Naoyuki and Sho

Session 5 : Male 3 to Male 2


Statistics M3

Speaking Rate

A: 124.6   B: 112.6

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

310.1 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.0 (644 syllables)

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 112.3   B: 106.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

497.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

12.6 (932 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 74.8 secs.

Percentage: 9.0%

Total Speaking Time:

827 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

19.0 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M3: Nice to meet you.

M2: I’m class of electro class.

M3: Ah: (.) I’m class is mechanical class.

M2: Oh. Umm, what is your hobby?

M3: My hobby↑ is: (.) playing video games.

M2: Oh.

M3: Ah, I like play video games. What’s your hobby?

M2: Ah, my hobby is watching: anime, and, wat-, ah, buy↑ manga.

M3: Oh, ok.

M2: Um, what do you like, um, do, do, you play what types↑ video game?

M3: Ah, I play, ah, play games, (Japanese: etto), every day, (.) an hour↑.

M2: Oh↓. Play “3DS”? or–

M3: Yes! “3DS”! “3DS”

M2: Ah, “3DS”.

M3: By one hour.

M2: You, you play “Pokemon” ↑?

M3: Yeah heh yeah heh yeah.

M2: Oh.

M3: You, you too?

M2: Yeah, I want to buy↑ but I have no money now.

M3: Ah, ok. What’s, what’s anime and manga, do you like?

M2: Manga is now, “Gin-tama” and “Fairy tale”.

M3: Ok.

M2: That is so good. Anime is now, umm, (Fake). It’s, umm, minor, but I think it is very good anime↓. (2.1) Umm, how about your family?

M3: My family is four person, my, me and younger sister and my father and my mother.

M2: Oh. I have four people, father, mother, and old brother. And, he’s  this is, this year, he is about thirty old, thirty years old. And today, ah, no, no, no. This year, he, he married.

M3: Yeah. (Oh):

M2: Do you watching TV?

M3: Yeah, but, (.) eh: when, ah, when I enter this university, I, (.) I look TV times be gain, gain!?

M2: Gain, yes.

M3: Loose.

M2: Loose. What, what’s TV do you like? Ah, for example, umm, I like “Sekai-no-hatemade-itte-kyu” and “Syabekuri-seven” and “Getsuyou-kara-yofukashi” and, like that.

M3: Ah, I like, I like too.

M2: Oh. Umm, do you want to go abroad?

M3: Ah, I’m very want to go abroad but now I have no money, so this year I do (Japanese: arbeit) do: (Japanese: etto), umm, save money, and next year↑  I want to go abroad, Taiwan or Europe↑, I want to.

M2: Europe, oh. Do you↑ want to go America?

M3: Ah, I want, I want but, eh, ah:↑. No, but. I want to, very↑ want↑ to do.

M2: I want to go Europe, but I think America is little horror↑ because the gun is so terrible↑. So I:↑ I think Europe is so peace, so I like, I want to go Europe. (7.6) Do you belong to (.) Club↑?

M3: Yeah. I’m belong football now.

M2: Oh!

M3: I, I’m, it’s very hard↑ but↑ very interesting.

M2: Oh.

M3: What’s you hobby, belong?

M2: I, I’m belong to swimming club. Umm, one week have four days, and every day↑ we swim about three thousand meters.

M3: Ah.

M2: It’s so hard.

M3: Very long.

M2: Football club is so hard?

M3: Yeah, eh:, umm. Five day on week. Eh, and, umm, running and training my muscle, (every day, nearly.

M2: Ah, I think it’s so hard↑. (.) What’s sports do you like?

M3: I like rugby and football.

M2: Oh.

M3: It’s very interesting.


M2: Ah. Umm, do you watching movie?

M3: Ah, I, I–

M2: For example, “Harry Potter”–

M3: “Harry Potter”, I saw. And, I, now, I want to go to see Millions, “Minions”.

M2 Minion?

M3: “Millions”.

M2: Ah:

M3: Do you know?

M2: I don’t know.

M3: Ah, “Minions”, and–

M2: It’s American movie?

M3: Ah↑, umm, yes, yes, uh

M2: Oh.

M3: Universal Studio…

M2: Ah! ↑

M3: “Minions”.

M2: It’s “Dinosaur” ’s…

M3: Ah! ↑ heh heh

M2: Ah! ↑ I know. ↑ Umm, I think it’s so interesting. I want to go to. But I have no money now (£).

M3: Ah, yes.

M2: Do you know, do you now doing (Japanese: arbeit)?

M3: Yeah, I do (Japanese: arbeit), ah, eh, I teach high-school students, math and (Japanese: ano) physics.

M2: Oh. I’m (Japanese: arbeit) at Saega-tani’s Sukesan, Sukesan-udon But↑ I can’t cooking, so I only do hall↑.

M3: Ah

M2: But it is so interesting.

M3: Ah.


M2: What↑ is your dream↑?

M3: Ah, my dream is eh, make robot. (Oh) It’s robot is very interesting, and very (2.5) ah: (Japanese: sensai), so I’m very want to make.

M2: You want to make what’s, what’s type is robots?

M3: Ah, I wants make about (.) human type.

