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Yuusei and Harumi

Session 7: Male 1 to Female 1


Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 110.8   B: 98.6

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

322.2 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.5 (595 syllables)

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 67.4   B: 59.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

242.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.1 (273 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 37.3 secs.

Percentage: 5.8%

Total Speaking Time:

600 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0.0 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

M1: Uh: my↑ family↑
F1: yeah↑
M1: is↑ mother and me. Only only. My parents (divorced) in (2.4) about five age.
F1: Oh: ↓
M1: My mother (.) grow up me heh ah uhm: but↑ I have many friends.
F1: Yes yes.
M1: And uh about uh my friends is actor
F1:Oh oh
M1: In Tokyo. He went (.) two years ago. He: he: decided (.) uh to go to university, Seinan university, but↑ he canceled and go to Tokyo. Uh,
F1:Oh: Oh:
M1: Uh: please tell me your friends and your friends.
F1: Uh my family is mother and father and little brother.
M1: Ah:
F1: Yes.
M1: Uh: what is your little brother?
F1: Heh (sniffle)
M1: Eleven?
F1: No: heh (fifteen). Fifteen years old.
M1: Junior high school.
F1: High School.
M1: High school.
F1: Yes, Yes.
M1: Eh:
F1: He: is very cute heh his hobby is very good. One day, he get up early. He make a (.) pancake↑ Yes↑ heh
M1: He likes cooking.
F1: Yes. He likes making sweets.
M1: Sweets?
F1: Yes yes.
M1: Uh I like (pudding).
F1: Heh heh
M1: Uh He He can make (pudding)?
F1: Yes Yes. He ca- makes cake↑ but I don’t like. I don’t like it. Swe- Sweets is making sweets is
M1: No
F1: Yes Yes My mother and father says it (change) (change)
M1: Heh heh
F1: Your character too
M1: Your brother
F1: Yes changing.
M1: He wants to be a (pastiere)
F1: No:
M1: No. His hobby. Yes yes. Your friend.
F1: My friend, my friend.
M1: Unique
F1: Yes Yes. And (.) I (.) uhm I think my uh character is not cute, and my friend is the same. Yes.
M1: Uh, my↑ friend (2.1) uhm: (3.2) (Japanese) unique, for example, ah, (.) I : (.) I and my friend, my friend name is Keisuke, Keisuke and I ah (.) in high school comedy in in: Japanese Bunkasai, uh yes yes ↓ but he wants to be comedian. Uh He is studying in Fukuoka University, but he (graduate) ah he graduate after Fukuoka University, uh he want to be a comedian, he go to (Hiroshimoto) he so↑ he (big) ah what what↑ studying in university?
F1: I major in law↑.
M1: Law?
F1: Yes.
M1: Law is very difficult for me.
F1: Heh Yes. Heh.
M1: Law is (.) remember↑ remember↑ and understand in brain. Ah About a lot of words.
F1: Yes
M1: I can’t this.
F1: It’s very difficult.
M1: I like math, so I major in economics in university. I dislike↑ remember and understand words, but↑ something so I like math. So I studying university. Uh: (2.5) Hmm: so what your hobby?
F1: My hobby is eating.
M1: Eating? Ah, eating, eating, eating. (.) Ah: What your favorite restaurant?
F1: Restaurant?
M1: Or shop?
F1: Shop. I I↓ like (.) Chinese food. ↑
M1: Ah:↑
F1: And↓ heh
M1: Chinese food
F1: I like Oshou.
M1: Ah, yes, yes. Yes
F1: Yes
M1: I like I like (chaha) um I like (MG)
F1: Yes yes
M1: I like (Hanmaki) (2.8) Uh I dislike (.) ( ).
F1: Yes Yes
M1: Uh ( ) soup,
F1: Yes Yes
M1: I dislike
F1: My family is eat↑ very much.
M1: Oh yes yes.
F1: (Oshou) I ordered twenty
M1: Really? Heh
F1: Twenty (man) (man)
M1: Twenty kinds↑?
F1: Yes Yes.
M1: Ah
F1: The table↑ is full.
M1: Full Ah yeah. Can you eat all?
F1: Yes. Yes. Heh
M1: Really? It is wonderful.
F1: I I ate ramen. And (cha-han), gyoza↑.
M1: Ah uh (5.6) your father or mother what about (work)?
F1: My mother work (2.2) hmm kindergarten.
M1: Kindergarden. Eh (flower) Shop?
F1: No High school. Junior high, elementary school, kindergarten.
M1: Ah Kindgarten ↓. Eh I ( ) hear. Eh.
F1: My father work bank↑.
M1: Ah Me too. My mother worked in bank. But↑ my mother works in de- data shop.
F1: Yes↓. Yes↓.
M1: In the work place. Uh (3.4) use excel. And (5.8) my mother makes paper. Heh
F1: Yes yes.
M1: Um uhm: (7.3) your father and mother (strict).
F1: Ah no.
M1: Me too.
F1: But in my junior high my father is very↑ strict.
M1: When I↑ elementary school, my mother very (.) strict,
F1: Yes yes.
M1: But when I junior high and high school, and in university, my mother don’t strict.
F1: Yes yes
M1: Uh when I start (.) artbeit part-time job, in high school because I want to buy (.) my brand shop’s fashion uh clothes, so the price is very high so uh so I have to make the money with part-time job.


