Sho and Ayaka

Session 5 : Male 2 to Female 2


Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 127.4   B: 118.6

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

314 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

12.3 (667 syllables)

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 91.6   B: 87.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

153.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.4 (235 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 64.1 secs.

Percentage: 12.0%

Total Speaking Time:

532 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

10.4 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M2: Hello!

F2: Hello.

M2: My name is Haku Sho

F2: Haku Sho.

M2: Yes.

F2: My name is Ayaka Miyashita.

M2: Ah, my parents↑ is Chinese, but I born in Japan, so (.) I’m Japanese↑(£).

F2: Japanese.

M2: Umm, what is your class?

F2: I belong to, (Japanese: etto), prefecture class.

M2: I belong to electrical class. (.) Umm, what is your hobby?

F2: Hobby, my hobby is dance, and I belong to (.) dance circle.

M2: Dance circle, Oh↑!

F2: (       )

M2: Oh! (3.9) Umm, my hobby is watching umm, manga, anime, playing games. (5.7) How, how was your family?

F2: Ah↓

M2: Your family is father, mother, you, and another people?

F2: One brother.

M2: Oh!

F2: He is twenty years old, one older heh.

M2: Ok, I have a one, father, mother, and
one older brother. He is today, ah, no↑.
This year, he is thirty years old. And today, he married. (7.5) Do you like↑ watching movies?

F2: I like SF movies, “Harry Potter” and-

M2: Harry Potter I like “Harry Potter”, but I don’t watch movie because I read all book. So, I think I don’t have to watch movie.

F2: Very interesting movie↓.

M2: SF is watching “Star Wars”?

F2: “Star Wars” ah, (Little) a little.

M2: I don’t watching “Star Wars”. I don’t, I’m (.) I like watching animation movie.

F2: Animation (4.0) I watch anime.

M2: For example?

F2: Eh, “Tokyo Ghoul”.

M2: Ah↑ I like↑, but I watched it by book, watching manga. It is so good.

F2: Good! Very interesting↓.

M2: Yes (7.5) Have you ever been to abroad?

F2: No, I want to go (.) Mont-Saint-Michel.

M2: Mont-Saint-Michel is what country?

F2: (Japanese: Etto)

M2: Europe?

F2: Europe

M2: Umm, I want to go Australia or Europe because I think Japan, ah, I think America is horror↑ because the gun is so So, I don’t like America. ↑ So, I think Europe or Australia is so peaceful↑.(£) (3.0) But I have been to China for six years but I don’t like that country. Because, ah, air pollution is so terrible, and Chinese, Chinese is little history, ah, hysteric. Heh So, I don’t like.

F2: Do you have pet?

M2: No, ↑ but I like↑ cat, I like cat.  Umm: but cat don’t like me. When we touch cat, cat always “sya~↑”.

F2: Dog, dog

M2: Um: umm, and I like dog, but… dog is too.

F2: Too. I like Toy Poodle.

M2: Ah: do you like little, little dog?

F2: Little dog. (.) I had, when I (.) elementary student I had hamster.

M2: Ah.

F2: Very cute heh heh.

M2: Oh, hamster. That is not so interesting, heh I think. I think the hamster is so noisy.

F2: Ah↑

M2: Scary?

F2: “Gari-gari-gari”.

M2: And, “Ka-ka-ka”. It is so noisy, I hear. (4.1) Do you watching TV?

F2: Heh No. ↓

M2: You have TV?

F2: Yes.

M2: Ah, you, you are in home?

F2: Home↑.

M2: Ah↑.

F2: I go Orio, Orio station.

M2: I’m nearly Itouzu. Do you know (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan)?

F2:  Kitakyushu

M2: Kitakyushu, yes. (2.9) It is top of the mountain.

F2: Mountain, umm.

M2: I’m live in the mountain (.)under.

F2:  Heh Under heh .

M2: So, I have to, I’m come here by bicycle, so I have to over that mountain, so (terrible) so (tired). (2.6) Do you like sports?

F2: Sports↑ (.) I like volley ball.

M2: Oh, Do you belong to volley ball club in when you were high-school, no, no, no, junior-high, no, no, high-school, high-school?