M2: Ah, human type.

M3: Can, can speak, can (work), can dance.

M2: Oh! It is so↑ (.) difficult heh.

M3: Yeah, ↑ yeah. So, I must study hard. What’s your dream?

M2: I want to, umm:↑, make car.  I like car, so↑ I think. And Japan’s car company is so famous, so I want to belong to that so big company. (8.9) Ah Umm, I think my, my swimming club have mechanical class people, name is Kawasaki, do you know?

M3: My, my friend. It’s true.

M2: I sometimes meet you with him.

M3: Heh Ah, ok.

M2: Umm, he is what↑ people.

M3: He is very interesting people, but, (Japanese: nan), ah (.) little, he is (2.9) clever.

M2: Clever, heh heh oh.

M3: Ah, little clever, so very interesting.

M2: Oh. (5.7) What do you: ah↑, what food do you like?

M3: I like sushi.

M2: Ah, sushi.

M3: Very like, so–

M2: Can you eat (Japanese: kara), ah, wasabi?

M3: Yes. I, I, I like very wasabi, so heh Wasabi and syo-yu, one (.) one-one one-one.

M2: Oh. Is wasabi is so many, but I want, I can’t eat wasabi because it’s so hard. Umm.

M3: It’s very yummy.

M2: What’s sushi, do you like? For example, Ikura

M3: I like Salmon.

M2: Salmon.

M3: And, (Japanese: Tai).

M2: (Japanese: Tai). I have never watched (Japanese: Tai), sushi.

M3: Really?

M2: I every, I every time go to Kaiten-sushi.

M3: Ah, yeah, yeah.

M2: Kaiten-sushi have (Japanese: Tai)?

M3: Yeah.

M2: Ah… I have never met.

M3: (Japanese: Maguro) is–

M2: Ah, (Japanese: maguro) is so famous.

M3: Very famous.

M2: I like (Japanese: ebi, (Japanese: Ebi) is so good. But the um (Japanese: shippo), tail, the tail is little umm, little–

M3: (Japanese: jyama)?

M2: Ah, yes. Do you like this university’s teacher?

M3: Yes, like. Everyone is very interesting. Ah–

M2: Umm… But my, our class’s math teacher is little bad because he’s, he: his number we can’t read, and he, he eraser so, so quick. So, we can’t write, write down our note. So, every time we, (.) we take a picture. (15.4) What is your↑ mo- most important memories?

M3: My most important memory: (.) is high-school club. I was belong, I belonged to rugby, so when I was, (.) when I was high-school student, I go summer training, summer training, and go to Kumamoto. It’s very hard, but it’s very interesting and (.) ah, interesting so my memory, my important memory is that. I a lot, a lot of things I learn, I know (and) that, summer training.

M2: Oh. My memory is when I was high-school student, we make, we do Nabe-party↑ at, at school. So, it’s so interesting because the Nabe’s is so terrible. Because↑ heh everyone umm, bring everyone’s favorite food, so the Nabe is so terrible.

M3: “Yami-Nabe”.

M2: Yes.↑  I, I↑  bring meat, but umm other people make cheese cake and Gari-Gari-kun, that ice. So: terrible↑. It’s so terrible.

M3: It must not do that thing.

M2: No, we–

M3: Yummy?

M2: Yummy, ah, not yummy, but everyone eat (£).

M3: Ah, must.

M2: We must eat that because we have to clean that Nabe at high-school. It so hard. heh (10.7) Umm, do you read books?

M3: I read. I read but ah, (Japanese: iya), I read now (Japanse:ano… nan-da-kke), I read, I read ah, I read “Harry Potter” now.

M2: “Harry Potter”!

M3: I’m eh, I have read “Harry Potter” a lot time. But, it’s very interesting. I want read (.) every time. Every time?

M2: Oh, I, I read “Harry Potter” at junior-high school, but when I watched that, I can’t understand. So↑, when I high-school student, I read “Harry Potter” one more time. That time I can understand. But I only watch, only read book, I, I have never watched “Harry Potter” movie.


Both males have a high speaking rate, 106.5  for Sho, and 112.6 for Naoyuki. Cross-talk pausing is not very high, 19.0 seconds, as well as the percentage of silence, 9.9%  though this is 74.8 seconds. Mean length runs are fairly normal 12.6/9.0, and both participants are productive, with Naoyuki having 640 words and Sho having 441 words. Both males have few minimal responses.

