Yuka and Masaki

Session Adv 1 : Female 1 to Male 2


Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 135.3   B: 129.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

216.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

13.2 (489 syllables)

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 152.4   B: 140.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

395.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

25.1 (1006 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 5.3 secs.

Percentage: 0.8%

Total Speaking Time:

618 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M2: Ok,↑ so, today let’s share↑ our information.

F1: All right↓!

M2: Ok, first↑ of all, the, could↑ you tell me about your family↑, friends, or your major, please↓. Ok?

F1: All right↓. About in terms of my family, I have, well, parents and two siblings, young sister, and I’m the oldest one. Um, what about you↓?

M2: Ah, in my case, that, ah, actually I have, I do not have ah, brothers or sisters. So, only me, and, ah, (.) yeah↓ you know the, my parents, and, ah, two dogs.

F1: Two dogs↑.

M2: Yep. That’s the (my) information.F1: Heh heh That’s nice.M2: Thanks.F1: Ah, friends, umm: friends-↑

M2: Umm, that’s very, yeah↑, yeah, very (,) vague↑ question. So, the, yeah, just, ah: yeah.

F1: Ok↑.

M2: Please, talk me about very simply or casually.

F1: My friends, I think I’m quite a lucky↑ person. I have very, very nice friends a lot. They are three girls. They have similar hobbies↑. They have similar dreams. They are so kind↑ and they enjoy eating a lot, so I don’t care about, (.) ah, I don’t need to care a lot of things about foods, so- heh heh

M2: Yeah, good↓ .

F1: Yeah, I love them, and I’m really appreciate them.

M2: Ok. Ah, ok. My turn↑. I think, ah:↑ (.) if I talk about my friends, maybe, the, as, as you mentioned, ah, the, dream↑, is the, very related. Because I have a dream. And, ah, of course my friends have a dream. And, uh, our↑ each dream is different, but, uh, we have, ah, each motivation. So, the, sometimes, you know the people, ah: can’t cope with the trouble, or the struggling with the some challenges. But, ah, in that, at that time, ah, we can cooperate with each other, and, ah, fight↑ our own challenge. So, they are very, they help↑, they are very helpful↑ for me, and, yeah vica versa ah, yeah. Ok↑, what’s your major now↑?

F1: My major is literature, learning comparative culture.

M2: Ah, really↑? Good.

F1: Yeah. And, now I’m in fifth year right now, so↑ doing my thesis work. That’s↑ difficult. Yeah, but-

M2: So, now↑, ah, you belong to the (Japanese:

F1: Yes, yes, yes.

M2: Yeah↓. Ok. What↑, what↑, what kind of area are you (.) studying and concentrating on yeah↓.

F1: Ok. Yeah, I’m interested in a world poor problem like hunger (.) and stuff (no) (job) or something like that.
M2: Ok.

F1: But, um, area. I’m focus on Asia countries like India, Thailand, and around that because a lot of poor problem is, there, so I wanna learn and study about it. But it’s now, still vague↑, so I have to concentrate on it.

M2: Yeah↓, good↓. Thank you. Umm, now↑, I majoring in English, ok?

F1: I thought so.

M2: My English is not, ah very nice, ah, not very nice. Umm, ok. But↑, the some people ask what are majoring, ah, English. I think that’s good question because my curiosity is strange. I mean, the, a lot, too much, the, yeah, I can’t↑ save my feeling sometimes. So, I, yeah, and, ah: (.) you are majoring in the literature the comparison of culture, right?

F1: Yes, yes

M2: Actually, I’m very↑ interested↑ in your↑ majoring. So, (2.1) um, I have a, as I said before, I have a dream. My dream is becoming an anthropologist. Do you know? Or sociologist↓. Yeah↑, so, yeah:, so now I, I’m studying about not only English↓ but also the cultures or people, or, yeah, maybe, the, my area is very, hmm, close, close to you. The, yeah, so, umm. That’s my real majoring. heh heh Yeah.

F1: I thought, um, your way of your speaking is like a teacher. Like a vocabulary or way you so behave, so now I thought oh, that, that’s why because you (going) (to) (be)- heh heh

M2: Your, your English is (That’s nice) pretty nice.

