Yuki and Nozomi

Session 3: Male 1 to Female 2


Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 155.3   B: 152.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

268.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.4 (695 syllables)

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 55.5   B: 50.3

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

240.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

3.4 (223 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 120.8 secs.

Percentage: 6.6%

Total Speaking Time:

630 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

28.6 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M1: As the one or sister?

F2: Yes.

M1: Oh. Brother?

F2: Brother and sister.

M1: Oh. How many brother?

F2: One and one

M1: Older brother?

F2: Yes. Older brother and older sister.

M1: How old is older brother?

F2: Ah, twen– Twenty. ↑.

M1: Uh-oh, sister is twenty-two.

F2: My sister is two.

M1: Ah, my sister is Kobe university student.

F2: My sister is Otyanomizu university student.

M1: Eh, where is your hometown?

F2: Hometown↑?

M1: Yes.

F2: Kitakyusyu.

M1: My hometown is Hyogo prefecture, Himeji.

F2: Ah (£).

M1: There is a very famous and beautiful ↓ castle, nation. Ah, Himeji is isn’t very beautiful city. I don’t like, I don’t like Himeji.

F2: I want to go.

M1: Oh. There is only castle.

F2: Heh heh

M1: What is your name?

F2: My name is Nozomi Iwasaki.

M1: My name is Yuu Katsura. Hello.

F2: Hello. Heh heh

M1: What club do you belong to?

F2: Now↑?

M1: Now.

F2: (word) club, space club.

M1: Oh, heh heh it’s fantastic.

F2: Heh heh Making rocket (.) now.

M1: Do, are you interested in rocket? (.) Machinery club?

F2: Yes. ↑

M1: Oh. I’m Civil Engineering, architecture, (word) civil engineering class? Oh: (.) (Japanese:
kentsu Shaki)

F2: No, no, mechanic.

M1: Oh, mechanic. (3.6) I want to have ultimate Frisbee. Do you have ultimate?

F2: My friend is (word)

M1: Maybe Toko?

F2: Yes. ↑

M1: Yes yes yes. (.) It is very exciting, fun fun. Do you enter club?

F2: Un heh Un: heh un:

M1: It’s↑ very hard. (6.05) Do you have hobby?

F2: My hobby (.) un (7.6) play the game (£).

M1: Oh, what kind of game?

F2: Smart phone.

M1: My friends like (Puzzdra).

F2: Ah, I play.

M1: Are you strong?

F2: Um: heh heh

M1: My friends very strong. But I don’t like (Puzzdra). I’m not interested in it, I’m not↑ interested in it.

F2: Ee..

M1: My hobby↑ is watching TV.

F2: Oh:

M1: Especially sports, and now ‘Nadeshiko Japan’ is very exciting. Yes.

F2: Yes. Heh heh

M1: And now, and I try to watched baseball every day, I’d muscle training. Do you like muscle training?

F2: No↑, no and Why↑?(5.5)

M1: Do you like movie?

F2: Yes.

M1: What kind of movie?

F2: ‘Harry Potter’.

M1: Oh↑.

F2: All series I watched.

M1: Is it exciting.

F2: Yes.

M1: I watch on (.) TV, the final.

F2: Final? (Shichi no Kikori)?

M1: Yes yes yes↑.(7.8) By the way,  I, my bicycle broken, so I bought new bike yesterday. It is very exciting. (£).

F2: Do you have bicycle?

M1: Oh, yes yes. Train?

F2: By bus.

M1: Go to to (.) go to school by train?

F2: Next month by train, but now by bus.

M1: How many minutes do you…?

F2: 20 minutes.

M1: Oh, it’s long.

F2: Very long. (£).

M1: I’m ten minutes.

F2: Heh Oh.

M1: So, I don’t (spread) both class. (8.8) What time do you get up?

F2: At 6:00.

M1: -Uh-Oh↑, very early. I got up at  o’clock.

F2: Heh Really↑?

M1: Got up at 8:00, and ate breakfast, and take first. (12.2) What food do you like?

