Yuki and Nanami

Session 3: Male 1 to Female 1


Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 111.2   B: 100.9

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

343.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

12.2 (637 syllables)

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 53.0   B: 49.0

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

450 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.8 (398 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 57.0 secs.

Percentage: 6.6%

Total Speaking Time:

851 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

17.1 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M1: What we talk about? Heh. Where, where is your hometown?

F1: My hometown is Fukuoka, Hakata.

M1: Ah. Heh. City girl. My hometown is (Kyoto). Himeji. So, very beautiful castle.

F1: What is your name?

M1: Yuki Katsura.

F1: Yuki Katsura. ↓

M1: Your name please.

F1: My name is Nanami Motomatsu.

M1: What is your hobby?

F1: Eh: ↑  My hobby is (.) to go to aquarium.

M1: Aquarium? Ah, yes, yes yes.

F1: What is your hobby?

M1: Watching TV programs, especially sports.  (Nishikori). And now  (  ) Japan. It is exciting. Do you like fish?

F1: Yes. ↑

M1: What kind of fish?

F1: Ah: eh

M1: Sha- shark? ↑

F1: Ah: ↑ Yes yes. (19.6) Do you like sports?

M1: Yes, in high school I played basketball.

F1: Ah. ↑ oh.

M1: What sports do you like?

F1: I like tennis and (badton) ↑

M1: (Badton)? Ah, I know, I know.

F1: I belong to (badton) club.  (   )

M1:  Yes, yes, yes, yes. Do you good at (badton)? Are you good at (badton)?

F1: Hmm heh heh yes. Heh heh (10.9) What consists of your family?

M1: My father, my mother, my big sister, and–.

F1: Sister?

M1: Sister.

F1: How old is she?

M1: Maybe, maybe (.) twenty-two.

F1: Uh↓, College student?

M1:  Yes, yes, yes, yes, She, she is Kobe University. Heh she isn’t clever. She isn’t↑ clever. And she she interested in building buildings. So she wants to be an architect. Do you have (many) brothers? Do you have brother?

F1: I have sister. I have younger sister. She is ah: sixteen years old.

M1: Is she cute?

F1: ah no. heh heh.

M1: Ah, do you have another hobby?

F1: Hmm. (6.7) ah↑ my hobby is playing puzzle recently. Heh heh I start I have started since (  ) one week. Last week.↑

M1: Why why did you start it?

F1: Hm my I am (Japanese) introduce–.

M1: My friends, all of my friends are playing (     ) maybe they are very strong. But I don’t play it? Do you like book?

F1: Ah, yes.

M1: I don’t like book.

F1: heh heh

M1: I never reading book. Long sentence.

F1: Thick book?

M1: Yes, yes, yes.

F1:I prefer (     ) book than to thick book. Heh

M1: I got hypotheses but I’ve never opened it. And my hobby is moving (weights). For example, (Japanese) (muscle).(training). So last year, (   ) I am trying to lose weight. Heh Do↓ Do you like  (     ).

F1: A little.  Heh

M1: But I don’t like running so I I can’t lose weight.

F1: How (.) How how what do you (   ) with (weight)

M1: I want to lose ten kilograms?

F1: What kind of food do you (.) like?

M1: Uh?

F1:What kind of food do you like?

M1: What kind of food do you like? ↓ Ah↑ I like sushi, I am very Japanese people.

F1: heh heh

M1: You, what kind do you what kind of food do you like.

F1:I like meat.

M1: heh American. American.

F1: I dislike vegetables and fish.(9.4)

M1: What what club do you belong to?

F1: I belong to (badmon) club? Uh Now? ↑ Uh: I belong to (Kimacho) and to Wavegroup dance club, and photo club.

M1: Do you like camera? (.)

F1:  Yes.

M1: What what do you take digital camera? What what↑ take Eh↑ What take to, ↑ what do you take with your camera (Japanese)?

F1: I took people and scenery, and so on. Heh heh. Do you like photo?

M1:  No.  I don’t have camera.

