people (Japanese: nara-n-de), want // to go↓ so, I can’t ride (.) attraction. So, // I saw-= 22
29. F1: Only. = 1
30. F1: My family, one sister and one brother. = 10
31. F1: Ah. My sister is eighteen, and my bro//ther is (Japanese: etto) fourteen↑. = 14
32. F1: I’m twenty third now. (15.5) = 5
33. (F1) Where are you, where do you live now? Now. = 9
34. F1: Ah ah ah. ↑= 3
35. F1: Oh I live in (.) Dormitory. = 8
36. F1: (Japanese: Ryo). ↓= 0
37. F1: Ah. New, new, new. = 4
38. F1: So, last year, I come here by train, two hou//rs. = 1
39. F1: So, I very tired↓. = 6
40. F1: Live alone. Last year, two hours, this year, // five minutes. I, I’m late for every day.// = 20
41. F1: I ( ) (every) (week) ( ). = 4
42. F1: True, true Arbeit work? = 5
43. F1: Oh, oh, oh. = 3
44. F1: Oh! ↑Make. = 2
45. F1: Do you save money? (Japanese: Sono, kasei-da okane.) = 5
46. F1: Ah. = 1
47. F1: My arbeit works teacher in (Japanese: Kyo-ei) school.↓ So, in sum//mer vacation, I have a lot of mo//ney. Heh= 21
48. F1: So after summer vacation, I spend // a lot of money. = 15

Female 2 Mean length runs

1. F2: Hi! My name is Ayaka Miyashi//ta, nice to meet you. = 15
2. F2: My hobby is dance. = 5
3. F2: I belong to dance circle. = 7
4. F2: ( ) = 0
5. F2: Every Wednesday, practice. = 6
6. F2: Ah! Heh heh = 1
7. F2: Ah, my major is heh (.) architecture↓.= 9
8. F2: Dislike (.) I dislike (3.1) = 5
9. (F2) (Japanese: Kinoko), mushroom. = 2
10. F2: But↑ I like only↑ (Japanese: Enoki) (£).= 5
11. F2: (Japanese: Enoki), only. Heh heh = 2
12. F2: Celery (£).= 3
13. F2: Do you enjoy My dream is prefecture. // Umm!? Prefecture? Prefecture. I want to // make my house. = 23
14. F2: Machine. = 2
15. F2: No. Ah, rat↓ (3.4) = 2
16. (F2) I had (.) pet, hamster. = 5
17. F2: ( ) = 0
18. F2: Cat? = 1
19. F2: Very cute heh. = 3
20. F2: Umm, I had (Japanese: Nettai-gyo,) fish. (.) Very, very beauty//ful. Heh = 11
21. F2: Do you like movies? SF movies? = 9
22. F2: Like, “Harry Potter”. = 5
23. F2: I like very much. I want to go “U//niversal Studio”. = 16
24. F2: Again! I never↑ been to, ah, I ne//ver have↑ never been to “Universal // Studio”. = 23
25. F2: I want to go “Harry Potter” world. = 9
26. F2: Only saw. = 3
27. F2: “Read books” (11.5 ) = 2
28. (F2) My, eh, I have one brother. (3.1) = 7
29. (F2) He is (5.7) = 2
30. (F2) Chiba↓. He live in Chiba, now (2.9) heh. = 7
31. F2: Oh. He, ah, my, ah, I’m eighteen years old, // and he is two, (.) twenty, twenty. One. = 19
32. F2: Oh. (sniffle) = 1
33. F2: I live in Yahata-Nishi-Ku. = 9
34. F2: Orio. (4.9) = 3
35. (F2) I go, I come here by train and bus, bus↓.= 10
36. F2: Dormitory↓= 4
37. F2: Ah, ah! Dormitory is very clean. = 10
38. F2: New. = 1
39. F2: heh Two hours. = 3
40. F2: I, it takes about forty minutes. I // want to (Japanese:Hitori-gurashi). Heh Alone, alone? = 16
41. F2: Every day? Heh Every day heh. = 6
42. F2: Next. = 1
43. F2: Yes. I (3.4) = 2
44. (F2) “Pietro”, do you know “Pie//tro”? = 9
45. F2: Kitchen. = 2
46. F2: Cook. = 1
47. F2: Yet, yet, (Japanese: mada)↓= 2
48. F2: (Japanese: Amari↓) =0
49. F2: Heh A lot of money↓.= 5
50. F2: I want, I want to go Okinawa, // summer, summer vacation. (3.2) = 17
51. (F2) So, I hard. = 3


