Nanami and Mao

Session 6 : Female 2 to Male 1


Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 88.0   B: 63.4

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

212.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

4.3 (312 syllables)

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 106.3   B: 89.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

270.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.1 (480 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 117.5 secs.

Percentage: 19.5%

Total Speaking Time:

601 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

6.3 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M1: (Japanese: Etto, etto tokaitta), ah–

F2: Ah↑

M1: (      ) your schedules. (.) I’m (3.5) I’m (.) cram school teacher.

F2: Yes, yes. ↓

M1: Cram school teacher (2.8) jobs is twice a week.

F2: Twice a week. Twice a week.

M1: Tues- Tuesday and Wednesday.

F2: Tuesday and Wednesday.

M1: And↑ um (4.1) train station staff in Mojiko.

F2: Really? ↑

M1: Yeah.

F2: Heh heh Oh oh oh↑.

M1: Yeah(£).Is (7.1) is eh: (3.7) ah Sunday.

F2: Sunday. Sunday, Sunday.

M1: Is↓ part-time-job is–

F2: (Part-time)-(job)↓.

M1: Third week.

F2: Third week↑? Third week.

M1: Three–

F2: Three times?

M1: Three times. And–

F2: And? And?

M1: Eh (3.0) I’m (3.2) ah I play the ‘Taiko’, ‘Kokura Gion Taiko’.

F2: Eh, oh oh. oh

M1: Twice a week. Heh heh

F2: Twice a week↑?  Heh (Japanese: Mo hachi’) ↓

M1: Ah, Thursday and–

F2: Thursday and–

M1: Eh Saturday.

F2: Saturday.


M1: Um (7.3) Can you tell me the schedule?

F2: Heh heh Eh:↑,(.) um I work part-time-jobs in Taiwan (Japanese: ryori), Taiwan (Japanese: ryori)↓ Taiwan food. Taiwan food (£) heh heh Taiwan food. Hmm, fourth a week, fourth a week. (.) Hmm: (5.1) (Japanese: etto), (.) Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

M1: Oh↑ (3.7) um what, (2.1) are you, ah hmm (3.7) eh what are do (.) are you going to go out with friends?

F2: Yes, yes yes.

M1: This week this week?

F2: This week? This↑: week↑:, I’m from Miyazaki↑ and this weekend, (Japanese: etto), (2.9) Sunday↑, Sunday↑, my mother will come.

M1: Oh.

F2: In Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu

M1: I um go to see the movie.

F2: Um. With–

M1: Movie is (3.5) ah the movie is ‘Love Live’.

F2:  Heh ‘Love Live’, ‘Love Live’, ‘Love Live’.

M1: ‘Love Live’ is anime.

F2: Anime.

M1: Pretty girl dancing, and singing. (.) It is so pretty.

F2: Pretty. (2.0) I↑ I↑ like Honoka-chan.

M1: Ah, yeah, yeah.

F2: Who do you like?

M1: Ah, I like I like Honoka.

F2: Honoka?

M1: I like Honoka heh heh.

F2: heh heh Honoka, Honoka. Very cute, very cute.

M1: Very cute. (3.4) eh I like um ah I↑ (.) I like (7.7) ah: Ericchi. Ericchi, very cute. Heh heh.

F2: Heh heh Ericchi. Very cute.

M1: Very much, very much.

F2: Very much. Very much↓.

M1: Very much. (.) Ah (.) eh (.) uh: (6.2) I: heh (6.3) next week? Next week?

F2: This, this, this.

M1: Next week.

F2: Ah↑, next week! Next week, I don’t have any schedule.

M1: Ah.

F2: Do you have?

M1: Monday is (2.5) um:, (4.2) Monday is nothing.

F2: Nothing.

M1: Tuesday ah↑ Tuesday is, ah Wednesday↑, Wednesday↑.

F2: Wednesday.

M1: I find a um summer↑ summer part-time-jobs.

F2: ‘eh’.

M1: I will find.

F2: Um?

M1: I found↑. (Japanese: de), its part-time jobs is (.) cram school teacher.