F1: Ah: Oh. What do you belong to club?

M1: Basketball and ultimate Frisbee.

F1: (         ) (       ) (13.6) How many do you have friends in college?

M1:  Oh: heh heh Many↑ many↑ maybe (.) ah [3:47.3]

F1: Many?

M1: Maybe.

F1: Architect engineering

M1: archi— ah: maybe forty.

F1: Forty? ↑ heh

M1: And in KIT there are many boys so so it is easy I make friends. (.) Do you have many friends in KIT?

F1: Hmm KIT↓

M1: Kyushu Institute↓

F1: Ah: ↑ thirty?

M1: Oh, eh you have more friends, you more have more friends. Heh

F1: I went to jogakuin six year, junior high and high school, so I I don’t I am not accu- accustomed to boys, so but (.) hmm it is (Japanese) go to here, so I  I come to speak to boys.

M1:  yes yes yes yes. Oh Don’t you like boys?

F1: First,

M1:  yes yes,

F1: I don’t like heh but now↑, I think heh (.) a little↑, I like.

M1: What would you like to buy this year? What what ↑ thing do you like this year? Do you like to buy this year?

F1: To buy?

M1: What thing do you like to buy this year? (Japanese) ?

F1: I buy, I want to buy (Japanese)

M1: Vacuum?

F1:  Vacuum.

M1:  For why?

F1: This is because uh I want to need,  I need↑ so I (.) I live alone.

M1:  Yes yes yes yes. Do you have a vacuum now? Don’t you have a vacuum now?

F1: Yes↑ Yes I have, but it is broken.

M1:  Ah Yes yes yes. By the way , my bi- my bicycle broke so I bought yesterday, heh  it is very um ah (Japanese) expensive.  I am very sad, I am very sad.

F1: What do you have, what do you dream in the future?

M1: Oh: I want to build buildings, so I want to be an architect.

F1: Ah What course? Architecture or–

M1: Civil engineering.

F1: Civil engineering.

M1: Yes. Yes. Ito’s Ito’s class. I want to enter Ito’s class.

F1: Oh me too. Heh heh

M1: Ito’s class is very exciting.

F1: Yes.