F1: heh heh Ok, thank you. Heh heh

M2: Yeah. Yeah, that’s a true, it’s true. And, ah, actually I heard, ah, two days ago, ah, some teacher. I like to talking with some teachers. One teacher told me that, the, in literature the students are very worrying about the English skills compared to other, umm: other, Yeah, yes, exactly. other department, especially, and, ah, international relation and, ah, English and also the Chinese, but I think in my opinion, that’s, ah, that’s not true, the, even in literature department, some students are very nice. And, ah, they have, yeah pretty nice, ah, motivation and, ah, the character is very strong and not, not shy and, ah, yeah, good↑ character. So, I think, (.) yeah, that’s, the, yeah, some, I, I, I think the, we have to get the opportunity to study with the: various department, do you agree me? Yeah. Not only the, our department, with other department. That’s the, very↑, um:, beneficial. And, ah, our sight is more wider↑. So, I, yeah, the teacher and I, ah, concluded that. Heh heh Ok, ok, so, let’s go on the next topic. Ah, the topic B. Shall we discuss the question, both have in common↑. What do you think↑ about? Heh heh

F1: Umm:↑ I’m not really↑ sure. Um, I heard↑ you had study abroad before, where did you go? America? Australia? Yeah.

M2: Umm:

F1: Philippines?↑ No↑?

M2: Yeah, I’m interested in Philippines heh.

F1: Oh, ok.

M2:But actually, I’m, I’ve never been to Philippines. Umm:

F1: Where have you gone (.) where?

M2: Where.↑ Umm. (At) the country↓?

F1: Ah, have you studied abroad?

M2: Study-

F1: Or home staying?

M2: Umm, ok, ok, ok. Ok, umm.

F1: Heh heh Let’s go (one) (by) (one). Heh heh

M2: Ok. Umm, actually I have. Um, I’ve studied abroad to Australia↑ and, ah, Canada↑.

F1: Ah

M2: Ok?

F1: Ok.

M2: But now↑ I’m, I’d like to go to Philippines.

F1: Philippine.

M2: Ok? But, ah, this not the, real thing now. And, ah, but, ah, actually I, I have, I do not have the experience. The long↑, the long, the long stay. So, the, yeah-

F1: How long have you been in total?

M2: Which country?

F1: Ah, in total.

M2: Oh, in (total). In (total) ah: (3.2) less, less than (.) two months.

F1: Ok.

M2: Yeah. So, where now I’m thinking of going to the, long, long stay.

F1: Ah… Your way of speak, speaking is like native speaker. It’s, it’s strange that, that I’m saying because I’m Japanese. But, yeah. You like much, ah, English: ↓speaker↓.

M2: Not, not yet. Yeah↓.

F1: Heh heh Ok. I do wanna, ah, so:↑ yes. I’ve studied in not Australia, Australia, not Canada, I’ve been in the U.K. So:-

M2: You’ve been to↓?

F1: Yeah. I’ve been to the yeah. As an exchange student. So, it’s different heh heh.

M2: Which city did you go to?

F1: Oxford.

M2: Oxford↑. Ah, ha.

F1: For nine month.

M2: Ah, you used, ah, this school’s-

F1: Yeah, exchange student yeah, yeah, yes.

M2: Ok↑. Yeah, so, your English pretty nice. That’s the reason, right heh?

F1: Ah, thank you.

M2: I’ll be Philippines this month, ah.


This is one of the more fluent discussions marked by high speaking rates, Yuka’s 129.2 and Masaki’s 140.1, and with no cross-talk pausing. The percentage of silence is very low 0.8%, 5.3 seconds. Average mean length runs (MLRS) are also very high, with Masaki having 25.1 and Yuka’s 13.2; however, as males tend to dominate discussions, this is also the case, with Masaki having 669 words compared to Yuka’s 348.  Minimal responses are few.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean Length Runs

1. F1: All right↓! = 2

2. F1: All right↓.  About in terms of my fami//ly, I have, well, parents and two siblings, // young sister, and I’m the oldest one. Um, // what about you↓? = 33

