Hikaru and Nozomi

Session 3: Male 2 to Female 2


Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 90.2   B: 85.0

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

501.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

11.9 (755 syllables)

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 123.0   B: 113.8

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

78.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

3.2 (161 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 109.7 secs.

Percentage: 15.8%

Total Speaking Time:

690 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

15.5 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M2: Hi.

F2: Hi.

M2: My name is Hikaru Endo.(.) Eh I’m a second-year student. My major is techni– um mecha mechanical engineering. Nice to meet you.

F2: Nice to meet you. My name is Nozomi Iwasaki. Um first (2.9) first grade. Heh My major is mechanical…

M2: Oh↑

F2: engineer.

M2: Ah, same

F2: Same, same. ↑ Nice to meet you.

M2: Nice to meet you. So, what what is your favorite sports?

F2: My favorite sport is tennis.

M2: Tennis? Really?

F2: I like Kei Nishikori.

M2: Ah, do you play tennis?

F2: Yeah.

M2: Ah.

F2: Class.

M2: Class, do you belong to circle?

F2: (Japanese: Ano) club (£).

M2: Class?

F2: class.

M2: Ah..,tennis class…, (Japanese: bukatsu)? Ah:↑, (.) PE?

F2: Yes yes yes↓.

M2: Ah, me to. I like tennis. Um (.) when I was a high school student, I I belonged to tennis club. Um.. I like Nishikori Kei too. So, um: (23.0) do you play any other sports?

F2: No.

M2: No, only tennis?

F2: Yes.

M2: Um:

F2: Um when I was a high school student, I belonged (.) Tea Ceremony.

M2: ‘Tea Ceremony?

F2: um club↑.

M2:Ah↑, Tea Ceremony. (Japanese: sado)?

F2: Yeah, (Japanese: sado).

M2: Oh yeah.

F2: So, I don’t play sports.

M2: Ah, sound good, so can you make tea?

F2: Yes (£).

M2: Oh, good, so I played tennis for six years during um I I junior high school student and high school student, so now↑ I don’t play sports, so I want to play something sports so I have to work out my body.

F2: Heh heh

M2: Heh heh

M2: Next topic. OK↑ ?F2: OK.

M2: Um (3.7) do you↑ like movies?F2: Yes.

M2: What kind of movies do you like?

F2: ‘Harry Potter’.

M2: ‘Hurry Potter’. Um↓ good.

F2: I watched all series.

M2: Oh, really↑? Me too. Did you read the book of Harry Potter↓?

F2: Yes.

M2: Really? All books?

F2: Yes. I have.

M2: All series?

F2: Yes.

M2: Wow↑, you have! Wow↑.

F2: Heh heh

M2: I watched the movie all series of ‘Harry Potter’, but I can’t read books. Very long (Japanese: zyanai)?

F2: Heh heh. Very long. ↓

M2: (Japanese: mo Yabai)’. Um: Harry Potter’ (5.1) other else? (2.5) Something else?

F2: A movie? ‘Ghibli’s Eiga’.

M2: Ah↑ yeah yeah yeah good. I like Ghibli, too. I like ‘Cagliostro castle’.

F2: Ah.

M2: Have you watched?

F2: Yes.

M2: Ah of course, all Japanese people. Um (13.4) what is the most (.) most Ghibli anime, the best Ghibli anime?

F2: Un…, most..

M2: Best best

F2: Best? ‘Howl Oo Ugoku Shiro’.

M2: Eee, really? Me too ‘Nanyakedo’. ‘Sugoi Mezurashiine Tsuriauna’. Which part do you like? Which parts ‘Howl’?

F2: Um (.) Calcifer work..

M2: Ah: work ..

F2: Work for move castle.

M2: Calcifer is very cute.

F2: Yeah. (£)

M2: I think so. How was, how is, how how is very cool?

F2: Cool?

M2: So, um: Sophie is very beautiful.

F2: Mark…

M2: Ah: Mark?

