Kohei and Shohei

Session 2 : Male 2 to Male 1


Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 127.7   B: 116.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

141.84 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.3 (302 syllables)

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 128.9   B: 116.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

454.16 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

15.0 (976 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 34.7 secs.

Percentage: 5.8%

Total Speaking Time:

596 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M1: Ah: information↑ about your idea↑ about 3 dream jobs. So ah: I I’d like to tell↑ you: my my dream is (.) I’d like to (.) control the space rocket in the future and so because hmm when I when I was a elementary school student, I was I I I saw the Andromeda galaxy through the microscope. It was very beautiful and I thought I’d like to go there↑. So first of all↓, I I make the rocket and I I’d like to go there. Mmm ↑. Ok so↓ could you↓ tell↓ me↓?

M2: Ok. Ah my dream is to be a pilot. ↑

M1: uh-huh.

M2: And so (.) so: I want to study about air craft in this university.

M1: Ah↓ I see↓.

M2: And un and: (.) I like air plane because I I use air craft when I was hum elementary student.


M2: And it is it was trip.

M1: uh-huh. un

M2: With my family.

M1: E where did you go?

M2: Ah I go I went to Okinawa.

M1: Ah! uh-uh-uh

M2: Un.

M1: That’s good. So you like air plane. u-unto Ok I’d like to ask you. You are not interested in space rocket.

M2: heh heh

M1: You ( ) be astronaut? No?

M2: Un hhh

M1: You don’t think so↓?

M2: Mmm I like air craft only

M1: Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm↑. Ee so What is your major?

M2: Ah Mechanical control engineering.

M1: Ah Ah Ah! Me too.

M2: ah!

M1: I’m control engineering. Un I see. OK but but↑ we have to discuss our three dreams.

M2: Three dreams.

M1: Yeah. I’ve already talked↑ one dream.

M2: Yeah.

M1: Ok de The other↑ Mmm (.) ah I’d I’d like to marry (.) foreign girl.

M2: Oh↑!

M1: I I like↑ girl who is blond hair and has blue eyes. Heh

M2: heh heh

M1: So especially, I love↑ England girl.

M2: Oh. Oh [052:64]

M1: Un so my dream is marrying that girl heh heh

M2: Ah:

M1: yap.

M2: Do you like Russian girl?

M1: Oh: ↑ Mmm↑ Good↑!

M2: heh heh

M1: I like (.) so↓ mmm↓ so she she↑ has (2.4) beautiful skin, white color. Un-un-un-un and blue eyes. (.) un-un-un-un

M2: Good dream! And my second↑ dream is mmm making girl friend↑.

M1: Ah! Ah! First of all↑, making girl friend.

M2: But this in this university, there are few↑ girl.

M1: Yeah: ↑

M2: So: un↓

M1: heh heh Do you wanna boy↑ friend↑ heh heh?

M2: heh heh ah dangerous…

M1: ne-! I can’t↑ imagine↑!

M2: un

M1: heh un so what grade?

M2: Ah I’m a freshman.

M1:Ah↑! A freshman↑?! Umm 4 years later, you may (.) you may make girl friend heh heh in company. un

M2: heh

M1: I don’t know. Ok Las-last dream. (2.8) mmm (.) my dream um↓

M2: Ok I have.

M1: oh you have.

M2: Ah the 3rd dream is (4.4.) having a driving license and car.

M1: Ah un-un so you want a car?

M2: I want to buy.

M1: E so what do you want to take the car?

M2: Uh? One more time?

M1: So hmm when you buy car, so what do you wanna buy the car? What kind of car?

M2: Ah I like old mini cooper.

M1: un-un-un-un

M2: un so I want to buy it and custom, I want to custom it.

M1: How’s Lamborghini?

M2: Heh

M1: Yeah↑ I like↑ Lamborghini! And it is very stylish.

M2: It’s good↑. Wonderful! But very expensive.


M2: Very expensive. And I heard Lamborghini can’t back back. Because window is very small so drivers can’t see back.

M1: Ah. Ah↑ I came↑ idea↑! So: last↑ dream is, I, mmm↓ first of all, I I become C-CEO of company and I’d like to buy Lamborghini!