3. F1: Two dogs↑. = 3

4. F1: Heh heh  That’s nice. = 2

5. F1: Ah, friends, umm: friends-↑ = 5

6. F1: Ok↑. = 2

7. F1: My friends, I think I’m quite a lucky↑ per//son. I have very, very nice friends // a lot. They are three girls. They have sim//ilar hobbies↑. They have similar dreams. // They are so kind↑ and they enjoy eating // a lot, so I don’t care about, (.) ah, I // don’t need to care a lot of things about // foods, so- heh heh = 72

8. F1: Yeah, I love them, and I’m really app//reciate them. = 13

9. F1: My major is literature, learning // comparative culture. = 16

10. F1: Yeah. And, now I’m in fifth year right now, so↑ // doing my thesis work. That’s↑ difficult. // Yeah, but- = 22

11. F1: Yes, yes, yes. = 3

12. F1: Ok. Yeah, I’m interested in a world // poor problem like hunger (.) and stuff (no) (job) // or something like that. = 25

13. F1: But, um, area. I’m focus on A//sia countries like India, Thailand, and // around that because a lot of poor prob//lem is, there the, so I wanna learn and // study about it. But it’s now, still vague↑, // so I have to concentrate on it. = 59

14. F1: I thought so. = 3

15. F1: Yes, yes = 2

16. F1: I thought, um, your way of your speaking is // like a teacher. Like a vocabula//ry or way you so behave, so now I // thought oh, that, that’s why because you (go//ing) (to) (be)- heh heh = 43

17. F1: heh heh Ok, thank you. Heh heh = 4

18. F1: Umm:↑ I’m not really↑ sure.  Um, I heard↑ you // had study abroad before, where did you // go? America?  Australia? Yeah. = 29

19. F1: Philippines?↑ No↑? = 5

20. F1: Oh, ok. = 4

21. F1: Where have you gone (.) where? = 5

22. F1: Ah, have you studied abroad? = 7

23. F1: Or home staying? = 4

24. F1: Heh heh Let’s go (one) (by) (one). Heh heh = 5

25. F1: Ah = 1

26. F1: Ok. = 2

27. F1: Philippine. = 3

28. F1:  How long have you been in total? = 8

29. F1:  Ah, in total. = 4

30. F1:  Ok. = 2

31.F1: Ah: Your way of speak, speaking is like na//tive speaker. It’s, it’s strange that, that I’m say//ing because I’m Japanese. But, yeah. You // like much, ah, English: ↓speaker↓. = 37

32. F1: Heh heh Ok. I do wanna, ah, so:↑   yes. I’ve // studied in not Australia, Australia, // not Canada, I’ve been in the U.K. // So:- = 31

33. F1: Yeah. I’ve been to the  yeah. As an exchange // student. So, it’s different heh heh. = 17

34. F1: Oxford. = 2

35. F1: For nine month. = 3

36. F1: Yeah, exchange student  yeah, yeah, yes. = 8

37. F1: Ah, thank you. = 3

Male 2 Mean Length Runs

1. M2: Ok,↑ so, today let’s share↑ our infor//mation. = 12

2. M2: Ok, first↑ of all, the, could↑ you tell me // about your family↑, friends, or your ma//jor, please↓. = 22

3. M2: Ah, in my case, that, ah, actually I // have, I do not have ah, brothers or sis//ters. So, only me, and, ah, (.) yeah↓ you know // the, my parents, and, ah, two dogs. = 38

4. M2: Yap. That’s the (my) information. = 7

5. M2: Thanks. = 1

6. M2: Umm, that’s very, yeah↑, yeah, very  (,) vague↑ // question. So, the, yeah, just, ah: yeah. = 18

7. M2: Please, talk me about very simply // or casually. = 14

8. M2: Yeah, good↓ .= 2

9. M2: Ok. Ah, ok. My turn↑. I think, ah: (.) if I // talk about my friends, maybe, the, as, as // you mentioned, ah, the, dream↑, is the, very // related. Because I have a dream. And, // ah, of course my friends have a dream. And, uh, // our↑ each dream is different, but, uh, we // have, ah, each motivation.  So, the, some//times, you know the people, ah: can’t cope with // the trouble, or the struggling with the // some challenges. But, ah, in that, at that // time, ah, we can cooperate with each // other, and, ah, fight↑ our own challenge. So, // they are very, they help↑, they are very // helpful↑ for me, and, yeah vica versa // ah, yeah. Ok↑, what’s your major now↑? = 149