F2: Um: (.) ‘Hayashi rice’.

M1: Heh do you like cooking?

F2: No.

M1: No? I don’t like cooking, so I’m ‘mealer’. (.) Are you ‘mealer’?

F2: No, my mother my ‘bento’.

M1: ‘Yamaza’ is very good. (6.0) Do you like book?

F2: So so.

M1: What country do you like to go?

F2: Um: (2.7) uh (4.0) France.

M1: I want to watch (Eiffel to), me too. In my high school days, I went to London.

F2: Really↑?

M1: Yes. London is a was a very small city, but it’s ve– very beautiful city. (12.3) Do you, how many friends do you have in Kyusyu Kogyo university?

F2: How many↑? I don’t know.

M1: What sports do you like?

F2: Tennis.

M1: Ah, good at↓, good at playing tennis?

F2: Oh, yes. (Good) at (classmates).(23.1)

M1: Ah…, do you have dream?

F2: Yes, I make a rocket.

M1: Oh, heh you are really interested in rocket.

F2: So, I belong to space club.

M1: Do you want to enter NASA or JAXA?

F2: Yes.

M1: I want to be an architect, so in the future, I want to build buildings, yes. (6.8) Do you like English?

F2: So so.

M1: I don’t like English and I can’t speak English.

F2: Me too↑. (£).

M1: I like read English sentence, but↑ I don’t like speak English. (11.3) Do you like Fukuoka?

F2: Yes.

M1: Why↑?

F2: My hometown.

M1: Is it beautiful?

F2: Yes, (3.1) there is mountains and ocean.

M1: Oh, Hyogo prefecture, I don’t like. I like Kobe, but I don’t like Himeji.

F2: Ah.

M1: Kobe is very famous and very beautiful and many beautiful girls in Kobe, for example Arimura Kasuimi,  Kitagawa Keiko, but in Himeji there is no beautiful girls.


This discussion is marked by a rather high level of cross-talk pausing 28.6, and a high level of silence 120.8 seconds / 19.1% which is too high. Minimal responses are evident with both participants. Yuki did, however, when he did speak, have a high speaking rate (155.3) as compared to Nozomi’s 55.5, but this speaking rate has relatively little meaning due to the frequency of the minimal responses.  Again as seen in other discussions, Yuki dominated the interaction with 482 words compared to Nozomi’s 149

MLR Transcript

Male 2 Mean length runs.