F2: heh heh Cram school teacher.

M1: Eh (4.3.) (Japanese: etto), (2.3) pay paying a, (.) um 10,500 yen a day. A day.

F2: Yes, yes. A day. (Japanese: hai, hai)

M1: So I (3.0) so I’m: hmm (4.9) I’m very happy. Heh heh

F2: Huh.


M1: Eh, Thursday.

F2: Thursday↓.

M1: I’m (.) I’m go out with my friend to go to (.) restaurant.

F2: Oh↓.

M1: The restaurant (.) is (,) um the dining bar, ‘Stone’.

F2: Oh oh oh oh oh. Bagna Cauda.

M1: Bagna Cauda.

F2: Bagna Cauda heh.

M1: But Bagna Cauda is delicious, but↑–

F2: But↓?

M1: I’m (.) I will, ah we will eat, ah I will meet, ah I will eat (.) cheese fondue.

F2: Ah.

M1: On the cheese↓

F2: Oh oh Girl friend?

M1: Oh, (.) yeah, yeah, yeah.

F2: Yeah, yeah Yeah↑?

M1: No, no no.

F2: No↑?

M1: Um, kidding, kidding.

F2: Eh, new, new, new?

M1: New new new. No, kidding, kidding, kidding. Um, my favorite girls.

F2: Oh↑. Please–

M1: But, but, but….

F2: Please her name.

M1: But she is not girlfriend.

F2: Not girlfriend.

M1: Not girlfriend.

F2: Yet? Yet?↑

M1: My friend, my friend.

F2: (Japanese: Ma ma ma ma.)

M1: She is (.) Ayano.

F2: I know?

M1: Ayano.

F2: Ayano↑?

M1: Um–

F2: Ayano-chan↑?

M1: Yeah, yeah.

F2: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. (,) Ano–

M1: With Ayano, go to with Ayano.

F2: Go to↓ wow! Wow, wow! Heh heh.  wow↑ Uh↑ oh. oh oh oh

M1: I will–

F2: Do you like her?

M1: Do you like her↓ (.) um I like her, but (.) I don’t love, love, love.

F2: Love, love, love. Like?

M1: Like, ah I like, I like.

F2: Oh oh oh oh

M1: Conclusion, I (4.2) uhm, (4.5) which is busier me and you?

F2: You, you you you you you you.

M1: heh You. Me?

F2: You, you you!

M1: OK. Heh heh.

F2: You, you you you.

M1: Oh, I see.

F2: heh Part-time-job and–

M1: Go out.

F2: Go out.

M1: To–

F2: To–

M1: Go out to eat.

F2: Um. Station, Moji station?

M1: Moji, ah Mojiko station, truck train.

F2: Truck train. Um.

