Takaki and Yuki

Session 4 : Male 1 to Female 2


Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 101.3   B: 99.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

383.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

20.9 (648 syllables)

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 67.0   B: 64.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

166.4 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

7.1 (186 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 40.1 secs.

Percentage: 6.7%

Total Speaking Time:

590 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

5.7 sec.

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M1: I want to introduce myself ok?

F2: Ok

M1: (I’m) Takaki Nishio I’m third  grade student and I transferred from another college. Do you know (Japanese: kousen)?

F2: Yeah

Male1: I come from (Japanese: kousen). I’m third  grade student but also a new student my major is mechanical control engineering. So nice to meet you. Heh heh.

F2: Nice to meet you too↓, and my name is Yuki Suzuki and first grade and civil and architecture engineering course.

M1: Where are you from?

F2: I’m from Hyogo

Male1: Uh↑ I’m from Kyoto yes do you know Maizuru? I come from Maizuru Kousen.

F2: My high school is next to Himeji castle. Heh heh

Male1: Himeji Castle? Really? ↓ Why did you decided to come (to)↓ this university?

F2: I have 3 and (.) 1 sister 2 brothers we can’t (3.1) I can’t (2.2) pay for myself, so (3.1) go go (.) go school my home or my grandmothers so now I’m living in my grandmother’s.

M1: That’s nice↓ living alone is danger heh I think heh now I live alone I should cook and I should clean the room heh it’s difficult and danger heh heh I’m always hungry and heh heh my my room is very dirty (2.1) not good for studying heh.

F2: My grandmother’s house↓ is in Fukuoka city so I have to two hours by–

Male1: Two hours by train?

F2: By train yeah I want to live alone.

M1: heh heh Any you can you will study in this college grade up (.) I think you can↓.

F2: Thank you

M1: Next. ↓ Share information about classes (.) for me my class is control course class you know mechanical department has a mechanical course and space course and control course yes↓ control course is separated from two course ↓ yes ah: we should study mechanical and electric and control three and any big field (loud) field so it’s difficult and my class is about 15 student yeah↓ (.) and very many older students it’s difficult and so I’m transferred student so I should take many classes for like second student class and third year student’s class I should go this and go heh (5.3) pretty busy for me yes (.) how about you yes?

F2: My class is first grade↓ so not not–

M1: Separate course?

F2: yeah like high school

M1: Like high school. Heh heh. How many girls in your class?

F2: ah 17.

M1: 17 ah un: it’s un: most many girls in first grade?

F2: un- maybe–

M1: Chemical course

F2: Chemical course maybe the number is the same but (.) all members small.

[05:7]M1: I see. Do you enjoy studying class? (9.8) Difficult?F2: Yeah difficultM1: You should have English and some mech- mechanical↑, civil course, civil class? Ah in my case, I don’t have to take English class now because I already have English unit when I was (Japanese: kousen) student so I don’t have to study English now so it’s good for have a time but it’s not good for studying English. Heh So I want to study English but now↑ I should study Chinese and Russian. Russian↑. Any you take a Chinese or German?F2: Chinese or  German or KoreanMale1: Korean and French, (.) which do you take?

F2: I take Korean yeah


M1: Korean is easy for study Japanese. (4.9) But Russian heh is pretty difficult. (3.9) I want to study↓ heh heh.

F2: My My friend↑  in Shiga↑ li- like Russian her study Russian by herself.

M1: Really? Um did she speaks Russian?

F2: No.

M1: No? (£). heh Ok I think (sniffle) what hobby?

F2:  I like reading books but I like running too.

M1: Running? Ah↑ Do you run now?

F2: No.

M1: Do you want to run? (.) I’m also like reading books. (.) Um, which kind of books do you like?

F2: Fiction

M1: Fiction. Recently did you read?

F2: No.

M1: Heh you are busy?

F2: Yeah

M1: Recently I read the books about hmm: ah: sweets Japanese sweets. Do you know this college’s library have a bookshelf in front reception desk?

F2: Yeah

M1: And there is a picture book about Japanese sweets heh heh yes and I read the picture ah I want (to) (eat) heh heh close and go back (.) because every day I’m hungry.


