Takumi and Ryotaro

Session 8: Male 1 to Male 2


Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 99.2   B: 82.8

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

233.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

12.9 (387 syllables)

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 99.2   B: 100.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

229.1 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

13.6 (436 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 7.0 secs.

Percentage: 1.4%

Total Speaking Time:

470 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0.0 sec.

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Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M1: Hello

M2: Hello

M1:My name is Takumi Iwamoto.

M2: My name is Ryotaro Sakata.

M1: Ryotaro Sakata, Ok. Ah ok Ryotaro. Ryotaro.

M2: But I I I contact you, Ok.

M1: Ok, ok.

M2: Uh, Takumi, what do (your), what do your favorite movies?

M1: My favorite movie?↑ I don’t like watching TV so↑ I:↑ (.) I don’t see movies so but↑ (£) I like hmm (Japanese) because↑ (Japanese) (Japanese) author author (Japanese) is my senior of my high school.

M2: Oh. Oh↑

M1: And so they uh↓ my friends say you↑ should see the movie so I watched.

M2: Do you like Japanese movie?

M1: Ah yes, yes, yes. I I can’t listen to English well so I don’t like.

M2: I like American movie so I like Marvel and Marvel comics movie so I like Iron Man and-

M1: Ah-ah. (£)

M2: I like them but my favorite, my favorite ah↑ my favorite Japanese movie, do you know (Japanese)

M1: Ah, yes, yes, yes.

M2: I like I like most the movies.

M1: Ah, eh: I (£) also like the movies because↑ the anime of (Japanese) and uh song↑is song is uh (uniqua)

M2: Oh↑

M1: It is (Japanese) song my my I love (Japanese) heh so I like (Japanese) heh heh I always I often sing (Japanese) song because I love singing.

M2: By the way do you like books?

M1: Ah I don’t↓ like↓ oh um but(£) I like to read comic.

M2: (Japanese)

M1: Yes yes yes yes.

M2: Ok. (sniffle) (3.4) Ah (.) what (.) what con- (3.6) ok, what’s your favorite food?

M1: (Foodo)?↑

M2: What kind of?

M1: Hmm (foodo) (foodo) mmm meat. I like meat. Meat↓ meat↓ meat↓.

M2: (sniffle) man, on- I think man eat eat everything.

M1: ah yes yes yes. I don’t have food which is not (goodo), so-

M2: Do ah you don’t you don’t have dislike food?

M1: No no no no no. I Ah yes yes I I don’t have. I don’t have.

M2: Ok. Me too me too. Yes. My favorite food is (.) ah ramen. (£)

M1: Ah ramen

M2: I love tonkatsu ramen.

M1: I often go hakata ramen. It is very cheap.

M2: Oh.

M1: (Japanese) very very very cheap.

M2: So cheap. My favorite ramen is five five hundred and ninety yen so so a little expensive but↑ very delicious.

M1: (delicious) heh heh.

M2: So so every weekend I I’m I I often go there. The name, the sho- the restaurant’s name is (Yoshido), Ramen Yoshido

M1: (Japanese) I don’t know. (.) Some day please

M2: Ok.(£) Ok

M1: introduce the ramen (Japanese). Let’s go with me.

M2: (sniffle) outgoing↑ is I can’t understand outgoing. (sniffle)

M1: outgoing is playing no no no who is more social? (Japanese) (sniffle) social social?

M2: (Japanese) My (.) My high school days I am not↑ social. Heh so so I think not.

M1: I love friends, so I (.) I always want↑ new friends, so I I often (Japanese) so

M2: speak↓ to↓

M1: so I I was I am↑ very social. (.) heh Maybe heh.

M2: My my in my I I when↑ I became a university student uh uh I I↑ want the many friends, so so I speak to I speak to many friends. So I get I get many friends.

M1: Very good. Yes yes.

M2: And and but↑ my my high school student days, my high school days is uh (.) I read the book and uh only one, only one, alone, I read the book alone in the library.

M1: What books do did you read?