M2: Heh heh

M1: OK!

M2: Earn many money and buy it.

M1: Yes! Yes! Heh heh

M2: Heh

M1: OK! next topic (.) is↑ “What kind of pet would you like?”

M2: Ah I like dog and I have one dog.

M1: Oh really↑?

M2: Yeah.

M1: What kind of dog?

M2: Ah↓

M1: Do you have↓?

M2: Miniature Schnauzer.

M1: Not miniature dog?

M2: Un

M1: Schnauzer.

M2: Schnauzer. Do you know Marumo-no-okite?

M1: Yeah↑!

M2: This dog.

M1: Ah! this dog is

M2: Yeah Schnauzer!

M1: ha-! Un-un-un-un hu-n (Japanese: e nay) mmm↑ I un-huh I like↑ (4.1) mmm (2.0) tiger↑. Heh heh heh hhh un If I↑ (.) (sniffle) If I can↑ have a tiger, I’d like to have a tiger. Very cute↑.

M2: But sometimes very (.) ah

M1: Mmm

M2: Dangerous.

M1: Japanese: nay) It dangerous! Ok↑. (7.5) about↑ your favorite teacher.

M2: Favorite teacher.

M1: Teacher↑ hmm (4.7) I don’t have favorite teacher (£) heh heh ah mmm my my favorite teacher is Mr. Long

M2: heh heh

M1: Because he is funny.

M2: un

M1: And gentlemen.

M2: And good↑ tie↑.

M1: Yeah! Heh heh heh And have blue eyes.

M2: Un

M1: And he he teach me English. hm he he is very kind. And the other teacher (6.8) Do you know Dennis Woolbright?

M2: Huh?

M1: Dennis Woolbright.

M2: I don’t know↓.

M1: Ah so he is also professor mmm (Japanese: a demo) but↑ he is professor in Seinan University. But mmm↑ every Monday, or and Friday, he come this university and we are we have conversation of of English mmm-mmm so he is funny. He is really funny. And I often go to his house. And we have party and very enjoy! un so I love Dennis Woolbright.