10. M2: Ah, really↑? Good. = 4

11. M2: So, now↑, ah, you belong to the (Japanese: zemi)? = 7

12. M2: Yeah↓. Ok. What↑, what↑, what kind of are//a are you (.) studying and concentrating // on yeah↓.= 22

13. M2: Ok. = 2

14. M2: Yeah↓, good↓. Thank you. Umm, now↑, I majoring // in English, ok? = 15

15. M2: My English is not, ah very nice, ah, // not very nice. Umm, ok. But↑, the some // people ask what are majoring, ah, Eng//lish. I think that’s good question because my // curiosity is strange. I mean, the, // a lot, too much, the, yeah, I can’t↑ save my // feeling sometimes. So, I, yeah, and, ah: (.) you // are majoring in the literature the // comparison of culture, right? = 88

16. M2: Actually, I’m very↑ interested↑ // in your↑ majoring. So, (2.1) = 16

17. (M2): um, I have a, as I said before, I // have a dream. My dream is becoming an // anthropologist. Do you know? Or so//ciologist↓. Yeah↑, so, yeah:, so now I, // I’m studying about not only Eng//lish↓ but also the cultures or people, // or, yeah, maybe, the, my area is // very, hmm, close, close to you. The, yeah, so, // umm. That’s my real majoring. heh heh Yeah. = 88

18. M2: Your, your English is pretty nice. = 8

19. M2: Yeah. Yeah, that’s a true, it’s true. And, ah, act//ually I heard, ah, two days ago, ah, // some teacher. I like to talking with some tea//chers. One teacher told me that, the, in lit//erature the students are very worry//ing about the English skills compared to // other, umm: other, Yeah, yes, exactly // other department, especially, and, // ah, international relation and, // ah, English and also the Chinese, but // I think in my opinion, that’s, ah, that’s // not true, the, even in literature // department, some students are very nice. // And, ah, they have, yeah pretty nice, ah, mo//tivation and, ah, the character is // very strong and not, not shy and, ah, yeah, // good↑ character. So, I think, (.) yeah, that’s, // the, yeah, some, I, I, I think the, we have // to get the opportunity to stu//dy with the: various department, do // you agree me?  Yeah. Not only the, our // department, with other department. That’s // the, very↑, um:, beneficial. And, ah, // our sight is more wider↑. So, I, yeah, the // teacher and I, ah, concluded that. Heh heh O//k, ok, so, let’s go on the next to//pic. Ah, the topic B. Shall we discuss // the question, both have in common↑. What do // you think↑ about? Heh heh = 294

20. M2: Umm: = 1

21. M2: Yeah, I’m interested in Philippines heh. = 10

22. M2: But actually, I’m, I’ve never been to // Philippines. Umm: = 14

23. M2: Where.↑ Umm. (At) the country↓? = 6

24. M2: Study- = 2

25. M2: Umm, ok, ok, ok. Ok, umm. = 10

26. M2: Ok. Umm, actually I have. Um, I’ve //  studied abroad to Australia↑ and, ah, // Canada↑. = 23

27. M2: Ok? = 2

28. M2: But now↑ I’m, I’d like to go to Philip//pines. = 11

29. M2: Ok? But, ah, this not the, real thing now. // And, ah, but, ah, actually I, I have, // I do not have the experience. The // long, the long,  the long stay. So, the, yeah- // = 40

30. M2: Which country? = 3

31. M2: Oh, in (total). In (total) ah: (3.2) = 8

32. (M2) less, less than two months. = 6

33. M2: Yeah. So, where now I’m thinking of going // to the, long, long stay. = 15

34. M2: Not, not yet. Yeah↓.= 4

35. M2: You’ve been to↓? = 3

36. M2: Which city did you go to? = 7

37. M2: Oxford↑. Ah, ha. = 4

38. M2: Ah, you used, ah, this school’s- = 7

39. M2: Ok↑. Yeah, so, your English pretty nice.  // That’s the reason, right heh? = 15

40. M2: I’ll be Philippines this month, ah. = 8



M2: Ok,↑ so, today let’s share↑ our information.