M2: I like various (.) various types. So detective stories, and love stories, and so called light novels. But but uh I I became expert so I became so (Japanese). heh

M1: Ah when (.) I was high school, my class↑ was uh: same↑in three years, and uh there are many many (otaku) so I have many friends of (otaku). Uh I I like them too. (£) heh heh because heh they are very very very very interesting.

M2: Yes↓ yes↓ they are uh I think they are I think ok↑ they are crazy. Heh heh

M1: Oh Crazy crazy.

M2: Sometimes↑ they’re crazy. My (Japanese) friends is many crazy friends, so so am I crazy? Heh


This discussion between Takumi and Ryotaro shows a relatively animated discussion between these two males, with relatively high speaking rate, and very low acoustic dysfluency, total amount of silence is only 1.4% and with no cross-talk pausing. Similarly, lexical dysfluency is low as well, with only a high use of L1 on the part of Takumi (14 occurrences). MLRs are also approaching native use (12.9 / 13.6), and the conversation is rather balanced 274 words / 305 words, the only drawback is the high level of meaningless syllables. The conversation is some more “fluent” insofar that minimal responses are fewer.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1. M1: Hello = 2
2. M1:My name is Takumi Iwamoto. = 10
3. M1: Ryotaro Sakata, Ok. Ah // ok Ryotaro. Ryotaro. = 18
4. M1: Ok, ok. = 4
5. M1: My favorite movie?↑ I don’t like watching // TV so↑ I:↑ (.) I don’t see movies so // but↑ (£) I like hmm (Japanese) because↑ (Japanese) (Japanese) author author // (Japanese) is my senior of my high school. = 38
6. M1: And so they uh↓ my friends say you↑ should see // the movie so I watched. = 17
7. M1: Ah yes, yes, yes. I I can’t listen to // English well so I don’t like. = 17
8. M1: Ah-ah. (£) = 2
9. M1: Ah, yes, yes, yes. = 4
10. M1: Ah, eh: I (£) also like the movies be//cause↑ the anime of (Japanese) and uh song↑ is // song is uh (uniqua) = 26
11. M1: It is (Japanese) song my my I love (Japanese) heh so I like // (Japanese) heh heh I always I often sing (Japanese) song because // I love singing. = 24
12. M1: Ah I don’t↓ like↓ oh um but(£) I like // to read comic. = 14
13. M1: Yes yes yes yes. = 4
14. M1: (Foodo)?↑ = 2
15. M1: Hmm (foodo) (foodo) mmm meat. I like meat. // Meat↓ meat↓ meat↓.= 13
16. M1: ah yes yes yes. I don’t have food which is // not (goodo), so- = 14
17. M1: No no no no no. I Ah yes yes I // I don’t have. I don’t have. = 16
18. M1: Ah ramen = 3
19. M1: I often go hakata ramen. It // is very cheap. = 14
20. M1: (Japanese) very very very cheap. = 7
21. M1: (delicious) heh heh. = 3
22. M1: (Japanese) I don’t know. (.) Some day please = 6
23. M1: introduce the ramen (Japanese). Let’s go with me. = 10
24. M1: outgoing is playing no no no who is // more social? (Japanese) (sniffle) social social? = 17
25. M1: I love friends, so I (.) I always want↑ new // friends, so I I often (Japanese) so = 17
26. M1: so I I was I am↑ very social. (.) heh // Maybe heh. = 12
27. M1: Very good. Yes yes. = 5
28. M1: What books do did you read? = 6
29. M1: Ah when (.) I was high school, my class↑ was uh: // same↑in three years, and uh there are many // many (otaku) so I have many // friends of (otaku). Uh I I like them // too. (£) heh heh because heh they are very very ve//ry very interesting. = 57
30. M1: Oh Crazy crazy. = 5