F2: Hi! My name is Ayaka Miyashita, nice to meet you.

F1: Nice to meet you. My name is Miya Osaki.↓ (11.1) My hobby is listening, listening music.

F2: My hobby is dance.

F1: Oh!

F2: I: belong to dance circle.

F1: (     )?

F2: (     )

F1: Oh!

F2: Every Wednesday, practice.

F1: I belong to tea ceremony club.

F2: Ah! Heh heh


F1: My major is material↓

F2: Ah, my major is heh (.) architecture↓.


F1: What kind of food do you dislike?

F2: Dislike (.) I dislike (3.1) (Japanese: Kinoko), mushroom.

F1: Ah↑, me too.

F2: But↑ I like only↑ (Japanese: Enoki) (£).

F1: Ah oh oh oh.

F2: (Japanese: Enoki), only. Heh heh

F1: Me, too. (3.2) I dislike Shiitake and carrot and corn.

F2: Celery (£).

F1: Ah heh heh


F2: Do you enjoy My dream is prefecture. Umm!? Prefecture? Prefecture. I want to make my house.

F1: Oh! (.) I want to be an engineer. (7.9) I make (6.4) medical (2.7) machine. Heh

F2: Machine. Heh


F1: Do you have pet?

F2: No. Ah, rat↓ (3.4) I had (.) pet, hamster.

F1: Ah!

F2: (      )

F1: I have two pet, now.

F2: Cat?

F1: Yes↑, two cat.

F2: Very cute heh.

F1: One is white. Another is (Japanese: Kizu- neko). Heh


F2: Umm, I had (Japanese: Nettai-gyo,) fish. (.) Very, very beautiful. Heh

F1: heh heh Oh! Heh


F2: Do you like movies? SF movies?

F1: SF, umm:↓

F2: Like, “Harry Potter”.

F1: Ah↑, ah, ah.

F2: I like very much. I want to go “Universal Studio”.

F1: Ah, last year, I went to “Universal”, and this year, (.) again.

F2: Again! I never↑ been to, ah, I never have↑ never been to “Universal Studio”.

F1: Oh.

F2: I want to go “Harry Potter” world.


F1: But, can, last year, a lot of people (Japanese: nara-n-de), want to go↓ so, I can’t ride (.) attraction. So, I saw-

F2: Only saw.

F1: Only.


F2: “Read books” (11.5) My, eh, I have one brother. (3.1) He is (5.7) Chiba↓. He live in Chiba, now (2.9) heh.


F1: My family, one sister and one brother.

F2: Oh. He, ah, my, ah, I’m eighteen years old, and he is two, (.) twenty, twenty. One.

F1: Ah. My sister is eighteen, and my brother is (Japanese: etto) fourteen↑.

F2: Oh. (sniffle)

F1: I’m twenty third now. (15.5) Where are you, where do you live now? Now.

F2: I live in Yahata-Nishi-Ku.

F1: Ah ah ah. ↑

F2: Orio. (4.9) I go, I come here by train and bus, bus↓.

F1: Oh I live in (.) Dormitory.

F2: Dormitory↓

F1: (Japanese: Ryo). ↓

F2: Ah, ah! Dormitory is very clean.

F1: Ah. New, new, new.