This discussion between Yuki and Nanami shows, again, the tendency for males to dominate gendered discussions. Yuki’s speaking rate is 100.9 while Nanami’s is 49.3; likewise, Yuki’s number of words is 462 while Nanami’s is 285.While the amount of silence is low 6.6%, Nanami has 39.9 seconds compared to Yuki’s 0 seconds. Lexical and syntactic dysfluency is average, though Yuki does have a high level of repetition with him repeating “yes” too often. I would recommend that women take some time to see how they can be better engaged and proactive in such discussions.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1 M1: What we talk about? Heh. Where, where is your hometown? = 11
2. M1: Ah. Heh. City girl. My hometown is (Kyoto). Himeji. So, very beautiful castle. = 20
2. M1: Yuki Katsura. =5
3. M1: Your name please. = 3
4. M1: What is your hobby? = 5
5. M1: Aquarium? Ah, yes, yes yes. = 8
6. M1: Watching TV programs, especially sports. (Nishikori). And now ( ) Japan. It is exciting. Do you like fish? = 28
7. M1: What kind of fish? = 4
8. M1: Sha- shark? ↑ = 3
9. M1: Yes, in high school I played basketball. = 9
10. M1: What sports do you like? = 5
11. M1: (Badton)? Ah, I know, I know. = 7
12. M1: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Do you good at (badton)? Are you good at (badton)? = 16
13. M1: My father, my mother, my big sister, and–. = 11
14. M1: Sister. = 2
15. M1: Maybe, maybe (.) twenty-two. = 7
16. M1: Yes, yes, yes, yes, She, she is Kobe University. Heh she isn’t clever. She isn’t↑ clever. And she she interested in building buildings. So she wants to be an architect. Do you have (many) brothers? Do you have brother? = 57
17. M1: Is she cute? = 3
18. M1: Ah, do you have another hobby? = 9
19. M1: Why why did you start it? = 6
20. M1: My friends, all of my friends are playing ( ) maybe they are very strong. But I don’t play it? Do you like book? = 25
21. M1: I don’t like book. = 4
22. M1: I never reading book. Long sentence. = 9
23. M1: Yes, yes, yes. = 3
24. M1: I got hypotheses but I’ve never opened it. And my hobby is moving (weights). For example, (Japanese) (muscle).(training). So last year, ( ) I am trying to lose weight. Heh Do↓ Do you like ( ). = 43
25. M1: But I don’t like running so I I can’t lose weight. = 12
26. M1: I want to lose ten kilograms? = 8
27. M1: Uh? = 1
28. M1: What kind of food do you like? ↓ Ah↑ I like sushi, I am very Japanese people. = 21
29. M1: You, what kind do you what kind of food do you like. = 12
30. M1: heh American. American. = 8
31. M1: What what club do you belong to? = 8
32. M1: Do you like camera? (.) = 6
33. M1: What what do you take digital camera? What what↑ take Eh↑ What take to, ↑ what do you take with your camera (Japanese)? = 27
34. M1: No. I don’t have camera. = 7
35. M1: Basketball and ultimate Frisbee. = 9
36. M1: Oh: heh heh Many↑ many↑ maybe (.) ah = 8
37. M1: Maybe. = 2
38. M1: archi— ah: maybe forty. = 7
39. M1: And in KIT there are many boys so so it is easy I make friends. (.) Do you have many friends in KIT? = 30
40. M1: Kyushu Institute↓ = 5
41. M1: Oh, eh you have more friends, you more have more friends. Heh = 14
42. M1: yes yes yes yes. Oh Don’t you like boys? = 10
43. M1: yes yes, = 2
44. M1: What would you like to buy this year? What what ↑ thing do you like this year? Do you like to buy this year? = 23
45. M1: What thing do you like to buy this year? (Japanese) ? = 9
46. M1: Vacuum? = 2
47. M1: For why? = 2
48. M1: Yes yes yes yes. Do you have a vacuum now? Don’t you have a vacuum now? = 18
49. M1: Ah Yes yes yes. By the way , my bi- my bicycle broke so I bought yesterday, heh it is very um ah (Japanese) expensive. I am very sad, I am very sad. = 38
50. M1: Oh: I want to build buildings, so I want to be an architect. = 16
51. M1: Civil engineering. = 6
52. M1: Yes. Yes. Ito’s Ito’s class. I want to enter Ito’s class. = 15
52. M1: Ito’s class is very exciting. = 8