F1: All right↓!

M2: Ok, first↑ of all, the, could↑ you tell me about your family↑, friends, or your major, please↓. Ok?

F1: All right↓. About in terms of my family, I have, well, parents and two siblings, young sister, and I’m the oldest one. Um, what about you↓?

M2: Ah, in my case, that, ah, actually I have, I do not have ah, brothers or sisters. So, only me, and, ah, (.) yeah↓ you know the, my parents, and, ah, two dogs.

F1: Two dogs↑.

M2: Yep. That’s the (my) information.F1: Heh heh That’s nice.M2: Thanks.F1: Ah, friends, umm: friends-↑

M2: Umm, that’s very, yeah↑, yeah, very (,) vague↑ question. So, the, yeah, just, ah: yeah.

F1: Ok↑.

M2: Please, talk me about very simply or casually.

F1: My friends, I think I’m quite a lucky↑ person. I have very, very nice friends a lot. They are three girls. They have similar hobbies↑. They have similar dreams. They are so kind↑ and they enjoy eating a lot, so I don’t care about, (.) ah, I don’t need to care a lot of things about foods, so- heh heh

M2: Yeah, good↓ .

F1: Yeah, I love them, and I’m really appreciate them.

M2: Ok. Ah, ok. My turn↑. I think, ah:↑ (.) if I talk about my friends, maybe, the, as, as you mentioned, ah, the, dream↑, is the, very related. Because I have a dream. And, ah, of course my friends have a dream. And, uh, our↑ each dream is different, but, uh, we have, ah, each motivation. So, the, sometimes, you know the people, ah: can’t cope with the trouble, or the struggling with the some challenges. But, ah, in that, at that time, ah, we can cooperate with each other, and, ah, fight↑ our own challenge. So, they are very, they help↑, they are very helpful↑ for me, and, yeah vica versa ah, yeah. Ok↑, what’s your major now↑?

F1: My major is literature, learning comparative culture.

M2: Ah, really↑? Good.

F1: Yeah. And, now I’m in fifth year right now, so↑ doing my thesis work. That’s↑ difficult. Yeah, but-

M2: So, now↑, ah, you belong to the (Japanese:

F1: Yes, yes, yes.

M2: Yeah↓. Ok. What↑, what↑, what kind of area are you (.) studying and concentrating on yeah↓.

F1: Ok. Yeah, I’m interested in a world poor problem like hunger (.) and stuff (no) (job) or something like that.
M2: Ok.

F1: But, um, area. I’m focus on Asia countries like India, Thailand, and around that because a lot of poor problem is, there, so I wanna learn and study about it. But it’s now, still vague↑, so I have to concentrate on it.

M2: Yeah↓, good↓. Thank you. Umm, now↑, I majoring in English, ok?

F1: I thought so.

M2: My English is not, ah very nice, ah, not very nice. Umm, ok. But↑, the some people ask what are majoring, ah, English. I think that’s good question because my curiosity is strange. I mean, the, a lot, too much, the, yeah, I can’t↑ save my feeling sometimes. So, I, yeah, and, ah: (.) you are majoring in the literature the comparison of culture, right?

F1: Yes, yes

M2: Actually, I’m very↑ interested↑ in your↑ majoring. So, (2.1) um, I have a, as I said before, I have a dream. My dream is becoming an anthropologist. Do you know? Or sociologist↓. Yeah↑, so, yeah:, so now I, I’m studying about not only English↓ but also the cultures or people, or, yeah, maybe, the, my area is very, hmm, close, close to you. The, yeah, so, umm. That’s my real majoring. heh heh Yeah.

F1: I thought, um, your way of your speaking is like a teacher. Like a vocabulary or way you so behave, so now I thought oh, that, that’s why because you (going) (to) (be)- heh heh

M2: Your, your English is (That’s nice) pretty nice.