This discussion in session eight between Yuusei and Harumi shows a relatively low speaking rate, with Harumi having a speaking rate (A) of 59.5 as well as having a short MLR of 5.1. Her responses tend to be quite passive and uninformative and again her number of words are almost half of that of Yuusei’s.  Yuusei’s articulation rate is a bit faster 1.8 to 1.1 but his speaking rate is 40 points higher than Harumi’s. However, Yuusei’s amount of silence is quite high 35.1 seconds compared to Harumi’s of 2.2. Lexical dysfluency is low but in syntactic dysfluency, there is a lot of repetition from both speakers. In short, this is a situation in which both speakers can bring far more to the table and to be more confident in their production.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: yeah↑ = 1
2. F1: Oh: ↓ = 1
3. F1: Yes yes. = 2
4. F1:Oh oh = 2
5. F1:Oh: Oh: = 2
6. F1: Uh my family is mother and fa//ther and little brother. = 16
7. F1: Yes. = 1
8. F1: Heh (sniffle) = 0
9. F1: No: heh (fifteen). Fifteen years old. = 7
10. F1: High School. = 2
11. F1: Yes, Yes. = 2
12/ F1: He: is very cute heh his hobby is ve//ry good. One day, he get up early. He // make a (.) pancake↑ Yes↑ heh = 25
13. F1: Yes. He likes making sweets. = 7
14. F1: Yes yes. = 2
15. F1: Heh heh = 0
16. F1: Yes Yes. He ca- makes cake↑ but I don’t like. // I don’t like it. Swe- Sweets is making // sweets is = 22
17. F1: Yes Yes My mother and father says it // (change) (change) = 12
18. F1: Your character too = 5
19. F1: Yes changing. = 3
20. F1: No: = 1
21. F1: My friend, my friend. = 4
22. F1: Yes Yes. And (.) I (.) uhm I think my uh cha//racter is not cute, and my friend is the // same. Yes. = 22
23. F1: I major in law↑. = 5
24. F1: Yes. = 1
25. F1: Heh Yes. Heh. = 1
26. F1: Yes = 1
27. F1: It’s very difficult. = 6
28. F1: My hobby is eating. = 6
29. F1: Restaurant? = 3
30. F1: Shop. I I↓ like (.) Chinese food. ↑ = 7
31. F1: And↓ heh = 1
32. F1: I like Oshou. = 4
33. F1: Yes = 1
34. F1: Yes yes = 2
35. F1: Yes Yes = 2
36. F1: Yes Yes = 2
37. F1: My family is eat↑ very much. = 8
38. F1: (Oshou) I ordered twenty = 7
39. F1: Twenty (man) (man) = 4
40. F1: Yes Yes. = 2
41. F1: The table↑ is full. = 5
42. F1: Yes. Yes. Heh = 2
43. F1: I I ate ramen. And (cha-han), gyoza↑. = 10
44. F1: My mother work (2.2) = 4
45. (F1) hmm kindergarten. = 5
46. F1: No High school. Junior high, elementa//ry school, kindergarten. = 16
47. F1: My father work bank↑. = 5
48. F1: Yes↓. Yes↓. = 2
49. F1: Yes yes. = 3
50. F1: Ah no. = 2
51. F1: But in my junior high my father is // very↑ strict. = 13
52. F1: Yes yes. = 2
53. F1: Yes yes = 2