Female 2 Mean Length Runs

1. F1: My hometown is Fukuoka, Hakata. = 11
2. F1: What is your name? = 4
3. F1: Yuki Katsura. ↓ = 5
4. F1: My name is Nanami Motomatsu. = 10
5. F1: Eh: ↑ My hobby is (.) to go to aquarium. = 12
6. F1: What is your hobby? = 5
7. F1: Yes. ↑ = 1
8. F1: Ah: eh = 2
9. F1: Ah: ↑ Yes yes. (19.6) = 3
10. F1: Do you like sports? = 5
11. F1: Ah. ↑ oh. = 2
12. F1: I like tennis and (badton) ↑ = 7
13. F1: I belong to (badton) club. ( ) = 6
14. F1: Hmm heh heh yes. Heh heh (10.9) = 2
15. F1: What consists of your family? = 8
16. F1: Sister? = 2
17. F1: How old is she? = 4
18. F1: Uh↓, College student? = 5
19. F1: I have sister. I have younger sister. She is ah: sixteen years old. = 17
20. F1: ah no. heh heh. = 2
21. F1: Hmm. (6.7) = 1
22. F1: ah↑ my hobby is playing puzzle recently. Heh heh I start I have started since ( ) one week. Last week.↑ = 23
23. F1: Hm my I am (Japanese) introduce–. = 7
24. F1: Ah, yes. = 2
25. F1: heh heh = 0
26. F1: Thick book? = 2
27. F1:I prefer ( ) book than to thick book. Heh = 8
28. F1: A little. Heh = 3
29. F1: How (.) How how what do you ( ) with (weight) = 7
30. F1: What kind of food do you (.) like? = 7
31. F1:What kind of food do you like? = 7
32. F1: heh heh = 0
33. F1:I like meat. = 3
34. F1: I dislike vegetables and fish. = 8
35. F1: I belong to (badmon) club? Uh Now? ↑ Uh: I belong to (Kimacho) and to Wavegroup dance club, and photo club. = 27
36. F1: Yes. = 1
37. F1: I took people and scenery, and so on. Heh heh. Do you like photo? = 16
38. F1: Ah: Oh. What do you belong to club? = 9
39. F1: ( ) ( ) (13.6) = 0
40. F1: How many do you have friends in college? = 10
41. F1: Many? = 2
42. F1: Architect engineering = 7
43. F1: Forty? ↑ heh = 2
44. F1: Hmm KIT↓ = 4
45. F1: Ah: ↑ thirty? = 3
46. F1: I went to jogakuin six year, junior high and high school, so I I don’t I am not accu- accustomed to boys, so but (.) hmm it is (Japanese) go to here, so I I come to speak to boys. = 47
47. F1: First, = 1
48. F1: I don’t like heh but now↑, I think heh (.) a little↑, I like. = 12
49. F1: To buy? = 2
50. F1: I buy, I want to buy (Japanese) = 6
51. F1: Vacuum. = 2
52. F1: This is because uh I want to need, I need↑ so I (.) I live alone. = 17
53. F1: Yes↑ Yes I have, but it is broken. = 9
54. F1: What do you have, what do you dream in the future? = 12
55. F1: Ah What course? Architecture or– = 8
56. F1: Civil engineering. = 6
57. F1: Oh me too. Heh heh =3
58. F1: Yes. = 1


M1: What we talk about? Heh. Where, where is your hometown?

F1: My hometown is Fukuoka, Hakata.

M1: Ah. Heh. City girl. My hometown is (Kyoto). Himeji. So, very beautiful castle.

F1: What is your name?

M1: Yuki Katsura.

F1: Yuki Katsura. ↓

M1: Your name please.

F1: My name is Nanami Motomatsu.

M1: What is your hobby?

F1: Eh: ↑  My hobby is (.) to go to aquarium.

M1: Aquarium? Ah, yes, yes yes.

F1: What is your hobby?

M1: Watching TV programs, especially sports.  (Nishikori). And now  (  ) Japan. It is exciting. Do you like fish?

F1: Yes. ↑

M1: What kind of fish?

F1: Ah: eh

M1: Sha- shark? ↑

F1: Ah: ↑ Yes yes. (19.6) Do you like sports?

M1: Yes, in high school I played basketball.

F1: Ah. ↑ oh.

M1: What sports do you like?

F1: I like tennis and (badton) ↑

M1: (Badton)? Ah, I know, I know.

F1: I belong to (badton) club.  (   )

M1:  Yes, yes, yes, yes. Do you good at (badton)? Are you good at (badton)?

F1: Hmm heh heh yes. Heh heh (10.9) What consists of your family?

M1: My father, my mother, my big sister, and–.

F1: Sister?

M1: Sister.

F1: How old is she?

M1: Maybe, maybe (.) twenty-two.

F1: Uh↓, College student?

M1:  Yes, yes, yes, yes, She, she is Kobe University. Heh she isn’t clever. She isn’t↑ clever. And she she interested in building buildings. So she wants to be an architect. Do you have (many) brothers? Do you have brother?

F1: I have sister. I have younger sister. She is ah: sixteen years old.

M1: Is she cute?

F1: ah no. heh heh.

M1: Ah, do you have another hobby?

F1: Hmm. (6.7) ah↑ my hobby is playing puzzle recently. Heh heh I start I have started since (  ) one week. Last week.↑

M1: Why why did you start it?