1. M1: As the one or sister? = 6
2. M1: Oh. Brother? = 3
3. M1: Oh. How many brother? = 6
4. M1: Older brother? = 4
5. F2: Yes. Older brother and older sister. = 10
6. M1: How old is older brother? = 7
7. F2: Ah, twen– Twenty. ↑.= 4
8. M1: Uh-oh, sister is twenty-two. = 8
9. M1: Ah, my sister is Kobe univer//sity student. = 14
10. M1: Eh, where is your hometown? = 6
11. M1: Yes. = 1
12. M1: My hometown is Hyogo prefecture, Hi//meji. = 13
13. M1: There is a very famous and beautiful castle, na//tion. Ah, Himeji is isn’t very // beautiful city. I don’t like, I don’t // like Himeji. = 39
14. M1: Oh. There is only castle. = 7
15. M1: What is your name? = 4
16. M1: My name is Yuu Katsura. Hello. = 9
17. M1: What club do you belong to? = 7
18. M1: Now. = 1
19. M1: Oh, heh heh it’s fantastic. = 5
20. M1: Do, are you interested in rocket? // (.) Machinery club? = 15
21. M1: Oh. I’m Civil Engineering, archi//tecture, (word) civil engineering class? Oh:// (.) (Japanese: kentsu Shaki) = 20
22. M1: Oh, mechanic. (3.6) = 4
23. (M1) I want to have ultimate Frisbee. = 9
24. Do you have ultimate? = 6
25. M1: Maybe Toko? = 4
26. M1: Yes yes yes. (.) It is very exciting, // fun fun. Do you enter club? = 17
27. M1: It’s↑ very hard. (6.05) = 4
28. (M1) Do you have hobby? = 5
29. M1: Oh, what kind of game? = 5
30. M1: My friends like (Puzzdra). = 5
31. M1: Are you strong? = 3
32. M1: My friends very strong. But I don’t like (Puzz//dra). I’m not interested in it, I’m // not↑ interested in it. = 17
33. M1: My hobby↑ is watching TV. = 8
34. M1: Especially sports, and now ‘Nadeshi//ko Japan’ is very exciting. Yes. = 20
35. M1: And now, and I try to watched baseball // every day, I’d muscle training. Do you // like muscle training? = 25
36. M1: Do you like movie? = 5
37. M1: What kind of movie? = 5
38. M1: Oh↑.= 1
39. M1: Is it exciting. = 5
40. M1: I watch on (.) TV, the final. = 8
41. M1: Yes yes yes↑.(7.8) = 3
42. (M1) By the way, I, my bicycle broken, // so I bought new bike yesterday. It is // very exciting. (£).= 25
43. M1: Oh, yes yes. Train? = 4
44. M1: Go to to (.) go to school by train? = 8
45. M1: How many minutes do you? = 6
46. M1: Oh, it’s long. = 3
47. M1: I’m ten minutes. = 4
48. M1: So, I don’t (spread) both class. (8.8) = 6
49. (M1) What time do you get up? = 6
50. M1: -Uh-Oh↑, very early. I got up at // o’clock. = 12
51. M1: Got up at 8:00, and ate breakfast, // and take first. (12.2) = 13
52. (M1) What food do you like? = 5
53. M1: Heh do you like cooking? = 5
54. M1: No? I don’t like cooking, so I’m ‘mealer’. (.) // Are you ‘mealer’? = 14
55. M1: ‘Yamaza’ is very good. (6.0) = 7
56. (M1) Do you like book? = 4
57. M1: What country do you like to go? = 8
58. M1: I want to watch (Eiffel to), me too. In // my high school days, I went to London. = 19
59. M1: Yes. London is a was a very small // city, but it’s ve– very beautiful // city. (12.3) = 22
60. (M1) Do you, how many friends do you have in // Kyusyu Kogyo university? = 19
61. M1: What sports do you like? = 5
62. M1: Ah, good at↓, good at playing tennis? = 9
63. M1: Ah…, do you have dream? = 5
64. M1: Oh, heh you are really interested in // rocket. = 12
65. M1: Do you want to enter NASA or JA//XA? = 11
66. M1: I want to be an architect, so in // the future, I want to build buildings, yes. (6.8) = 20
67. (M1) Do you like English? = 5
68. M1: I don’t like English and I can’t speak Eng//lish. = 11
69. M1: I like read English sentence, but↑ I don’t // like speak English. (11.3) = 14
70. (M1) Do you like Fukuoka? = 7
71. M1: Why↑?= 1
72. M1: Is it beautiful? = 5
73. M1: Oh, Hyogo prefecture, I don’t like. I // like Kobe, but I don’t like Himeji. = 20
74. M1: Kobe is very famous and very // beautiful and many beautiful girls // in Kobe, for example Arimu//ra Kasuimi, Kitagawa Keiko, // but in Himeji there is no beauty//ful girls. = 33