F2: Junior-high school.

M2: Ah, ↓ when you were junior-high school. ↓ I’m↑ belong to swimming club because I like swimming and I can’t play use, use ball’s sports heh. I don’t like ball use sports heh (7.5) Do you like↑, (.) umm, what↑ is your hobby, ah↑, no↑, no, Sorry(£). (5.0) What is your important memory?

F2: No, no, no.

M2: Umm, my memory is when I am high-school student, my friend, I play Nabe-party in high school with my friends. It is so, so fun↑. Because when teacher watch me, very angry. So, it is so fun.

F2: So fun. Umm, what kind of food do you like?

M2: Hmm, like food and meat. I don’t like vegetables.

F2: Heh Vegetables.

M2: I don’t like vegetables.

F2: I don’t like kinoko, mushroom.

M2: Oh. Especially, I don’t like nasubi. Ah, that’s-

F2: Very delicious↑!

M2: No! ↑ I think the taste is not so bad, but umm, (.) it’s so umm, so soft, so soft. That is I don’t like soft.

F2: Do you like tomato?

M2: Yes↑, I like.

F2: Oh. I↑ don’t like mushroom, but only I like enoki.

M2: Enoki is so good.


For this conversation, the speaking rates are fairly normal for this proficiency group (118.6) to Ayaka’s 87.7. Similarly the amount of silence is a little high but not necessarily noteworthy, 12.0%. There is little commentary from Ayaka to some of Sho’s comments, and she tends to ask few (3) questions. Cross-talk pausing is minimal, 10.4 seconds.  Ayaka also relies too much on minimal responses, and provides very few details about her life.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

1. F2: Hello. = 2
2. F2: Haku Sho. = 3
3. F2: My name is Ayaka Miyashita. = 10
4. F2: Japanese. = 3
5. F2: I belong to, (Japanese: etto), prefecture class. = 8
6. F2: Hobby, my hobby is dance, and I be//long to (.) dance circle. = 15
7. F2: ( ) = 0
8. F2: Ah↓ = 1
9. F2: One brother. = 3
10. F2: He is twenty years old, one older heh. = 9
11. F2: I like SF movies, “Harry Potter” // and- = 11
12. F2: Very interesting movie↓. = 8
13. F2: “Star Wars” ah, (Little) a little. = 8
14. F2: Animation (4.0) =4
15. (F2) I watch anime. = 5
16. F2: Eh, “Tokyo Ghoul”. = 5
17. F2: Good! Very interesting↓. = 7
18.F2: No, I want to go (.) Mont-Saint-Michel. = 9
19. F2: (Japanese: Etto) = 0
20. F2: Europe = 2
21. F2: Do you have pet? = 4
22. F2: Dog, dog = 2
23. F2: Too. I like Toy Poodle. = 6
24. F2: Little dog. (.) I had, when I (.) elemen//tary student I had hamster. = 18
25. F2: Very cute heh heh. = 3
26. F2: Ah↑ = 1
27. F2: “Gari-gari-gari”. = 6
28. F2: Heh No. ↓ = 1
29. F2: Yes. = 1
30. F2: Home↑. = 1
31. F2: I go Orio, Orio station. = 10
32. F2: Kitakyushu = 4
33. F2: Mountain, umm. = 3
34. F2: Heh Under heh . = 2
35. F2: Sports↑ (.) I like volley ball. = 7
36. F2: Junior-high school. = 4
37. F2: No, no, no. = 3
38. F2: So fun. Umm, what kind of food do you like? = 10
39. F2: Heh Vegetables. = 3
40. F2: I don’t like kinoko, mushroom. = 8
41. F2: Very delicious↑! = 5
42. F2: Do you like tomato? = 6
43. F2: Oh. I↑ don’t like mushroom, but only I // ike enoki. = 14

