Nanami and Daiki

Session 6 : Female 2 to Male 2


Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 89.3   B: 78.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

219.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

7.1 (327 syllables)

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 104.3   B: 88.6

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

354.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

11.6 (617 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 20.8 secs.

Percentage: 3.4%

Total Speaking Time:

595 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0.0 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M2: Ah my name is Daiki Mitani. Ah: I belong ah so↑ class of literature. Ah and compare culture, so what is your name?

F2: My name is Nanami Matsuda.

M2: Ah yeah.

F2: Yeah. Um↑: I’m from Miyazaki.

M2: Ah Miyazaki.

F2: Yeah. I major law.

M2: Law. Ah: (2.2) uh (.) in Miyazaki, north or south?

F2: Uh: ↑

M2: What is your city?

F2: City, Kunitomi-tyo. Do you know?

M2: Ah: ↑ sorry↑, I don’t know. (.) So I’m from Hyogo.

F2: Hyogo.

M2: So so ah my my hometown eh (.) between Kitakyushu city is very eh far.

F2: Far far.

M2: Very far, (Japanese eto) so in university, I, ah↓ there is few friends.

F2: Heh heh Ah.

M2: Few friends. Ah: (2.0) so (2.6) uh (.)  you, uh what what do what do you think about yourself uh (.) ah (.)  you have many friends or few friends?

F2: Ah:↑, I have many friends in Miyazaki.

M2: Ah.

F2: But um I (2.1) mmm I don’t have any friends in Kitakyushu.

M2: Ah, so about family. Ah I↑ have↑ four four members of family.

F2: Yeah yeah.

M2: Father, and mother, ah sorry three family. Father, mother, grandmother.

F2: Grandmother.

M2: Ah so ah (.) I’m only child ah so my parents.

F2: Ah, me too, me too.

M2: You too?↓ So↓ ah (3.1) , so↓ when↑ I was a little child, ah so I want ah (.) I want a brother or sister.

F2: Yeah yeah.

M2: But but now, ah so (.) but now I enjoy enjoy↑ heh so only one, so what uh how many people uh do you have in your family?

F2: Ah, I’m from Miyazaki, but↑ my mother (.) was born in Yamanashi.

M2: Yamanashi, ↑ oh very far.

F2: Very far, very far, Yamanashi. And my father is Miyazaki. (Japanese: gananka) love love.

M2: Love heh heh.

F2: Love love. Oh: ↑ I have big family in Yamanashi. My mother is very big family and my father is Miyazaki, um: (.) my cousin all in Yamanashi. I go to Miyazaki mother and father and my father’s father and mother and I.

M2: Ah: so ah: I: uh I don’t uh (.) see uh father’s family uh after I born, after I was born, so I want to meet his family, so uh but uh you you have many family, so I, (.) so (.) uh: you are ah good situation about family.

F2: Yeah yeah, but I want to my sister and brother.

M2: Ah.

F2: I want cool brother.

M2: Ah: ↑

F2: Brother↓, brother↓, brother↓.

M2: I  I also want↑ beautiful sister, ah (£) so (3.8) next.

F2: Yeah.

M2: Next, both have in common. Ah, (.) what is your hobby?

F2: Um, I like↑ playing basketball.

M2: Basketball ah ah?

F2: Basketball.

M2: Ah, I can’t play ver- I can’t well, so I respect you.

F2: Yeah. What (sniffle)?

M2: Ah I I I’m playing baseball ah (2.9) after third grade of elementary school, so: uh my so my hobby is playing baseball and watching baseball, ah my so what↑ all all I↑ like watching all sports. (.) Do you like music?

F2: Music, yes. I like AKB48.

M2: Ah, yeah yeah. I I (went) uh so ah on↑ uh on (.) on June 6, I went to Yahuoku-dome.

F2: Ah, (Japanese: sosenkyo)?

M2: Yeah.

F2: Me too↑, me too↑ me too heh heh↑

M2: You too?

F2: Eh, Yahuoku-dome, (Japanese: sosenkyo)?

M2: Yahuoku-dome, (Japanese: sosenkyo).

F2: Heh heh Eh↑ Eh↑ Who do you like?

M2: Uh uh↓ I like Shu Yabushita (£).

F2: Ah.

M2: Belongs NMB48 (£).

F2: NMB48. Heh heh (£)

M2: Who do you like (£)?