MLR Transcript

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: I’m class of electro class. = 7
2. M2: Oh. Umm, what is your hobby? = 7
3. M2: Oh. = 1
4. M2: Ah, my hobby is watching: anime, // and, wat-, ah, buy↑ manga. = 16
5. M2: Um, what do you like, um, do, do, you play // what types↑ video game? = 16
6. M2: Oh↓. Play “3DS”? or– = 6
7. M2: Ah, “3DS”. = 4
8. M2: You, you play “Pokemon” ↑? = 6
9. M2: Oh. = 1
10. M2: Yeah, I want to buy↑ but I have no mo//ney now. = 12
11. M2: Manga is now, “Gin-tama” and “Fairy // tale”. = 11
12. M2: That is so good. Anime is now, umm, // (Fake). It’s, umm, minor, but I think it is // very good anime↓. (2.1) = 26
13. (M2): Umm, how about your family? = 8
14. M2: Oh. I have four people, father, mother, // and old brother. And, he’s this is, this // year, he is about thirty old, thirty // years old. And today, ah, no, no, no. This // year, he, he married. = 45
15. M2: Do you watching TV? = 6
16. M2: Gain, yes. = 2
17. M2: Loose. What, what’s TV do you like? Ah, for // example, umm, I like “Sekai-no-ha//temade-itte-kyu” and “Syabe//kuri-seven” and “Getsuyou-kara-yo//fukashi” and, like that. = 46
18. M2: Oh. Umm, do you want to go abroad? = 9
19. M2: Europe, oh. Do you↑ want to go Ame//rica? = 12
20. M2: I want to go Europe, but I think A//merica is little horror↑ be//cause the gun is so terrible↑. So I:↑ // I think Europe is so peace, so I like, // I want to go Europe. (7.6) = 36
21. Do you belong to (.) Club↑? = 6
22. M2: Oh! = 1
23. M2: Oh. = 1
24. M2: I, I’m belong to swimming club. Umm, one // week have four days, and every day↑ we swim // about three thousand meters. = 27
25. M2: It’s so hard. = 3
26. M2: Football club is so hard? = 6
27. M2: Ah, I think it’s so hard↑. (.) What’s sports // do you like? = 13
28. M2: Oh. = 1
29. M2: Ah. Umm, do you watching movie? = 8
30. M2: For example, “Harry Potter”– = 8
31. M2 Minion? = 2
32. M2: Ah: = 1
33. M2: I don’t know. = 3
34. M2: It’s American movie? = 7
35. M2: Oh. = 1
36. M2: Ah! ↑ = 1
37. M2: It’s “Dinosaur” ’s = 5
38. M2: Ah! ↑ I know. ↑ Umm, I think it’s so inter//esting. I want to go to. But I have // no money now (£). = 24
39. M2: Do you know, do you now doing (Japanese: arbeit)? = 8
40. M2: Oh. I’m (Japanese: arbeit) at Saega-tani’s Sukesan, // Sukesan-udon But↑ I can’t cooking, // so I only do hall↑. = 26
41. M2: But it is so interesting. = 8
42. M2: What↑ is your dream↑? = 4
43. M2: You want to make what’s, what’s type is robots? = 10
44. M2: Ah, human type. = 4
45. M2: Oh! It is so↑ (.) difficult heh. = 6
46. M2: I want to, umm:↑, make car. I like car, so↑ // I think. And Japan’s car company // is so famous, so I want to belong // to that so big company. (8.9) = 37
47. (M2) Ah Umm, I think my, my swimming club have // mechanical class people, name is Ka//wasaki, do you know? = 26
48. M2: I sometimes meet you with him. = 8
49. M2: Umm, he is what↑ people. = 6
50. M2: Clever, heh heh oh. = 3
51. M2: Oh. (5.7) = 1
52. (M2) What do you: ah↑, what food do you like? = 9
53. M2: Ah, sushi. = 3
54. M2: Can you eat (Japanese: kara), ah, wasabi? = 7
55. M2: Oh. Is wasabi is so many, but // I want, I can’t eat wasabi because // it’s so hard. Umm. = 24
56. M2: What’s sushi, do you like? For example,// Ikura… = 13
57. M2: Salmon. = 2
58. M2: (Japanese: Tai.) I have never watched (Japanese: Tai), sushi. = 8
59. M2: I every, I every time go to Kai//ten-sushi. = 13
60. M2: Kaiten-sushi have (Japanese: Tai)? = 5
61. M2: Ah I have never met. = 6
62. M2: Ah, (Japanese: maguro) is so famous. = 5
63. M2: I like (Japanese: ebi, (Japanese: Ebi) is so good. But the um (Japanese: shippo), tail, the // tail is little umm, little– = 18
64. M2: Ah, yes. Do you like this universi//ty’s teacher? = 13
65. M2: Umm… But my, our class’s math teacher is // little bad because he’s, he: his number // we can’t read, and he, he eraser so, // so quick. So, we can’t write, write down our // note. So, every time we, (.) we take a pic//ture. (15.4) = 51
66. (M2) What is your↑ mo- most important memo//ries? = 11
67. M2: Oh. My memory is when I was hig//school student, we make, we do Nabe-par//ty↑ at, at school. So, it’s so interes//ting because the Nabe’s is so terri//ble. Because↑ heh everyone umm, bring every//one’s favorite food, so the Nabe is so // terrible. = 63
68. M2: Yes.↑ I, I↑ bring meat, but umm other peo//ple make cheese cake and Gari-Gari-kun, // that ice. So: terrible↑. It’s so terri//ble. = 31
69. M2: No, we- = 2
70. M2: Yummy, ah, not yummy, but everyone // eat (£). = 11
71. M2: We must eat that because we have to clean // that Nabe at high-school. It so hard. // heh (10.7) = 20
72. (M2) Umm, do you read books? = 6
73. M2: “Harry Potter”! = 4
74. M2: Oh, I, I read “Harry Potter” at jun//ior-high school, but when I watched that, I can’t // understand. So↑, when I high-school student, // I read “Harry Potter” one more time. That // time I can understand. But I only // watch, only read book, I, I have never // watched “Harry Potter” movie. = 68

