Sho and Miya

Session 5 : Male 2 to Female 1


Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 78.4   B: 70.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

306 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

7.0 (400 syllables)

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 135.2   B: 122.8

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

261.3 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.9 (589 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 46.7 secs.

Percentage: 7.6%

Total Speaking Time:

614 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

22.7 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M2: Hello, my name is Haku Shu.

F1: My name is Miya Osaki. Nice to meet you.

M2: Nice to meet you, ah, I’m class of Japanese: (Denki Denshi Kougaku) class, first class.

F1: Oh, my class is material engineering

M2: Oh.

F1: Second…

M2: Second grade. (.) What is your hobby?

F1: My hobby is listening music.

M2: Ah. What do you like, ah, do, do you like, no, no.

F1: Kind?

M2: Umm. What’s music do you like?

F1: Ah, Japanese rock.

M2: Ah, for example?

F1:Umm, Bump of Chicken, (.) Kana-Boon, et cetera. I: (.) I often go to LIVE.

M2: Oh! It is you have to pay so much money?

F1: Yes, so I, I want to money (£).


M2: Umm, what, my hobby is watching anime, manga, and playing games↑.

F1: Ah↑.

M2: But, umm: buy manga is have to pay money, so I have no money, me too.

F1: Do you like “Love Live”?

M2: Yes.

F1: Oh. You buy-

M2: Movie ticket?

F1: At the Seikyo,

M2: Ah, chocolate? Umm. Yeah, no, no, no. I don’t buy↑ no↓ But↑, ah, last week I and my friend go to movie theater in, in River Walk. We watch “Love Live” movie. (6.9) Do you like game?

F1: Ah, so so. (5.11) Ah! Umm↓? I, I play the “Love Live” last year, a little.

M2: It is little difficult the game is. Umm↓, ah, how about your, your family?

F1: Ah, I have, umm. Ah, my family has five person. My mother, my father, me, and my sister and my brother.

M2: Oh.

F1: My, my sister is eighteen years old, and my brother is, (Japanese: etto), fourteen years old.

M2: Umm, I have, ah, four person, umm, father, mother, me, and one old brother. He is now thirty years old. Ah, this year, he married with Chinese people.

F1: Oh: ↑

M2: Ah! My father and mother is Chinese. But↑ I born in Japan. (9.0) Umm, have you been to abroad?

F1: No.

M2: Do you want to go abroad?

F1: Yes. I went, I want to go Europe.

M2: Europe. You don’t like America?

F1: Ah: (.) I like eating foods, so-

M2: Umm.

F1: Delicious food, want to eat.

M2: Ah. Umm, I, I want to, umm, Europe, me, too. Because I think America is little horror because the gun, gun is so terrible. I don’t like America. (3.0) I have been to six years in China, but I don’t like China because air pollution is so terrible.

F1: Ah.


M2: Umm. Do you belong to some club?

F1: Ah, I belong to tea ceremony club.

M2: Ah. Ah↑, my friend is belong to the (Sakura).

F1: Oh. First year?

M2: Name is Ozono.

F1: Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah. I know. (.) Ah, do you (his) live in (dormitory) ah, same class?

M2: Ah, yes. Same class. (.) Umm, I belong to swimming club.

F1: Oh:.

M2: Tea club is one week to how time?

F1: Uh, every Tuesday, (Tuesday) three hours or four hours.

M2: It, uh↓, one week?

F1: Yes.

M2: Ah, one week three hours and (.) oh, do what, ah, do what. What thing do in club?

F1: Umm, tea party,

M2: Ah. You↑ make tea?

F1: Yes.

M2: Oh. Ah↑, everyone can make tea?

F1: Hmm, now second grade and third grade can, can make tea.

M2: Ah. Swimming club is: (.) very, ah, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

F1: Oh, many, many.

M2: Everyday we swim three thousand meters. So, it’s so hard (£).


F1: Where do you live in?

M2: Umm, I live in eh,(.) Itouzu. Do you know?

F1: Ah↑.