F1: Hm my I am (Japanese) introduce–.

M1: My friends, all of my friends are playing (     ) maybe they are very strong. But I don’t play it? Do you like book?

F1: Ah, yes.

M1: I don’t like book.

F1: heh heh

M1: I never reading book. Long sentence.

F1: Thick book?

M1: Yes, yes, yes.

F1:I prefer (     ) book than to thick book. Heh

M1: I got hypotheses but I’ve never opened it. And my hobby is moving (weights). For example, (Japanese) (muscle).(training). So last year, (   ) I am trying to lose weight. Heh Do↓ Do you like  (     ).

F1: A little.  Heh

M1: But I don’t like running so I I can’t lose weight.

F1: How (.) How how what do you (   ) with (weight)

M1: I want to lose ten kilograms?

F1: What kind of food do you (.) like?

M1: Uh?

F1:What kind of food do you like?

M1: What kind of food do you like? ↓ Ah↑ I like sushi, I am very Japanese people.

F1: heh heh

M1: You, what kind do you what kind of food do you like.

F1:I like meat.

M1: heh American. American.

F1: I dislike vegetables and fish.(9.4)

M1: What what club do you belong to?

F1: I belong to (badmon) club? Uh Now? ↑ Uh: I belong to (Kimacho) and to Wavegroup dance club, and photo club.

M1: Do you like camera? (.)

F1:  Yes.

M1: What what do you take digital camera? What what↑ take Eh↑ What take to, ↑ what do you take with your camera (Japanese)?

F1: I took people and scenery, and so on. Heh heh. Do you like photo?

M1:  No.  I don’t have camera.

F1: Ah: Oh. What do you belong to club?

M1: Basketball and ultimate Frisbee.

F1: (         ) (       ) (13.6) How many do you have friends in college?

M1:  Oh: heh heh Many↑ many↑ maybe (.) ah [3:47.3]

F1: Many?

M1: Maybe.

F1: Architect engineering

M1: archi— ah: maybe forty.

F1: Forty? ↑ heh

M1: And in KIT there are many boys so so it is easy I make friends. (.) Do you have many friends in KIT?

F1: Hmm KIT↓

M1: Kyushu Institute↓

F1: Ah: ↑ thirty?

M1: Oh, eh you have more friends, you more have more friends. Heh

F1: I went to jogakuin six year, junior high and high school, so I I don’t I am not accu- accustomed to boys, so but (.) hmm it is (Japanese) go to here, so I  I come to speak to boys.

M1:  yes yes yes yes. Oh Don’t you like boys?

F1: First,

M1:  yes yes,

F1: I don’t like heh but now↑, I think heh (.) a little↑, I like.

M1: What would you like to buy this year? What what ↑ thing do you like this year? Do you like to buy this year?

F1: To buy?

M1: What thing do you like to buy this year? (Japanese) ?

F1: I buy, I want to buy (Japanese)

M1: Vacuum?

F1:  Vacuum.

M1:  For why?

F1: This is because uh I want to need,  I need↑ so I (.) I live alone.

M1:  Yes yes yes yes. Do you have a vacuum now? Don’t you have a vacuum now?

F1: Yes↑ Yes I have, but it is broken.

M1:  Ah Yes yes yes. By the way , my bi- my bicycle broke so I bought yesterday, heh  it is very um ah (Japanese) expensive.  I am very sad, I am very sad.

F1: What do you have, what do you dream in the future?

M1: Oh: I want to build buildings, so I want to be an architect.

F1: Ah What course? Architecture or–

M1: Civil engineering.

F1: Civil engineering.

M1: Yes. Yes. Ito’s Ito’s class. I want to enter Ito’s class.

F1: Oh me too. Heh heh

M1: Ito’s class is very exciting.

F1: Yes.

Statistics M1

Speaking Rate

A: 111.2   B: 100.9

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

343.7 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

12.2 (637 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 53.0   B: 49.0

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

450 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

6.8 (398 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 57.0 secs.