F2: I like Miruki.

M2: Ah: ↑ Miruki.

F2: Miruki Miruki!

M2: She is very cute.

F2: Very cute, very cute!

M2: She’s very cute. (2.6) Oh My my father like SKE48.

F2: Oh, yeah.

M2: So, she she: went, she also go, go sorry, he also go the event of shake hands.

F2: Heh heh Ah↑, shake hands, shake hands! Your father↑?

M2: My father.

F2: Father↑

M2: So when it is (Japanese: sosenkyo), my father take tickets–

F2: Oh. Oh Oh

M2: So  you yours and mine. He He went to Fukuoka from Hyogo.

F2: Hyogo.

M2: So ah we went to Yahuoku-dome.

F2: Heh heh Ah:. Really

M2: So we (.) (we’ve) we have both hobby.

F2: Both hobby↑, yeah. Uh: ‘Dorian-shonen’, very cute.

M2: Very cute, very cute (PV).

F2: Very cute. PV heh heh.

M2: Heh heh very cute. (PV) (PV)

F2: Did you see PV, ‘Dorian-shonen’?

M2: So Ah, I watch Youtube.

F2: Youtube heh heh .

M2: So, (2.6) uh↓ I I uh, when I eh: when I  uh int- eh I when I (I’m) interested about the 48 groups, at first, I like SKE48, but uh re- recently uh I like NMB48 too.

F2: NMB. SKE. Ah. OK.


Nanami does seem to have too many minimal response, and she could have provided more descriptive answers, and have asked more questions. So, again we have Daiki having 388 words compared to her 189. Repetition is a bit high and is the same for both participants: 20 words. Percentage of silence is low, 3.1%. MLRs are average, but Nanami’s is a bit low, 7.1 compared to Daiki’s 11.6

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.
1. F2: My name is Nanami Matsuda. = 9
2. F2: Yeah. Um↑: I’m from Miyazaki. = 7
3. F2: Yeah. I major law. = 5
4. F2: Uh: ↑ = 1
5. F2: City, Kunitomi-tyo. Do you know? = 9
6. F2: Hyogo. = 2
7. F2: Far far. = 2
8. F2: Heh heh Ah. = 1
9. F2: Ah:↑, I have many friends in Miyaza//ki. = 11
10. F2: But um I (2.1) = 3
11. (F2) mmm I don’t have any friends in Kita//kyushu. = 12
12. F2: Yeah yeah. = 2
13. F2: Grandmother. = 3
14. F2: Ah, me too, me too. = 5
15. F2: Yeah yeah. = 2
16. F2: Ah, I’m from Miyazaki, but↑ my mo//ther (.) was born in Yamanashi. = 17
17. F2: Very far, very far, Yamanashi. // And my father is Miyazaki. (Japanese: gananka) love // love. = 21
18. F2: Love love. Oh: ↑ I have big family in // Yamanashi. My mother is very // big family and my father is Mi//yazaki, um: (.) my cousin all in Ya//manashi. I go to Miyazaki // mother and father and my father’s // father and mother and I. = 67
19. F2: Yeah yeah, but I want to my sister and // brother. = 12
20. F2: I want cool brother. = 5
21. F2: Brother↓, brother↓, brother↓. = 6
22. F2: Yeah. = 1
23. F2: Um, I like↑ playing basketball. = 8
24. F2: Basketball. = 3
25. F2: Yeah. What (sniffle)? = 2
26. F2: Music, yes. I like AKB4//8. = 11
27. F2: Ah, (Japanese: sosenkyo)? = 1
28. F2: Me too↑, me too↑ me too heh heh =↑ 6
29. F2: Eh, Yahuoku-dome, (Japanese: sosenkyo)? = 4
30. F2: Heh heh Eh↑ Eh↑ Who do you like? = 6
31. F2: Ah. = 1
32. F2: NMB48. Heh heh (£) = 6
33. F2: I like Miruki. = 5
34. F2: Miruki Miruki! = 6
35. F2: Very cute, very cute! = 6
36. F2: Oh, yeah. = 2
37. F2: Heh heh Ah↑, shake hands, shake hands! Your father↑? = 8
38. F2: Father↑ = 2
39. F2: Oh. Oh Oh = 3
40. F2: Hyogo. = 2
41. F2: Heh heh Ah:. Really = 3
42. F2: Both hobby↑, yeah. Uh:  ‘Dorian-shonen’, // very cute. = 13
43. F2: Very cute. PV heh heh. = 5
44. F2: Did you see PV, ‘Dorian-shonen’? = 10
45. F2: Youtube heh heh. = 2
46. F2: NMB. SKE. Ah. OK = 9