F1: heh heh Ok, thank you. Heh heh

M2: Yeah. Yeah, that’s a true, it’s true. And, ah, actually I heard, ah, two days ago, ah, some teacher. I like to talking with some teachers. One teacher told me that, the, in literature the students are very worrying about the English skills compared to other, umm: other, Yeah, yes, exactly. other department, especially, and, ah, international relation and, ah, English and also the Chinese, but I think in my opinion, that’s, ah, that’s not true, the, even in literature department, some students are very nice. And, ah, they have, yeah pretty nice, ah, motivation and, ah, the character is very strong and not, not shy and, ah, yeah, good↑ character. So, I think, (.) yeah, that’s, the, yeah, some, I, I, I think the, we have to get the opportunity to study with the: various department, do you agree me? Yeah. Not only the, our department, with other department. That’s the, very↑, um:, beneficial. And, ah, our sight is more wider↑. So, I, yeah, the teacher and I, ah, concluded that. Heh heh Ok, ok, so, let’s go on the next topic. Ah, the topic B. Shall we discuss the question, both have in common↑. What do you think↑ about? Heh heh

F1: Umm:↑ I’m not really↑ sure. Um, I heard↑ you had study abroad before, where did you go? America? Australia? Yeah.

M2: Umm:

F1: Philippines?↑ No↑?

M2: Yeah, I’m interested in Philippines heh.

F1: Oh, ok.

M2:But actually, I’m, I’ve never been to Philippines. Umm:

F1: Where have you gone (.) where?

M2: Where.↑ Umm. (At) the country↓?

F1: Ah, have you studied abroad?

M2: Study-

F1: Or home staying?

M2: Umm, ok, ok, ok. Ok, umm.

F1: Heh heh Let’s go (one) (by) (one). Heh heh

M2: Ok. Umm, actually I have. Um, I’ve studied abroad to Australia↑ and, ah, Canada↑.

F1: Ah

M2: Ok?

F1: Ok.

M2: But now↑ I’m, I’d like to go to Philippines.

F1: Philippine.

M2: Ok? But, ah, this not the, real thing now. And, ah, but, ah, actually I, I have, I do not have the experience. The long↑, the long, the long stay. So, the, yeah-

F1: How long have you been in total?

M2: Which country?

F1: Ah, in total.

M2: Oh, in (total). In (total) ah: (3.2) less, less than (.) two months.

F1: Ok.

M2: Yeah. So, where now I’m thinking of going to the, long, long stay.

F1: Ah… Your way of speak, speaking is like native speaker. It’s, it’s strange that, that I’m saying because I’m Japanese. But, yeah. You like much, ah, English: ↓speaker↓.

M2: Not, not yet. Yeah↓.

F1: Heh heh Ok. I do wanna, ah, so:↑ yes. I’ve studied in not Australia, Australia, not Canada, I’ve been in the U.K. So:-

M2: You’ve been to↓?

F1: Yeah. I’ve been to the yeah. As an exchange student. So, it’s different heh heh.

M2: Which city did you go to?

F1: Oxford.

M2: Oxford↑. Ah, ha.

F1: For nine month.

M2: Ah, you used, ah, this school’s-

F1: Yeah, exchange student yeah, yeah, yes.

M2: Ok↑. Yeah, so, your English pretty nice. That’s the reason, right heh?

F1: Ah, thank you.

M2: I’ll be Philippines this month, ah.

Statistics P1

Speaking Rate

A: 135.3   B: 129.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

216.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

13.2 (489 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 152.4   B: 140.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

395.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

25.1 (1006 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 5.3 secs.

Percentage: 0.8%

Total Speaking Time:

618 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0 sec.


This is one of the more fluent discussions marked by high speaking rates, Yuka’s 129.2 and Masaki’s 140.1, and with no cross-talk pausing. The percentage of silence is very low 0.8%, 5.3 seconds. Average mean length runs (MLRS) are also very high, with Masaki having 25.1 and Yuka’s 13.2; however, as males tend to dominate discussions, this is also the case, with Masaki having 669 words compared to Yuka’s 348.  Minimal responses are few.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean Length Runs

1. F1: All right↓! = 2

2. F1: All right↓.  About in terms of my fami//ly, I have, well, parents and two siblings, // young sister, and I’m the oldest one. Um, // what about you↓? = 33