Percentage: 6.6%

Total Speaking Time:

851 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

17.1 sec.


This discussion between Yuki and Nanami shows, again, the tendency for males to dominate gendered discussions. Yuki’s speaking rate is 100.9 while Nanami’s is 49.3; likewise, Yuki’s number of words is 462 while Nanami’s is 285.While the amount of silence is low 6.6%, Nanami has 39.9 seconds compared to Yuki’s 0 seconds. Lexical and syntactic dysfluency is average, though Yuki does have a high level of repetition with him repeating “yes” too often. I would recommend that women take some time to see how they can be better engaged and proactive in such discussions.

MLR Transcript

Male 1 Mean length runs.

1 M1: What we talk about? Heh. Where, where is your hometown? = 11
2. M1: Ah. Heh. City girl. My hometown is (Kyoto). Himeji. So, very beautiful castle. = 20
2. M1: Yuki Katsura. =5
3. M1: Your name please. = 3
4. M1: What is your hobby? = 5
5. M1: Aquarium? Ah, yes, yes yes. = 8
6. M1: Watching TV programs, especially sports. (Nishikori). And now ( ) Japan. It is exciting. Do you like fish? = 28
7. M1: What kind of fish? = 4
8. M1: Sha- shark? ↑ = 3
9. M1: Yes, in high school I played basketball. = 9
10. M1: What sports do you like? = 5
11. M1: (Badton)? Ah, I know, I know. = 7
12. M1: Yes, yes, yes, yes. Do you good at (badton)? Are you good at (badton)? = 16
13. M1: My father, my mother, my big sister, and–. = 11
14. M1: Sister. = 2
15. M1: Maybe, maybe (.) twenty-two. = 7
16. M1: Yes, yes, yes, yes, She, she is Kobe University. Heh she isn’t clever. She isn’t↑ clever. And she she interested in building buildings. So she wants to be an architect. Do you have (many) brothers? Do you have brother? = 57
17. M1: Is she cute? = 3
18. M1: Ah, do you have another hobby? = 9
19. M1: Why why did you start it? = 6
20. M1: My friends, all of my friends are playing ( ) maybe they are very strong. But I don’t play it? Do you like book? = 25
21. M1: I don’t like book. = 4
22. M1: I never reading book. Long sentence. = 9
23. M1: Yes, yes, yes. = 3
24. M1: I got hypotheses but I’ve never opened it. And my hobby is moving (weights). For example, (Japanese) (muscle).(training). So last year, ( ) I am trying to lose weight. Heh Do↓ Do you like ( ). = 43
25. M1: But I don’t like running so I I can’t lose weight. = 12
26. M1: I want to lose ten kilograms? = 8
27. M1: Uh? = 1
28. M1: What kind of food do you like? ↓ Ah↑ I like sushi, I am very Japanese people. = 21
29. M1: You, what kind do you what kind of food do you like. = 12
30. M1: heh American. American. = 8
31. M1: What what club do you belong to? = 8
32. M1: Do you like camera? (.) = 6
33. M1: What what do you take digital camera? What what↑ take Eh↑ What take to, ↑ what do you take with your camera (Japanese)? = 27
34. M1: No. I don’t have camera. = 7
35. M1: Basketball and ultimate Frisbee. = 9
36. M1: Oh: heh heh Many↑ many↑ maybe (.) ah = 8
37. M1: Maybe. = 2
38. M1: archi— ah: maybe forty. = 7
39. M1: And in KIT there are many boys so so it is easy I make friends. (.) Do you have many friends in KIT? = 30
40. M1: Kyushu Institute↓ = 5
41. M1: Oh, eh you have more friends, you more have more friends. Heh = 14
42. M1: yes yes yes yes. Oh Don’t you like boys? = 10
43. M1: yes yes, = 2
44. M1: What would you like to buy this year? What what ↑ thing do you like this year? Do you like to buy this year? = 23
45. M1: What thing do you like to buy this year? (Japanese) ? = 9
46. M1: Vacuum? = 2
47. M1: For why? = 2
48. M1: Yes yes yes yes. Do you have a vacuum now? Don’t you have a vacuum now? = 18
49. M1: Ah Yes yes yes. By the way , my bi- my bicycle broke so I bought yesterday, heh it is very um ah (Japanese) expensive. I am very sad, I am very sad. = 38
50. M1: Oh: I want to build buildings, so I want to be an architect. = 16
51. M1: Civil engineering. = 6
52. M1: Yes. Yes. Ito’s Ito’s class. I want to enter Ito’s class. = 15
52. M1: Ito’s class is very exciting. = 8