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Ah my name is Daiki Mitani. Ah: // I belong ah so↑ class of literature. Ah // and compare culture, so what is your name//? = 30
2. M2: Ah yeah. = 2
3. M2: Ah Miyazaki. = 5
4. M2: Law. Ah: (2.2) = 2
5. (M2) uh (.) in Miyazaki, north or south? = 9
6. M2: What is your city? = 5
7. M2: Ah: ↑ sorry↑, I don’t know. (.) So I’m from Hyo//go. = 11
8. M2: So so ah my my hometown eh (.) between // Kitakyushu city is very eh // far. = 21
9. M2: Very far, (Japanese eto) so in university, // I, ah↓ there is few friends. = 16
10. M2: Few friends. Ah: (2.0) = 3
11. (M2) so (2.6) = 1
12. (M2) uh (.)  you, uh what what do what do you think // about yourself uh (.) ah (.)  you have many // friends or few friends? = 25
13. M2: Ah. = 1
14. M2: Ah, so about family. Ah I↑ have↑ // four four members of family. = 17
15. M2: Father, and mother, ah sorry three fa//mily. Father, mother, grandmother. = 19
16. M2: Ah so ah (.) I’m only child ah so my // parents. = 12
17. M2: You too?↓ So↓ ah (3.1) = 4
18. (M2)  so↓ when↑ I was a little child, ah so // I want ah (.) I want a brother or sis//ter. = 21
19. M2: But but now, ah so (.) but now I enjoy // enjoy↑ heh so only one, so what uh how // many people uh do you have in your // family? = 31
20. M2: Yamanashi, ↑ oh very far. = 8
21. M2: Love heh heh. = 1
22. M2: Ah: so ah: I: uh I don’t uh (.) see uh // father’s family uh after I born, // after I was born, so I want to meet // his family, so uh but uh you you // have many family, so I, (.) so (.) uh: // you are ah good situation about // family. = 61
23. M2: Ah. = 1
24. M2: Ah: ↑ = 1
25. M2: I  I also want↑ beautiful sister, // ah (£) so (3.8) = 12
26. (M2): next. = 1
27. M2: Next, both have in common. Ah, (.) what is your // hobby? = 12
28. M2: Basketball ah ah? = 5
29. M2: Ah, I can’t play ver- I can’t well, so I // respect you. = 13
30. M2: Ah I I I’m playing baseball ah (2.9) = 9
31. (M2) after third grade of elementary // school, so: uh my so my hobby is play//ing baseball and watching baseball, ah my // so what↑ all all I↑ like watching all sports. (.) // Do you like music? = 45
32. M2: Ah, yeah yeah. I I (went) uh so ah on↑ // uh on (.) on June 6, I went to Yahuoku//dome. = 21
33. M2: Yeah. = 1
34. M2: You too? = 2
35. M2: Yahuoku-dome, (Japanese: sosenkyo). = 4
36. M2: Uh uh↓ I like Shu Yabushita (£) .= 9
37. M2: Belongs NMB48 (£). = 7
38. M2: Who do you like (£)? = 4
39. M2: Ah: ↑ Miruki. = 4
40. M2: She is very cute. = 5
41. M2: She’s very cute. (2.6) = 4
42. (M2) Oh My my father like SKE4//8. = 12
43. M2: So, she she: went, she also go, go so//rry, he also go the event of shake hands.// = 20
44. M2: My father. = 3
45. M2: So when it is (Japanese: sosenkyo), my father take tickets– = 10
46. M2: So you yours and mine. He He went to Fu//kuoka from Hyogo. = 16
47. M2: So ah we went to Yahuoku-dome. = 9
48. M2: So we (.) (we’ve) we have both hobby. = 8
49. M2: Very cute, very cute (PV). = 8
50. M2: Heh heh very cute. (PV) (PV) = 6
51. M2: So Ah, I watch Youtube. = 6
52. M2: So, (2.6) = 1
53. (M2) uh↓ I I uh, when I eh: when I  uh // int- eh I when I (I’m) interested // about the 48 groups, at first, // I like SKE48, but uh // re- recently uh I like NMB//48 too. = 53


M2: Ah my name is Daiki Mitani. Ah: I belong ah so↑ class of literature. Ah and compare culture, so what is your name?