M2: Umm, so I came here by bicycle, so, so tired. Do you know (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan)?

F1: Ah:

M2: Ah, the (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan) is top of the mountain, (.) I have to over that mountain. So, so tired.

F1: I live in Dormitory, Dormitory, now.

M2: Dormitory? Where?

F1: (Japanese: Ryou).

M2: Ah! ↑

F1: So, very near.

M2: Ah.

F1: But↑ last year, I live in my house, (.) so I, (.) I come here, (Japanese: etto), by train.

M2: (    )?

F1: Train

M2: Ah, train by two.

F1: Train by two hours.

M2: Two hours, ah, two hours↑?

F1: So, I (.) many times.

M2: You have to wake up so-

F1: So, so early.

M2: Oh, it’s so tired.

F1: Yes. But this year, I live in dormitory,   I long sleep, and I’m late for (school).

M2: Do you like sports?

F1: Umm: ↑, watching sports is-

M2: Watch. What sports?

F1: Baseball.

M2: Ah. Do you like SoftBank Hawks?

F1: Yes.

M2: Oh. I don’t like baseball.

F1: Oh↑ oh↑ oh↑

M2: Because when I am junior-high school student, the ball hit my head, so I don’t like baseball. (.) Umm, so I like swimming, so I belong to swimming club.

F1: When I was junior-high school, ah, (Japanese:chigau), elementary school student, I, I’m into swimming school.

M2: Oh! Swimming school. Do you watching TV?

F1: Ah (.) this dormitory don’t have TV  in my room, so I went back my home, (Japanese: dake), watch TV.

M2: I think living alone people don’t have TV.

F1: Umm. My room mate-

M2: Ah, your room mate have TV?

F1: No.

M2: Ah, no.

F1: (Japanese: (Zanin)).

M2: Everyone don’t have TV.

F1: Everyone don’t have TV.

M2: Oh.

F1: My floor, (Japanese: etto), there are fifteen people in my floor, but TV, one TV.

M2: Only one TV?

F1: Yes.

M2: Oh. I think it’s so boring.

F1: Yes.


In this discussion, there is a moderate level of cross-talk pausing, 22.7 seconds; the amount of silence is 46.7 seconds or 7.6%. Furthermore, it is interesting that Sho tends to ask most of the questions. He also has the highest number of words 431 compared to Miya’s 280. Miya does not seem to be aware that she should also inquire or to provide more descriptive answers, or opinions. There is not-enough follow-up.  Miya has too much repetition, and again, the number of words are showing that males again tend to dominate conversations, with Sho having 431 and Miya having only 280.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: My name is Miya Osaki. Nice to // meet you. = 12
2. F1: Oh, my class is material engineer//ing = 11
3. F1: Second- = 2
4. F1: My hobby is listening music. = 9
5. F1: Kind? = 1
6. F1: Ah, Japanese rock. = 5
7.F1:Umm, Bump of Chicken, (.) Kana-Boon, et ce//tera. I: (.) I often go to LIVE. = 19
8. F1: Yes, so I, I want to money (£). = 8
9. F1: Ah↑. = 1
10. F1: Do you like “Love Live”? = 5
11. F1: Oh. You buy- = 3
12. F1: At the Seikyo, = 5
13. F1: Ah, so so. (5.1) = 3
14. Ah! Umm↓? I, I play the “Love Live” last year, // a little. = 13
15. F1: Ah, I have, umm. Ah, my family has five // person. My mother, my father, me, and my sis//ter and my brother. = 25
16. F1: My, my sister is eighteen years old, and // my brother is, (Japanese: etto), fourteen years old. = 17
17. F1: Oh: ↑ = 1
18. F1: No. = 1
19. F1: Yes. I went, I want to go Europe. = 9
20. F1: Ah: (.) I like eating foods, so- = 8
21. F1: Delicious food, want to eat. = 7
22. F1: Ah. = 1
23. F1: Ah, I belong to tea ceremony // club. = 11
24. F1: Oh. First year? = 3
25. F1: Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah. I know. (.) Ah, // do you (his) live in (dormitory) ah, // same class? = 22
26. F1: Oh:. = 1
27. F1: Uh, every Tuesday, (Tuesday) three hours // or four hours. = 14
28. F1: Yes. = 1
29. F1: Umm, tea party, = 4
30. F1: Yes. = 1
31. F1: Hmm, now second grade and third grade can, can // make tea. = 12
32. F1: Oh, many, many. = 5
33. F1: Where do you live in? = 5
34. F1: Ah↑. = 1
35. F1: Ah: = 1
36. F1: I live in Dormitory, Dormit//ory, now. = 12
37. F1: Ryou. = 0
38. F1: So, very near. = 4
39. F1: But↑ last year, I live in my house, (.) so I, (.) // I come here, (Japanese: etto), by train. = 15
40. F1: Train = 1
41. F1: Train by two hours. = 5
42. F1: So, I (.) many times. = 6
43. F1: So, so early. = 4
44. F1: Yes. But this year, I live in dormito//ry, I long sleep, and I’m late for (school). = 19
45. F1: Umm: ↑, watching sports is- = 6
46. F1: Baseball. = 2
47. F1: Yes. = 1
48. F1: Oh↑ oh↑ oh↑ = 3
49. F1: When I was junior-high school, ah, (Japanese: chigau), ele//mentary school student, I, I’m into // swimming school. = 23
50. F1: Ah (.) this dormitory don’t have TV // in my room, so I went back my home, (Japanese: dake), watch // TV. = 22
51. F1: Umm. My room mate- = 4
52. F1: No. = 1
53. F1: (Japanese: (Zanin)). = 0
54. F1: Everyone don’t have TV. = 6
55. F1: My floor, (Japanese: etto), there are fifteen people in my // floor, but TV, one TV. = 17
56. F1: Yes. = 1
57. F1: Yes.= 1