F2: Mark

M2: (Japanese: mo) cute ‘(Japanese: yane)

F2: Cute cute cute.

M2: Yeah yeah.

F2: Yeah.

M2: I also like ‘Mononoke Hime’.F2: Hm-mm-mm.

M2: When I was a child↓, I watched it so many times, so I remember out of scenes. Do you like ‘Mononoke Hime↑’?

F2: Yeah.

M2: Ah: good↓. (5.9) How about books? Ah: so, do you like read a book?

F2: So so.

M2: So so hmm: (9.0) so now I live in Fukuoka city with my parents. It takes two hours, more than two hours to commute this university. Yeah. Very hard ‘(Japanese: nanyakedo). So when I ride on train, I read books often (.), um (.)  so (4.3) recently I read (2.2) ah,  (2.8) (sniffle) (4.9) I read ‘Never let me go’. Do you know? Kazuo Ishiguro. He is a Japanese but he live in England, he grew up England of his life, so his nationality is Japanese, but he can’t speak Japanese. He can English. He is very famous author in England, all over the world. He take, get award, ‘Booker Sho’’, Olympic award, so I read his book, but I don’t like, heh I don’t like (Japanese: dehanaikedo)’, um.. (Japanese: ma) very interesting book. That book’s story is (.) clone, so (5.9) um (4.9) (Japanese: ↓nanteiunnyaro) how do I say↓ it (3.7) the clone was made for, made and for human clone↑, and they are made for someone’s health, someone get ill or sick and so the body is very bad so yes–

F2: Exchange?

M2: Exchange↑, yeah↑ yeah↑ yeah↑, so it’s very different, difficult subject and (2.8) how do you think if you are clone of human?

F2: Ah, it’s very convenient…

M2: Convenient↑?

F2: But↑, um↑, (.) um:

M2: But, they improve only for someone’s human. Only only give themselves. (Japanese: Naizou)? Organic, ‘organism’, only give organism’, just they can’t have a fun or they can’t have a very good life, so I think it’s very sad.

F2: Oh…


From this discussion, we can see the usual trend of males out-talking females to be confirmed, with Hikaru talking 521 words to Nozomi’s 108. Syntactic dysfluency is rather limited, with just 12 repeated words for Hikaru, but what is notable is the MLRs, Nozomi had 3.2 (low) compared to Hikaru’s 11.9 (rather high). Nozomi’s speech is marked with many minimal responses, so she could improve her fluency by providing longer replies, more descriptions, and a few stories to fill out her production. Cross-talk pausing is 15.5, but both participants seemed to enjoy talking with each other.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

1. F2: Hi. = 1
2. F2: Nice to meet you. My name is Nozomi // Iwasaki. Um first (2.9) = 16
3. (F2) first grade. Heh My major is mechanical = 10
4. F2: engineer. = 3
5. F2: Same, same. ↑ Nice to meet you. = 6
6. F2: My favorite sport is tennis. = 7
7. F2: I like Kei Nishikori. = 7
8. F2: Yeah. = 1
9. F2: Class. = 1
10. F2: (Japanese: Ano) club (£).= 1
11. F2: class. = 1
12. F2: Yes yes yes↓.= 3
13. F2: No. = 1
14. F2: Yes. = 1
15. F2: Um when I was a high school student, I // belonged (.) Tea Ceremony. = 18
16. F2: um club↑.= 2
17. F2: Yeah, (Japanese: sado). = 1
18. F2: So, I don’t play sports. = 6
19. F2: Yes (£).= 1
20. F2: Heh heh= 0
21. F2: OK. = 2
22. F2: Yes. = 1
23. F2: ‘Harry Potter’. = 4
24. F2: I watched all series. = 5
25. F2: Yes. = 1
26. F2: Yes. I have. = 3
27. F2: Yes. = 1
28. F2: Heh heh = 0
29. F2: Heh heh. Very long. ↓ =3
30. F2: A movie? ‘Ghibli’s Eiga’. = 7
31. F2: Ah. = 1
32. F2: Yes. = 1
33. F2: Un…, most.. = 2
34. F2: Best? ‘Howl Oo Ugoku Shiro’. = 8
35. F2: Um (.) Calcifer work.. = 5
36. F2: Work for move castle. = 5
37. F2: Yeah. (£) = 1
38. F2: Cool? = 1
39. F2: Mark…= 1
40. F2: Mark = 1
41. F2: Cute cute cute. = 3
42. F2: Yeah. = 1
43. F2: Hm-mm-mm. = 1
44. F2: Yeah. = 1
45. F2: So so. = 2
46. F2: Exchange? = 2
47. F2: Ah, it’s very convenient = 7
48. F2: But↑, um↑, (.) um: = 3
49. F2: Oh… = 1