Male 2 Mean Length Runs

1. M2: Hello = 2
2. M2: My name is Ryotaro Sakata. = 9
3. M2: But I I I contact you, Ok. = 9
4. M2: Uh, Takumi, what do (your), what do your // favorite movies? = 16
5. M2: Oh. Oh↑ = 2
6. M2: Do you like Japanese movie? = 8
7. M2: I like American movie so I // like Marvel and Marvel comics movie // so I like Iron Man and- = 27
8. M2: I like them but my favorite, my fa//vorite ah↑ my favorite Japanese // movie, do you know (Japanese) = 25
9. M2: I like I like most the movies. = 8
10. M2: Oh↑ = 1
11. M2: By the way do you like books? = 8
12. M2: (Japanese) = 0
13. M2: Ok. (sniffle) (3.4) = 2
14. (M2) Ah (.) what (.) what con- (3.6) = 4
15. (M2) ok, what’s your favorite food? = 8
16. M2: What kind of? = 3
17. M2: (sniffle) man, on- I think man eat eat everything. = 10
18. M2: Do ah you don’t you don’t have dislike food? = 10
19. M2: Ok. Me too me too. Yes. My favor//ite food is (.) ah ramen. (£) = 16
20. M2: I love tonkatsu ramen. = 7
21. M2: Oh. = 1
22. M2: So cheap. My favorite ramen is five // five hundred and ninety yen so so a // little expensive but↑ very delic//ious. = 31
23. M2: So so every weekend I I’m I I // often go there. The name, the sho- the res//taurant’s name is (Yoshido), Ramen // Yoshido = 33
24. M2: Ok.(£) Ok = 4
25. M2: (sniffle) outgoing↑ is I can’t understand outgo//ing. (sniffle) = 11
26. M2: (Japanese) My (.) My high school days I am not↑ social. // Heh so so I think not. = 15
27. M2: speak↓ to↓ = 2
28. M2: My my in my I I when↑ I became // a university student uh uh // I I↑ want the many friends, so so I // speak to I speak to many friends. So I // get I get many friends. = 47
29. M2: And and but↑ my my high school student day//s, my high school days is uh (.) I read // the book and uh only one, only one, // alone, I read the book alone in the // library. = 43
30. M2: I like various (.) various types. So de//tective stories, and love stories, and so // called light novels. But but uh I I be//came expert so I became so (Japanese). heh = 38
31. M2: Yes↓ yes↓ they are uh I think they are I // think ok↑ they are crazy. Heh heh = 17
32. M2: Sometimes↑ they’re crazy. My (Japanese) friends is many // crazy friends, so so am I crazy? Heh = 19


M1: Hello

M2: Hello

M1:My name is Takumi Iwamoto.

M2: My name is Ryotaro Sakata.

M1: Ryotaro Sakata, Ok. Ah ok Ryotaro. Ryotaro.

M2: But I I I contact you, Ok.

M1: Ok, ok.

M2: Uh, Takumi, what do (your), what do your favorite movies?

M1: My favorite movie?↑ I don’t like watching TV so↑ I:↑ (.) I don’t see movies so but↑ (£) I like hmm (Japanese) because↑ (Japanese) (Japanese) author author (Japanese) is my senior of my high school.

M2: Oh. Oh↑

M1: And so they uh↓ my friends say you↑ should see the movie so I watched.

M2: Do you like Japanese movie?

M1: Ah yes, yes, yes. I I can’t listen to English well so I don’t like.

M2: I like American movie so I like Marvel and Marvel comics movie so I like Iron Man and-

M1: Ah-ah. (£)

M2: I like them but my favorite, my favorite ah↑ my favorite Japanese movie, do you know (Japanese)

M1: Ah, yes, yes, yes.

M2: I like I like most the movies.

M1: Ah, eh: I (£) also like the movies because↑ the anime of (Japanese) and uh song↑is song is uh (uniqua)

M2: Oh↑

M1: It is (Japanese) song my my I love (Japanese) heh so I like (Japanese) heh heh I always I often sing (Japanese) song because I love singing.

M2: By the way do you like books?

M1: Ah I don’t↓ like↓ oh um but(£) I like to read comic.

M2: (Japanese)

M1: Yes yes yes yes.

M2: Ok. (sniffle) (3.4) Ah (.) what (.) what con- (3.6) ok, what’s your favorite food?

M1: (Foodo)?↑

M2: What kind of?

M1: Hmm (foodo) (foodo) mmm meat. I like meat. Meat↓ meat↓ meat↓.

M2: (sniffle) man, on- I think man eat eat everything.

M1: ah yes yes yes. I don’t have food which is not (goodo), so-

M2: Do ah you don’t you don’t have dislike food?