F2: My name is Nanami Matsuda.

M2: Ah yeah.

F2: Yeah. Um↑: I’m from Miyazaki.

M2: Ah Miyazaki.

F2: Yeah. I major law.

M2: Law. Ah: (2.2) uh (.) in Miyazaki, north or south?

F2: Uh: ↑

M2: What is your city?

F2: City, Kunitomi-tyo. Do you know?

M2: Ah: ↑ sorry↑, I don’t know. (.) So I’m from Hyogo.

F2: Hyogo.

M2: So so ah my my hometown eh (.) between Kitakyushu city is very eh far.

F2: Far far.

M2: Very far, (Japanese eto) so in university, I, ah↓ there is few friends.

F2: Heh heh Ah.

M2: Few friends. Ah: (2.0) so (2.6) uh (.)  you, uh what what do what do you think about yourself uh (.) ah (.)  you have many friends or few friends?

F2: Ah:↑, I have many friends in Miyazaki.

M2: Ah.

F2: But um I (2.1) mmm I don’t have any friends in Kitakyushu.

M2: Ah, so about family. Ah I↑ have↑ four four members of family.

F2: Yeah yeah.

M2: Father, and mother, ah sorry three family. Father, mother, grandmother.

F2: Grandmother.

M2: Ah so ah (.) I’m only child ah so my parents.

F2: Ah, me too, me too.

M2: You too?↓ So↓ ah (3.1) , so↓ when↑ I was a little child, ah so I want ah (.) I want a brother or sister.

F2: Yeah yeah.

M2: But but now, ah so (.) but now I enjoy enjoy↑ heh so only one, so what uh how many people uh do you have in your family?

F2: Ah, I’m from Miyazaki, but↑ my mother (.) was born in Yamanashi.

M2: Yamanashi, ↑ oh very far.

F2: Very far, very far, Yamanashi. And my father is Miyazaki. (Japanese: gananka) love love.

M2: Love heh heh.

F2: Love love. Oh: ↑ I have big family in Yamanashi. My mother is very big family and my father is Miyazaki, um: (.) my cousin all in Yamanashi. I go to Miyazaki mother and father and my father’s father and mother and I.

M2: Ah: so ah: I: uh I don’t uh (.) see uh father’s family uh after I born, after I was born, so I want to meet his family, so uh but uh you you have many family, so I, (.) so (.) uh: you are ah good situation about family.

F2: Yeah yeah, but I want to my sister and brother.

M2: Ah.

F2: I want cool brother.

M2: Ah: ↑

F2: Brother↓, brother↓, brother↓.

M2: I  I also want↑ beautiful sister, ah (£) so (3.8) next.

F2: Yeah.

M2: Next, both have in common. Ah, (.) what is your hobby?

F2: Um, I like↑ playing basketball.

M2: Basketball ah ah?

F2: Basketball.

M2: Ah, I can’t play ver- I can’t well, so I respect you.

F2: Yeah. What (sniffle)?

M2: Ah I I I’m playing baseball ah (2.9) after third grade of elementary school, so: uh my so my hobby is playing baseball and watching baseball, ah my so what↑ all all I↑ like watching all sports. (.) Do you like music?

F2: Music, yes. I like AKB48.

M2: Ah, yeah yeah. I I (went) uh so ah on↑ uh on (.) on June 6, I went to Yahuoku-dome.

F2: Ah, (Japanese: sosenkyo)?

M2: Yeah.

F2: Me too↑, me too↑ me too heh heh↑

M2: You too?

F2: Eh, Yahuoku-dome, (Japanese: sosenkyo)?

M2: Yahuoku-dome, (Japanese: sosenkyo).

F2: Heh heh Eh↑ Eh↑ Who do you like?

M2: Uh uh↓ I like Shu Yabushita (£).

F2: Ah.

M2: Belongs NMB48 (£).

F2: NMB48. Heh heh (£)

M2: Who do you like (£)?

F2: I like Miruki.

M2: Ah: ↑ Miruki.

F2: Miruki Miruki!

M2: She is very cute.

F2: Very cute, very cute!

M2: She’s very cute. (2.6) Oh My my father like SKE48.

F2: Oh, yeah.