Female 2 Mean Length Runs

1. F1: My hometown is Fukuoka, Hakata. = 11
2. F1: What is your name? = 4
3. F1: Yuki Katsura. ↓ = 5
4. F1: My name is Nanami Motomatsu. = 10
5. F1: Eh: ↑ My hobby is (.) to go to aquarium. = 12
6. F1: What is your hobby? = 5
7. F1: Yes. ↑ = 1
8. F1: Ah: eh = 2
9. F1: Ah: ↑ Yes yes. (19.6) = 3
10. F1: Do you like sports? = 5
11. F1: Ah. ↑ oh. = 2
12. F1: I like tennis and (badton) ↑ = 7
13. F1: I belong to (badton) club. ( ) = 6
14. F1: Hmm heh heh yes. Heh heh (10.9) = 2
15. F1: What consists of your family? = 8
16. F1: Sister? = 2
17. F1: How old is she? = 4
18. F1: Uh↓, College student? = 5
19. F1: I have sister. I have younger sister. She is ah: sixteen years old. = 17
20. F1: ah no. heh heh. = 2
21. F1: Hmm. (6.7) = 1
22. F1: ah↑ my hobby is playing puzzle recently. Heh heh I start I have started since ( ) one week. Last week.↑ = 23
23. F1: Hm my I am (Japanese) introduce–. = 7
24. F1: Ah, yes. = 2
25. F1: heh heh = 0
26. F1: Thick book? = 2
27. F1:I prefer ( ) book than to thick book. Heh = 8
28. F1: A little. Heh = 3
29. F1: How (.) How how what do you ( ) with (weight) = 7
30. F1: What kind of food do you (.) like? = 7
31. F1:What kind of food do you like? = 7
32. F1: heh heh = 0
33. F1:I like meat. = 3
34. F1: I dislike vegetables and fish. = 8
35. F1: I belong to (badmon) club? Uh Now? ↑ Uh: I belong to (Kimacho) and to Wavegroup dance club, and photo club. = 27
36. F1: Yes. = 1
37. F1: I took people and scenery, and so on. Heh heh. Do you like photo? = 16
38. F1: Ah: Oh. What do you belong to club? = 9
39. F1: ( ) ( ) (13.6) = 0
40. F1: How many do you have friends in college? = 10
41. F1: Many? = 2
42. F1: Architect engineering = 7
43. F1: Forty? ↑ heh = 2
44. F1: Hmm KIT↓ = 4
45. F1: Ah: ↑ thirty? = 3
46. F1: I went to jogakuin six year, junior high and high school, so I I don’t I am not accu- accustomed to boys, so but (.) hmm it is (Japanese) go to here, so I I come to speak to boys. = 47
47. F1: First, = 1
48. F1: I don’t like heh but now↑, I think heh (.) a little↑, I like. = 12
49. F1: To buy? = 2
50. F1: I buy, I want to buy (Japanese) = 6
51. F1: Vacuum. = 2
52. F1: This is because uh I want to need, I need↑ so I (.) I live alone. = 17
53. F1: Yes↑ Yes I have, but it is broken. = 9
54. F1: What do you have, what do you dream in the future? = 12
55. F1: Ah What course? Architecture or– = 8
56. F1: Civil engineering. = 6
57. F1: Oh me too. Heh heh =3
58. F1: Yes. = 1

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