M1: So not Mojiko station, but (Japanese: de), so (.) Kyushu Tetsudo’…


This discussion has both participants with an average speaking rate, 63.4. for Nanami and 89.2 for Mao. Cross talk pausing is limited to just 6.3 seconds, so it is evident that the participants were comfortable with each other. Again, Mao tended to be more productive with 327 words compared to Nanami’s 227.  The percentage of silence is rather high though 19.5% or 117.5 seconds.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F2: Ah↑ = 1
2. F2: Yes, yes. ↓ = 2
3. F2: Twice a week. Twice a week. = 6
4. F2: Tuesday and Wednesday. = 5
5. F2: Really? ↑= 2
6. F2: Heh heh Oh oh oh↑.= 3
7. F2: Sunday. Sunday, Sunday. = 6
8. F2: (Part-time)-(job)↓. = 3
9. F2: Third week↑? Third week. = 4
10. F2: Three times? = 3
11. F2: And? And? = 2
12. F2: Eh, oh oh. oh= 4
13. F2: Twice a week↑?  Heh (Japanese: Mo hachi’) ↓= 3
14. F2: Thursday and– = 3
15. F2: Saturday. = 3
16. F2: Heh heh Eh:↑,(.) um I work part-time-jobs in Taiwan // (Japanese: ryor), Taiwan Japanese: ryori)↓ Taiwan food. Taiwan food (£) heh heh Taiwan // food. Hmm, fourth a week, fourth a week. (.) Hmm: (5.1) = 29
17. (F2) (Japanese: etto), (.) Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. = 9
18. F2: Yes, yes yes. = 3
19. F2: This week? This↑: week↑:, I’m from Miyazaki↑ // and this weekend, (Japanese: etto), (2.9) = 14
20. (F2) Sunday↑, Sunday↑, my mother will come. = 9
21. F2: In Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu = 9
22. F2: Um. With– = 2
23. F2:  Heh ‘Love Live’, ‘Love Live’, ‘Love Live’. = 6
24. F2: Anime. = 3
25. F2: Pretty. (2.0) = 2
26. I↑ I↑ like Honoka-chan. = 6
27. F2: Who do you like? = 4
28. F2: Honoka? = 3
29. F2: heh heh Honoka, Honoka. Very cute, ve//ry cute. = 12
30 .F2: Heh heh Ericchi. Very cute. = 6
31. F2: Very much. Very much↓. = 6
32. F2: This, this, this. = 3
33. F2: Ah↑, next week! Next week, I don’t have any // schedule. = 12
34. F2: Do you have? = 3
35. F2: Nothing. = 2
36. F2: Wednesday. = 2
37. F2: Eh. = 1
38. F2: Um? = 1
39 . F2: heh heh Cram school teacher. = 4
40 .F2: Yes, yes. A day. (Japanese: hai, hai) = 4
41. F2: Huh. = 1
42. F2: Thursday↓. = 2
43. F2: Oh↓. = 1
44. F2: Oh oh oh oh oh. Bagna Cauda. = 9
45. F2: Bagna Cauda heh. = 4
46. F2: But↓? = 1
47. F2: Ah. = 1
48. F2: Oh oh Girl friend? = 4
49. F2: Yeah, yeah Yeah↑? = 3
50. F2: No↑? = 1
51. F2: Eh, new, new, new? = 4
52. F2: Oh↑. Please– = 2
53. F2: Please her name. =3
54. F2: Not girlfriend. = 3
55. F2: Yet? Yet?↑ = 2
56. F2: (Japanese: Ma ma ma ma.) = 0
57. F2: I know? = 2
58. F2: Ayano↑? = 2
59. F2: Ayano-chan↑? = 3
60. F2: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. (,) Ano– = 5
61. F2: Go to↓ wow! Wow, wow! Heh heh.  wow↑ Uh↑ oh. oh oh // oh = 11
62. F2: Do you like her? = 4
63. F2: Love, love, love. Like? = 4
64. F2: Oh oh oh oh = 4
65. F2: You, you you you you you you. = 7
66. F2: You, you you! = 3
67. F2: You, you you you. = 4
68. F2: heh Part-time-job and– = 4
69. F2: Go out. = 2
70. F2: To– = 1
71. F2: Um. Station, Moji station? =7
72. F2: Truck train. Um. = 3