Male2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hello! = 2
2. M2: My name is Haku Sho = 6
3. M2: Yes. = 1
4. M2: Ah, my parents↑ is Chinese, but I // born in Japan, so (.) I’m Japanese↑(£). = 19
5. M2: Umm, what is your class? = 5
6. M2: I belong to electrical class. (.) Umm, // what is your hobby? = 15
7. M2: Dance circle, Oh↑! = 4
8. M2: Oh! (3.9) = 1
9. (M2): Umm, my hobby is watching umm, manga, // anime, playing games. (5.7) = 16
10. (M2): How, how was your family? = 6
11. M2: Your family is father, mother, you, and // another people? = 15
12. M2: Oh! = 1
13. M2: Ok, I have a one, father, mother, and // one older brother. He is today, ah, // no↑. = 21
14. (M2): This year, he is thirty years old. And to//day, he married. (7.5) = 14
15. (M2): Do you like↑ watching movies? = 7
16. M2: Harry Potter I like “Harry Potter”, // but I don’t watch movie because I read // all book. So, I think I don’t have to watch // movie. = 32
17. M2: SF is watching “Star Wars”? = 7
18. M2: I don’t watching “Star Wars”. I don’t, I’m (.) I // like watching animation movie. = 19
19. M2: For example? = 4
20. M2: Ah↑ I like↑, but I watched it by book, wa//tching manga. It is so good. = 17
21. M2: Yes (7.5) = 1
22. (M2) Have you ever been to abroad? = 8
23. M2: Mont-Saint-Michel is what country? = 8
24. M2: Europe? = 2
25. M2: Umm, I want to go Australia or Eu//rope because I think Japan, ah, I think // America is horror↑ because the // gun is so So, I don’t like Ameri//ca. ↑ So, I think Europe or Australia // is so peaceful↑.(£) (3.0) = 34
26. (M2): But I have been to China for six years // but I don’t like that country. Because, ah, // air pollution is so terrible, and // Chinese, Chinese is little history, // ah, hysteric. Heh So, I don’t like. = 48
27. M2: No, ↑ but I like↑ cat, I like cat. Umm: but // cat don’t like me. When we touch cat, cat al//ways “sya~↑”. = 22
28. M2: Um: umm, and I like dog, but… dog is too. = 10
29. M2: Ah: do you like little, little dog? = 9
30. M2: Ah. = 1
31. M2: Oh, hamster. That is not so interes//ting, heh I think. I think the hamster is so // noisy. = 22
32. M2: Scary? = 2
33. M2: And, “Ka-ka-ka”. It is so noisy, I // hear. (4.1) = 11
34. (M2): Do you watching TV? = 6
35. M2: You have TV? = 4
36. M2: Ah, you, you are in home? = 6
37. M2: Ah↑. = 1
38. M2: I’m nearly Itouzu. Do you know (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan)? = 9
39. M2: Kitakyushu, yes. (2.9) = 5
40. (M2) It is top of the mountain. = 7
41. M2: I’m live in the mountain (.)under. = 8
42. M2: So, I have to, I’m come here by bicycle, // so I have to over that mountain, so // (terrible) so (tired). (2.6) = 26
43. (M2): Do you like sports? = 5
44. M2: Oh, Do you belong to volley ball club // in when you were high-school, no, no, no, ju//nior-high, no, no, high-school, high-school? = 28
45. M2: Ah, ↓ when you were junior-high school. ↓ I’m↑ be//long to swimming club because I like swim//ming and I can’t play use, use ball’s sports // heh. I don’t like ball use sports. (7.5) = 37
46. (M2) Do you like↑, (.) umm, what↑ is your hobby, ah↑, // no↑, no, Sorry(£). (5.0) = 14
47. (M2) What is your important memory? = 9
48. M2: Umm, my memory is when I am high // school student, my friend, I play Nabe-par//ty in high school with my friends. It is so, // so fun↑. Because when teacher watch me, ve//ry angry. So, it is so fun. = 48
49. M2: Hmm, like food and meat. I don’t like veget//ables. = 11
50. M2: I don’t like vegetables. = 6
51. M2: Oh. Especially, I don’t like nasu//bi. Ah, that’s- = 14
52. M2: No! ↑ I think the taste is not so bad, but // umm, (.) it’s so umm, so soft, so soft. That is // I don’t like soft. = 24
53. M2: Yes↑, I like. = 3
54. M2: Enoki is so good. = 6


M2: Hello!