3. F1: Two dogs↑. = 3

4. F1: Heh heh  That’s nice. = 2

5. F1: Ah, friends, umm: friends-↑ = 5

6. F1: Ok↑. = 2

7. F1: My friends, I think I’m quite a lucky↑ per//son. I have very, very nice friends // a lot. They are three girls. They have sim//ilar hobbies↑. They have similar dreams. // They are so kind↑ and they enjoy eating // a lot, so I don’t care about, (.) ah, I // don’t need to care a lot of things about // foods, so- heh heh = 72

8. F1: Yeah, I love them, and I’m really app//reciate them. = 13

9. F1: My major is literature, learning // comparative culture. = 16

10. F1: Yeah. And, now I’m in fifth year right now, so↑ // doing my thesis work. That’s↑ difficult. // Yeah, but- = 22

11. F1: Yes, yes, yes. = 3

12. F1: Ok. Yeah, I’m interested in a world // poor problem like hunger (.) and stuff (no) (job) // or something like that. = 25

13. F1: But, um, area. I’m focus on A//sia countries like India, Thailand, and // around that because a lot of poor prob//lem is, there the, so I wanna learn and // study about it. But it’s now, still vague↑, // so I have to concentrate on it. = 59

14. F1: I thought so. = 3

15. F1: Yes, yes = 2

16. F1: I thought, um, your way of your speaking is // like a teacher. Like a vocabula//ry or way you so behave, so now I // thought oh, that, that’s why because you (go//ing) (to) (be)- heh heh = 43

17. F1: heh heh Ok, thank you. Heh heh = 4

18. F1: Umm:↑ I’m not really↑ sure.  Um, I heard↑ you // had study abroad before, where did you // go? America?  Australia? Yeah. = 29

19. F1: Philippines?↑ No↑? = 5

20. F1: Oh, ok. = 4

21. F1: Where have you gone (.) where? = 5

22. F1: Ah, have you studied abroad? = 7

23. F1: Or home staying? = 4

24. F1: Heh heh Let’s go (one) (by) (one). Heh heh = 5

25. F1: Ah = 1

26. F1: Ok. = 2

27. F1: Philippine. = 3

28. F1:  How long have you been in total? = 8

29. F1:  Ah, in total. = 4

30. F1:  Ok. = 2

31.F1: Ah: Your way of speak, speaking is like na//tive speaker. It’s, it’s strange that, that I’m say//ing because I’m Japanese. But, yeah. You // like much, ah, English: ↓speaker↓. = 37

32. F1: Heh heh Ok. I do wanna, ah, so:↑   yes. I’ve // studied in not Australia, Australia, // not Canada, I’ve been in the U.K. // So:- = 31

33. F1: Yeah. I’ve been to the  yeah. As an exchange // student. So, it’s different heh heh. = 17

34. F1: Oxford. = 2

35. F1: For nine month. = 3

36. F1: Yeah, exchange student  yeah, yeah, yes. = 8

37. F1: Ah, thank you. = 3

Male 2 Mean Length Runs

1. M2: Ok,↑ so, today let’s share↑ our infor//mation. = 12

2. M2: Ok, first↑ of all, the, could↑ you tell me // about your family↑, friends, or your ma//jor, please↓. = 22

3. M2: Ah, in my case, that, ah, actually I // have, I do not have ah, brothers or sis//ters. So, only me, and, ah, (.) yeah↓ you know // the, my parents, and, ah, two dogs. = 38

4. M2: Yap. That’s the (my) information. = 7

5. M2: Thanks. = 1

6. M2: Umm, that’s very, yeah↑, yeah, very  (,) vague↑ // question. So, the, yeah, just, ah: yeah. = 18

7. M2: Please, talk me about very simply // or casually. = 14

8. M2: Yeah, good↓ .= 2

9. M2: Ok. Ah, ok. My turn↑. I think, ah: (.) if I // talk about my friends, maybe, the, as, as // you mentioned, ah, the, dream↑, is the, very // related. Because I have a dream. And, // ah, of course my friends have a dream. And, uh, // our↑ each dream is different, but, uh, we // have, ah, each motivation.  So, the, some//times, you know the people, ah: can’t cope with // the trouble, or the struggling with the // some challenges. But, ah, in that, at that // time, ah, we can cooperate with each // other, and, ah, fight↑ our own challenge. So, // they are very, they help↑, they are very // helpful↑ for me, and, yeah vica versa // ah, yeah. Ok↑, what’s your major now↑? = 149