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hi. = 1
2. M2: My name is Hikaru Endo.(.) Eh I’m // a second-year student. My major is tech//ni– um mecha mechanical engi//neering. Nice to meet you. = 36
3. M2: Oh↑ = 1
4. M2: Ah, same = 2
5. M2: Nice to meet you. So, what what is your fa//vorite sports? = 14
6. M2: Tennis? Really? = 4
7. M2: Ah, do you play tennis? = 6
8. M2: Ah. = 1
9. M2: Class, do you belong to circle? = 8
10. M2: Class? = 1
11. M2: Ah..,tennis class…, (Japanese: bukatsu)? Ah:↑, (.) PE? = 7
12. M2: Ah, me to. I like tennis. Um (.) when I // was a high school student, I I belonged // to tennis club. Um.. I like Nishiko//ri Kei too. So, um: (23.0) = 35
13. (M2) do you play any other sports? = 8
14. M2: No, only tennis? = 5
15. M2: Um: = 1
16. M2: ‘Tea Ceremony? = 5
17. M2:Ah↑, Tea Ceremony. (Japanese: sado)? = 6
18. M2: Oh yeah. = 2
19. M2: Ah, sound good, so can you make tea? = 8
20. M2: Oh, good, so I played tennis for six //years during um I I junior high school // student and high school student, so now↑ I // don’t play sports, so I want to play something // sports so I have to work out my body. // = 50
21. M2: Heh heh = 0
22. M2: Next topic. OK↑ ? = 5
23. M2: Um (3.7) = 1
24. (M2) do you↑ like movies? = 5
25. M2: What kind of movies do you like? = 8
26. M2: ‘Hurry Potter’. Um↓ good. = 6
27. M2: Oh, really↑? Me too. Did you read the book // of Harry Potter↓? = 15
28. M2: Really? All books? = 5
29. M2: All series? = 3
30. M2: Wow↑, you have! Wow↑. = 4
31. M2: I watched the movie all series of ‘Har//ry Potter’, but I can’t read books. Ve//ry long (Japanese: zyanai)? = 22
32. M2: (Japanese: mo Yabai)’. Um: Harry Potter’ (5.1) = 5
33. (M2) other else? (2.5) = 2
34. (M2) Something else? = 3
35. M2: Ah↑ yeah yeah yeah good. I like Ghibli, too. // I like ‘Cagliostro castle’. = 18
36. M2: Have you watched? = 4
37. M2: Ah of course, all Japanese people. Um (13.4) = 10
38. (M2) what is the most (.) most Ghibli anime,// the best Ghibli anime? = 17
39. M2: Best best = 2
40. M2: Eee, really? Me too ‘Nanyakedo’. ‘Su//goi Mezurashiine Tsuriauna’. Which part do // you like? Which parts ‘Howl’? = 25
41. M2: Ah: work. = 2
42. M2: Calcifer is very cute. = 7
43. M2: I think so. How was, how is, how how is // very cool? = 13
44. M2: So, um: Sophie is very beautify//ul. = 11
45. M2: Ah: Mark? = 2
46. M2: (Japanese: mo) cute ‘(Japanese: yane) = 1
47. M2: Yeah yeah. = 2
48. M2: I also like ‘Mononoke Hime’. = 9
49. M2: When I was a child↓, I watched it so // many times, so I remember out of // scenes. Do you like ‘Mononoke Hime↑’? = 29
50. M2: Ah: good↓. (5.9) = 2
51. (M2) How about books? Ah: so, do you like read // a book? = 12
52. M2: So so hmm: (9.0) = 3
53. (M2) so now I live in Fukuoka ci//ty with my parents. It takes two hours, // more than two hours to commute this un//iversity. Yeah. Very hard ‘(Japanese: nanyakedo). So when // I ride on train, I read books often (.), um (.) // so (4.3) = 51
54. (M2) recently I read (2.2) = 5
55. (M2) ah, (2.8) = 1
56. (M2) (sniffle) (4.9) = 0
57. (M2) I read ‘Never let me go’. Do you know? // Kazuo Ishiguro. He is a // Japanese but he live in England, he // grew up England of his life, so his nat//ionality is Japanese, but he // can’t speak Japanese. He can English. He // is very famous author in England, all // over the world. He take, get award, ‘Book//er Sho’’, Olympic award, so I read // his book, but I don’t like, heh I don’t like (Japanese: dehanaikedo)’, um.. // (Japanese: ma) very interesting book. That book’s sto//ry is (.) clone, so (5.9) = 114
58. (M2) um (4.9) = 1
(M2) (Japanese: ↓nanteiunnyaro) how do I say↓ it (3.7) = 5
59. (M2) the clone was made for, made and for human // clone↑, and they are made for someone’s health, // someone get ill or sick and so the bo//dy is very bad so yes–= 37
60. M2: Exchange↑, yeah↑ yeah↑ yeah↑, so it’s very dif//ferent, difficult subject and (2.8) = 18
61. (M2) how do you think if you are clone of hu//man? = 11
62. M2: Convenient↑?= 3
63. M2: But, they improve only for someone’s // human. Only only give themselves. // (Japanese: Naizou)? Organic, ‘organisum’, only give // organisum’, just they can’t have a fun // or they can’t have a very good life, so I // think it’s very sad. = 55