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hello, my name is Haku Shu. = 8
2. M2: Nice to meet you, ah, I’m class of (Japanese: Denki Denshi Kougaku) class, first // class. = 11
3. M2: Oh. = 1
4. M2: Second grade. (.) What is your hobby? = 8
5. M2: Ah. What do you like, ah, do, do you like, // no, no. = 12
6. M2: Umm. What’s music do you like? = 7
7. M2: Ah, for example? = 5
8. M2: Oh! It is you have to pay so much mo//ney? = 11
9. M2: Umm, what, my hobby is watching ani//me, manga, and playing games↑. = 18
10. M2: But, umm: buy manga is have to pay mo//ney, so I have no money, me too. = 19
11. M2: Yes. = 1
12. M2: Movie ticket? = 4
13. M2: Ah, chocolate? Umm. Yeah, no, no, no. I don’t // buy↑ no↓ But↑, ah, last week I and my friend // go to movie theater in, in Ri//ver Walk. We watch “Love Live” movie. (6.9) = 38
14. (M2) Do you like game? = 4
15. M2: It is little difficult the game is. // Umm↓, ah, how about your, your family? // = 20
16. M2: Oh. = 1
17. M2: Umm, I have, ah, four person, umm, father, // mother, me, and one old brother. He is // now thirty years old. Ah, this year, he ma//rried with Chinese people. = 36
18. M2: Ah! My father and mother is Chinese. // But↑ I born in Japan. (9.0) = 16
19. Umm, have you been to abroad? = 7
20. M2: Do you want to go abroad? = 7
21. M2: Europe. You don’t like America? = 9
22. M2: Umm. = 1
23. M2: Ah. Umm, I, I want to, umm, Europe, me, // too. Because I think America is // little horror because the gun, gun is // so terrible. I don’t like Ameri//ca. (3.0) = 41
24. (M2): I have been to six years in China, // but I don’t like China because air pol//lution is so terrible. = 27
25. M2: Umm. Do you belong to some club? = 8
26. M2: Ah. Ah↑, my friend is belong to the (Sa//kura). = 12
27. M2: Name is Ozono. = 5
28. M2: Ah, yes. Same class. (.) Umm, I belong to swim//ming club. = 12
29. M2: Tea club is one week to how time?= 8
30. M2: It, uh↓, one week? = 4
31. M2: Ah, one week three hours and (.) oh, do what, // ah, do what. What thing do in club? = 18
32. M2: Ah You↑ make tea? = 4
33. M2: Oh. Ah↑, everyone can make tea? = 8
34. M2: Ah. Swimming club is: (.) very, ah, Monday, // Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. = 18
35. M2: Everyday we swim three thousand meters. // So, it’s so hard (£). = 14
36. M2: Umm, I live in eh, (.) Itouzu. Do you know? = 8
37. M2: Umm, so I came here by bicycle, so, // so tired. Do you know (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan)? = 16
38. M2: Ah, the (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan) is top of the mountain, (.) I have // to over that mountain. So, so tired. = 19
39. M2: Dormitory? Where? = 5
40. M2: Ah! ↑ = 1
41. M2: Ah. = 1
42. M2: ( )? = 0
43. M2: Ah, train by two. = 4
44. M2: Two hours, ah, two hours↑? = 7
45. M2: You have to wake up so- = 6
46. M2: Oh, it’s so tired. = 5
47. M2: Do you like sports? = 5
48. M2: Watch. What sports? = 4
49. M2: Ah. Do you like SoftBank Hawks? = 7
50. M2: Oh. I don’t like baseball. = 6
51. M2: Because when I am junior-high school stu//dent, the ball hit my head, so I don’t like // baseball. (.) Umm, so I like swimming, so I // belong to swimming club. = 26
52. M2: Oh! Swimming school. Do you watching TV? = 10
53. M2: I think living alone people don’t have // TV. = 12
54. M2: Ah, your room mate have TV? = 7
55. M2: Ah, no. = 2
56. M2: Everyone don’t have TV. = 7
57. M2: Oh. = 1
58. M2: Only one TV? = 5
59. M2: Oh. I think it’s so boring. = 7