Male 1 Mean length runs

1. M1: (Japanese: Etto, etto tokaitta), ah– = 1
2. M1: ( ) your schedules. (.) I’m (3.5) = 4
3. (M1) I’m (.) cram school teacher. = 5
4. M1: Cram school teacher (2.8) = 4
5. (M1) jobs is twice a week. = 5
6. M1: Tues- Tuesday and Wednesday. = 6
7. M1: And↑ um (4.1) = 2
8. train station staff in Mojiko. = 8
9, M1: Yeah. = 1
10. M1: Yeah(£).Is (7.1) = 2
11. (M1) is eh: (3.7) = 2
12. (M1) ah Sunday. = 3
13. M1: Is↓ part-time-job is– = 5
14. M1: Third week. = 2
15. M1: Three– = 1
16. M1: Three times. And– = 4
17. M1: Eh (3.0) = 1
18. I’m (3.2) = 1
19. ah I play the ‘Taiko’, ‘Kokura G//ion Taiko’. = 13
20. M1: Twice a week. Heh heh = 3
21. M1: Ah, Thursday and– = 4
22. M1: Eh Saturday. = 4
23. M1: Um (7.3) = 1
24. Can you tell me the schedule? = 7
25. M1: Oh↑ (3.7) = 1
26. um what, (2.1) = 2
27. are you, ah hmm (3.7) = 4
28. eh what are do (.) are you going to go // out with friends? = 14
29. M1: This week this week? = 4
30. M1: Oh. = 1
31. M1: I um go to see the movie. = 8
32. M1: Movie is (3.5) = 3
33. (M1) ah the movie is ‘Love Live’. = 7
34. M1: ‘Love Live’ is anime. = 6
35. M1: Pretty girl dancing, and singing. (.) It is // so pretty. = 13
36. M1: Ah, yeah, yeah. = 3
37. M1: Ah, I like I like Honoka. = 8
38. M1: I like Honoka heh heh. = 5
39. M1: Very cute. (3.4) = 3
40. eh I like um ah I↑ (.) I like (7.7) = 8
41. ah: Ericchi. Ericchi, very cute. Heh heh. = 10
42. M1: Very much, very much. = 6
43. M1: Very much. (.) Ah (.) eh (.) uh: (6.2) = 6
44. I: heh (6.3) = 1
45. next week? Next week? = 4
46. M1: Next week. = 2
47. M1: Ah. = 1
48. M1: Monday is (2.5) = 3
49. (M1) um:, (4.2) = 0
50. (M1) Monday is nothing. = 5
51. M1: Tuesday ah↑ Tuesday is, ah Wednesday↑, Wednes// day↑.= 11
52. M1: I find a um summer↑ summer part-time-// jobs. = 12
53. M1: I will find. = 3
54. M1: I found↑. (Japanese: de), its part-time jobs is (.) cram school tea//cher. = 11
55. M1: Eh (4.3.) = 1
56. (M1) (Japanese: etto), (2.3) = 0
57. (M1) pay paying a, (.) um 10,//500 yen a day. A day. = 16
58. M1: So I (3.0) = 2
59. (M1) so I’m: hmm (4.9) = 3
60. (M1) I’m very happy. Heh heh = 5
61. M1: Eh, Thursday. =3
62. M1: I’m (.) I’m go out with my friend to go to (.) // restaurant. = 13
63. M1: The restaurant (.) is (,) um the dining bar, // ‘Stone’. = 11
64. M1: Bagna Cauda. = 4
65. M1: But Bagna Cauda is delicious, but↑– = 10
66. M1: I’m (.) I will, ah we will eat, ah I will // meet, ah I will eat (.) cheese fondue. = 18
67. M1: On the cheese↓ = 4
68. M1: Oh, (.) yeah, yeah, yeah. = 4
69. M1: No, no no. = 3
70. M1: Um, kidding, kidding. = 5
71. M1: New new new. No, kidding, kidding, kidding. // Um, my favorite girls. = 16
72. M1: But, but, but– = 3
73. M1: But she is not girlfriend. = 6
74. M1: Not girlfriend. = 3
75. M1: My friend, my friend. = 4
76. M1: She is (.) Ayano. = 5
77. M1: Ayano. = 3
78. M1: Um– = 1
79. M1: Yeah, yeah. = 2
80. M1: With Ayano, go to with Ayano. = 9
81. M1: I will– = 2
82. M1: Do you like her↓ (.) um I like her, but (.) I // don’t love, love, love. = 14
83. M1: Like, ah I like, I like. = 6
84. M1: Conclusion, I (4.2) = 4
85. uhm, (4.5) = 1
86. which is busier me and you? = 8
87. M1: heh You. Me? = 2
88. M1: OK. Heh heh. = 1
89. M1: Oh, I see. = 3
90. M1: Go out. = 2
91. M1: To–= 1
92. M1: Go out to eat. = 4
93. M1: Moji, ah Mojiko station, truck train. = 10
94. M1: So not Mojiko station, but (Japanese: de), so (.) Kyu//shu Tetsudo’– = 14


M1: (Japanese: Etto, etto tokaitta), ah–

F2: Ah↑

M1: (      ) your schedules. (.) I’m (3.5) I’m (.) cram school teacher.