M2: Hi.

F2: Hi.

M2: My name is Hikaru Endo.(.) Eh I’m a second-year student. My major is techni– um mecha mechanical engineering. Nice to meet you.

F2: Nice to meet you. My name is Nozomi Iwasaki. Um first (2.9) first grade. Heh My major is mechanical…

M2: Oh↑

F2: engineer.

M2: Ah, same

F2: Same, same. ↑ Nice to meet you.

M2: Nice to meet you. So, what what is your favorite sports?

F2: My favorite sport is tennis.

M2: Tennis? Really?

F2: I like Kei Nishikori.

M2: Ah, do you play tennis?

F2: Yeah.

M2: Ah.

F2: Class.

M2: Class, do you belong to circle?

F2: (Japanese: Ano) club (£).

M2: Class?

F2: class.

M2: Ah..,tennis class…, (Japanese: bukatsu)? Ah:↑, (.) PE?

F2: Yes yes yes↓.

M2: Ah, me to. I like tennis. Um (.) when I was a high school student, I I belonged to tennis club. Um.. I like Nishikori Kei too. So, um: (23.0) do you play any other sports?

F2: No.

M2: No, only tennis?

F2: Yes.

M2: Um:

F2: Um when I was a high school student, I belonged (.) Tea Ceremony.

M2: ‘Tea Ceremony?

F2: um club↑.

M2:Ah↑, Tea Ceremony. (Japanese: sado)?

F2: Yeah, (Japanese: sado).

M2: Oh yeah.

F2: So, I don’t play sports.

M2: Ah, sound good, so can you make tea?

F2: Yes (£).

M2: Oh, good, so I played tennis for six years during um I I junior high school student and high school student, so now↑ I don’t play sports, so I want to play something sports so I have to work out my body.

F2: Heh heh

M2: Heh heh

M2: Next topic. OK↑ ?F2: OK.

M2: Um (3.7) do you↑ like movies?F2: Yes.

M2: What kind of movies do you like?