M2: So, she she: went, she also go, go sorry, he also go the event of shake hands.

F2: Heh heh Ah↑, shake hands, shake hands! Your father↑?

M2: My father.

F2: Father↑

M2: So when it is (Japanese: sosenkyo), my father take tickets–

F2: Oh. Oh Oh

M2: So  you yours and mine. He He went to Fukuoka from Hyogo.

F2: Hyogo.

M2: So ah we went to Yahuoku-dome.

F2: Heh heh Ah:. Really

M2: So we (.) (we’ve) we have both hobby.

F2: Both hobby↑, yeah. Uh: ‘Dorian-shonen’, very cute.

M2: Very cute, very cute (PV).

F2: Very cute. PV heh heh.

M2: Heh heh very cute. (PV) (PV)

F2: Did you see PV, ‘Dorian-shonen’?

M2: So Ah, I watch Youtube.

F2: Youtube heh heh .

M2: So, (2.6) uh↓ I I uh, when I eh: when I  uh int- eh I when I (I’m) interested about the 48 groups, at first, I like SKE48, but uh re- recently uh I like NMB48 too.

F2: NMB. SKE. Ah. OK.

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 89.3   B: 78.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

219.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

7.1 (327 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 104.3   B: 88.6

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

354.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

11.6 (617 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 20.8 secs.

Percentage: 3.4%

Total Speaking Time:

595 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

0.0 sec.


Nanami does seem to have too many minimal response, and she could have provided more descriptive answers, and have asked more questions. So, again we have Daiki having 388 words compared to her 189. Repetition is a bit high and is the same for both participants: 20 words. Percentage of silence is low, 3.1%. MLRs are average, but Nanami’s is a bit low, 7.1 compared to Daiki’s 11.6

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.
1. F2: My name is Nanami Matsuda. = 9
2. F2: Yeah. Um↑: I’m from Miyazaki. = 7
3. F2: Yeah. I major law. = 5
4. F2: Uh: ↑ = 1
5. F2: City, Kunitomi-tyo. Do you know? = 9
6. F2: Hyogo. = 2
7. F2: Far far. = 2
8. F2: Heh heh Ah. = 1
9. F2: Ah:↑, I have many friends in Miyaza//ki. = 11
10. F2: But um I (2.1) = 3
11. (F2) mmm I don’t have any friends in Kita//kyushu. = 12
12. F2: Yeah yeah. = 2
13. F2: Grandmother. = 3
14. F2: Ah, me too, me too. = 5
15. F2: Yeah yeah. = 2
16. F2: Ah, I’m from Miyazaki, but↑ my mo//ther (.) was born in Yamanashi. = 17
17. F2: Very far, very far, Yamanashi. // And my father is Miyazaki. (Japanese: gananka) love // love. = 21
18. F2: Love love. Oh: ↑ I have big family in // Yamanashi. My mother is very // big family and my father is Mi//yazaki, um: (.) my cousin all in Ya//manashi. I go to Miyazaki // mother and father and my father’s // father and mother and I. = 67
19. F2: Yeah yeah, but I want to my sister and // brother. = 12
20. F2: I want cool brother. = 5
21. F2: Brother↓, brother↓, brother↓. = 6
22. F2: Yeah. = 1
23. F2: Um, I like↑ playing basketball. = 8
24. F2: Basketball. = 3
25. F2: Yeah. What (sniffle)? = 2
26. F2: Music, yes. I like AKB4//8. = 11
27. F2: Ah, (Japanese: sosenkyo)? = 1
28. F2: Me too↑, me too↑ me too heh heh =↑ 6
29. F2: Eh, Yahuoku-dome, (Japanese: sosenkyo)? = 4
30. F2: Heh heh Eh↑ Eh↑ Who do you like? = 6
31. F2: Ah. = 1
32. F2: NMB48. Heh heh (£) = 6
33. F2: I like Miruki. = 5
34. F2: Miruki Miruki! = 6
35. F2: Very cute, very cute! = 6
36. F2: Oh, yeah. = 2
37. F2: Heh heh Ah↑, shake hands, shake hands! Your father↑? = 8
38. F2: Father↑ = 2
39. F2: Oh. Oh Oh = 3
40. F2: Hyogo. = 2
41. F2: Heh heh Ah:. Really = 3
42. F2: Both hobby↑, yeah. Uh:  ‘Dorian-shonen’, // very cute. = 13
43. F2: Very cute. PV heh heh. = 5
44. F2: Did you see PV, ‘Dorian-shonen’? = 10
45. F2: Youtube heh heh. = 2
46. F2: NMB. SKE. Ah. OK = 9