M1: No no no no no. I Ah yes yes I I don’t have. I don’t have.

M2: Ok. Me too me too. Yes. My favorite food is (.) ah ramen. (£)

M1: Ah ramen

M2: I love tonkatsu ramen.

M1: I often go hakata ramen. It is very cheap.

M2: Oh.

M1: (Japanese) very very very cheap.

M2: So cheap. My favorite ramen is five five hundred and ninety yen so so a little expensive but↑ very delicious.

M1: (delicious) heh heh.

M2: So so every weekend I I’m I I often go there. The name, the sho- the restaurant’s name is (Yoshido), Ramen Yoshido

M1: (Japanese) I don’t know. (.) Some day please

M2: Ok.(£) Ok

M1: introduce the ramen (Japanese). Let’s go with me.

M2: (sniffle) outgoing↑ is I can’t understand outgoing. (sniffle)

M1: outgoing is playing no no no who is more social? (Japanese) (sniffle) social social?

M2: (Japanese) My (.) My high school days I am not↑ social. Heh so so I think not.

M1: I love friends, so I (.) I always want↑ new friends, so I I often (Japanese) so

M2: speak↓ to↓

M1: so I I was I am↑ very social. (.) heh Maybe heh.

M2: My my in my I I when↑ I became a university student uh uh I I↑ want the many friends, so so I speak to I speak to many friends. So I get I get many friends.

M1: Very good. Yes yes.

M2: And and but↑ my my high school student days, my high school days is uh (.) I read the book and uh only one, only one, alone, I read the book alone in the library.

M1: What books do did you read?

M2: I like various (.) various types. So detective stories, and love stories, and so called light novels. But but uh I I became expert so I became so (Japanese). heh

M1: Ah when (.) I was high school, my class↑ was uh: same↑in three years, and uh there are many many (otaku) so I have many friends of (otaku). Uh I I like them too. (£) heh heh because heh they are very very very very interesting.

M2: Yes↓ yes↓ they are uh I think they are I think ok↑ they are crazy. Heh heh

M1: Oh Crazy crazy.

M2: Sometimes↑ they’re crazy. My (Japanese) friends is many crazy friends, so so am I crazy? Heh

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 99.2   B: 82.8

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

233.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

12.9 (387 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 99.2   B: 100.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

229.1 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

13.6 (436 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 7.0 secs.

Percentage: 1.4%

Total Speaking Time:

470 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0.0 sec.


This discussion between Takumi and Ryotaro shows a relatively animated discussion between these two males, with relatively high speaking rate, and very low acoustic dysfluency, total amount of silence is only 1.4% and with no cross-talk pausing. Similarly, lexical dysfluency is low as well, with only a high use of L1 on the part of Takumi (14 occurrences). MLRs are also approaching native use (12.9 / 13.6), and the conversation is rather balanced 274 words / 305 words, the only drawback is the high level of meaningless syllables. The conversation is some more “fluent” insofar that minimal responses are fewer.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1. M1: Hello = 2
2. M1:My name is Takumi Iwamoto. = 10
3. M1: Ryotaro Sakata, Ok. Ah // ok Ryotaro. Ryotaro. = 18
4. M1: Ok, ok. = 4
5. M1: My favorite movie?↑ I don’t like watching // TV so↑ I:↑ (.) I don’t see movies so // but↑ (£) I like hmm (Japanese) because↑ (Japanese) (Japanese) author author // (Japanese) is my senior of my high school. = 38
6. M1: And so they uh↓ my friends say you↑ should see // the movie so I watched. = 17
7. M1: Ah yes, yes, yes. I I can’t listen to // English well so I don’t like. = 17
8. M1: Ah-ah. (£) = 2
9. M1: Ah, yes, yes, yes. = 4
10. M1: Ah, eh: I (£) also like the movies be//cause↑ the anime of (Japanese) and uh song↑ is // song is uh (uniqua) = 26
11. M1: It is (Japanese) song my my I love (Japanese) heh so I like // (Japanese) heh heh I always I often sing (Japanese) song because // I love singing. = 24
12. M1: Ah I don’t↓ like↓ oh um but(£) I like // to read comic. = 14
13. M1: Yes yes yes yes. = 4
14. M1: (Foodo)?↑ = 2
15. M1: Hmm (foodo) (foodo) mmm meat. I like meat. // Meat↓ meat↓ meat↓.= 13
16. M1: ah yes yes yes. I don’t have food which is // not (goodo), so- = 14
17. M1: No no no no no. I Ah yes yes I // I don’t have. I don’t have. = 16
18. M1: Ah ramen = 3
19. M1: I often go hakata ramen. It // is very cheap. = 14
20. M1: (Japanese) very very very cheap. = 7
21. M1: (delicious) heh heh. = 3
22. M1: (Japanese) I don’t know. (.) Some day please = 6
23. M1: introduce the ramen (Japanese). Let’s go with me. = 10
24. M1: outgoing is playing no no no who is // more social? (Japanese) (sniffle) social social? = 17
25. M1: I love friends, so I (.) I always want↑ new // friends, so I I often (Japanese) so = 17
26. M1: so I I was I am↑ very social. (.) heh // Maybe heh. = 12
27. M1: Very good. Yes yes. = 5
28. M1: What books do did you read? = 6
29. M1: Ah when (.) I was high school, my class↑ was uh: // same↑in three years, and uh there are many // many (otaku) so I have many // friends of (otaku). Uh I I like them // too. (£) heh heh because heh they are very very ve//ry very interesting. = 57
30. M1: Oh Crazy crazy. = 5