F2: Hello.

M2: My name is Haku Sho

F2: Haku Sho.

M2: Yes.

F2: My name is Ayaka Miyashita.

M2: Ah, my parents↑ is Chinese, but I born in Japan, so (.) I’m Japanese↑(£).

F2: Japanese.

M2: Umm, what is your class?

F2: I belong to, (Japanese: etto), prefecture class.

M2: I belong to electrical class. (.) Umm, what is your hobby?

F2: Hobby, my hobby is dance, and I belong to (.) dance circle.

M2: Dance circle, Oh↑!

F2: (       )

M2: Oh! (3.9) Umm, my hobby is watching umm, manga, anime, playing games. (5.7) How, how was your family?

F2: Ah↓

M2: Your family is father, mother, you, and another people?

F2: One brother.

M2: Oh!

F2: He is twenty years old, one older heh.

M2: Ok, I have a one, father, mother, and
one older brother. He is today, ah, no↑.
This year, he is thirty years old. And today, he married. (7.5) Do you like↑ watching movies?

F2: I like SF movies, “Harry Potter” and-

M2: Harry Potter I like “Harry Potter”, but I don’t watch movie because I read all book. So, I think I don’t have to watch movie.

F2: Very interesting movie↓.

M2: SF is watching “Star Wars”?

F2: “Star Wars” ah, (Little) a little.

M2: I don’t watching “Star Wars”. I don’t, I’m (.) I like watching animation movie.

F2: Animation (4.0) I watch anime.

M2: For example?

F2: Eh, “Tokyo Ghoul”.

M2: Ah↑ I like↑, but I watched it by book, watching manga. It is so good.

F2: Good! Very interesting↓.

M2: Yes (7.5) Have you ever been to abroad?

F2: No, I want to go (.) Mont-Saint-Michel.

M2: Mont-Saint-Michel is what country?

F2: (Japanese: Etto)

M2: Europe?

F2: Europe

M2: Umm, I want to go Australia or Europe because I think Japan, ah, I think America is horror↑ because the gun is so So, I don’t like America. ↑ So, I think Europe or Australia is so peaceful↑.(£) (3.0) But I have been to China for six years but I don’t like that country. Because, ah, air pollution is so terrible, and Chinese, Chinese is little history, ah, hysteric. Heh So, I don’t like.

F2: Do you have pet?

M2: No, ↑ but I like↑ cat, I like cat.  Umm: but cat don’t like me. When we touch cat, cat always “sya~↑”.

F2: Dog, dog

M2: Um: umm, and I like dog, but… dog is too.

F2: Too. I like Toy Poodle.

M2: Ah: do you like little, little dog?

F2: Little dog. (.) I had, when I (.) elementary student I had hamster.

M2: Ah.

F2: Very cute heh heh.

M2: Oh, hamster. That is not so interesting, heh I think. I think the hamster is so noisy.

F2: Ah↑

M2: Scary?

F2: “Gari-gari-gari”.

M2: And, “Ka-ka-ka”. It is so noisy, I hear. (4.1) Do you watching TV?

F2: Heh No. ↓

M2: You have TV?

F2: Yes.

M2: Ah, you, you are in home?

F2: Home↑.

M2: Ah↑.

F2: I go Orio, Orio station.

M2: I’m nearly Itouzu. Do you know (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan)?

F2:  Kitakyushu

M2: Kitakyushu, yes. (2.9) It is top of the mountain.

F2: Mountain, umm.

M2: I’m live in the mountain (.)under.

F2:  Heh Under heh .

M2: So, I have to, I’m come here by bicycle, so I have to over that mountain, so (terrible) so (tired). (2.6) Do you like sports?

F2: Sports↑ (.) I like volley ball.

M2: Oh, Do you belong to volley ball club in when you were high-school, no, no, no, junior-high, no, no, high-school, high-school?

F2: Junior-high school.

M2: Ah, ↓ when you were junior-high school. ↓ I’m↑ belong to swimming club because I like swimming and I can’t play use, use ball’s sports heh. I don’t like ball use sports heh (7.5) Do you like↑, (.) umm, what↑ is your hobby, ah↑, no↑, no, Sorry(£). (5.0) What is your important memory?