Female 2 Mean Length Runs

1. F2: Yes. = 1
2. F2: Brother and sister. = 5
3. F2: One and one = 3
4. F2: Yes. Older brother and older sister. = 10
5. F2: Ah, twen– Twenty. ↑. = 4
6. F2: My sister is two. = 5
7. F2: My sister is Otyanomizu un//iversity student. = 16
8. F2: Hometown↑? = 2
9. F2: Kitakyusyu. = 4
10. F2: Ah (£).= 1
11. F2: I want to go. = 4
12. F2: Heh heh = 0
13. F2: My name is Nozomi Iwasaki. = 10
14. F2: Hello. Heh heh = 2
15. F2: Now↑? = 1
16. F2: (word) club, space club. = 3
17. F2: Heh heh Making rocket (.) now. = 5
18. F2: Yes. ↑ = 1
19. F2: No, no, mechanic. = 5
20. F2: My friend is (word) = 3
21. F2: Yes. ↑ = 1
22. F2: Un heh Un: heh un: = 3
23. F2: My hobby (.) un (7.6) = 4
24. (F2) play the game (£).= 3
25. F2: Smart phone. = 2
26. F2: Ah, I play. = 3
27. F2: Um: heh heh = 1
28. F2: Ee.. = 1
29. F2: Oh: = 1
30. F2: Yes. Heh heh = 1
31. F2: No↑, no and Why↑? = 4
32. F2: Yes. = 1
33. F2: ‘Harry Potter’. = 4
34. F2: All series I watched. = 6
35. F2: Yes. = 1
36. F2: Final? (Shichi no Kikori)? = 8
37. F2: Do you have bicycle? = 6
38. F2: By bus. = 2
39. F2: Next month by train, but now by bus. = 8
40. F2: 20 minutes. = 4
41. F2: Very long. (£).= 3
42. F2: Heh Oh. = 1
43. F2: At 6:00. = 4
44. F2: Heh Really↑? = 2
45. F2: Um: (.) ‘Hayashi rice’. = 5
46. F2: No. = 1
47. F2: No, my mother my ‘bento’. = 7
48. F2: So so. = 2
49. F2: Um: (2.7) = 1
50. (F2) uh (4.0) = 1
51. (F2) France. = 1
52. F2: Really↑? = 2
53. F2: How many↑? I don’t know. = 5
54. F2: Tennis. = 2
55. F2: Oh, yes. (Good) at (classmates). = 6
56. F2: Yes, I make a rocket. = 6
57. F2: So, I belong to space club. = 7
58. F2: Yes. = 1
59. F2: So so. = 2
60. F2: Me too↑. (£).= 2
61. F2: Yes. = 1
62. F2: My hometown. = 3
63. F2: Yes, (3.1) = 1
64. (F2) there is mountains and ocean. = 7
65. F2: Ah. = 1


M1: As the one or sister?

F2: Yes.

M1: Oh. Brother?

F2: Brother and sister.

M1: Oh. How many brother?

F2: One and one

M1: Older brother?

F2: Yes. Older brother and older sister.

M1: How old is older brother?

F2: Ah, twen– Twenty. ↑.

M1: Uh-oh, sister is twenty-two.

F2: My sister is two.

M1: Ah, my sister is Kobe university student.

F2: My sister is Otyanomizu university student.

M1: Eh, where is your hometown?

F2: Hometown↑?

M1: Yes.

F2: Kitakyusyu.

M1: My hometown is Hyogo prefecture, Himeji.

F2: Ah (£).

M1: There is a very famous and beautiful ↓ castle, nation. Ah, Himeji is isn’t very beautiful city. I don’t like, I don’t like Himeji.

F2: I want to go.

M1: Oh. There is only castle.

F2: Heh heh

M1: What is your name?

F2: My name is Nozomi Iwasaki.

M1: My name is Yuu Katsura. Hello.

F2: Hello. Heh heh

M1: What club do you belong to?

F2: Now↑?

M1: Now.

F2: (word) club, space club.

M1: Oh, heh heh it’s fantastic.

F2: Heh heh Making rocket (.) now.

M1: Do, are you interested in rocket? (.) Machinery club?

F2: Yes. ↑

M1: Oh. I’m Civil Engineering, architecture, (word) civil engineering class? Oh: (.) (Japanese:
kentsu Shaki)

F2: No, no, mechanic.

M1: Oh, mechanic. (3.6) I want to have ultimate Frisbee. Do you have ultimate?

F2: My friend is (word)

M1: Maybe Toko?

F2: Yes. ↑

M1: Yes yes yes. (.) It is very exciting, fun fun. Do you enter club?

F2: Un heh Un: heh un:

M1: It’s↑ very hard. (6.05) Do you have hobby?

F2: My hobby (.) un (7.6) play the game (£).

M1: Oh, what kind of game?