Male 2 Mean Length Runs

1. M2: Hello = 2
2. M2: My name is Ryotaro Sakata. = 9
3. M2: But I I I contact you, Ok. = 9
4. M2: Uh, Takumi, what do (your), what do your // favorite movies? = 16
5. M2: Oh. Oh↑ = 2
6. M2: Do you like Japanese movie? = 8
7. M2: I like American movie so I // like Marvel and Marvel comics movie // so I like Iron Man and- = 27
8. M2: I like them but my favorite, my fa//vorite ah↑ my favorite Japanese // movie, do you know (Japanese) = 25
9. M2: I like I like most the movies. = 8
10. M2: Oh↑ = 1
11. M2: By the way do you like books? = 8
12. M2: (Japanese) = 0
13. M2: Ok. (sniffle) (3.4) = 2
14. (M2) Ah (.) what (.) what con- (3.6) = 4
15. (M2) ok, what’s your favorite food? = 8
16. M2: What kind of? = 3
17. M2: (sniffle) man, on- I think man eat eat everything. = 10
18. M2: Do ah you don’t you don’t have dislike food? = 10
19. M2: Ok. Me too me too. Yes. My favor//ite food is (.) ah ramen. (£) = 16
20. M2: I love tonkatsu ramen. = 7
21. M2: Oh. = 1
22. M2: So cheap. My favorite ramen is five // five hundred and ninety yen so so a // little expensive but↑ very delic//ious. = 31
23. M2: So so every weekend I I’m I I // often go there. The name, the sho- the res//taurant’s name is (Yoshido), Ramen // Yoshido = 33
24. M2: Ok.(£) Ok = 4
25. M2: (sniffle) outgoing↑ is I can’t understand outgo//ing. (sniffle) = 11
26. M2: (Japanese) My (.) My high school days I am not↑ social. // Heh so so I think not. = 15
27. M2: speak↓ to↓ = 2
28. M2: My my in my I I when↑ I became // a university student uh uh // I I↑ want the many friends, so so I // speak to I speak to many friends. So I // get I get many friends. = 47
29. M2: And and but↑ my my high school student day//s, my high school days is uh (.) I read // the book and uh only one, only one, // alone, I read the book alone in the // library. = 43
30. M2: I like various (.) various types. So de//tective stories, and love stories, and so // called light novels. But but uh I I be//came expert so I became so (Japanese). heh = 38
31. M2: Yes↓ yes↓ they are uh I think they are I // think ok↑ they are crazy. Heh heh = 17
32. M2: Sometimes↑ they’re crazy. My (Japanese) friends is many // crazy friends, so so am I crazy? Heh = 19

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