M2: Hello, my name is Haku Shu.

F1: My name is Miya Osaki. Nice to meet you.

M2: Nice to meet you, ah, I’m class of Japanese: (Denki Denshi Kougaku) class, first class.

F1: Oh, my class is material engineering

M2: Oh.

F1: Second…

M2: Second grade. (.) What is your hobby?

F1: My hobby is listening music.

M2: Ah. What do you like, ah, do, do you like, no, no.

F1: Kind?

M2: Umm. What’s music do you like?

F1: Ah, Japanese rock.

M2: Ah, for example?

F1:Umm, Bump of Chicken, (.) Kana-Boon, et cetera. I: (.) I often go to LIVE.

M2: Oh! It is you have to pay so much money?

F1: Yes, so I, I want to money (£).


M2: Umm, what, my hobby is watching anime, manga, and playing games↑.

F1: Ah↑.

M2: But, umm: buy manga is have to pay money, so I have no money, me too.

F1: Do you like “Love Live”?

M2: Yes.

F1: Oh. You buy-

M2: Movie ticket?

F1: At the Seikyo,

M2: Ah, chocolate? Umm. Yeah, no, no, no. I don’t buy↑ no↓ But↑, ah, last week I and my friend go to movie theater in, in River Walk. We watch “Love Live” movie. (6.9) Do you like game?

F1: Ah, so so. (5.11) Ah! Umm↓? I, I play the “Love Live” last year, a little.

M2: It is little difficult the game is. Umm↓, ah, how about your, your family?

F1: Ah, I have, umm. Ah, my family has five person. My mother, my father, me, and my sister and my brother.

M2: Oh.

F1: My, my sister is eighteen years old, and my brother is, (Japanese: etto), fourteen years old.

M2: Umm, I have, ah, four person, umm, father, mother, me, and one old brother. He is now thirty years old. Ah, this year, he married with Chinese people.

F1: Oh: ↑

M2: Ah! My father and mother is Chinese. But↑ I born in Japan. (9.0) Umm, have you been to abroad?