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Ah my name is Daiki Mitani. Ah: // I belong ah so↑ class of literature. Ah // and compare culture, so what is your name//? = 30
2. M2: Ah yeah. = 2
3. M2: Ah Miyazaki. = 5
4. M2: Law. Ah: (2.2) = 2
5. (M2) uh (.) in Miyazaki, north or south? = 9
6. M2: What is your city? = 5
7. M2: Ah: ↑ sorry↑, I don’t know. (.) So I’m from Hyo//go. = 11
8. M2: So so ah my my hometown eh (.) between // Kitakyushu city is very eh // far. = 21
9. M2: Very far, (Japanese eto) so in university, // I, ah↓ there is few friends. = 16
10. M2: Few friends. Ah: (2.0) = 3
11. (M2) so (2.6) = 1
12. (M2) uh (.)  you, uh what what do what do you think // about yourself uh (.) ah (.)  you have many // friends or few friends? = 25
13. M2: Ah. = 1
14. M2: Ah, so about family. Ah I↑ have↑ // four four members of family. = 17
15. M2: Father, and mother, ah sorry three fa//mily. Father, mother, grandmother. = 19
16. M2: Ah so ah (.) I’m only child ah so my // parents. = 12
17. M2: You too?↓ So↓ ah (3.1) = 4
18. (M2)  so↓ when↑ I was a little child, ah so // I want ah (.) I want a brother or sis//ter. = 21
19. M2: But but now, ah so (.) but now I enjoy // enjoy↑ heh so only one, so what uh how // many people uh do you have in your // family? = 31
20. M2: Yamanashi, ↑ oh very far. = 8
21. M2: Love heh heh. = 1
22. M2: Ah: so ah: I: uh I don’t uh (.) see uh // father’s family uh after I born, // after I was born, so I want to meet // his family, so uh but uh you you // have many family, so I, (.) so (.) uh: // you are ah good situation about // family. = 61
23. M2: Ah. = 1
24. M2: Ah: ↑ = 1
25. M2: I  I also want↑ beautiful sister, // ah (£) so (3.8) = 12
26. (M2): next. = 1
27. M2: Next, both have in common. Ah, (.) what is your // hobby? = 12
28. M2: Basketball ah ah? = 5
29. M2: Ah, I can’t play ver- I can’t well, so I // respect you. = 13
30. M2: Ah I I I’m playing baseball ah (2.9) = 9
31. (M2) after third grade of elementary // school, so: uh my so my hobby is play//ing baseball and watching baseball, ah my // so what↑ all all I↑ like watching all sports. (.) // Do you like music? = 45
32. M2: Ah, yeah yeah. I I (went) uh so ah on↑ // uh on (.) on June 6, I went to Yahuoku//dome. = 21
33. M2: Yeah. = 1
34. M2: You too? = 2
35. M2: Yahuoku-dome, (Japanese: sosenkyo). = 4
36. M2: Uh uh↓ I like Shu Yabushita (£) .= 9
37. M2: Belongs NMB48 (£). = 7
38. M2: Who do you like (£)? = 4
39. M2: Ah: ↑ Miruki. = 4
40. M2: She is very cute. = 5
41. M2: She’s very cute. (2.6) = 4
42. (M2) Oh My my father like SKE4//8. = 12
43. M2: So, she she: went, she also go, go so//rry, he also go the event of shake hands.// = 20
44. M2: My father. = 3
45. M2: So when it is (Japanese: sosenkyo), my father take tickets– = 10
46. M2: So you yours and mine. He He went to Fu//kuoka from Hyogo. = 16
47. M2: So ah we went to Yahuoku-dome. = 9
48. M2: So we (.) (we’ve) we have both hobby. = 8
49. M2: Very cute, very cute (PV). = 8
50. M2: Heh heh very cute. (PV) (PV) = 6
51. M2: So Ah, I watch Youtube. = 6
52. M2: So, (2.6) = 1
53. (M2) uh↓ I I uh, when I eh: when I  uh // int- eh I when I (I’m) interested // about the 48 groups, at first, // I like SKE48, but uh // re- recently uh I like NMB//48 too. = 53

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