F2: New.

F1: So, last year, I come here by train, two hours.

F2: heh Two hours.

F1: So, I very tired↓.


F2: I, it takes about forty minutes. I want to (Japanese: Hitori-gurashi). Heh Alone, alone?

F1: Live alone. Last year, two hours, this year, five minutes. I, I’m late for every day.

F2: Every day? Heh Every day heh.

F1: I (   ) (every) (week) (    ).


F2: Next.


F1: True, true Arbeit work?

F2: Yes. I (3.4) “Pietro”, do you know “Pietro”?

F1: Oh, oh, oh.

F2: Kitchen.

F1: Oh! ↑Make.

F2: Cook.


F1: (    ) Do you save money? (Japanese: Sono, kasei-da okane.)

F2: Yet, yet, (Japanese: mada)↓

F1: Ah.

F2:  (Japanese: Amari↓)

F1: My arbeit works teacher in (Japanese: Kyo-ei) school.↓ So, in summer vacation, I have a lot of money. Heh

F2: Heh A lot of money↓.

F1: So after summer vacation, I spend a lot of money.

F2: I want, I want to go Okinawa, summer, summer vacation. (3.2) So, I hard.

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 93.8   B: 86.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

187.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.1 (294 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 65.2   B: 61.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

288.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.1 (314 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 289.4 secs.

Percentage: 37.7%

Total Speaking Time:

766 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

201.4 sec.


This is one of the more “silent” discussions with cross-talk pausing being extremely high 202.4 seconds, and the overall amount of silence being 311.2 seconds or 40.6%.  Minimal responses almost make up the entire discussions. It seems that both girls had a hard time relating to each other. Ayaka’s silence is 87.2 compared to Miya’s 21.6. Speaking rate is about average 66.0 to Miya’s 86.2. MLPs are long 7.2 seconds.


MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: Nice to meet you. My name is Miya O//saki.↓ (11.1) = 12
2. (F1) My hobby is listening, listening // music. = 12
3. F1: Oh! = 1
4. F1: ( )? = 0
5. F1: Oh! = 1
6. F1: I belong to tea ceremony club. = 10
7. F1: My major is material↓= 8
8. F1: What kind of food do you dislike? = 8
9. F1: Ah↑, me too. = 3
10. F1: Ah oh oh oh. = 4
11. F1: Me, too. (3.2) = 2
12. (F1) I dislike Shiitake and carrot and // corn. = 11
13. F1: Ah heh heh= 1
14. F1: Oh! (.) I want to be an engineer. (7.9) = 9
15. (F1) I make (6.4) = 2
16. (F1) medical (2.7) = 3
17. (F1) machine. = 2
18. F1: Do you have pet? = 4
19. F1: Ah! = 1
20. F1: I have two pet, now. = 5
21. F1: Yes↑, two cat. = 3
22. F1: One is white. Another is (Japanese: Kizu- neko). = 7
23. F1: heh heh Oh! Heh = 1
24. F1: SF, umm:↓ = 3
25. F1: Ah↑, ah, ah. = 3
26. F1: Ah, last year, I went to “Universal”, // and this year, (.) again. = 15
27. F1: Oh. = 1
28. F1: But, can, last year, a lot of people (Japanese: nara-n-de), want // to go↓ so, I can’t ride (.) attraction. So, // I saw-= 22
29. F1: Only. = 1
30. F1: My family, one sister and one brother. = 10
31. F1: Ah. My sister is eighteen, and my bro//ther is (Japanese: etto) fourteen↑. = 14
32. F1: I’m twenty third now. (15.5) = 5
33. (F1) Where are you, where do you live now? Now. = 9
34. F1: Ah ah ah. ↑= 3
35. F1: Oh I live in (.) Dormitory. = 8
36. F1: (Japanese: Ryo). ↓= 0
37. F1: Ah. New, new, new. = 4
38. F1: So, last year, I come here by train, two hou//rs. = 1
39. F1: So, I very tired↓. = 6
40. F1: Live alone. Last year, two hours, this year, // five minutes. I, I’m late for every day.// = 20
41. F1: I ( ) (every) (week) ( ). = 4
42. F1: True, true Arbeit work? = 5
43. F1: Oh, oh, oh. = 3
44. F1: Oh! ↑Make. = 2
45. F1: Do you save money? (Japanese: Sono, kasei-da okane.) = 5
46. F1: Ah. = 1
47. F1: My arbeit works teacher in (Japanese: Kyo-ei) school.↓ So, in sum//mer vacation, I have a lot of mo//ney. Heh= 21
48. F1: So after summer vacation, I spend // a lot of money. = 15