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1. M1: Uh: my↑ family↑ = 5
2. M1: is↑ mother and me. Only only. My // parents (divorced) in (2.4) = 15
3. (M1) about five age. = 4
4. M1: My mother (.) grow up me heh ah uhm: but↑ I // have many friends. = 15
5. M1: And uh about uh my friends is actor = 10
6. M1: In Tokyo. He went (.) two years ago. He: // he: decided (.) uh to go to uni//versity, Seinan university, // but↑ he canceled and go to Tokyo. // Uh, = 31
7. M1: Uh: please tell me your friends and your friends. = 10
8. M1: Ah: = 1
9. M1: Uh: what is your little brother? = 8
10. M1: Eleven? = 3
11. M1: Junior high school. = 4
12. M1: High school. = 2
13. M1: Eh: = 1
14. M1: He likes cooking. = 4
15. M1: Sweets? = 2
16. M1: Uh I like (pudding). = 5
17. M1: Uh He He can make (pudding)? = 7
18. M1: No = 1
19. M1: Heh heh = 0
20. M1: Your brother = 3
21. M1: He wants to be a (pastiere) = 8
22. M1: No. His hobby. Yes yes. Your friend. = 8
23. M1: Unique = 2
24. M1: Uh, my↑ friend (2.1) = 3
25. (M1) uhm: (3.2) = 1
26. (M1) (Japanese) unique, for example, ah, (.) I : (.) I and // my friend, my friend name is Keisuke, Keisuke // and I ah (.) in high school comedy in // in: Japanese Bunkasai, uh yes yes // ↓ but he wants to be comedian. Uh // He is studying in Fukuoka U//niversity, but he (graduate) ah // he graduate after Fukuoka // University, uh he want to be // a comedian, he go to (Hiro//shimoto) he so↑ he (big) ah what what↑ // studying in university? = 119
27. M1: Law? = 1
28. M1: Law is very difficult for me. = 9
29. M1: Law is (.) remember↑ remember↑ and un//derstand in brain. Ah About a lot of // words. = 21
30. M1: I can’t this. = 3
31. M1: I like math, so I major in eco//nomics in university. I dis//like↑ remember and understand words, // but↑ something so I like math. So I stu//dying university. Uh: (2.5) = 48
32. (M1) Hmm: so what your hobby? = 6
33. M1: Eating? Ah, eating, eating, eating. (.) Ah: // What your favorite restaurant? = 18
34. M1: Or shop? = 2
35. M1: Ah:↑ = 1
36. M1: Chinese food = 3
37. M1: Ah, yes, yes. Yes = 4
38. M1: I like I like (chaha) um I like (M//G) = 11
39. M1: I like (Hanmaki) (2.8) = 5
40. (M1) Uh I dislike (.) ( ). = 4
41. M1: Uh ( ) soup, = 2
42. M1: I dislike = 3
43. M1: Oh yes yes. = 3
44. M1: Really? Heh = 2
45. M1: Twenty kinds↑? = 4
46. M1: Ah = 1
47. M1: Full Ah yeah. Can you eat all? = 7
48. M1: Really? It is wonderful. = 7
49. M1: Ah uh (5.6) = 2
50. (M1;) your father or mother what about (work)? = 10
51. M1: Kindergarden. Eh (flower) Shop? = 9
52. M1: Ah Kindgarten ↓. Eh I ( ) hear. Eh. = 9
53. M1: Ah Me too. My mother worked in bank. But↑// my mother works in de- data shop. = 19
54. M1: In the work place. Uh (3.4) = 5
55. (M1) use excel. And (5.8) = 4
56. (M1) my mother makes paper. Heh = 6
57. M1: Um uhm: (7.3) = 2
58. (M1) your father and mother (strict). = 8
59. M1: Me too. = 2
60. M1: When I↑ elementary school, my mo//ther very (.) strict, = 15
61. M1: But when I junior high and high school, and // in university, my mother don’t // strict. = 21
62. M1: Uh when I start (.) artbeit part-time job, in // high school because I want to buy (.) my brand // shop’s fashion uh clothes, so the price is ve//ry high so uh so I have to make the // money with part-time job. = 46