F2: No, no, no.

M2: Umm, my memory is when I am high-school student, my friend, I play Nabe-party in high school with my friends. It is so, so fun↑. Because when teacher watch me, very angry. So, it is so fun.

F2: So fun. Umm, what kind of food do you like?

M2: Hmm, like food and meat. I don’t like vegetables.

F2: Heh Vegetables.

M2: I don’t like vegetables.

F2: I don’t like kinoko, mushroom.

M2: Oh. Especially, I don’t like nasubi. Ah, that’s-

F2: Very delicious↑!

M2: No! ↑ I think the taste is not so bad, but umm, (.) it’s so umm, so soft, so soft. That is I don’t like soft.

F2: Do you like tomato?

M2: Yes↑, I like.

F2: Oh. I↑ don’t like mushroom, but only I like enoki.

M2: Enoki is so good.

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 127.4   B: 118.6

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

314 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

12.3 (667 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 91.6   B: 87.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

153.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

5.4 (235 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 64.1 secs.

Percentage: 12.0%

Total Speaking Time:

532 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

10.4 sec.


For this conversation, the speaking rates are fairly normal for this proficiency group (118.6) to Ayaka’s 87.7. Similarly the amount of silence is a little high but not necessarily noteworthy, 12.0%. There is little commentary from Ayaka to some of Sho’s comments, and she tends to ask few (3) questions. Cross-talk pausing is minimal, 10.4 seconds.  Ayaka also relies too much on minimal responses, and provides very few details about her life.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs.

1. F2: Hello. = 2
2. F2: Haku Sho. = 3
3. F2: My name is Ayaka Miyashita. = 10
4. F2: Japanese. = 3
5. F2: I belong to, (Japanese: etto), prefecture class. = 8
6. F2: Hobby, my hobby is dance, and I be//long to (.) dance circle. = 15
7. F2: ( ) = 0
8. F2: Ah↓ = 1
9. F2: One brother. = 3
10. F2: He is twenty years old, one older heh. = 9
11. F2: I like SF movies, “Harry Potter” // and- = 11
12. F2: Very interesting movie↓. = 8
13. F2: “Star Wars” ah, (Little) a little. = 8
14. F2: Animation (4.0) =4
15. (F2) I watch anime. = 5
16. F2: Eh, “Tokyo Ghoul”. = 5
17. F2: Good! Very interesting↓. = 7
18.F2: No, I want to go (.) Mont-Saint-Michel. = 9
19. F2: (Japanese: Etto) = 0
20. F2: Europe = 2
21. F2: Do you have pet? = 4
22. F2: Dog, dog = 2
23. F2: Too. I like Toy Poodle. = 6
24. F2: Little dog. (.) I had, when I (.) elemen//tary student I had hamster. = 18
25. F2: Very cute heh heh. = 3
26. F2: Ah↑ = 1
27. F2: “Gari-gari-gari”. = 6
28. F2: Heh No. ↓ = 1
29. F2: Yes. = 1
30. F2: Home↑. = 1
31. F2: I go Orio, Orio station. = 10
32. F2: Kitakyushu = 4
33. F2: Mountain, umm. = 3
34. F2: Heh Under heh . = 2
35. F2: Sports↑ (.) I like volley ball. = 7
36. F2: Junior-high school. = 4
37. F2: No, no, no. = 3
38. F2: So fun. Umm, what kind of food do you like? = 10
39. F2: Heh Vegetables. = 3
40. F2: I don’t like kinoko, mushroom. = 8
41. F2: Very delicious↑! = 5
42. F2: Do you like tomato? = 6
43. F2: Oh. I↑ don’t like mushroom, but only I // ike enoki. = 14