Male 3 Mean Length Runs

1. M3: Nice to meet you. = 4
2. M3: Ah: (.) I’m class is mechanical class. = 9
3. M3: My hobby↑ is: (.) playing video games. = 10
4. M3: Ah, I like play video games. What’s your // hobby? = 12
5. M3: Oh, ok. = 3
6. M3: Ah, I play, ah, play games, (Japanese: etto), every day, (.) an // hour↑. = 12
7. M3: Yes! “3DS”! “3DS” = 7
8. M3: By one hour. = 4
9. M3: Yeah heh yeah heh yeah. = 3
10. M3: You, you too? = 3
11. M3: Ah, ok. What’s, what’s anime and man//ga, do you like? = 14
12. M3: Ok. = 2
13. M3: My family is four person, my, me and // younger sister and my father and my // mother. = 22
14. M3: Yeah. (Oh): = 2
15. M3: Yeah, but, (.) eh: when, ah, when I enter this // university, I, (.) I look TV // times be gain, gain!? = 25
16. M3: Loose. = 1
17. M3: Ah, I like, I like too. = 6
18. M3: Ah, I’m very want to go abroad but // now I have no money, so this year I // do (Japanese: arbeit) do: (Japanese: etto), umm, save money, and next year↑ I // want to go abroad, Taiwan or Europe↑,// I want to. = 43
19. M3: Ah, I want, I want but, eh, ah:↑. No, but. // I want to, very↑ want↑ to do. = 18
20. M3: Yeah. I’m belong football now. = 7
21. M3: I, I’m, it’s very hard↑ but↑ very in//teresting. = 13
22. M3: What’s you hobby, belong? = 6
23. M3: Ah. = 1
24. M3: Very long. = 3
25. M3: Yeah, eh:, umm. Five day on week. Eh, and, umm, // running and training my muscle, every // day, nearly. = 23
26. M3: I like rugby and football. = 7
27. M3: It’s very interesting. = 7
28. M3: Ah, I, I– = 3
29. M3: “Harry Potter”, I saw. And, I, now, I // want to go to see Millions, “Minions”. = 19
30. M3: “Millions”. = 2
31. M3: Do you know? = 3
32. M3: Ah, “Minions”, and– = 4
33. M3: Ah↑, umm, yes, yes, uh = 5
34. M3: Universal Studio– = 7
35. M3: “Minions”. = 2
36. M3: Ah! ↑ heh heh = 1
37. M3: Ah, yes. = 2
38. M3: Yeah, I do (Japanese: arbeit), ah, eh, I teach high-school stu//dents, math and (Japanese: ano) physics. = 15
39. M3: Ah = 1
40. M3: Ah. = 1
41. M3: Ah, my dream is eh, make robot. It’s ro//bot is very interesting, and ve//ry (2.5) = 21
42. (M3): ah: (Japanese: sensai), so I’m very want to make. = 8
43. M3: Ah, I wants make about (.) human type. = 9
44. M3: Can, can speak, can (work), can dance. = 7
45. M3: Yeah, ↑ yeah. So, I must study hard. What’s your // dream? = 11
46. M3: My, my friend. It’s true. = 5
47. M3: Heh Ah, ok. = 3
48. M3: He is very interesting people, // but, (Japanese: nan), ah (.) little, he is (2.9) = 16
50. (M3): clever. = 2
51. M3: Ah, little clever, so very inter//esting. = 12
52. M3: I like sushi. = 4
53. M3: Very like, so– = 4
54. M3: Yes. I, I, I like very wasabi, // so heh Wasabi and syo-yu, one (.) one-one // one-one. = 12
55. M3: It’s very yummy. = 5
56. M3: I like Salmon. = 4
57. M3: And, (Japanese: Tai). = 1
58. M3: Really? = 2
59. M3: Ah, yeah, yeah. = 3
60. M3: Yeah. = 1
61. M3: (Japanese: Maguro) is– = 1
62. M3: Very famous. = 4
63. M3: (Japanese: jyama)? = 0
64. M3: Yes, like. Everyone is very inter//esting. Ah– = 13
65. M3: My most important memory: (.) is high-// school club. I was belong, I belonged // to rugby, so when I was, (.) when I was // high-school student, I go summer training, // summer training, and go to Kumamo//to. It’s very hard, but it’s very in//teresting and (.) ah, interesting so // my memory, my important memo//ry is that. I a lot, a lot of things // I learn, I know (and) that, summer training. // = 100
66. M3: “Yami-Nabe”. = 4
67. M3: It must not do that thing. = 6
68. M3: Yummy? = 2
69. M3: Ah, must. = 2
70. M3: I read. I read but ah, (Japanese: iya), I read now (Japanse:ano… nan-da-kke), I // read, I read ah, I read “Harry Potter” // now. = 21
71. M3: I’m eh, I have read “Harry Potter” a // lot time. But, it’s very interesting. // I want read (.) every time. Every time? = 29


M3: Nice to meet you.