M1: Uh: my↑ family↑
F1: yeah↑
M1: is↑ mother and me. Only only. My parents (divorced) in (2.4) about five age.
F1: Oh: ↓
M1: My mother (.) grow up me heh ah uhm: but↑ I have many friends.
F1: Yes yes.
M1: And uh about uh my friends is actor
F1:Oh oh
M1: In Tokyo. He went (.) two years ago. He: he: decided (.) uh to go to university, Seinan university, but↑ he canceled and go to Tokyo. Uh,
F1:Oh: Oh:
M1: Uh: please tell me your friends and your friends.
F1: Uh my family is mother and father and little brother.
M1: Ah:
F1: Yes.
M1: Uh: what is your little brother?
F1: Heh (sniffle)
M1: Eleven?
F1: No: heh (fifteen). Fifteen years old.
M1: Junior high school.
F1: High School.
M1: High school.
F1: Yes, Yes.
M1: Eh:
F1: He: is very cute heh his hobby is very good. One day, he get up early. He make a (.) pancake↑ Yes↑ heh
M1: He likes cooking.
F1: Yes. He likes making sweets.
M1: Sweets?
F1: Yes yes.
M1: Uh I like (pudding).
F1: Heh heh
M1: Uh He He can make (pudding)?
F1: Yes Yes. He ca- makes cake↑ but I don’t like. I don’t like it. Swe- Sweets is making sweets is
M1: No
F1: Yes Yes My mother and father says it (change) (change)
M1: Heh heh
F1: Your character too
M1: Your brother
F1: Yes changing.
M1: He wants to be a (pastiere)
F1: No:
M1: No. His hobby. Yes yes. Your friend.
F1: My friend, my friend.
M1: Unique
F1: Yes Yes. And (.) I (.) uhm I think my uh character is not cute, and my friend is the same. Yes.
M1: Uh, my↑ friend (2.1) uhm: (3.2) (Japanese) unique, for example, ah, (.) I : (.) I and my friend, my friend name is Keisuke, Keisuke and I ah (.) in high school comedy in in: Japanese Bunkasai, uh yes yes ↓ but he wants to be comedian. Uh He is studying in Fukuoka University, but he (graduate) ah he graduate after Fukuoka University, uh he want to be a comedian, he go to (Hiroshimoto) he so↑ he (big) ah what what↑ studying in university?
F1: I major in law↑.
M1: Law?
F1: Yes.
M1: Law is very difficult for me.
F1: Heh Yes. Heh.
M1: Law is (.) remember↑ remember↑ and understand in brain. Ah About a lot of words.
F1: Yes
M1: I can’t this.
F1: It’s very difficult.
M1: I like math, so I major in economics in university. I dislike↑ remember and understand words, but↑ something so I like math. So I studying university. Uh: (2.5) Hmm: so what your hobby?
F1: My hobby is eating.
M1: Eating? Ah, eating, eating, eating. (.) Ah: What your favorite restaurant?
F1: Restaurant?
M1: Or shop?
F1: Shop. I I↓ like (.) Chinese food. ↑
M1: Ah:↑
F1: And↓ heh
M1: Chinese food
F1: I like Oshou.
M1: Ah, yes, yes. Yes
F1: Yes
M1: I like I like (chaha) um I like (MG)
F1: Yes yes
M1: I like (Hanmaki) (2.8) Uh I dislike (.) ( ).
F1: Yes Yes
M1: Uh ( ) soup,
F1: Yes Yes
M1: I dislike
F1: My family is eat↑ very much.
M1: Oh yes yes.
F1: (Oshou) I ordered twenty
M1: Really? Heh
F1: Twenty (man) (man)
M1: Twenty kinds↑?
F1: Yes Yes.
M1: Ah
F1: The table↑ is full.
M1: Full Ah yeah. Can you eat all?
F1: Yes. Yes. Heh
M1: Really? It is wonderful.
F1: I I ate ramen. And (cha-han), gyoza↑.
M1: Ah uh (5.6) your father or mother what about (work)?
F1: My mother work (2.2) hmm kindergarten.
M1: Kindergarden. Eh (flower) Shop?
F1: No High school. Junior high, elementary school, kindergarten.
M1: Ah Kindgarten ↓. Eh I ( ) hear. Eh.
F1: My father work bank↑.
M1: Ah Me too. My mother worked in bank. But↑ my mother works in de- data shop.
F1: Yes↓. Yes↓.
M1: In the work place. Uh (3.4) use excel. And (5.8) my mother makes paper. Heh
F1: Yes yes.
M1: Um uhm: (7.3) your father and mother (strict).
F1: Ah no.
M1: Me too.
F1: But in my junior high my father is very↑ strict.
M1: When I↑ elementary school, my mother very (.) strict,
F1: Yes yes.
M1: But when I junior high and high school, and in university, my mother don’t strict.
F1: Yes yes
M1: Uh when I start (.) artbeit part-time job, in high school because I want to buy (.) my brand shop’s fashion uh clothes, so the price is very high so uh so I have to make the money with part-time job.
Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 110.8   B: 98.6