F2: ‘Harry Potter’.

M2: ‘Hurry Potter’. Um↓ good.

F2: I watched all series.

M2: Oh, really↑? Me too. Did you read the book of Harry Potter↓?

F2: Yes.

M2: Really? All books?

F2: Yes. I have.

M2: All series?

F2: Yes.

M2: Wow↑, you have! Wow↑.

F2: Heh heh

M2: I watched the movie all series of ‘Harry Potter’, but I can’t read books. Very long (Japanese: zyanai)?

F2: Heh heh. Very long. ↓

M2: (Japanese: mo Yabai)’. Um: Harry Potter’ (5.1) other else? (2.5) Something else?

F2: A movie? ‘Ghibli’s Eiga’.

M2: Ah↑ yeah yeah yeah good. I like Ghibli, too. I like ‘Cagliostro castle’.

F2: Ah.

M2: Have you watched?

F2: Yes.

M2: Ah of course, all Japanese people. Um (13.4) what is the most (.) most Ghibli anime, the best Ghibli anime?

F2: Un…, most..

M2: Best best

F2: Best? ‘Howl Oo Ugoku Shiro’.

M2: Eee, really? Me too ‘Nanyakedo’. ‘Sugoi Mezurashiine Tsuriauna’. Which part do you like? Which parts ‘Howl’?

F2: Um (.) Calcifer work..

M2: Ah: work ..

F2: Work for move castle.

M2: Calcifer is very cute.

F2: Yeah. (£)

M2: I think so. How was, how is, how how is very cool?

F2: Cool?

M2: So, um: Sophie is very beautiful.

F2: Mark…

M2: Ah: Mark?

F2: Mark

M2: (Japanese: mo) cute ‘(Japanese: yane)

F2: Cute cute cute.

M2: Yeah yeah.

F2: Yeah.

M2: I also like ‘Mononoke Hime’.F2: Hm-mm-mm.

M2: When I was a child↓, I watched it so many times, so I remember out of scenes. Do you like ‘Mononoke Hime↑’?

F2: Yeah.

M2: Ah: good↓. (5.9) How about books? Ah: so, do you like read a book?

F2: So so.

M2: So so hmm: (9.0) so now I live in Fukuoka city with my parents. It takes two hours, more than two hours to commute this university. Yeah. Very hard ‘(Japanese: nanyakedo). So when I ride on train, I read books often (.), um (.)  so (4.3) recently I read (2.2) ah,  (2.8) (sniffle) (4.9) I read ‘Never let me go’. Do you know? Kazuo Ishiguro. He is a Japanese but he live in England, he grew up England of his life, so his nationality is Japanese, but he can’t speak Japanese. He can English. He is very famous author in England, all over the world. He take, get award, ‘Booker Sho’’, Olympic award, so I read his book, but I don’t like, heh I don’t like (Japanese: dehanaikedo)’, um.. (Japanese: ma) very interesting book. That book’s story is (.) clone, so (5.9) um (4.9) (Japanese: ↓nanteiunnyaro) how do I say↓ it (3.7) the clone was made for, made and for human clone↑, and they are made for someone’s health, someone get ill or sick and so the body is very bad so yes–

F2: Exchange?

M2: Exchange↑, yeah↑ yeah↑ yeah↑, so it’s very different, difficult subject and (2.8) how do you think if you are clone of human?

F2: Ah, it’s very convenient…

M2: Convenient↑?

F2: But↑, um↑, (.) um:

M2: But, they improve only for someone’s human. Only only give themselves. (Japanese: Naizou)? Organic, ‘organism’, only give organism’, just they can’t have a fun or they can’t have a very good life, so I think it’s very sad.

F2: Oh…

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 90.2   B: 85.0

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

501.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

11.9 (755 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 123.0   B: 113.8

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

78.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

3.2 (161 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 109.7 secs.

Percentage: 15.8%

Total Speaking Time:

690 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

15.5 sec.