This second same-sex discussion was interesting as both males had high speaking rates 116.2 and 116.7, with no cross-talk pausing. Dysfluency is limited though Kohei had a high level of repetition (38 occurrences) as well as a high level of meaningless syllables 96. There is some unbalance to the discussion with Shohei talking more than twice as long as Kohei, so my recommendations would be that Kohei provide more descriptive responses and stories.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1. M1: Ah: information↑ about your idea↑ a//bout 3 dream jobs. So ah: I I’d like to // tell↑ you: my my dream is (.) I’d like to (.) con//trol the space rocket in the future and // so because hmm when I when I was a // elementary school student, I was // I I I saw the Andromeda // galaxy through the microscope. It was // very beautiful and I thought I’d like // to go there↑. So first of all↓, I I make the // rocket and I I’d like to go there. Mmm ↑. // Ok so↓ could you↓ tell↓ me↓? = 117
2. M1: uh-huh. = 2
3. M1: Ah↓ I see↓. = 3
4. M1:uh-huh. = 2
5. M1: uh-huh. Un = 3
6. M1: E where did you go? = 5
7. M1: Ah! uh-uh-uh = 4
8. M1: That’s good. So you like air plane. u-unto // Ok I’d like to ask you. You are not // interested in space rocket. = 28
9. M1: You ( ) be astronaut? = 5
10. No? = 6
11. M1: You don’t think so↓? = 4
12. M1: Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm↑. Ee so What is your ma//jor? = 11
13. M1: Ah Ah Ah! Me too. = 5
14. M1: I’m control engineering. Un I see. // OK but but↑ we have to discuss our // three dreams. = 23
15. M1: Yeah. I’ve already talked↑ one dream. = 9
16. M1: Ok de The other↑ Mmm (.) ah I’d I’d // like to marry (.) foreign girl. = 17
17. M1: I I like↑ girl who is blond hair and has // blue eyes. Heh = 13
18. M1: So especially, I love↑ England girl. = 9
19. M1: Un so my dream is marrying that girl heh heh = 10
20. M1: yap. = 1
21. M1: Oh: ↑ Mmm↑ Good↑! = 3
22. M1: I like (.) so↓ mmm↓ so she she↑ has (2.4) = 8
23. (M1) beautiful skin, white color. Un-un-un-un // and blue eyes. (.) un-un-un-un = 18
24. M1: Ah! Ah! First of all↑, making girl friend. = 9
25. M1: Yeah: ↑ = 1
26. M1: heh heh Do you wanna boy↑ friend↑ heh heh? = 6
27. M1: ne-! I can’t↑ imagine↑! = 7
28. M1: heh un so what grade? = 4
29. M1:Ah↑! A freshman↑?! Umm 4 years later, you // may (.) you may make girl friend heh heh in company. // Un = 21
30. M1: I don’t know. Ok Las-last dream. (2.8) = 8
31. (M1) mmm (.) my dream um↓ = 4
32. M1: oh you have. = 3
33. M1: Ah un-un so you want a car? = 8
34. M1: E so what do you want to take the car? = 10
35. M1: So hmm when you buy car, so what do you // wanna buy the car? What kind of car? = 19
36. M1: un-un-un-un = 4
37. M1: How’s Lamborghini? = 5
38. M1: Yeah↑ I like↑ Lamborghini! And it is // very stylish. = 14
39. M1:un-un-unb-un = 4
40. M1: Ah. Ah↑ I came↑ idea↑! So: last↑ dream is, // I, mmm↓ first of all, I I become C-// CEO of company and I’d like // to buy Lamborghini! = 36
41. M1: OK! = 1
42. M1: Yes! Yes! Heh heh = 2
43. M1: OK! next topic (.) is↑ “What kind of pet // would you like?” = 13
44. M1: Oh really↑? = 3
45. M1: What kind of dog? = 4
46. M1: Do you have↓? = 3
47. M1: Not miniature dog? = 5
48. M1: Schnauzer. = 2
49. M1: Yeah↑! = 1
50. M1: Ah! this dog is = 4
51. M1: ha-! Un-un-un-un hu-n (Japanese: e nay) mmm↑ I un-huh // I like↑ (4.1) = 12
52. (M1) mmm (2.0) = 1
53. (M1) tiger↑. Heh heh heh hhh un If I↑ (.) (sniffle) If I can↑ have a tiger, // I’d like to have a tiger. Very cute↑. // = 20
54. M1: Mmm = 1
55. M1: Japanese: nay) It dangerous! Ok↑. (7.5) = 6
56. (M1) about↑ your favorite teacher. = 8
57. M1: Teacher↑ hmm (4.7) = 3
58. (M1) I don’t have favorite teacher (£) heh heh ah mmm my // my favorite teacher is Mr. Long = 19
59. M1: Because he is funny. = 6
60. M1: And gentlemen. = 4
61. M1: Yeah! Heh heh heh And have blue eyes. = 5
62. M1: And he he teach me English. hm he he // is very kind. And the other teacher (6.8) = 20
63. (M1) Do you know Dennis Woolbright? = 7
64. M1: Dennis Woolbright. = 4
65. M1: Ah so he is also professor mmm // (Japanese: a demo) but↑ he is professor in Seinan Un//iversity. But mmm↑ every Monday, or // and Friday, he come this universi//ty and we are we have conversation // of of English mmm-mmm so he is fun//ny. He is really funny. And I of//ten go to his house. And we have party // and very enjoy! un so I love Den//nis Woolbright. = 93