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

322.2 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.5 (595 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 67.4   B: 59.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

242.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.1 (273 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 37.3 secs.

Percentage: 5.8%

Total Speaking Time:

600 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0.0 sec.


This discussion in session eight between Yuusei and Harumi shows a relatively low speaking rate, with Harumi having a speaking rate (A) of 59.5 as well as having a short MLR of 5.1. Her responses tend to be quite passive and uninformative and again her number of words are almost half of that of Yuusei’s.  Yuusei’s articulation rate is a bit faster 1.8 to 1.1 but his speaking rate is 40 points higher than Harumi’s. However, Yuusei’s amount of silence is quite high 35.1 seconds compared to Harumi’s of 2.2. Lexical dysfluency is low but in syntactic dysfluency, there is a lot of repetition from both speakers. In short, this is a situation in which both speakers can bring far more to the table and to be more confident in their production.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: yeah↑ = 1
2. F1: Oh: ↓ = 1
3. F1: Yes yes. = 2
4. F1:Oh oh = 2
5. F1:Oh: Oh: = 2
6. F1: Uh my family is mother and fa//ther and little brother. = 16
7. F1: Yes. = 1
8. F1: Heh (sniffle) = 0
9. F1: No: heh (fifteen). Fifteen years old. = 7
10. F1: High School. = 2
11. F1: Yes, Yes. = 2
12/ F1: He: is very cute heh his hobby is ve//ry good. One day, he get up early. He // make a (.) pancake↑ Yes↑ heh = 25
13. F1: Yes. He likes making sweets. = 7
14. F1: Yes yes. = 2
15. F1: Heh heh = 0
16. F1: Yes Yes. He ca- makes cake↑ but I don’t like. // I don’t like it. Swe- Sweets is making // sweets is = 22
17. F1: Yes Yes My mother and father says it // (change) (change) = 12
18. F1: Your character too = 5
19. F1: Yes changing. = 3
20. F1: No: = 1
21. F1: My friend, my friend. = 4
22. F1: Yes Yes. And (.) I (.) uhm I think my uh cha//racter is not cute, and my friend is the // same. Yes. = 22
23. F1: I major in law↑. = 5
24. F1: Yes. = 1
25. F1: Heh Yes. Heh. = 1
26. F1: Yes = 1
27. F1: It’s very difficult. = 6
28. F1: My hobby is eating. = 6
29. F1: Restaurant? = 3
30. F1: Shop. I I↓ like (.) Chinese food. ↑ = 7
31. F1: And↓ heh = 1
32. F1: I like Oshou. = 4
33. F1: Yes = 1
34. F1: Yes yes = 2
35. F1: Yes Yes = 2
36. F1: Yes Yes = 2
37. F1: My family is eat↑ very much. = 8
38. F1: (Oshou) I ordered twenty = 7
39. F1: Twenty (man) (man) = 4
40. F1: Yes Yes. = 2
41. F1: The table↑ is full. = 5
42. F1: Yes. Yes. Heh = 2
43. F1: I I ate ramen. And (cha-han), gyoza↑. = 10
44. F1: My mother work (2.2) = 4
45. (F1) hmm kindergarten. = 5
46. F1: No High school. Junior high, elementa//ry school, kindergarten. = 16
47. F1: My father work bank↑. = 5
48. F1: Yes↓. Yes↓. = 2
49. F1: Yes yes. = 3
50. F1: Ah no. = 2
51. F1: But in my junior high my father is // very↑ strict. = 13
52. F1: Yes yes. = 2
53. F1: Yes yes = 2