F2: Yes, yes. ↓

M1: Cram school teacher (2.8) jobs is twice a week.

F2: Twice a week. Twice a week.

M1: Tues- Tuesday and Wednesday.

F2: Tuesday and Wednesday.

M1: And↑ um (4.1) train station staff in Mojiko.

F2: Really? ↑

M1: Yeah.

F2: Heh heh Oh oh oh↑.

M1: Yeah(£).Is (7.1) is eh: (3.7) ah Sunday.

F2: Sunday. Sunday, Sunday.

M1: Is↓ part-time-job is–

F2: (Part-time)-(job)↓.

M1: Third week.

F2: Third week↑? Third week.

M1: Three–

F2: Three times?

M1: Three times. And–

F2: And? And?

M1: Eh (3.0) I’m (3.2) ah I play the ‘Taiko’, ‘Kokura Gion Taiko’.

F2: Eh, oh oh. oh

M1: Twice a week. Heh heh

F2: Twice a week↑?  Heh (Japanese: Mo hachi’) ↓

M1: Ah, Thursday and–

F2: Thursday and–

M1: Eh Saturday.

F2: Saturday.


M1: Um (7.3) Can you tell me the schedule?

F2: Heh heh Eh:↑,(.) um I work part-time-jobs in Taiwan (Japanese: ryori), Taiwan (Japanese: ryori)↓ Taiwan food. Taiwan food (£) heh heh Taiwan food. Hmm, fourth a week, fourth a week. (.) Hmm: (5.1) (Japanese: etto), (.) Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

M1: Oh↑ (3.7) um what, (2.1) are you, ah hmm (3.7) eh what are do (.) are you going to go out with friends?

F2: Yes, yes yes.

M1: This week this week?

F2: This week? This↑: week↑:, I’m from Miyazaki↑ and this weekend, (Japanese: etto), (2.9) Sunday↑, Sunday↑, my mother will come.

M1: Oh.

F2: In Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu

M1: I um go to see the movie.

F2: Um. With–

M1: Movie is (3.5) ah the movie is ‘Love Live’.

F2:  Heh ‘Love Live’, ‘Love Live’, ‘Love Live’.

M1: ‘Love Live’ is anime.

F2: Anime.

M1: Pretty girl dancing, and singing. (.) It is so pretty.

F2: Pretty. (2.0) I↑ I↑ like Honoka-chan.

M1: Ah, yeah, yeah.

F2: Who do you like?

M1: Ah, I like I like Honoka.

F2: Honoka?

M1: I like Honoka heh heh.

F2: heh heh Honoka, Honoka. Very cute, very cute.

M1: Very cute. (3.4) eh I like um ah I↑ (.) I like (7.7) ah: Ericchi. Ericchi, very cute. Heh heh.

F2: Heh heh Ericchi. Very cute.

M1: Very much, very much.

F2: Very much. Very much↓.

M1: Very much. (.) Ah (.) eh (.) uh: (6.2) I: heh (6.3) next week? Next week?

F2: This, this, this.

M1: Next week.

F2: Ah↑, next week! Next week, I don’t have any schedule.

M1: Ah.

F2: Do you have?

M1: Monday is (2.5) um:, (4.2) Monday is nothing.

F2: Nothing.

M1: Tuesday ah↑ Tuesday is, ah Wednesday↑, Wednesday↑.

F2: Wednesday.

M1: I find a um summer↑ summer part-time-jobs.

F2: ‘eh’.

M1: I will find.

F2: Um?

M1: I found↑. (Japanese: de), its part-time jobs is (.) cram school teacher.

F2: heh heh Cram school teacher.

M1: Eh (4.3.) (Japanese: etto), (2.3) pay paying a, (.) um 10,500 yen a day. A day.

F2: Yes, yes. A day. (Japanese: hai, hai)

M1: So I (3.0) so I’m: hmm (4.9) I’m very happy. Heh heh

F2: Huh.