F1: No.

M2: Do you want to go abroad?

F1: Yes. I went, I want to go Europe.

M2: Europe. You don’t like America?

F1: Ah: (.) I like eating foods, so-

M2: Umm.

F1: Delicious food, want to eat.

M2: Ah. Umm, I, I want to, umm, Europe, me, too. Because I think America is little horror because the gun, gun is so terrible. I don’t like America. (3.0) I have been to six years in China, but I don’t like China because air pollution is so terrible.

F1: Ah.


M2: Umm. Do you belong to some club?

F1: Ah, I belong to tea ceremony club.

M2: Ah. Ah↑, my friend is belong to the (Sakura).

F1: Oh. First year?

M2: Name is Ozono.

F1: Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah. I know. (.) Ah, do you (his) live in (dormitory) ah, same class?

M2: Ah, yes. Same class. (.) Umm, I belong to swimming club.

F1: Oh:.

M2: Tea club is one week to how time?

F1: Uh, every Tuesday, (Tuesday) three hours or four hours.

M2: It, uh↓, one week?

F1: Yes.

M2: Ah, one week three hours and (.) oh, do what, ah, do what. What thing do in club?

F1: Umm, tea party,

M2: Ah. You↑ make tea?

F1: Yes.

M2: Oh. Ah↑, everyone can make tea?

F1: Hmm, now second grade and third grade can, can make tea.

M2: Ah. Swimming club is: (.) very, ah, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday.

F1: Oh, many, many.

M2: Everyday we swim three thousand meters. So, it’s so hard (£).


F1: Where do you live in?

M2: Umm, I live in eh,(.) Itouzu. Do you know?

F1: Ah↑.

M2: Umm, so I came here by bicycle, so, so tired. Do you know (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan)?

F1: Ah:

M2: Ah, the (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan) is top of the mountain, (.) I have to over that mountain. So, so tired.

F1: I live in Dormitory, Dormitory, now.

M2: Dormitory? Where?

F1: (Japanese: Ryou).

M2: Ah! ↑

F1: So, very near.

M2: Ah.

F1: But↑ last year, I live in my house, (.) so I, (.) I come here, (Japanese: etto), by train.

M2: (    )?

F1: Train

M2: Ah, train by two.

F1: Train by two hours.

M2: Two hours, ah, two hours↑?

F1: So, I (.) many times.

M2: You have to wake up so-

F1: So, so early.

M2: Oh, it’s so tired.

F1: Yes. But this year, I live in dormitory,   I long sleep, and I’m late for (school).

M2: Do you like sports?

F1: Umm: ↑, watching sports is-

M2: Watch. What sports?

F1: Baseball.

M2: Ah. Do you like SoftBank Hawks?

F1: Yes.

M2: Oh. I don’t like baseball.

F1: Oh↑ oh↑ oh↑

M2: Because when I am junior-high school student, the ball hit my head, so I don’t like baseball. (.) Umm, so I like swimming, so I belong to swimming club.

F1: When I was junior-high school, ah, (Japanese:chigau), elementary school student, I, I’m into swimming school.

M2: Oh! Swimming school. Do you watching TV?

F1: Ah (.) this dormitory don’t have TV  in my room, so I went back my home, (Japanese: dake), watch TV.

M2: I think living alone people don’t have TV.

F1: Umm. My room mate-

M2: Ah, your room mate have TV?

F1: No.

M2: Ah, no.

F1: (Japanese: (Zanin)).

M2: Everyone don’t have TV.

F1: Everyone don’t have TV.

M2: Oh.

F1: My floor, (Japanese: etto), there are fifteen people in my floor, but TV, one TV.

M2: Only one TV?

F1: Yes.

M2: Oh. I think it’s so boring.

F1: Yes.

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 78.4   B: 70.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

306 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

7.0 (400 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 135.2   B: 122.8

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

261.3 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.9 (589 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 46.7 secs.

Percentage: 7.6%

Total Speaking Time:

614 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

22.7 sec.