In this discussion, Yuki’s minimal responses are very common place, often being just one word. Her fluency rate is 64.1 compared to Takaki’s 99.1, however, cross-talk pausing is only 5.7 seconds. Total amount of silence is 40.1 seconds or 6.7%. Takaki’s MLRs are a bit longer than usual, 20.9 syllables, but Yuki’s are only 7.1. So, again, male domination is to be seen with 449 words from Takaki compared to Yuki’s 137.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs

1. F2: Ok = 2
2. F2: Yeah = 1
3.F2: Nice to meet you too↓, and my name is Yu//ki Suzuki and first grade and civil // and architecture engineering course. // = 30
4. F2: I’m from Hyogo. = 4
5. F2: My high school is next to Himeji cas//tle. Heh heh = 11
6. F2: I have three and (.) one sister two brothers // we can’t (3.1) = 12
7. I can’t (2.2) = 2
8. pay for myself, so (3.1) = 4
9. go go (.) go school my home or my grandma//thers so now I’m living in my grandma//ther’s. = 21
10. F2: By train yeah I want to live alone. = 9
11. F2: Thank you = 2
12. F2: My class is first grade↓ so not not– = 8
13. F2: yeah like high school = 4
14. F2: ah 17. = 4
15. F2: un- maybe– = 3
16. F2: Chemical course maybe the number is the // same but (.) all members small. = 16
17. F2: Yeah difficult. = 4
18. F2: Chinese or German or Korean = 8
19. F2: I take Korean yeah = 5
F2: My My friend↑ in Shiga↑ li- like Russian // her study Russian by herself. = 18
20. F2: No. = 1
21. F2: I like reading books but I like running // too. = 11
22. F2: No. = 1
23. F2: Fiction = 2
24. F2: No. = 1
25. F2: Yeah = 1
26. F2: Yeah = 1

Male 1 Mean length runs

1. M1: I want to introduce myself ok? = 10
2. M1: (I’m) Takaki Nishio I’m third grade stu//dent and I transferred from another // college. Do you know (Japanese: kousen)? = 25
3. Male1: I come from (Japanese: Kousen) I’m third grade student but al//so a new student my major is me//chanical control engineering. So // nice to meet you. Heh heh. = 34
4. M1: Where are you from? = 4
5. Male1: Uh↑ I’m from Kyoto yes do you know Mai//zuru? I come from Maizuru Kousen. // = 20
6. Male1: Himeji Castle? Really? ↓ Why did you de//cided to come (to)↓ this universi//ty? = 21
7. M1: That’s nice↓ living alone is danger heh I // think heh now I live alone I should cook and // I should clean the room heh it’s difficult and // danger heh heh I’m always hungry and heh heh my my // room is very dirty (2.1) = 46
8. (M1) not good for studying heh. = 6
9. Male1: Two hours by train? = 5
10. M1: heh heh Any you can you will study in this // college grade up (.) I think you can↓. = 18
11. M1: Next. ↓ Share information about classes // (.) for me my class is control course class you // know mechanical department has a // mechanical course and space course and con//trol course yes↓ control course is separate//ed from two course ↓ yes ah: we should study // mechanical and electric and control // three and any big field (loud) field so it’s // difficult and my class is about 15 // student yeah↓ (.) and very many older // students it’s difficult and so I’m trans//ferred student so I should take many class//es for like second student class and third // year student’s class I should go this and go // heh (5.3) = 140
12. (Male1): pretty busy for me yes (.) how about // you yes? = 12
13. M1: Separate course?= 4
14. M1: Like high school. Heh heh. How many girls in your class? = 10
15. M1: 17 ah un: it’s un: most many girls in first // grade? = 11
16. M1: Chemical course = 4
17. M1: I see. Do you enjoy studying class? (9.8) = 10
18. (M1) Difficult? = 3
19. M1: You should have English and some mech- mechan//ical↑, civil course, civil class? Ah in my // case, I don’t have to take English class now // because I already have English u//nit when I was (Japanese: kousen) student so I don’t have // to study English now so it’s good for // have a time but it’s not good for studying // English. Heh So I want to study English // but now↑ I should study Chinese and Ru//ssian. Russian↑. Any you take a Chinese // or German? = 103
20. Male1: Korean and French, (.) which do you take? = 8
21. M1: Korean is easy for study Japa//nese. (4.9) = 11
22. But Russian heh is pretty difficult. (3.9) = 9
23. I want to study↓ heh heh. = 5
24. M1: Really? Um did she speaks Russian? = 9
25. M1: No? (£). heh Ok I think (sniffle) what hobby? = 8
26. M1: Running? Ah↑ Do you run now? = 7
27. M1: Do you want to run? (.) I’m also like rea//ding books. (.) Um, which kind of books do you like?// = 20
28. M1: Fiction. Recently did you read? = 8
29. M1: Heh you are busy? = 4
30. M1: Recently I read the books about hmm: // ah: sweets Japanese sweets. Do you know // this college’s library have a bookshelf // in front reception desk? = 36
31. M1: And there is a picture book about Ja//panese sweets heh heh yes and I read the picture // ah I want (to) (eat) heh heh close and go back (.) be//cause every day I’m hungry. = 37


M1: I want to introduce myself ok?