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Ok. Ah my dream is to be a pi//lot. ↑ = 11
2. M2: And so (.) so: I want to study about // air craft in this university. = 19
3. M2: And un and: (.) I like air plane because I // I use air craft when I was hum ele//mentary student. = 25
4. M2: And it is it was trip. = 6
5. M2: With my family. = 5
6. M2: Ah I go I went to Okinawa. = 10
7. M2: Un. = 1
8. M2: heh heh = 0
9. M2: Un hhh = 1
10. M2: Mmm I like air craft only = 7
11. M2: Ah Mechanical control engineer//ing. = 11
12. M2: ah! = 1
13. M2: Three dreams. = 3
14. M2: Yeah. = 1
15. M2: Oh↑! = 1
16. M2: heh heh = 0
17. M2: Oh. Oh = 2
18. M2: Ah: = 1
19. M2: Do you like Russian girl? = 6
20. M2: heh heh = 0
21. M2: Good dream! And my second↑ dream is mmm ma//king girl friend↑. = 13
22. M2: But this in this university, there // are few↑ girl. = 13
23. M2: So: un↓ = 2
24. M2: heh heh ah dangerous…= 4
25. M2: un = 1
26. M2: Ah I’m a freshman. = 5
27. M2: heh = 0
28. M2: Ok I have. = 4
29. M2: Ah the 3rd dream is (4.4) having a driving // license and car. = 14
30. M2: I want to buy. = 4
31. M2: Uh? One more time? = 4
32. M2: Ah I like old mini cooper. = 8
33. M2: un so I want to buy it and custom, // I want to custom it. = 16
34. M2: Heh = 0
35. M2: It’s good↑. Wonderful! But very expen//sive. = 11
36. M2: Very expensive. And I heard Lambor//ghini can’t back back. Because window is // very small so drivers can’t see back. // = 30
37. M2: Heh hehn = 0
38. M2: Earn many money and buy it. = 8
39. M2: Heh = 0
40. M2: Ah I like dog and I have one dog. = 9
41. M2: Yeah. = 1
42. M2: Ah↓ = 1
43. M2: Miniature Schnauzer. = 5
44. M2: Un = 1
45. M2: Schnauzer. Do you know Marumo-no-okite? = 10
46. M2: This dog. = 2
47. M2: Yeah Schnauzer! = 3
48. M2: But sometimes very (.) ah = 6
49. M2: Dangerous. = 3
50. M2: Favorite teacher. = 4
51. M2: heh heh = 0
52. M2: un = 1
53. M2: And good↑ tie↑. = 3
54. M2: Un = 1
55. M2: Huh? = 1
56. M2: I don’t know↓ = 3.


M1: Ah: information↑ about your idea↑ about 3 dream jobs. So ah: I I’d like to tell↑ you: my my dream is (.) I’d like to (.) control the space rocket in the future and so because hmm when I when I was a elementary school student, I was I I I saw the Andromeda galaxy through the microscope. It was very beautiful and I thought I’d like to go there↑. So first of all↓, I I make the rocket and I I’d like to go there. Mmm ↑. Ok so↓ could you↓ tell↓ me↓?

M2: Ok. Ah my dream is to be a pilot. ↑

M1: uh-huh.

M2: And so (.) so: I want to study about air craft in this university.

M1: Ah↓ I see↓.

M2: And un and: (.) I like air plane because I I use air craft when I was hum elementary student.


M2: And it is it was trip.

M1: uh-huh. un

M2: With my family.

M1: E where did you go?

M2: Ah I go I went to Okinawa.

M1: Ah! uh-uh-uh

M2: Un.

M1: That’s good. So you like air plane. u-unto Ok I’d like to ask you. You are not interested in space rocket.

M2: heh heh

M1: You ( ) be astronaut? No?

M2: Un hhh

M1: You don’t think so↓?

M2: Mmm I like air craft only

M1: Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm↑. Ee so What is your major?

M2: Ah Mechanical control engineering.

M1: Ah Ah Ah! Me too.

M2: ah!

M1: I’m control engineering. Un I see. OK but but↑ we have to discuss our three dreams.

M2: Three dreams.

M1: Yeah. I’ve already talked↑ one dream.

M2: Yeah.

M1: Ok de The other↑ Mmm (.) ah I’d I’d like to marry (.) foreign girl.

M2: Oh↑!

M1: I I like↑ girl who is blond hair and has blue eyes. Heh

M2: heh heh

M1: So especially, I love↑ England girl.

M2: Oh. Oh [052:64]

M1: Un so my dream is marrying that girl heh heh

M2: Ah:

M1: yap.

M2: Do you like Russian girl?

M1: Oh: ↑ Mmm↑ Good↑!