From this discussion, we can see the usual trend of males out-talking females to be confirmed, with Hikaru talking 521 words to Nozomi’s 108. Syntactic dysfluency is rather limited, with just 12 repeated words for Hikaru, but what is notable is the MLRs, Nozomi had 3.2 (low) compared to Hikaru’s 11.9 (rather high). Nozomi’s speech is marked with many minimal responses, so she could improve her fluency by providing longer replies, more descriptions, and a few stories to fill out her production. Cross-talk pausing is 15.5, but both participants seemed to enjoy talking with each other.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

1. F2: Hi. = 1
2. F2: Nice to meet you. My name is Nozomi // Iwasaki. Um first (2.9) = 16
3. (F2) first grade. Heh My major is mechanical = 10
4. F2: engineer. = 3
5. F2: Same, same. ↑ Nice to meet you. = 6
6. F2: My favorite sport is tennis. = 7
7. F2: I like Kei Nishikori. = 7
8. F2: Yeah. = 1
9. F2: Class. = 1
10. F2: (Japanese: Ano) club (£).= 1
11. F2: class. = 1
12. F2: Yes yes yes↓.= 3
13. F2: No. = 1
14. F2: Yes. = 1
15. F2: Um when I was a high school student, I // belonged (.) Tea Ceremony. = 18
16. F2: um club↑.= 2
17. F2: Yeah, (Japanese: sado). = 1
18. F2: So, I don’t play sports. = 6
19. F2: Yes (£).= 1
20. F2: Heh heh= 0
21. F2: OK. = 2
22. F2: Yes. = 1
23. F2: ‘Harry Potter’. = 4
24. F2: I watched all series. = 5
25. F2: Yes. = 1
26. F2: Yes. I have. = 3
27. F2: Yes. = 1
28. F2: Heh heh = 0
29. F2: Heh heh. Very long. ↓ =3
30. F2: A movie? ‘Ghibli’s Eiga’. = 7
31. F2: Ah. = 1
32. F2: Yes. = 1
33. F2: Un…, most.. = 2
34. F2: Best? ‘Howl Oo Ugoku Shiro’. = 8
35. F2: Um (.) Calcifer work.. = 5
36. F2: Work for move castle. = 5
37. F2: Yeah. (£) = 1
38. F2: Cool? = 1
39. F2: Mark…= 1
40. F2: Mark = 1
41. F2: Cute cute cute. = 3
42. F2: Yeah. = 1
43. F2: Hm-mm-mm. = 1
44. F2: Yeah. = 1
45. F2: So so. = 2
46. F2: Exchange? = 2
47. F2: Ah, it’s very convenient = 7
48. F2: But↑, um↑, (.) um: = 3
49. F2: Oh… = 1