F2: Ok

M1: (I’m) Takaki Nishio I’m third  grade student and I transferred from another college. Do you know (Japanese: kousen)?

F2: Yeah

Male1: I come from (Japanese: kousen). I’m third  grade student but also a new student my major is mechanical control engineering. So nice to meet you. Heh heh.

F2: Nice to meet you too↓, and my name is Yuki Suzuki and first grade and civil and architecture engineering course.

M1: Where are you from?

F2: I’m from Hyogo

Male1: Uh↑ I’m from Kyoto yes do you know Maizuru? I come from Maizuru Kousen.

F2: My high school is next to Himeji castle. Heh heh

Male1: Himeji Castle? Really? ↓ Why did you decided to come (to)↓ this university?

F2: I have 3 and (.) 1 sister 2 brothers we can’t (3.1) I can’t (2.2) pay for myself, so (3.1) go go (.) go school my home or my grandmothers so now I’m living in my grandmother’s.

M1: That’s nice↓ living alone is danger heh I think heh now I live alone I should cook and I should clean the room heh it’s difficult and danger heh heh I’m always hungry and heh heh my my room is very dirty (2.1) not good for studying heh.

F2: My grandmother’s house↓ is in Fukuoka city so I have to two hours by–

Male1: Two hours by train?

F2: By train yeah I want to live alone.

M1: heh heh Any you can you will study in this college grade up (.) I think you can↓.

F2: Thank you

M1: Next. ↓ Share information about classes (.) for me my class is control course class you know mechanical department has a mechanical course and space course and control course yes↓ control course is separated from two course ↓ yes ah: we should study mechanical and electric and control three and any big field (loud) field so it’s difficult and my class is about 15 student yeah↓ (.) and very many older students it’s difficult and so I’m transferred student so I should take many classes for like second student class and third year student’s class I should go this and go heh (5.3) pretty busy for me yes (.) how about you yes?

F2: My class is first grade↓ so not not–

M1: Separate course?

F2: yeah like high school

M1: Like high school. Heh heh. How many girls in your class?

F2: ah 17.

M1: 17 ah un: it’s un: most many girls in first grade?

F2: un- maybe–

M1: Chemical course

F2: Chemical course maybe the number is the same but (.) all members small.

[05:7]M1: I see. Do you enjoy studying class? (9.8) Difficult?F2: Yeah difficultM1: You should have English and some mech- mechanical↑, civil course, civil class? Ah in my case, I don’t have to take English class now because I already have English unit when I was (Japanese: kousen) student so I don’t have to study English now so it’s good for have a time but it’s not good for studying English. Heh So I want to study English but now↑ I should study Chinese and Russian. Russian↑. Any you take a Chinese or German?F2: Chinese or  German or KoreanMale1: Korean and French, (.) which do you take?

F2: I take Korean yeah


M1: Korean is easy for study Japanese. (4.9) But Russian heh is pretty difficult. (3.9) I want to study↓ heh heh.

F2: My My friend↑  in Shiga↑ li- like Russian her study Russian by herself.

M1: Really? Um did she speaks Russian?

F2: No.

M1: No? (£). heh Ok I think (sniffle) what hobby?

F2:  I like reading books but I like running too.

M1: Running? Ah↑ Do you run now?

F2: No.

M1: Do you want to run? (.) I’m also like reading books. (.) Um, which kind of books do you like?

F2: Fiction

M1: Fiction. Recently did you read?

F2: No.

M1: Heh you are busy?

F2: Yeah

M1: Recently I read the books about hmm: ah: sweets Japanese sweets. Do you know this college’s library have a bookshelf in front reception desk?

F2: Yeah

M1: And there is a picture book about Japanese sweets heh heh yes and I read the picture ah I want (to) (eat) heh heh close and go back (.) because every day I’m hungry.

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 101.3   B: 99.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

383.5 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

20.9 (648 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 67.0   B: 64.1

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

166.4 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

7.1 (186 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 40.1 secs.

Percentage: 6.7%

Total Speaking Time:

590 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

5.7 sec.


In this discussion, Yuki’s minimal responses are very common place, often being just one word. Her fluency rate is 64.1 compared to Takaki’s 99.1, however, cross-talk pausing is only 5.7 seconds. Total amount of silence is 40.1 seconds or 6.7%. Takaki’s MLRs are a bit longer than usual, 20.9 syllables, but Yuki’s are only 7.1. So, again, male domination is to be seen with 449 words from Takaki compared to Yuki’s 137.