M1: Eh, Thursday.

F2: Thursday↓.

M1: I’m (.) I’m go out with my friend to go to (.) restaurant.

F2: Oh↓.

M1: The restaurant (.) is (,) um the dining bar, ‘Stone’.

F2: Oh oh oh oh oh. Bagna Cauda.

M1: Bagna Cauda.

F2: Bagna Cauda heh.

M1: But Bagna Cauda is delicious, but↑–

F2: But↓?

M1: I’m (.) I will, ah we will eat, ah I will meet, ah I will eat (.) cheese fondue.

F2: Ah.

M1: On the cheese↓

F2: Oh oh Girl friend?

M1: Oh, (.) yeah, yeah, yeah.

F2: Yeah, yeah Yeah↑?

M1: No, no no.

F2: No↑?

M1: Um, kidding, kidding.

F2: Eh, new, new, new?

M1: New new new. No, kidding, kidding, kidding. Um, my favorite girls.

F2: Oh↑. Please–

M1: But, but, but….

F2: Please her name.

M1: But she is not girlfriend.

F2: Not girlfriend.

M1: Not girlfriend.

F2: Yet? Yet?↑

M1: My friend, my friend.

F2: (Japanese: Ma ma ma ma.)

M1: She is (.) Ayano.

F2: I know?

M1: Ayano.

F2: Ayano↑?

M1: Um–

F2: Ayano-chan↑?

M1: Yeah, yeah.

F2: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. (,) Ano–

M1: With Ayano, go to with Ayano.

F2: Go to↓ wow! Wow, wow! Heh heh.  wow↑ Uh↑ oh. oh oh oh

M1: I will–

F2: Do you like her?

M1: Do you like her↓ (.) um I like her, but (.) I don’t love, love, love.

F2: Love, love, love. Like?

M1: Like, ah I like, I like.

F2: Oh oh oh oh

M1: Conclusion, I (4.2) uhm, (4.5) which is busier me and you?

F2: You, you you you you you you.

M1: heh You. Me?

F2: You, you you!

M1: OK. Heh heh.

F2: You, you you you.

M1: Oh, I see.

F2: heh Part-time-job and–

M1: Go out.

F2: Go out.

M1: To–

F2: To–

M1: Go out to eat.

F2: Um. Station, Moji station?

M1: Moji, ah Mojiko station, truck train.

F2: Truck train. Um.

M1: So not Mojiko station, but (Japanese: de), so (.) Kyushu Tetsudo’…

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 88.0   B: 63.4

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

212.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

4.3 (312 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 106.3   B: 89.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

270.8 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.1 (480 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 117.5 secs.

Percentage: 19.5%

Total Speaking Time:

601 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

6.3 sec.