F2: Smart phone.

M1: My friends like (Puzzdra).

F2: Ah, I play.

M1: Are you strong?

F2: Um: heh heh

M1: My friends very strong. But I don’t like (Puzzdra). I’m not interested in it, I’m not↑ interested in it.

F2: Ee..

M1: My hobby↑ is watching TV.

F2: Oh:

M1: Especially sports, and now ‘Nadeshiko Japan’ is very exciting. Yes.

F2: Yes. Heh heh

M1: And now, and I try to watched baseball every day, I’d muscle training. Do you like muscle training?

F2: No↑, no and Why↑?(5.5)

M1: Do you like movie?

F2: Yes.

M1: What kind of movie?

F2: ‘Harry Potter’.

M1: Oh↑.

F2: All series I watched.

M1: Is it exciting.

F2: Yes.

M1: I watch on (.) TV, the final.

F2: Final? (Shichi no Kikori)?

M1: Yes yes yes↑.(7.8) By the way,  I, my bicycle broken, so I bought new bike yesterday. It is very exciting. (£).

F2: Do you have bicycle?

M1: Oh, yes yes. Train?

F2: By bus.

M1: Go to to (.) go to school by train?

F2: Next month by train, but now by bus.

M1: How many minutes do you…?

F2: 20 minutes.

M1: Oh, it’s long.

F2: Very long. (£).

M1: I’m ten minutes.

F2: Heh Oh.

M1: So, I don’t (spread) both class. (8.8) What time do you get up?

F2: At 6:00.

M1: -Uh-Oh↑, very early. I got up at  o’clock.

F2: Heh Really↑?

M1: Got up at 8:00, and ate breakfast, and take first. (12.2) What food do you like?

F2: Um: (.) ‘Hayashi rice’.

M1: Heh do you like cooking?

F2: No.

M1: No? I don’t like cooking, so I’m ‘mealer’. (.) Are you ‘mealer’?

F2: No, my mother my ‘bento’.

M1: ‘Yamaza’ is very good. (6.0) Do you like book?

F2: So so.

M1: What country do you like to go?

F2: Um: (2.7) uh (4.0) France.

M1: I want to watch (Eiffel to), me too. In my high school days, I went to London.

F2: Really↑?

M1: Yes. London is a was a very small city, but it’s ve– very beautiful city. (12.3) Do you, how many friends do you have in Kyusyu Kogyo university?

F2: How many↑? I don’t know.

M1: What sports do you like?

F2: Tennis.

M1: Ah, good at↓, good at playing tennis?

F2: Oh, yes. (Good) at (classmates).(23.1)

M1: Ah…, do you have dream?

F2: Yes, I make a rocket.

M1: Oh, heh you are really interested in rocket.

F2: So, I belong to space club.

M1: Do you want to enter NASA or JAXA?

F2: Yes.

M1: I want to be an architect, so in the future, I want to build buildings, yes. (6.8) Do you like English?

F2: So so.

M1: I don’t like English and I can’t speak English.

F2: Me too↑. (£).

M1: I like read English sentence, but↑ I don’t like speak English. (11.3) Do you like Fukuoka?

F2: Yes.

M1: Why↑?

F2: My hometown.

M1: Is it beautiful?

F2: Yes, (3.1) there is mountains and ocean.

M1: Oh, Hyogo prefecture, I don’t like. I like Kobe, but I don’t like Himeji.

F2: Ah.

M1: Kobe is very famous and very beautiful and many beautiful girls in Kobe, for example Arimura Kasuimi,  Kitagawa Keiko, but in Himeji there is no beautiful girls.

Statistics P1

Speaking Rate

A: 155.3   B: 152.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

268.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.4 (695 syllables)


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 55.5   B: 50.3

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

240.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

3.4 (223 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 120.8 secs.

Percentage: 6.6%

Total Speaking Time:

630 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

28.6 sec.