In this discussion, there is a moderate level of cross-talk pausing, 22.7 seconds; the amount of silence is 46.7 seconds or 7.6%. Furthermore, it is interesting that Sho tends to ask most of the questions. He also has the highest number of words 431 compared to Miya’s 280. Miya does not seem to be aware that she should also inquire or to provide more descriptive answers, or opinions. There is not-enough follow-up.  Miya has too much repetition, and again, the number of words are showing that males again tend to dominate conversations, with Sho having 431 and Miya having only 280.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: My name is Miya Osaki. Nice to // meet you. = 12
2. F1: Oh, my class is material engineer//ing = 11
3. F1: Second- = 2
4. F1: My hobby is listening music. = 9
5. F1: Kind? = 1
6. F1: Ah, Japanese rock. = 5
7.F1:Umm, Bump of Chicken, (.) Kana-Boon, et ce//tera. I: (.) I often go to LIVE. = 19
8. F1: Yes, so I, I want to money (£). = 8
9. F1: Ah↑. = 1
10. F1: Do you like “Love Live”? = 5
11. F1: Oh. You buy- = 3
12. F1: At the Seikyo, = 5
13. F1: Ah, so so. (5.1) = 3
14. Ah! Umm↓? I, I play the “Love Live” last year, // a little. = 13
15. F1: Ah, I have, umm. Ah, my family has five // person. My mother, my father, me, and my sis//ter and my brother. = 25
16. F1: My, my sister is eighteen years old, and // my brother is, (Japanese: etto), fourteen years old. = 17
17. F1: Oh: ↑ = 1
18. F1: No. = 1
19. F1: Yes. I went, I want to go Europe. = 9
20. F1: Ah: (.) I like eating foods, so- = 8
21. F1: Delicious food, want to eat. = 7
22. F1: Ah. = 1
23. F1: Ah, I belong to tea ceremony // club. = 11
24. F1: Oh. First year? = 3
25. F1: Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah Ah. I know. (.) Ah, // do you (his) live in (dormitory) ah, // same class? = 22
26. F1: Oh:. = 1
27. F1: Uh, every Tuesday, (Tuesday) three hours // or four hours. = 14
28. F1: Yes. = 1
29. F1: Umm, tea party, = 4
30. F1: Yes. = 1
31. F1: Hmm, now second grade and third grade can, can // make tea. = 12
32. F1: Oh, many, many. = 5
33. F1: Where do you live in? = 5
34. F1: Ah↑. = 1
35. F1: Ah: = 1
36. F1: I live in Dormitory, Dormit//ory, now. = 12
37. F1: Ryou. = 0
38. F1: So, very near. = 4
39. F1: But↑ last year, I live in my house, (.) so I, (.) // I come here, (Japanese: etto), by train. = 15
40. F1: Train = 1
41. F1: Train by two hours. = 5
42. F1: So, I (.) many times. = 6
43. F1: So, so early. = 4
44. F1: Yes. But this year, I live in dormito//ry, I long sleep, and I’m late for (school). = 19
45. F1: Umm: ↑, watching sports is- = 6
46. F1: Baseball. = 2
47. F1: Yes. = 1
48. F1: Oh↑ oh↑ oh↑ = 3
49. F1: When I was junior-high school, ah, (Japanese: chigau), ele//mentary school student, I, I’m into // swimming school. = 23
50. F1: Ah (.) this dormitory don’t have TV // in my room, so I went back my home, (Japanese: dake), watch // TV. = 22
51. F1: Umm. My room mate- = 4
52. F1: No. = 1
53. F1: (Japanese: (Zanin)). = 0
54. F1: Everyone don’t have TV. = 6
55. F1: My floor, (Japanese: etto), there are fifteen people in my // floor, but TV, one TV. = 17
56. F1: Yes. = 1
57. F1: Yes.= 1