10. M2: Ah, really↑? Good. = 4

11. M2: So, now↑, ah, you belong to the (Japanese: zemi)? = 7

12. M2: Yeah↓. Ok. What↑, what↑, what kind of are//a are you (.) studying and concentrating // on yeah↓.= 22

13. M2: Ok. = 2

14. M2: Yeah↓, good↓. Thank you. Umm, now↑, I majoring // in English, ok? = 15

15. M2: My English is not, ah very nice, ah, // not very nice. Umm, ok. But↑, the some // people ask what are majoring, ah, Eng//lish. I think that’s good question because my // curiosity is strange. I mean, the, // a lot, too much, the, yeah, I can’t↑ save my // feeling sometimes. So, I, yeah, and, ah: (.) you // are majoring in the literature the // comparison of culture, right? = 88

16. M2: Actually, I’m very↑ interested↑ // in your↑ majoring. So, (2.1) = 16

17. (M2): um, I have a, as I said before, I // have a dream. My dream is becoming an // anthropologist. Do you know? Or so//ciologist↓. Yeah↑, so, yeah:, so now I, // I’m studying about not only Eng//lish↓ but also the cultures or people, // or, yeah, maybe, the, my area is // very, hmm, close, close to you. The, yeah, so, // umm. That’s my real majoring. heh heh Yeah. = 88

18. M2: Your, your English is pretty nice. = 8

19. M2: Yeah. Yeah, that’s a true, it’s true. And, ah, act//ually I heard, ah, two days ago, ah, // some teacher. I like to talking with some tea//chers. One teacher told me that, the, in lit//erature the students are very worry//ing about the English skills compared to // other, umm: other, Yeah, yes, exactly // other department, especially, and, // ah, international relation and, // ah, English and also the Chinese, but // I think in my opinion, that’s, ah, that’s // not true, the, even in literature // department, some students are very nice. // And, ah, they have, yeah pretty nice, ah, mo//tivation and, ah, the character is // very strong and not, not shy and, ah, yeah, // good↑ character. So, I think, (.) yeah, that’s, // the, yeah, some, I, I, I think the, we have // to get the opportunity to stu//dy with the: various department, do // you agree me?  Yeah. Not only the, our // department, with other department. That’s // the, very↑, um:, beneficial. And, ah, // our sight is more wider↑. So, I, yeah, the // teacher and I, ah, concluded that. Heh heh O//k, ok, so, let’s go on the next to//pic. Ah, the topic B. Shall we discuss // the question, both have in common↑. What do // you think↑ about? Heh heh = 294

20. M2: Umm: = 1

21. M2: Yeah, I’m interested in Philippines heh. = 10

22. M2: But actually, I’m, I’ve never been to // Philippines. Umm: = 14

23. M2: Where.↑ Umm. (At) the country↓? = 6

24. M2: Study- = 2

25. M2: Umm, ok, ok, ok. Ok, umm. = 10

26. M2: Ok. Umm, actually I have. Um, I’ve //  studied abroad to Australia↑ and, ah, // Canada↑. = 23

27. M2: Ok? = 2

28. M2: But now↑ I’m, I’d like to go to Philip//pines. = 11

29. M2: Ok? But, ah, this not the, real thing now. // And, ah, but, ah, actually I, I have, // I do not have the experience. The // long, the long,  the long stay. So, the, yeah- // = 40

30. M2: Which country? = 3

31. M2: Oh, in (total). In (total) ah: (3.2) = 8

32. (M2) less, less than two months. = 6

33. M2: Yeah. So, where now I’m thinking of going // to the, long, long stay. = 15

34. M2: Not, not yet. Yeah↓.= 4

35. M2: You’ve been to↓? = 3

36. M2: Which city did you go to? = 7

37. M2: Oxford↑. Ah, ha. = 4

38. M2: Ah, you used, ah, this school’s- = 7

39. M2: Ok↑. Yeah, so, your English pretty nice.  // That’s the reason, right heh? = 15

40. M2: I’ll be Philippines this month, ah. = 8


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