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1. M1: Uh: my↑ family↑ = 5
2. M1: is↑ mother and me. Only only. My // parents (divorced) in (2.4) = 15
3. (M1) about five age. = 4
4. M1: My mother (.) grow up me heh ah uhm: but↑ I // have many friends. = 15
5. M1: And uh about uh my friends is actor = 10
6. M1: In Tokyo. He went (.) two years ago. He: // he: decided (.) uh to go to uni//versity, Seinan university, // but↑ he canceled and go to Tokyo. // Uh, = 31
7. M1: Uh: please tell me your friends and your friends. = 10
8. M1: Ah: = 1
9. M1: Uh: what is your little brother? = 8
10. M1: Eleven? = 3
11. M1: Junior high school. = 4
12. M1: High school. = 2
13. M1: Eh: = 1
14. M1: He likes cooking. = 4
15. M1: Sweets? = 2
16. M1: Uh I like (pudding). = 5
17. M1: Uh He He can make (pudding)? = 7
18. M1: No = 1
19. M1: Heh heh = 0
20. M1: Your brother = 3
21. M1: He wants to be a (pastiere) = 8
22. M1: No. His hobby. Yes yes. Your friend. = 8
23. M1: Unique = 2
24. M1: Uh, my↑ friend (2.1) = 3
25. (M1) uhm: (3.2) = 1
26. (M1) (Japanese) unique, for example, ah, (.) I : (.) I and // my friend, my friend name is Keisuke, Keisuke // and I ah (.) in high school comedy in // in: Japanese Bunkasai, uh yes yes // ↓ but he wants to be comedian. Uh // He is studying in Fukuoka U//niversity, but he (graduate) ah // he graduate after Fukuoka // University, uh he want to be // a comedian, he go to (Hiro//shimoto) he so↑ he (big) ah what what↑ // studying in university? = 119
27. M1: Law? = 1
28. M1: Law is very difficult for me. = 9
29. M1: Law is (.) remember↑ remember↑ and un//derstand in brain. Ah About a lot of // words. = 21
30. M1: I can’t this. = 3
31. M1: I like math, so I major in eco//nomics in university. I dis//like↑ remember and understand words, // but↑ something so I like math. So I stu//dying university. Uh: (2.5) = 48
32. (M1) Hmm: so what your hobby? = 6
33. M1: Eating? Ah, eating, eating, eating. (.) Ah: // What your favorite restaurant? = 18
34. M1: Or shop? = 2
35. M1: Ah:↑ = 1
36. M1: Chinese food = 3
37. M1: Ah, yes, yes. Yes = 4
38. M1: I like I like (chaha) um I like (M//G) = 11
39. M1: I like (Hanmaki) (2.8) = 5
40. (M1) Uh I dislike (.) ( ). = 4
41. M1: Uh ( ) soup, = 2
42. M1: I dislike = 3
43. M1: Oh yes yes. = 3
44. M1: Really? Heh = 2
45. M1: Twenty kinds↑? = 4
46. M1: Ah = 1
47. M1: Full Ah yeah. Can you eat all? = 7
48. M1: Really? It is wonderful. = 7
49. M1: Ah uh (5.6) = 2
50. (M1;) your father or mother what about (work)? = 10
51. M1: Kindergarden. Eh (flower) Shop? = 9
52. M1: Ah Kindgarten ↓. Eh I ( ) hear. Eh. = 9
53. M1: Ah Me too. My mother worked in bank. But↑// my mother works in de- data shop. = 19
54. M1: In the work place. Uh (3.4) = 5
55. (M1) use excel. And (5.8) = 4
56. (M1) my mother makes paper. Heh = 6
57. M1: Um uhm: (7.3) = 2
58. (M1) your father and mother (strict). = 8
59. M1: Me too. = 2
60. M1: When I↑ elementary school, my mo//ther very (.) strict, = 15
61. M1: But when I junior high and high school, and // in university, my mother don’t // strict. = 21
62. M1: Uh when I start (.) artbeit part-time job, in // high school because I want to buy (.) my brand // shop’s fashion uh clothes, so the price is ve//ry high so uh so I have to make the // money with part-time job. = 46

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