M2: I’m class of electro class.

M3: Ah: (.) I’m class is mechanical class.

M2: Oh. Umm, what is your hobby?

M3: My hobby↑ is: (.) playing video games.

M2: Oh.

M3: Ah, I like play video games. What’s your hobby?

M2: Ah, my hobby is watching: anime, and, wat-, ah, buy↑ manga.

M3: Oh, ok.

M2: Um, what do you like, um, do, do, you play what types↑ video game?

M3: Ah, I play, ah, play games, (Japanese: etto), every day, (.) an hour↑.

M2: Oh↓. Play “3DS”? or–

M3: Yes! “3DS”! “3DS”

M2: Ah, “3DS”.

M3: By one hour.

M2: You, you play “Pokemon” ↑?

M3: Yeah heh yeah heh yeah.

M2: Oh.

M3: You, you too?

M2: Yeah, I want to buy↑ but I have no money now.

M3: Ah, ok. What’s, what’s anime and manga, do you like?

M2: Manga is now, “Gin-tama” and “Fairy tale”.

M3: Ok.

M2: That is so good. Anime is now, umm, (Fake). It’s, umm, minor, but I think it is very good anime↓. (2.1) Umm, how about your family?

M3: My family is four person, my, me and younger sister and my father and my mother.

M2: Oh. I have four people, father, mother, and old brother. And, he’s  this is, this year, he is about thirty old, thirty years old. And today, ah, no, no, no. This year, he, he married.

M3: Yeah. (Oh):

M2: Do you watching TV?

M3: Yeah, but, (.) eh: when, ah, when I enter this university, I, (.) I look TV times be gain, gain!?

M2: Gain, yes.

M3: Loose.

M2: Loose. What, what’s TV do you like? Ah, for example, umm, I like “Sekai-no-hatemade-itte-kyu” and “Syabekuri-seven” and “Getsuyou-kara-yofukashi” and, like that.

M3: Ah, I like, I like too.

M2: Oh. Umm, do you want to go abroad?

M3: Ah, I’m very want to go abroad but now I have no money, so this year I do (Japanese: arbeit) do: (Japanese: etto), umm, save money, and next year↑  I want to go abroad, Taiwan or Europe↑, I want to.

M2: Europe, oh. Do you↑ want to go America?

M3: Ah, I want, I want but, eh, ah:↑. No, but. I want to, very↑ want↑ to do.

M2: I want to go Europe, but I think America is little horror↑ because the gun is so terrible↑. So I:↑ I think Europe is so peace, so I like, I want to go Europe. (7.6) Do you belong to (.) Club↑?

M3: Yeah. I’m belong football now.

M2: Oh!

M3: I, I’m, it’s very hard↑ but↑ very interesting.

M2: Oh.

M3: What’s you hobby, belong?

M2: I, I’m belong to swimming club. Umm, one week have four days, and every day↑ we swim about three thousand meters.

M3: Ah.

M2: It’s so hard.

M3: Very long.

M2: Football club is so hard?

M3: Yeah, eh:, umm. Five day on week. Eh, and, umm, running and training my muscle, (every day, nearly.

M2: Ah, I think it’s so hard↑. (.) What’s sports do you like?

M3: I like rugby and football.

M2: Oh.

M3: It’s very interesting.


M2: Ah. Umm, do you watching movie?

M3: Ah, I, I–

M2: For example, “Harry Potter”–

M3: “Harry Potter”, I saw. And, I, now, I want to go to see Millions, “Minions”.

M2 Minion?

M3: “Millions”.

M2: Ah:

M3: Do you know?

M2: I don’t know.

M3: Ah, “Minions”, and–

M2: It’s American movie?

M3: Ah↑, umm, yes, yes, uh

M2: Oh.

M3: Universal Studio…

M2: Ah! ↑

M3: “Minions”.

M2: It’s “Dinosaur” ’s…

M3: Ah! ↑ heh heh

M2: Ah! ↑ I know. ↑ Umm, I think it’s so interesting. I want to go to. But I have no money now (£).

M3: Ah, yes.

M2: Do you know, do you now doing (Japanese: arbeit)?

M3: Yeah, I do (Japanese: arbeit), ah, eh, I teach high-school students, math and (Japanese: ano) physics.

M2: Oh. I’m (Japanese: arbeit) at Saega-tani’s Sukesan, Sukesan-udon But↑ I can’t cooking, so I only do hall↑.

M3: Ah

M2: But it is so interesting.

M3: Ah.


M2: What↑ is your dream↑?

M3: Ah, my dream is eh, make robot. (Oh) It’s robot is very interesting, and very (2.5) ah: (Japanese: sensai), so I’m very want to make.

M2: You want to make what’s, what’s type is robots?

M3: Ah, I wants make about (.) human type.

M2: Ah, human type.

M3: Can, can speak, can (work), can dance.

M2: Oh! It is so↑ (.) difficult heh.

M3: Yeah, ↑ yeah. So, I must study hard. What’s your dream?