Female 2 Mean length runs

1. F2: Hi! My name is Ayaka Miyashi//ta, nice to meet you. = 15
2. F2: My hobby is dance. = 5
3. F2: I belong to dance circle. = 7
4. F2: ( ) = 0
5. F2: Every Wednesday, practice. = 6
6. F2: Ah! Heh heh = 1
7. F2: Ah, my major is heh (.) architecture↓.= 9
8. F2: Dislike (.) I dislike (3.1) = 5
9. (F2) (Japanese: Kinoko), mushroom. = 2
10. F2: But↑ I like only↑ (Japanese: Enoki) (£).= 5
11. F2: (Japanese: Enoki), only. Heh heh = 2
12. F2: Celery (£).= 3
13. F2: Do you enjoy My dream is prefecture. // Umm!? Prefecture? Prefecture. I want to // make my house. = 23
14. F2: Machine. = 2
15. F2: No. Ah, rat↓ (3.4) = 2
16. (F2) I had (.) pet, hamster. = 5
17. F2: ( ) = 0
18. F2: Cat? = 1
19. F2: Very cute heh. = 3
20. F2: Umm, I had (Japanese: Nettai-gyo,) fish. (.) Very, very beauty//ful. Heh = 11
21. F2: Do you like movies? SF movies? = 9
22. F2: Like, “Harry Potter”. = 5
23. F2: I like very much. I want to go “U//niversal Studio”. = 16
24. F2: Again! I never↑ been to, ah, I ne//ver have↑ never been to “Universal // Studio”. = 23
25. F2: I want to go “Harry Potter” world. = 9
26. F2: Only saw. = 3
27. F2: “Read books” (11.5 ) = 2
28. (F2) My, eh, I have one brother. (3.1) = 7
29. (F2) He is (5.7) = 2
30. (F2) Chiba↓. He live in Chiba, now (2.9) heh. = 7
31. F2: Oh. He, ah, my, ah, I’m eighteen years old, // and he is two, (.) twenty, twenty. One. = 19
32. F2: Oh. (sniffle) = 1
33. F2: I live in Yahata-Nishi-Ku. = 9
34. F2: Orio. (4.9) = 3
35. (F2) I go, I come here by train and bus, bus↓.= 10
36. F2: Dormitory↓= 4
37. F2: Ah, ah! Dormitory is very clean. = 10
38. F2: New. = 1
39. F2: heh Two hours. = 3
40. F2: I, it takes about forty minutes. I // want to (Japanese:Hitori-gurashi). Heh Alone, alone? = 16
41. F2: Every day? Heh Every day heh. = 6
42. F2: Next. = 1
43. F2: Yes. I (3.4) = 2
44. (F2) “Pietro”, do you know “Pie//tro”? = 9
45. F2: Kitchen. = 2
46. F2: Cook. = 1
47. F2: Yet, yet, (Japanese: mada)↓= 2
48. F2: (Japanese: Amari↓) =0
49. F2: Heh A lot of money↓.= 5
50. F2: I want, I want to go Okinawa, // summer, summer vacation. (3.2) = 17
51. (F2) So, I hard. = 3

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