This discussion is marked by a rather high level of cross-talk pausing 28.6, and a high level of silence 120.8 seconds / 19.1% which is too high. Minimal responses are evident with both participants. Yuki did, however, when he did speak, have a high speaking rate (155.3) as compared to Nozomi’s 55.5, but this speaking rate has relatively little meaning due to the frequency of the minimal responses.  Again as seen in other discussions, Yuki dominated the interaction with 482 words compared to Nozomi’s 149

MLR Transcript

Male 2 Mean length runs.

1. M1: As the one or sister? = 6
2. M1: Oh. Brother? = 3
3. M1: Oh. How many brother? = 6
4. M1: Older brother? = 4
5. F2: Yes. Older brother and older sister. = 10
6. M1: How old is older brother? = 7
7. F2: Ah, twen– Twenty. ↑.= 4
8. M1: Uh-oh, sister is twenty-two. = 8
9. M1: Ah, my sister is Kobe univer//sity student. = 14
10. M1: Eh, where is your hometown? = 6
11. M1: Yes. = 1
12. M1: My hometown is Hyogo prefecture, Hi//meji. = 13
13. M1: There is a very famous and beautiful castle, na//tion. Ah, Himeji is isn’t very // beautiful city. I don’t like, I don’t // like Himeji. = 39
14. M1: Oh. There is only castle. = 7
15. M1: What is your name? = 4
16. M1: My name is Yuu Katsura. Hello. = 9
17. M1: What club do you belong to? = 7
18. M1: Now. = 1
19. M1: Oh, heh heh it’s fantastic. = 5
20. M1: Do, are you interested in rocket? // (.) Machinery club? = 15
21. M1: Oh. I’m Civil Engineering, archi//tecture, (word) civil engineering class? Oh:// (.) (Japanese: kentsu Shaki) = 20
22. M1: Oh, mechanic. (3.6) = 4
23. (M1) I want to have ultimate Frisbee. = 9
24. Do you have ultimate? = 6
25. M1: Maybe Toko? = 4
26. M1: Yes yes yes. (.) It is very exciting, // fun fun. Do you enter club? = 17
27. M1: It’s↑ very hard. (6.05) = 4
28. (M1) Do you have hobby? = 5
29. M1: Oh, what kind of game? = 5
30. M1: My friends like (Puzzdra). = 5
31. M1: Are you strong? = 3
32. M1: My friends very strong. But I don’t like (Puzz//dra). I’m not interested in it, I’m // not↑ interested in it. = 17
33. M1: My hobby↑ is watching TV. = 8
34. M1: Especially sports, and now ‘Nadeshi//ko Japan’ is very exciting. Yes. = 20
35. M1: And now, and I try to watched baseball // every day, I’d muscle training. Do you // like muscle training? = 25
36. M1: Do you like movie? = 5
37. M1: What kind of movie? = 5
38. M1: Oh↑.= 1
39. M1: Is it exciting. = 5
40. M1: I watch on (.) TV, the final. = 8
41. M1: Yes yes yes↑.(7.8) = 3
42. (M1) By the way, I, my bicycle broken, // so I bought new bike yesterday. It is // very exciting. (£).= 25
43. M1: Oh, yes yes. Train? = 4
44. M1: Go to to (.) go to school by train? = 8
45. M1: How many minutes do you? = 6
46. M1: Oh, it’s long. = 3
47. M1: I’m ten minutes. = 4
48. M1: So, I don’t (spread) both class. (8.8) = 6
49. (M1) What time do you get up? = 6
50. M1: -Uh-Oh↑, very early. I got up at // o’clock. = 12
51. M1: Got up at 8:00, and ate breakfast, // and take first. (12.2) = 13
52. (M1) What food do you like? = 5
53. M1: Heh do you like cooking? = 5
54. M1: No? I don’t like cooking, so I’m ‘mealer’. (.) // Are you ‘mealer’? = 14
55. M1: ‘Yamaza’ is very good. (6.0) = 7
56. (M1) Do you like book? = 4
57. M1: What country do you like to go? = 8
58. M1: I want to watch (Eiffel to), me too. In // my high school days, I went to London. = 19
59. M1: Yes. London is a was a very small // city, but it’s ve– very beautiful // city. (12.3) = 22
60. (M1) Do you, how many friends do you have in // Kyusyu Kogyo university? = 19
61. M1: What sports do you like? = 5
62. M1: Ah, good at↓, good at playing tennis? = 9
63. M1: Ah…, do you have dream? = 5
64. M1: Oh, heh you are really interested in // rocket. = 12
65. M1: Do you want to enter NASA or JA//XA? = 11
66. M1: I want to be an architect, so in // the future, I want to build buildings, yes. (6.8) = 20
67. (M1) Do you like English? = 5
68. M1: I don’t like English and I can’t speak Eng//lish. = 11
69. M1: I like read English sentence, but↑ I don’t // like speak English. (11.3) = 14
70. (M1) Do you like Fukuoka? = 7
71. M1: Why↑?= 1
72. M1: Is it beautiful? = 5
73. M1: Oh, Hyogo prefecture, I don’t like. I // like Kobe, but I don’t like Himeji. = 20
74. M1: Kobe is very famous and very // beautiful and many beautiful girls // in Kobe, for example Arimu//ra Kasuimi, Kitagawa Keiko, // but in Himeji there is no beauty//ful girls. = 33