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hello, my name is Haku Shu. = 8
2. M2: Nice to meet you, ah, I’m class of (Japanese: Denki Denshi Kougaku) class, first // class. = 11
3. M2: Oh. = 1
4. M2: Second grade. (.) What is your hobby? = 8
5. M2: Ah. What do you like, ah, do, do you like, // no, no. = 12
6. M2: Umm. What’s music do you like? = 7
7. M2: Ah, for example? = 5
8. M2: Oh! It is you have to pay so much mo//ney? = 11
9. M2: Umm, what, my hobby is watching ani//me, manga, and playing games↑. = 18
10. M2: But, umm: buy manga is have to pay mo//ney, so I have no money, me too. = 19
11. M2: Yes. = 1
12. M2: Movie ticket? = 4
13. M2: Ah, chocolate? Umm. Yeah, no, no, no. I don’t // buy↑ no↓ But↑, ah, last week I and my friend // go to movie theater in, in Ri//ver Walk. We watch “Love Live” movie. (6.9) = 38
14. (M2) Do you like game? = 4
15. M2: It is little difficult the game is. // Umm↓, ah, how about your, your family? // = 20
16. M2: Oh. = 1
17. M2: Umm, I have, ah, four person, umm, father, // mother, me, and one old brother. He is // now thirty years old. Ah, this year, he ma//rried with Chinese people. = 36
18. M2: Ah! My father and mother is Chinese. // But↑ I born in Japan. (9.0) = 16
19. Umm, have you been to abroad? = 7
20. M2: Do you want to go abroad? = 7
21. M2: Europe. You don’t like America? = 9
22. M2: Umm. = 1
23. M2: Ah. Umm, I, I want to, umm, Europe, me, // too. Because I think America is // little horror because the gun, gun is // so terrible. I don’t like Ameri//ca. (3.0) = 41
24. (M2): I have been to six years in China, // but I don’t like China because air pol//lution is so terrible. = 27
25. M2: Umm. Do you belong to some club? = 8
26. M2: Ah. Ah↑, my friend is belong to the (Sa//kura). = 12
27. M2: Name is Ozono. = 5
28. M2: Ah, yes. Same class. (.) Umm, I belong to swim//ming club. = 12
29. M2: Tea club is one week to how time?= 8
30. M2: It, uh↓, one week? = 4
31. M2: Ah, one week three hours and (.) oh, do what, // ah, do what. What thing do in club? = 18
32. M2: Ah You↑ make tea? = 4
33. M2: Oh. Ah↑, everyone can make tea? = 8
34. M2: Ah. Swimming club is: (.) very, ah, Monday, // Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. = 18
35. M2: Everyday we swim three thousand meters. // So, it’s so hard (£). = 14
36. M2: Umm, I live in eh, (.) Itouzu. Do you know? = 8
37. M2: Umm, so I came here by bicycle, so, // so tired. Do you know (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan)? = 16
38. M2: Ah, the (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan) is top of the mountain, (.) I have // to over that mountain. So, so tired. = 19
39. M2: Dormitory? Where? = 5
40. M2: Ah! ↑ = 1
41. M2: Ah. = 1
42. M2: ( )? = 0
43. M2: Ah, train by two. = 4
44. M2: Two hours, ah, two hours↑? = 7
45. M2: You have to wake up so- = 6
46. M2: Oh, it’s so tired. = 5
47. M2: Do you like sports? = 5
48. M2: Watch. What sports? = 4
49. M2: Ah. Do you like SoftBank Hawks? = 7
50. M2: Oh. I don’t like baseball. = 6
51. M2: Because when I am junior-high school stu//dent, the ball hit my head, so I don’t like // baseball. (.) Umm, so I like swimming, so I // belong to swimming club. = 26
52. M2: Oh! Swimming school. Do you watching TV? = 10
53. M2: I think living alone people don’t have // TV. = 12
54. M2: Ah, your room mate have TV? = 7
55. M2: Ah, no. = 2
56. M2: Everyone don’t have TV. = 7
57. M2: Oh. = 1
58. M2: Only one TV? = 5
59. M2: Oh. I think it’s so boring. = 7

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