M2: heh heh

M1: I like (.) so↓ mmm↓ so she she↑ has (2.4) beautiful skin, white color. Un-un-un-un and blue eyes. (.) un-un-un-un

M2: Good dream! And my second↑ dream is mmm making girl friend↑.

M1: Ah! Ah! First of all↑, making girl friend.

M2: But this in this university, there are few↑ girl.

M1: Yeah: ↑

M2: So: un↓

M1: heh heh Do you wanna boy↑ friend↑ heh heh?

M2: heh heh ah dangerous…

M1: ne-! I can’t↑ imagine↑!

M2: un

M1: heh un so what grade?

M2: Ah I’m a freshman.

M1:Ah↑! A freshman↑?! Umm 4 years later, you may (.) you may make girl friend heh heh in company. un

M2: heh

M1: I don’t know. Ok Las-last dream. (2.8) mmm (.) my dream um↓

M2: Ok I have.

M1: oh you have.

M2: Ah the 3rd dream is (4.4.) having a driving license and car.

M1: Ah un-un so you want a car?

M2: I want to buy.

M1: E so what do you want to take the car?

M2: Uh? One more time?

M1: So hmm when you buy car, so what do you wanna buy the car? What kind of car?

M2: Ah I like old mini cooper.

M1: un-un-un-un

M2: un so I want to buy it and custom, I want to custom it.

M1: How’s Lamborghini?

M2: Heh

M1: Yeah↑ I like↑ Lamborghini! And it is very stylish.

M2: It’s good↑. Wonderful! But very expensive.


M2: Very expensive. And I heard Lamborghini can’t back back. Because window is very small so drivers can’t see back.

M1: Ah. Ah↑ I came↑ idea↑! So: last↑ dream is, I, mmm↓ first of all, I I become C-CEO of company and I’d like to buy Lamborghini!

M2: Heh heh

M1: OK!

M2: Earn many money and buy it.

M1: Yes! Yes! Heh heh

M2: Heh

M1: OK! next topic (.) is↑ “What kind of pet would you like?”

M2: Ah I like dog and I have one dog.

M1: Oh really↑?

M2: Yeah.

M1: What kind of dog?

M2: Ah↓

M1: Do you have↓?

M2: Miniature Schnauzer.

M1: Not miniature dog?

M2: Un

M1: Schnauzer.

M2: Schnauzer. Do you know Marumo-no-okite?

M1: Yeah↑!

M2: This dog.

M1: Ah! this dog is

M2: Yeah Schnauzer!

M1: ha-! Un-un-un-un hu-n (Japanese: e nay) mmm↑ I un-huh I like↑ (4.1) mmm (2.0) tiger↑. Heh heh heh hhh un If I↑ (.) (sniffle) If I can↑ have a tiger, I’d like to have a tiger. Very cute↑.

M2: But sometimes very (.) ah

M1: Mmm

M2: Dangerous.

M1: Japanese: nay) It dangerous! Ok↑. (7.5) about↑ your favorite teacher.

M2: Favorite teacher.

M1: Teacher↑ hmm (4.7) I don’t have favorite teacher (£) heh heh ah mmm my my favorite teacher is Mr. Long

M2: heh heh

M1: Because he is funny.

M2: un

M1: And gentlemen.

M2: And good↑ tie↑.

M1: Yeah! Heh heh heh And have blue eyes.

M2: Un

M1: And he he teach me English. hm he he is very kind. And the other teacher (6.8) Do you know Dennis Woolbright?

M2: Huh?

M1: Dennis Woolbright.

M2: I don’t know↓.

M1: Ah so he is also professor mmm (Japanese: a demo) but↑ he is professor in Seinan University. But mmm↑ every Monday, or and Friday, he come this university and we are we have conversation of of English mmm-mmm so he is funny. He is really funny. And I often go to his house. And we have party and very enjoy! un so I love Dennis Woolbright.

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 128.9   B: 116.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

454.16 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

15.0 (976 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 34.7 secs.

Percentage: 5.8%

Total Speaking Time:

596 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0 sec.