Male2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hello! = 2
2. M2: My name is Haku Sho = 6
3. M2: Yes. = 1
4. M2: Ah, my parents↑ is Chinese, but I // born in Japan, so (.) I’m Japanese↑(£). = 19
5. M2: Umm, what is your class? = 5
6. M2: I belong to electrical class. (.) Umm, // what is your hobby? = 15
7. M2: Dance circle, Oh↑! = 4
8. M2: Oh! (3.9) = 1
9. (M2): Umm, my hobby is watching umm, manga, // anime, playing games. (5.7) = 16
10. (M2): How, how was your family? = 6
11. M2: Your family is father, mother, you, and // another people? = 15
12. M2: Oh! = 1
13. M2: Ok, I have a one, father, mother, and // one older brother. He is today, ah, // no↑. = 21
14. (M2): This year, he is thirty years old. And to//day, he married. (7.5) = 14
15. (M2): Do you like↑ watching movies? = 7
16. M2: Harry Potter I like “Harry Potter”, // but I don’t watch movie because I read // all book. So, I think I don’t have to watch // movie. = 32
17. M2: SF is watching “Star Wars”? = 7
18. M2: I don’t watching “Star Wars”. I don’t, I’m (.) I // like watching animation movie. = 19
19. M2: For example? = 4
20. M2: Ah↑ I like↑, but I watched it by book, wa//tching manga. It is so good. = 17
21. M2: Yes (7.5) = 1
22. (M2) Have you ever been to abroad? = 8
23. M2: Mont-Saint-Michel is what country? = 8
24. M2: Europe? = 2
25. M2: Umm, I want to go Australia or Eu//rope because I think Japan, ah, I think // America is horror↑ because the // gun is so So, I don’t like Ameri//ca. ↑ So, I think Europe or Australia // is so peaceful↑.(£) (3.0) = 34
26. (M2): But I have been to China for six years // but I don’t like that country. Because, ah, // air pollution is so terrible, and // Chinese, Chinese is little history, // ah, hysteric. Heh So, I don’t like. = 48
27. M2: No, ↑ but I like↑ cat, I like cat. Umm: but // cat don’t like me. When we touch cat, cat al//ways “sya~↑”. = 22
28. M2: Um: umm, and I like dog, but… dog is too. = 10
29. M2: Ah: do you like little, little dog? = 9
30. M2: Ah. = 1
31. M2: Oh, hamster. That is not so interes//ting, heh I think. I think the hamster is so // noisy. = 22
32. M2: Scary? = 2
33. M2: And, “Ka-ka-ka”. It is so noisy, I // hear. (4.1) = 11
34. (M2): Do you watching TV? = 6
35. M2: You have TV? = 4
36. M2: Ah, you, you are in home? = 6
37. M2: Ah↑. = 1
38. M2: I’m nearly Itouzu. Do you know (Japanese: Bijyutsu-kan)? = 9
39. M2: Kitakyushu, yes. (2.9) = 5
40. (M2) It is top of the mountain. = 7
41. M2: I’m live in the mountain (.)under. = 8
42. M2: So, I have to, I’m come here by bicycle, // so I have to over that mountain, so // (terrible) so (tired). (2.6) = 26
43. (M2): Do you like sports? = 5
44. M2: Oh, Do you belong to volley ball club // in when you were high-school, no, no, no, ju//nior-high, no, no, high-school, high-school? = 28
45. M2: Ah, ↓ when you were junior-high school. ↓ I’m↑ be//long to swimming club because I like swim//ming and I can’t play use, use ball’s sports // heh. I don’t like ball use sports. (7.5) = 37
46. (M2) Do you like↑, (.) umm, what↑ is your hobby, ah↑, // no↑, no, Sorry(£). (5.0) = 14
47. (M2) What is your important memory? = 9
48. M2: Umm, my memory is when I am high // school student, my friend, I play Nabe-par//ty in high school with my friends. It is so, // so fun↑. Because when teacher watch me, ve//ry angry. So, it is so fun. = 48
49. M2: Hmm, like food and meat. I don’t like veget//ables. = 11
50. M2: I don’t like vegetables. = 6
51. M2: Oh. Especially, I don’t like nasu//bi. Ah, that’s- = 14
52. M2: No! ↑ I think the taste is not so bad, but // umm, (.) it’s so umm, so soft, so soft. That is // I don’t like soft. = 24
53. M2: Yes↑, I like. = 3
54. M2: Enoki is so good. = 6

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