M2: I want to, umm:↑, make car.  I like car, so↑ I think. And Japan’s car company is so famous, so I want to belong to that so big company. (8.9) Ah Umm, I think my, my swimming club have mechanical class people, name is Kawasaki, do you know?

M3: My, my friend. It’s true.

M2: I sometimes meet you with him.

M3: Heh Ah, ok.

M2: Umm, he is what↑ people.

M3: He is very interesting people, but, (Japanese: nan), ah (.) little, he is (2.9) clever.

M2: Clever, heh heh oh.

M3: Ah, little clever, so very interesting.

M2: Oh. (5.7) What do you: ah↑, what food do you like?

M3: I like sushi.

M2: Ah, sushi.

M3: Very like, so–

M2: Can you eat (Japanese: kara), ah, wasabi?

M3: Yes. I, I, I like very wasabi, so heh Wasabi and syo-yu, one (.) one-one one-one.

M2: Oh. Is wasabi is so many, but I want, I can’t eat wasabi because it’s so hard. Umm.

M3: It’s very yummy.

M2: What’s sushi, do you like? For example, Ikura

M3: I like Salmon.

M2: Salmon.

M3: And, (Japanese: Tai).

M2: (Japanese: Tai). I have never watched (Japanese: Tai), sushi.

M3: Really?

M2: I every, I every time go to Kaiten-sushi.

M3: Ah, yeah, yeah.

M2: Kaiten-sushi have (Japanese: Tai)?

M3: Yeah.

M2: Ah… I have never met.

M3: (Japanese: Maguro) is–

M2: Ah, (Japanese: maguro) is so famous.

M3: Very famous.

M2: I like (Japanese: ebi, (Japanese: Ebi) is so good. But the um (Japanese: shippo), tail, the tail is little umm, little–

M3: (Japanese: jyama)?

M2: Ah, yes. Do you like this university’s teacher?

M3: Yes, like. Everyone is very interesting. Ah–

M2: Umm… But my, our class’s math teacher is little bad because he’s, he: his number we can’t read, and he, he eraser so, so quick. So, we can’t write, write down our note. So, every time we, (.) we take a picture. (15.4) What is your↑ mo- most important memories?

M3: My most important memory: (.) is high-school club. I was belong, I belonged to rugby, so when I was, (.) when I was high-school student, I go summer training, summer training, and go to Kumamoto. It’s very hard, but it’s very interesting and (.) ah, interesting so my memory, my important memory is that. I a lot, a lot of things I learn, I know (and) that, summer training.

M2: Oh. My memory is when I was high-school student, we make, we do Nabe-party↑ at, at school. So, it’s so interesting because the Nabe’s is so terrible. Because↑ heh everyone umm, bring everyone’s favorite food, so the Nabe is so terrible.

M3: “Yami-Nabe”.

M2: Yes.↑  I, I↑  bring meat, but umm other people make cheese cake and Gari-Gari-kun, that ice. So: terrible↑. It’s so terrible.

M3: It must not do that thing.

M2: No, we–

M3: Yummy?

M2: Yummy, ah, not yummy, but everyone eat (£).

M3: Ah, must.

M2: We must eat that because we have to clean that Nabe at high-school. It so hard. heh (10.7) Umm, do you read books?

M3: I read. I read but ah, (Japanese: iya), I read now (Japanse:ano… nan-da-kke), I read, I read ah, I read “Harry Potter” now.

M2: “Harry Potter”!

M3: I’m eh, I have read “Harry Potter” a lot time. But, it’s very interesting. I want read (.) every time. Every time?

M2: Oh, I, I read “Harry Potter” at junior-high school, but when I watched that, I can’t understand. So↑, when I high-school student, I read “Harry Potter” one more time. That time I can understand. But I only watch, only read book, I, I have never watched “Harry Potter” movie.

Statistics M3

Speaking Rate

A: 124.6   B: 112.6

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

310.1 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.0 (644 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

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Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 112.3   B: 106.5

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

497.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

12.6 (932 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 74.8 secs.

Percentage: 9.0%

Total Speaking Time:

827 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

19.0 sec.


Both males have a high speaking rate, 106.5  for Sho, and 112.6 for Naoyuki. Cross-talk pausing is not very high, 19.0 seconds, as well as the percentage of silence, 9.9%  though this is 74.8 seconds. Mean length runs are fairly normal 12.6/9.0, and both participants are productive, with Naoyuki having 640 words and Sho having 441 words. Both males have few minimal responses.