This second same-sex discussion was interesting as both males had high speaking rates 116.2 and 116.7, with no cross-talk pausing. Dysfluency is limited though Kohei had a high level of repetition (38 occurrences) as well as a high level of meaningless syllables 96. There is some unbalance to the discussion with Shohei talking more than twice as long as Kohei, so my recommendations would be that Kohei provide more descriptive responses and stories.

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 127.7   B: 116.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

141.84 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.3 (302 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1. M1: Ah: information↑ about your idea↑ a//bout 3 dream jobs. So ah: I I’d like to // tell↑ you: my my dream is (.) I’d like to (.) con//trol the space rocket in the future and // so because hmm when I when I was a // elementary school student, I was // I I I saw the Andromeda // galaxy through the microscope. It was // very beautiful and I thought I’d like // to go there↑. So first of all↓, I I make the // rocket and I I’d like to go there. Mmm ↑. // Ok so↓ could you↓ tell↓ me↓? = 117
2. M1: uh-huh. = 2
3. M1: Ah↓ I see↓. = 3
4. M1:uh-huh. = 2
5. M1: uh-huh. Un = 3
6. M1: E where did you go? = 5
7. M1: Ah! uh-uh-uh = 4
8. M1: That’s good. So you like air plane. u-unto // Ok I’d like to ask you. You are not // interested in space rocket. = 28
9. M1: You ( ) be astronaut? = 5
10. No? = 6
11. M1: You don’t think so↓? = 4
12. M1: Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm↑. Ee so What is your ma//jor? = 11
13. M1: Ah Ah Ah! Me too. = 5
14. M1: I’m control engineering. Un I see. // OK but but↑ we have to discuss our // three dreams. = 23
15. M1: Yeah. I’ve already talked↑ one dream. = 9
16. M1: Ok de The other↑ Mmm (.) ah I’d I’d // like to marry (.) foreign girl. = 17
17. M1: I I like↑ girl who is blond hair and has // blue eyes. Heh = 13
18. M1: So especially, I love↑ England girl. = 9
19. M1: Un so my dream is marrying that girl heh heh = 10
20. M1: yap. = 1
21. M1: Oh: ↑ Mmm↑ Good↑! = 3
22. M1: I like (.) so↓ mmm↓ so she she↑ has (2.4) = 8
23. (M1) beautiful skin, white color. Un-un-un-un // and blue eyes. (.) un-un-un-un = 18
24. M1: Ah! Ah! First of all↑, making girl friend. = 9
25. M1: Yeah: ↑ = 1
26. M1: heh heh Do you wanna boy↑ friend↑ heh heh? = 6
27. M1: ne-! I can’t↑ imagine↑! = 7
28. M1: heh un so what grade? = 4
29. M1:Ah↑! A freshman↑?! Umm 4 years later, you // may (.) you may make girl friend heh heh in company. // Un = 21
30. M1: I don’t know. Ok Las-last dream. (2.8) = 8
31. (M1) mmm (.) my dream um↓ = 4
32. M1: oh you have. = 3
33. M1: Ah un-un so you want a car? = 8
34. M1: E so what do you want to take the car? = 10
35. M1: So hmm when you buy car, so what do you // wanna buy the car? What kind of car? = 19
36. M1: un-un-un-un = 4
37. M1: How’s Lamborghini? = 5
38. M1: Yeah↑ I like↑ Lamborghini! And it is // very stylish. = 14
39. M1:un-un-unb-un = 4
40. M1: Ah. Ah↑ I came↑ idea↑! So: last↑ dream is, // I, mmm↓ first of all, I I become C-// CEO of company and I’d like // to buy Lamborghini! = 36
41. M1: OK! = 1
42. M1: Yes! Yes! Heh heh = 2
43. M1: OK! next topic (.) is↑ “What kind of pet // would you like?” = 13
44. M1: Oh really↑? = 3
45. M1: What kind of dog? = 4
46. M1: Do you have↓? = 3
47. M1: Not miniature dog? = 5
48. M1: Schnauzer. = 2
49. M1: Yeah↑! = 1
50. M1: Ah! this dog is = 4
51. M1: ha-! Un-un-un-un hu-n (Japanese: e nay) mmm↑ I un-huh // I like↑ (4.1) = 12
52. (M1) mmm (2.0) = 1
53. (M1) tiger↑. Heh heh heh hhh un If I↑ (.) (sniffle) If I can↑ have a tiger, // I’d like to have a tiger. Very cute↑. // = 20
54. M1: Mmm = 1
55. M1: Japanese: nay) It dangerous! Ok↑. (7.5) = 6
56. (M1) about↑ your favorite teacher. = 8
57. M1: Teacher↑ hmm (4.7) = 3
58. (M1) I don’t have favorite teacher (£) heh heh ah mmm my // my favorite teacher is Mr. Long = 19
59. M1: Because he is funny. = 6
60. M1: And gentlemen. = 4
61. M1: Yeah! Heh heh heh And have blue eyes. = 5
62. M1: And he he teach me English. hm he he // is very kind. And the other teacher (6.8) = 20
63. (M1) Do you know Dennis Woolbright? = 7
64. M1: Dennis Woolbright. = 4
65. M1: Ah so he is also professor mmm // (Japanese: a demo) but↑ he is professor in Seinan Un//iversity. But mmm↑ every Monday, or // and Friday, he come this universi//ty and we are we have conversation // of of English mmm-mmm so he is fun//ny. He is really funny. And I of//ten go to his house. And we have party // and very enjoy! un so I love Den//nis Woolbright. = 93