This discussion has both participants with an average speaking rate, 63.4. for Nanami and 89.2 for Mao. Cross talk pausing is limited to just 6.3 seconds, so it is evident that the participants were comfortable with each other. Again, Mao tended to be more productive with 327 words compared to Nanami’s 227.  The percentage of silence is rather high though 19.5% or 117.5 seconds.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F2: Ah↑ = 1
2. F2: Yes, yes. ↓ = 2
3. F2: Twice a week. Twice a week. = 6
4. F2: Tuesday and Wednesday. = 5
5. F2: Really? ↑= 2
6. F2: Heh heh Oh oh oh↑.= 3
7. F2: Sunday. Sunday, Sunday. = 6
8. F2: (Part-time)-(job)↓. = 3
9. F2: Third week↑? Third week. = 4
10. F2: Three times? = 3
11. F2: And? And? = 2
12. F2: Eh, oh oh. oh= 4
13. F2: Twice a week↑?  Heh (Japanese: Mo hachi’) ↓= 3
14. F2: Thursday and– = 3
15. F2: Saturday. = 3
16. F2: Heh heh Eh:↑,(.) um I work part-time-jobs in Taiwan // (Japanese: ryor), Taiwan Japanese: ryori)↓ Taiwan food. Taiwan food (£) heh heh Taiwan // food. Hmm, fourth a week, fourth a week. (.) Hmm: (5.1) = 29
17. (F2) (Japanese: etto), (.) Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. = 9
18. F2: Yes, yes yes. = 3
19. F2: This week? This↑: week↑:, I’m from Miyazaki↑ // and this weekend, (Japanese: etto), (2.9) = 14
20. (F2) Sunday↑, Sunday↑, my mother will come. = 9
21. F2: In Kitakyushu, Kitakyushu = 9
22. F2: Um. With– = 2
23. F2:  Heh ‘Love Live’, ‘Love Live’, ‘Love Live’. = 6
24. F2: Anime. = 3
25. F2: Pretty. (2.0) = 2
26. I↑ I↑ like Honoka-chan. = 6
27. F2: Who do you like? = 4
28. F2: Honoka? = 3
29. F2: heh heh Honoka, Honoka. Very cute, ve//ry cute. = 12
30 .F2: Heh heh Ericchi. Very cute. = 6
31. F2: Very much. Very much↓. = 6
32. F2: This, this, this. = 3
33. F2: Ah↑, next week! Next week, I don’t have any // schedule. = 12
34. F2: Do you have? = 3
35. F2: Nothing. = 2
36. F2: Wednesday. = 2
37. F2: Eh. = 1
38. F2: Um? = 1
39 . F2: heh heh Cram school teacher. = 4
40 .F2: Yes, yes. A day. (Japanese: hai, hai) = 4
41. F2: Huh. = 1
42. F2: Thursday↓. = 2
43. F2: Oh↓. = 1
44. F2: Oh oh oh oh oh. Bagna Cauda. = 9
45. F2: Bagna Cauda heh. = 4
46. F2: But↓? = 1
47. F2: Ah. = 1
48. F2: Oh oh Girl friend? = 4
49. F2: Yeah, yeah Yeah↑? = 3
50. F2: No↑? = 1
51. F2: Eh, new, new, new? = 4
52. F2: Oh↑. Please– = 2
53. F2: Please her name. =3
54. F2: Not girlfriend. = 3
55. F2: Yet? Yet?↑ = 2
56. F2: (Japanese: Ma ma ma ma.) = 0
57. F2: I know? = 2
58. F2: Ayano↑? = 2
59. F2: Ayano-chan↑? = 3
60. F2: Yeah, yeah. Yeah. (,) Ano– = 5
61. F2: Go to↓ wow! Wow, wow! Heh heh.  wow↑ Uh↑ oh. oh oh // oh = 11
62. F2: Do you like her? = 4
63. F2: Love, love, love. Like? = 4
64. F2: Oh oh oh oh = 4
65. F2: You, you you you you you you. = 7
66. F2: You, you you! = 3
67. F2: You, you you you. = 4
68. F2: heh Part-time-job and– = 4
69. F2: Go out. = 2
70. F2: To– = 1
71. F2: Um. Station, Moji station? =7
72. F2: Truck train. Um. = 3