MLR Transcript

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: I’m class of electro class. = 7
2. M2: Oh. Umm, what is your hobby? = 7
3. M2: Oh. = 1
4. M2: Ah, my hobby is watching: anime, // and, wat-, ah, buy↑ manga. = 16
5. M2: Um, what do you like, um, do, do, you play // what types↑ video game? = 16
6. M2: Oh↓. Play “3DS”? or– = 6
7. M2: Ah, “3DS”. = 4
8. M2: You, you play “Pokemon” ↑? = 6
9. M2: Oh. = 1
10. M2: Yeah, I want to buy↑ but I have no mo//ney now. = 12
11. M2: Manga is now, “Gin-tama” and “Fairy // tale”. = 11
12. M2: That is so good. Anime is now, umm, // (Fake). It’s, umm, minor, but I think it is // very good anime↓. (2.1) = 26
13. (M2): Umm, how about your family? = 8
14. M2: Oh. I have four people, father, mother, // and old brother. And, he’s this is, this // year, he is about thirty old, thirty // years old. And today, ah, no, no, no. This // year, he, he married. = 45
15. M2: Do you watching TV? = 6
16. M2: Gain, yes. = 2
17. M2: Loose. What, what’s TV do you like? Ah, for // example, umm, I like “Sekai-no-ha//temade-itte-kyu” and “Syabe//kuri-seven” and “Getsuyou-kara-yo//fukashi” and, like that. = 46
18. M2: Oh. Umm, do you want to go abroad? = 9
19. M2: Europe, oh. Do you↑ want to go Ame//rica? = 12
20. M2: I want to go Europe, but I think A//merica is little horror↑ be//cause the gun is so terrible↑. So I:↑ // I think Europe is so peace, so I like, // I want to go Europe. (7.6) = 36
21. Do you belong to (.) Club↑? = 6
22. M2: Oh! = 1
23. M2: Oh. = 1
24. M2: I, I’m belong to swimming club. Umm, one // week have four days, and every day↑ we swim // about three thousand meters. = 27
25. M2: It’s so hard. = 3
26. M2: Football club is so hard? = 6
27. M2: Ah, I think it’s so hard↑. (.) What’s sports // do you like? = 13
28. M2: Oh. = 1
29. M2: Ah. Umm, do you watching movie? = 8
30. M2: For example, “Harry Potter”– = 8
31. M2 Minion? = 2
32. M2: Ah: = 1
33. M2: I don’t know. = 3
34. M2: It’s American movie? = 7
35. M2: Oh. = 1
36. M2: Ah! ↑ = 1
37. M2: It’s “Dinosaur” ’s = 5
38. M2: Ah! ↑ I know. ↑ Umm, I think it’s so inter//esting. I want to go to. But I have // no money now (£). = 24
39. M2: Do you know, do you now doing (Japanese: arbeit)? = 8
40. M2: Oh. I’m (Japanese: arbeit) at Saega-tani’s Sukesan, // Sukesan-udon But↑ I can’t cooking, // so I only do hall↑. = 26
41. M2: But it is so interesting. = 8
42. M2: What↑ is your dream↑? = 4
43. M2: You want to make what’s, what’s type is robots? = 10
44. M2: Ah, human type. = 4
45. M2: Oh! It is so↑ (.) difficult heh. = 6
46. M2: I want to, umm:↑, make car. I like car, so↑ // I think. And Japan’s car company // is so famous, so I want to belong // to that so big company. (8.9) = 37
47. (M2) Ah Umm, I think my, my swimming club have // mechanical class people, name is Ka//wasaki, do you know? = 26
48. M2: I sometimes meet you with him. = 8
49. M2: Umm, he is what↑ people. = 6
50. M2: Clever, heh heh oh. = 3
51. M2: Oh. (5.7) = 1
52. (M2) What do you: ah↑, what food do you like? = 9
53. M2: Ah, sushi. = 3
54. M2: Can you eat (Japanese: kara), ah, wasabi? = 7
55. M2: Oh. Is wasabi is so many, but // I want, I can’t eat wasabi because // it’s so hard. Umm. = 24
56. M2: What’s sushi, do you like? For example,// Ikura… = 13
57. M2: Salmon. = 2
58. M2: (Japanese: Tai.) I have never watched (Japanese: Tai), sushi. = 8
59. M2: I every, I every time go to Kai//ten-sushi. = 13
60. M2: Kaiten-sushi have (Japanese: Tai)? = 5
61. M2: Ah I have never met. = 6
62. M2: Ah, (Japanese: maguro) is so famous. = 5
63. M2: I like (Japanese: ebi, (Japanese: Ebi) is so good. But the um (Japanese: shippo), tail, the // tail is little umm, little– = 18
64. M2: Ah, yes. Do you like this universi//ty’s teacher? = 13
65. M2: Umm… But my, our class’s math teacher is // little bad because he’s, he: his number // we can’t read, and he, he eraser so, // so quick. So, we can’t write, write down our // note. So, every time we, (.) we take a pic//ture. (15.4) = 51
66. (M2) What is your↑ mo- most important memo//ries? = 11
67. M2: Oh. My memory is when I was hig//school student, we make, we do Nabe-par//ty↑ at, at school. So, it’s so interes//ting because the Nabe’s is so terri//ble. Because↑ heh everyone umm, bring every//one’s favorite food, so the Nabe is so // terrible. = 63
68. M2: Yes.↑ I, I↑ bring meat, but umm other peo//ple make cheese cake and Gari-Gari-kun, // that ice. So: terrible↑. It’s so terri//ble. = 31
69. M2: No, we- = 2
70. M2: Yummy, ah, not yummy, but everyone // eat (£). = 11
71. M2: We must eat that because we have to clean // that Nabe at high-school. It so hard. // heh (10.7) = 20
72. (M2) Umm, do you read books? = 6
73. M2: “Harry Potter”! = 4
74. M2: Oh, I, I read “Harry Potter” at jun//ior-high school, but when I watched that, I can’t // understand. So↑, when I high-school student, // I read “Harry Potter” one more time. That // time I can understand. But I only // watch, only read book, I, I have never // watched “Harry Potter” movie. = 68