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Ok. Ah my dream is to be a pi//lot. ↑ = 11
2. M2: And so (.) so: I want to study about // air craft in this university. = 19
3. M2: And un and: (.) I like air plane because I // I use air craft when I was hum ele//mentary student. = 25
4. M2: And it is it was trip. = 6
5. M2: With my family. = 5
6. M2: Ah I go I went to Okinawa. = 10
7. M2: Un. = 1
8. M2: heh heh = 0
9. M2: Un hhh = 1
10. M2: Mmm I like air craft only = 7
11. M2: Ah Mechanical control engineer//ing. = 11
12. M2: ah! = 1
13. M2: Three dreams. = 3
14. M2: Yeah. = 1
15. M2: Oh↑! = 1
16. M2: heh heh = 0
17. M2: Oh. Oh = 2
18. M2: Ah: = 1
19. M2: Do you like Russian girl? = 6
20. M2: heh heh = 0
21. M2: Good dream! And my second↑ dream is mmm ma//king girl friend↑. = 13
22. M2: But this in this university, there // are few↑ girl. = 13
23. M2: So: un↓ = 2
24. M2: heh heh ah dangerous…= 4
25. M2: un = 1
26. M2: Ah I’m a freshman. = 5
27. M2: heh = 0
28. M2: Ok I have. = 4
29. M2: Ah the 3rd dream is (4.4) having a driving // license and car. = 14
30. M2: I want to buy. = 4
31. M2: Uh? One more time? = 4
32. M2: Ah I like old mini cooper. = 8
33. M2: un so I want to buy it and custom, // I want to custom it. = 16
34. M2: Heh = 0
35. M2: It’s good↑. Wonderful! But very expen//sive. = 11
36. M2: Very expensive. And I heard Lambor//ghini can’t back back. Because window is // very small so drivers can’t see back. // = 30
37. M2: Heh hehn = 0
38. M2: Earn many money and buy it. = 8
39. M2: Heh = 0
40. M2: Ah I like dog and I have one dog. = 9
41. M2: Yeah. = 1
42. M2: Ah↓ = 1
43. M2: Miniature Schnauzer. = 5
44. M2: Un = 1
45. M2: Schnauzer. Do you know Marumo-no-okite? = 10
46. M2: This dog. = 2
47. M2: Yeah Schnauzer! = 3
48. M2: But sometimes very (.) ah = 6
49. M2: Dangerous. = 3
50. M2: Favorite teacher. = 4
51. M2: heh heh = 0
52. M2: un = 1
53. M2: And good↑ tie↑. = 3
54. M2: Un = 1
55. M2: Huh? = 1
56. M2: I don’t know↓ = 3.

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