Female 2 Mean Length Runs

1. F2: Yes. = 1
2. F2: Brother and sister. = 5
3. F2: One and one = 3
4. F2: Yes. Older brother and older sister. = 10
5. F2: Ah, twen– Twenty. ↑. = 4
6. F2: My sister is two. = 5
7. F2: My sister is Otyanomizu un//iversity student. = 16
8. F2: Hometown↑? = 2
9. F2: Kitakyusyu. = 4
10. F2: Ah (£).= 1
11. F2: I want to go. = 4
12. F2: Heh heh = 0
13. F2: My name is Nozomi Iwasaki. = 10
14. F2: Hello. Heh heh = 2
15. F2: Now↑? = 1
16. F2: (word) club, space club. = 3
17. F2: Heh heh Making rocket (.) now. = 5
18. F2: Yes. ↑ = 1
19. F2: No, no, mechanic. = 5
20. F2: My friend is (word) = 3
21. F2: Yes. ↑ = 1
22. F2: Un heh Un: heh un: = 3
23. F2: My hobby (.) un (7.6) = 4
24. (F2) play the game (£).= 3
25. F2: Smart phone. = 2
26. F2: Ah, I play. = 3
27. F2: Um: heh heh = 1
28. F2: Ee.. = 1
29. F2: Oh: = 1
30. F2: Yes. Heh heh = 1
31. F2: No↑, no and Why↑? = 4
32. F2: Yes. = 1
33. F2: ‘Harry Potter’. = 4
34. F2: All series I watched. = 6
35. F2: Yes. = 1
36. F2: Final? (Shichi no Kikori)? = 8
37. F2: Do you have bicycle? = 6
38. F2: By bus. = 2
39. F2: Next month by train, but now by bus. = 8
40. F2: 20 minutes. = 4
41. F2: Very long. (£).= 3
42. F2: Heh Oh. = 1
43. F2: At 6:00. = 4
44. F2: Heh Really↑? = 2
45. F2: Um: (.) ‘Hayashi rice’. = 5
46. F2: No. = 1
47. F2: No, my mother my ‘bento’. = 7
48. F2: So so. = 2
49. F2: Um: (2.7) = 1
50. (F2) uh (4.0) = 1
51. (F2) France. = 1
52. F2: Really↑? = 2
53. F2: How many↑? I don’t know. = 5
54. F2: Tennis. = 2
55. F2: Oh, yes. (Good) at (classmates). = 6
56. F2: Yes, I make a rocket. = 6
57. F2: So, I belong to space club. = 7
58. F2: Yes. = 1
59. F2: So so. = 2
60. F2: Me too↑. (£).= 2
61. F2: Yes. = 1
62. F2: My hometown. = 3
63. F2: Yes, (3.1) = 1
64. (F2) there is mountains and ocean. = 7
65. F2: Ah. = 1

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