Male 3 Mean Length Runs

1. M3: Nice to meet you. = 4
2. M3: Ah: (.) I’m class is mechanical class. = 9
3. M3: My hobby↑ is: (.) playing video games. = 10
4. M3: Ah, I like play video games. What’s your // hobby? = 12
5. M3: Oh, ok. = 3
6. M3: Ah, I play, ah, play games, (Japanese: etto), every day, (.) an // hour↑. = 12
7. M3: Yes! “3DS”! “3DS” = 7
8. M3: By one hour. = 4
9. M3: Yeah heh yeah heh yeah. = 3
10. M3: You, you too? = 3
11. M3: Ah, ok. What’s, what’s anime and man//ga, do you like? = 14
12. M3: Ok. = 2
13. M3: My family is four person, my, me and // younger sister and my father and my // mother. = 22
14. M3: Yeah. (Oh): = 2
15. M3: Yeah, but, (.) eh: when, ah, when I enter this // university, I, (.) I look TV // times be gain, gain!? = 25
16. M3: Loose. = 1
17. M3: Ah, I like, I like too. = 6
18. M3: Ah, I’m very want to go abroad but // now I have no money, so this year I // do (Japanese: arbeit) do: (Japanese: etto), umm, save money, and next year↑ I // want to go abroad, Taiwan or Europe↑,// I want to. = 43
19. M3: Ah, I want, I want but, eh, ah:↑. No, but. // I want to, very↑ want↑ to do. = 18
20. M3: Yeah. I’m belong football now. = 7
21. M3: I, I’m, it’s very hard↑ but↑ very in//teresting. = 13
22. M3: What’s you hobby, belong? = 6
23. M3: Ah. = 1
24. M3: Very long. = 3
25. M3: Yeah, eh:, umm. Five day on week. Eh, and, umm, // running and training my muscle, every // day, nearly. = 23
26. M3: I like rugby and football. = 7
27. M3: It’s very interesting. = 7
28. M3: Ah, I, I– = 3
29. M3: “Harry Potter”, I saw. And, I, now, I // want to go to see Millions, “Minions”. = 19
30. M3: “Millions”. = 2
31. M3: Do you know? = 3
32. M3: Ah, “Minions”, and– = 4
33. M3: Ah↑, umm, yes, yes, uh = 5
34. M3: Universal Studio– = 7
35. M3: “Minions”. = 2
36. M3: Ah! ↑ heh heh = 1
37. M3: Ah, yes. = 2
38. M3: Yeah, I do (Japanese: arbeit), ah, eh, I teach high-school stu//dents, math and (Japanese: ano) physics. = 15
39. M3: Ah = 1
40. M3: Ah. = 1
41. M3: Ah, my dream is eh, make robot. It’s ro//bot is very interesting, and ve//ry (2.5) = 21
42. (M3): ah: (Japanese: sensai), so I’m very want to make. = 8
43. M3: Ah, I wants make about (.) human type. = 9
44. M3: Can, can speak, can (work), can dance. = 7
45. M3: Yeah, ↑ yeah. So, I must study hard. What’s your // dream? = 11
46. M3: My, my friend. It’s true. = 5
47. M3: Heh Ah, ok. = 3
48. M3: He is very interesting people, // but, (Japanese: nan), ah (.) little, he is (2.9) = 16
50. (M3): clever. = 2
51. M3: Ah, little clever, so very inter//esting. = 12
52. M3: I like sushi. = 4
53. M3: Very like, so– = 4
54. M3: Yes. I, I, I like very wasabi, // so heh Wasabi and syo-yu, one (.) one-one // one-one. = 12
55. M3: It’s very yummy. = 5
56. M3: I like Salmon. = 4
57. M3: And, (Japanese: Tai). = 1
58. M3: Really? = 2
59. M3: Ah, yeah, yeah. = 3
60. M3: Yeah. = 1
61. M3: (Japanese: Maguro) is– = 1
62. M3: Very famous. = 4
63. M3: (Japanese: jyama)? = 0
64. M3: Yes, like. Everyone is very inter//esting. Ah– = 13
65. M3: My most important memory: (.) is high-// school club. I was belong, I belonged // to rugby, so when I was, (.) when I was // high-school student, I go summer training, // summer training, and go to Kumamo//to. It’s very hard, but it’s very in//teresting and (.) ah, interesting so // my memory, my important memo//ry is that. I a lot, a lot of things // I learn, I know (and) that, summer training. // = 100
66. M3: “Yami-Nabe”. = 4
67. M3: It must not do that thing. = 6
68. M3: Yummy? = 2
69. M3: Ah, must. = 2
70. M3: I read. I read but ah, (Japanese: iya), I read now (Japanse:ano… nan-da-kke), I // read, I read ah, I read “Harry Potter” // now. = 21
71. M3: I’m eh, I have read “Harry Potter” a // lot time. But, it’s very interesting. // I want read (.) every time. Every time? = 29

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