MLR Transcript

Female 2 Mean length runs

1. F2: Ok = 2
2. F2: Yeah = 1
3.F2: Nice to meet you too↓, and my name is Yu//ki Suzuki and first grade and civil // and architecture engineering course. // = 30
4. F2: I’m from Hyogo. = 4
5. F2: My high school is next to Himeji cas//tle. Heh heh = 11
6. F2: I have three and (.) one sister two brothers // we can’t (3.1) = 12
7. I can’t (2.2) = 2
8. pay for myself, so (3.1) = 4
9. go go (.) go school my home or my grandma//thers so now I’m living in my grandma//ther’s. = 21
10. F2: By train yeah I want to live alone. = 9
11. F2: Thank you = 2
12. F2: My class is first grade↓ so not not– = 8
13. F2: yeah like high school = 4
14. F2: ah 17. = 4
15. F2: un- maybe– = 3
16. F2: Chemical course maybe the number is the // same but (.) all members small. = 16
17. F2: Yeah difficult. = 4
18. F2: Chinese or German or Korean = 8
19. F2: I take Korean yeah = 5
F2: My My friend↑ in Shiga↑ li- like Russian // her study Russian by herself. = 18
20. F2: No. = 1
21. F2: I like reading books but I like running // too. = 11
22. F2: No. = 1
23. F2: Fiction = 2
24. F2: No. = 1
25. F2: Yeah = 1
26. F2: Yeah = 1

Male 1 Mean length runs

1. M1: I want to introduce myself ok? = 10
2. M1: (I’m) Takaki Nishio I’m third grade stu//dent and I transferred from another // college. Do you know (Japanese: kousen)? = 25
3. Male1: I come from (Japanese: Kousen) I’m third grade student but al//so a new student my major is me//chanical control engineering. So // nice to meet you. Heh heh. = 34
4. M1: Where are you from? = 4
5. Male1: Uh↑ I’m from Kyoto yes do you know Mai//zuru? I come from Maizuru Kousen. // = 20
6. Male1: Himeji Castle? Really? ↓ Why did you de//cided to come (to)↓ this universi//ty? = 21
7. M1: That’s nice↓ living alone is danger heh I // think heh now I live alone I should cook and // I should clean the room heh it’s difficult and // danger heh heh I’m always hungry and heh heh my my // room is very dirty (2.1) = 46
8. (M1) not good for studying heh. = 6
9. Male1: Two hours by train? = 5
10. M1: heh heh Any you can you will study in this // college grade up (.) I think you can↓. = 18
11. M1: Next. ↓ Share information about classes // (.) for me my class is control course class you // know mechanical department has a // mechanical course and space course and con//trol course yes↓ control course is separate//ed from two course ↓ yes ah: we should study // mechanical and electric and control // three and any big field (loud) field so it’s // difficult and my class is about 15 // student yeah↓ (.) and very many older // students it’s difficult and so I’m trans//ferred student so I should take many class//es for like second student class and third // year student’s class I should go this and go // heh (5.3) = 140
12. (Male1): pretty busy for me yes (.) how about // you yes? = 12
13. M1: Separate course?= 4
14. M1: Like high school. Heh heh. How many girls in your class? = 10
15. M1: 17 ah un: it’s un: most many girls in first // grade? = 11
16. M1: Chemical course = 4
17. M1: I see. Do you enjoy studying class? (9.8) = 10
18. (M1) Difficult? = 3
19. M1: You should have English and some mech- mechan//ical↑, civil course, civil class? Ah in my // case, I don’t have to take English class now // because I already have English u//nit when I was (Japanese: kousen) student so I don’t have // to study English now so it’s good for // have a time but it’s not good for studying // English. Heh So I want to study English // but now↑ I should study Chinese and Ru//ssian. Russian↑. Any you take a Chinese // or German? = 103
20. Male1: Korean and French, (.) which do you take? = 8
21. M1: Korean is easy for study Japa//nese. (4.9) = 11
22. But Russian heh is pretty difficult. (3.9) = 9
23. I want to study↓ heh heh. = 5
24. M1: Really? Um did she speaks Russian? = 9
25. M1: No? (£). heh Ok I think (sniffle) what hobby? = 8
26. M1: Running? Ah↑ Do you run now? = 7
27. M1: Do you want to run? (.) I’m also like rea//ding books. (.) Um, which kind of books do you like?// = 20
28. M1: Fiction. Recently did you read? = 8
29. M1: Heh you are busy? = 4
30. M1: Recently I read the books about hmm: // ah: sweets Japanese sweets. Do you know // this college’s library have a bookshelf // in front reception desk? = 36
31. M1: And there is a picture book about Ja//panese sweets heh heh yes and I read the picture // ah I want (to) (eat) heh heh close and go back (.) be//cause every day I’m hungry. = 37

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