Male 1 Mean length runs

1. M1: (Japanese: Etto, etto tokaitta), ah– = 1
2. M1: ( ) your schedules. (.) I’m (3.5) = 4
3. (M1) I’m (.) cram school teacher. = 5
4. M1: Cram school teacher (2.8) = 4
5. (M1) jobs is twice a week. = 5
6. M1: Tues- Tuesday and Wednesday. = 6
7. M1: And↑ um (4.1) = 2
8. train station staff in Mojiko. = 8
9, M1: Yeah. = 1
10. M1: Yeah(£).Is (7.1) = 2
11. (M1) is eh: (3.7) = 2
12. (M1) ah Sunday. = 3
13. M1: Is↓ part-time-job is– = 5
14. M1: Third week. = 2
15. M1: Three– = 1
16. M1: Three times. And– = 4
17. M1: Eh (3.0) = 1
18. I’m (3.2) = 1
19. ah I play the ‘Taiko’, ‘Kokura G//ion Taiko’. = 13
20. M1: Twice a week. Heh heh = 3
21. M1: Ah, Thursday and– = 4
22. M1: Eh Saturday. = 4
23. M1: Um (7.3) = 1
24. Can you tell me the schedule? = 7
25. M1: Oh↑ (3.7) = 1
26. um what, (2.1) = 2
27. are you, ah hmm (3.7) = 4
28. eh what are do (.) are you going to go // out with friends? = 14
29. M1: This week this week? = 4
30. M1: Oh. = 1
31. M1: I um go to see the movie. = 8
32. M1: Movie is (3.5) = 3
33. (M1) ah the movie is ‘Love Live’. = 7
34. M1: ‘Love Live’ is anime. = 6
35. M1: Pretty girl dancing, and singing. (.) It is // so pretty. = 13
36. M1: Ah, yeah, yeah. = 3
37. M1: Ah, I like I like Honoka. = 8
38. M1: I like Honoka heh heh. = 5
39. M1: Very cute. (3.4) = 3
40. eh I like um ah I↑ (.) I like (7.7) = 8
41. ah: Ericchi. Ericchi, very cute. Heh heh. = 10
42. M1: Very much, very much. = 6
43. M1: Very much. (.) Ah (.) eh (.) uh: (6.2) = 6
44. I: heh (6.3) = 1
45. next week? Next week? = 4
46. M1: Next week. = 2
47. M1: Ah. = 1
48. M1: Monday is (2.5) = 3
49. (M1) um:, (4.2) = 0
50. (M1) Monday is nothing. = 5
51. M1: Tuesday ah↑ Tuesday is, ah Wednesday↑, Wednes// day↑.= 11
52. M1: I find a um summer↑ summer part-time-// jobs. = 12
53. M1: I will find. = 3
54. M1: I found↑. (Japanese: de), its part-time jobs is (.) cram school tea//cher. = 11
55. M1: Eh (4.3.) = 1
56. (M1) (Japanese: etto), (2.3) = 0
57. (M1) pay paying a, (.) um 10,//500 yen a day. A day. = 16
58. M1: So I (3.0) = 2
59. (M1) so I’m: hmm (4.9) = 3
60. (M1) I’m very happy. Heh heh = 5
61. M1: Eh, Thursday. =3
62. M1: I’m (.) I’m go out with my friend to go to (.) // restaurant. = 13
63. M1: The restaurant (.) is (,) um the dining bar, // ‘Stone’. = 11
64. M1: Bagna Cauda. = 4
65. M1: But Bagna Cauda is delicious, but↑– = 10
66. M1: I’m (.) I will, ah we will eat, ah I will // meet, ah I will eat (.) cheese fondue. = 18
67. M1: On the cheese↓ = 4
68. M1: Oh, (.) yeah, yeah, yeah. = 4
69. M1: No, no no. = 3
70. M1: Um, kidding, kidding. = 5
71. M1: New new new. No, kidding, kidding, kidding. // Um, my favorite girls. = 16
72. M1: But, but, but– = 3
73. M1: But she is not girlfriend. = 6
74. M1: Not girlfriend. = 3
75. M1: My friend, my friend. = 4
76. M1: She is (.) Ayano. = 5
77. M1: Ayano. = 3
78. M1: Um– = 1
79. M1: Yeah, yeah. = 2
80. M1: With Ayano, go to with Ayano. = 9
81. M1: I will– = 2
82. M1: Do you like her↓ (.) um I like her, but (.) I // don’t love, love, love. = 14
83. M1: Like, ah I like, I like. = 6
84. M1: Conclusion, I (4.2) = 4
85. uhm, (4.5) = 1
86. which is busier me and you? = 8
87. M1: heh You. Me? = 2
88. M1: OK. Heh heh. = 1
89. M1: Oh, I see. = 3
90. M1: Go out. = 2
91. M1: To–= 1
92. M1: Go out to eat. = 4
93. M1: Moji, ah Mojiko station, truck train. = 10
94. M1: So not Mojiko station, but (Japanese: de), so (.) Kyu//shu Tetsudo’– = 14

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