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hi. = 1
2. M2: My name is Hikaru Endo.(.) Eh I’m // a second-year student. My major is tech//ni– um mecha mechanical engi//neering. Nice to meet you. = 36
3. M2: Oh↑ = 1
4. M2: Ah, same = 2
5. M2: Nice to meet you. So, what what is your fa//vorite sports? = 14
6. M2: Tennis? Really? = 4
7. M2: Ah, do you play tennis? = 6
8. M2: Ah. = 1
9. M2: Class, do you belong to circle? = 8
10. M2: Class? = 1
11. M2: Ah..,tennis class…, (Japanese: bukatsu)? Ah:↑, (.) PE? = 7
12. M2: Ah, me to. I like tennis. Um (.) when I // was a high school student, I I belonged // to tennis club. Um.. I like Nishiko//ri Kei too. So, um: (23.0) = 35
13. (M2) do you play any other sports? = 8
14. M2: No, only tennis? = 5
15. M2: Um: = 1
16. M2: ‘Tea Ceremony? = 5
17. M2:Ah↑, Tea Ceremony. (Japanese: sado)? = 6
18. M2: Oh yeah. = 2
19. M2: Ah, sound good, so can you make tea? = 8
20. M2: Oh, good, so I played tennis for six //years during um I I junior high school // student and high school student, so now↑ I // don’t play sports, so I want to play something // sports so I have to work out my body. // = 50
21. M2: Heh heh = 0
22. M2: Next topic. OK↑ ? = 5
23. M2: Um (3.7) = 1
24. (M2) do you↑ like movies? = 5
25. M2: What kind of movies do you like? = 8
26. M2: ‘Hurry Potter’. Um↓ good. = 6
27. M2: Oh, really↑? Me too. Did you read the book // of Harry Potter↓? = 15
28. M2: Really? All books? = 5
29. M2: All series? = 3
30. M2: Wow↑, you have! Wow↑. = 4
31. M2: I watched the movie all series of ‘Har//ry Potter’, but I can’t read books. Ve//ry long (Japanese: zyanai)? = 22
32. M2: (Japanese: mo Yabai)’. Um: Harry Potter’ (5.1) = 5
33. (M2) other else? (2.5) = 2
34. (M2) Something else? = 3
35. M2: Ah↑ yeah yeah yeah good. I like Ghibli, too. // I like ‘Cagliostro castle’. = 18
36. M2: Have you watched? = 4
37. M2: Ah of course, all Japanese people. Um (13.4) = 10
38. (M2) what is the most (.) most Ghibli anime,// the best Ghibli anime? = 17
39. M2: Best best = 2
40. M2: Eee, really? Me too ‘Nanyakedo’. ‘Su//goi Mezurashiine Tsuriauna’. Which part do // you like? Which parts ‘Howl’? = 25
41. M2: Ah: work. = 2
42. M2: Calcifer is very cute. = 7
43. M2: I think so. How was, how is, how how is // very cool? = 13
44. M2: So, um: Sophie is very beautify//ul. = 11
45. M2: Ah: Mark? = 2
46. M2: (Japanese: mo) cute ‘(Japanese: yane) = 1
47. M2: Yeah yeah. = 2
48. M2: I also like ‘Mononoke Hime’. = 9
49. M2: When I was a child↓, I watched it so // many times, so I remember out of // scenes. Do you like ‘Mononoke Hime↑’? = 29
50. M2: Ah: good↓. (5.9) = 2
51. (M2) How about books? Ah: so, do you like read // a book? = 12
52. M2: So so hmm: (9.0) = 3
53. (M2) so now I live in Fukuoka ci//ty with my parents. It takes two hours, // more than two hours to commute this un//iversity. Yeah. Very hard ‘(Japanese: nanyakedo). So when // I ride on train, I read books often (.), um (.) // so (4.3) = 51
54. (M2) recently I read (2.2) = 5
55. (M2) ah, (2.8) = 1
56. (M2) (sniffle) (4.9) = 0
57. (M2) I read ‘Never let me go’. Do you know? // Kazuo Ishiguro. He is a // Japanese but he live in England, he // grew up England of his life, so his nat//ionality is Japanese, but he // can’t speak Japanese. He can English. He // is very famous author in England, all // over the world. He take, get award, ‘Book//er Sho’’, Olympic award, so I read // his book, but I don’t like, heh I don’t like (Japanese: dehanaikedo)’, um.. // (Japanese: ma) very interesting book. That book’s sto//ry is (.) clone, so (5.9) = 114
58. (M2) um (4.9) = 1
(M2) (Japanese: ↓nanteiunnyaro) how do I say↓ it (3.7) = 5
59. (M2) the clone was made for, made and for human // clone↑, and they are made for someone’s health, // someone get ill or sick and so the bo//dy is very bad so yes–= 37
60. M2: Exchange↑, yeah↑ yeah↑ yeah↑, so it’s very dif//ferent, difficult subject and (2.8) = 18
61. (M2) how do you think if you are clone of hu//man? = 11
62. M2: Convenient↑?= 3
63. M2: But, they improve only for someone’s // human. Only only give themselves. // (Japanese: Naizou)? Organic, ‘organisum’, only give // organisum’, just they can’t have a fun // or they can’t have a very good life, so I // think it’s very sad. = 55

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