Hikaru and Nanami

Session 3: Male 2 to Female 1


Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 96.5   B: 92.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

401.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.5 (647 syllables)

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 84.6   B: 81.4

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

186.4 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

4.6 (263 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 68.7 secs.

Percentage: 10.4%

Total Speaking Time:

657 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

6.9 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M2: Hi.

F1: Hi.

M2: My name is Hikaru Endo. Um, (.) I’m second year student. My major is mechanical engineering. Nice to meet you↓.

F1: Nice meet you, too. My name is Nanami Motomatsu. I am first grade. My majoring is in (3.8) (Japanese: ‘Kensetsu syakai’).

M2: Oh, (Japanese: ‘Kensetsu syakai’). OK↑. (.) Nice to meet you.

F1: Nice to meet you, too↓.

M2: So let’s talk. (4.8) what topic, do you like?

F1: This?

M2: This. (.) Hobbies.

F1: What. What is your hobbies?

M2: Ah: my hobby is walking  (Japanese: sanpo). .

F1: Walking?

M2: Yeah. so I often walk, and (.) see, watch the scene↑ so seasons scene↓ heh. (Japanese: ‘Nanka ojichan mitai). So um I like↑ go to the place when the place I lived in very 14 years ago, I like (    ). But (3.8) I like play sports. I play tennis, so when I was a high school student, I belonged to tennis club, but now I don’t join any circle or clubs so I I want to play something um: (2.4) I have to get a muscle. Very thin. How about you? What is your hobby?

F1: My hobby is going to aquarium. I like fish.

M2: Aquarium, Ah↑. Really? Where? ‘Nominaka’?

F1: Ah:↑, when, ‘Kaikyoukan’ in Yamaguchi.

M2: Ah. Where are you from?

F1: I’m from Fukuoka.

M2: Fukuoka.

F1: Hakata.

M2: Ah.

F1: Where are you from?

M2: Fukuoka city. Yeah. (2.4) Aquarium, wow↑. Which fishes do you like?

F1: Um (2.8) I like shark.

M2: Shark?↑ Wow!↑

F1: And dolphin.

M2: Dolphin.

F1: and water fish.

M2: Water fish?

F1: (Japanese: ‘Kurage’).

M2: Ah↑, I see. Eh (6.5) Do you go to aquarium alone?

F1: And with my friends.

M2: Alone?

F1: And home.

M2: Um. Wow. Alone. You like↓ aquarium↓.

F1: What consist of your family?

M2: Uh, my father, mother and me. Only three. (2.8) How about you?

F1: I have my younger sister. She is 16 years old, high school student.

M2: Um. (3.5) Good. I, (4.9) only child, so I want to someone to play with. (.) Do you like sister?

F1: Yes↑.

M2: Oh, good↑.

F1: I am good at, ah get along with my sister.

M2: Um, so I often friends who:↑ don’t like his brother or sister, (sniffle) yeah. OK, next. Preference.↑ What is preference↑? (Japanese: Ma iika)’. Next, what is your favorite books, do you read book? So so↑  ah ok↑, do you like movie?

F1: Yes.

M2: Oh, what kind of, ah what is your favorite movie?

F1:  Jurassic Park’.

M2: Oh↑.

F1: And ‘Wars of (.) Uchu tte nandakke?’

M2: University.

F1: University.

M2: Universe.

F1: ‘Wars of universe’.

M2: ‘Wars of universe’?

F1: ‘Uchu senso’.

M2: Ah, wars↑. War.

F1: Wars↓.

M2: ‘Uchu senso’↑(3.1) (Japanese) very↑ old one↑?

F1: Yes↑. (3.0) How about you?

M2: Uh, I like movie, ah: I like (.)  ‘Cagliostro’s Castle’.

F1: ‘Cagliostro’↓?

M2: Lupin.

F1: Ah.

M2: Lupin third↓. Yeh↓ (3.7) So I↑ watch a lot of, kind of movie, and action or (.) human love comedy, animation. All the movie, in the all the movie I like ‘Cagliostro No Shiro’’, because I think (.) it contains the roman, romance. Human,(Japanese: ‘tteiuka lupin kakkoiiyone’. ‘Dameda nihonho tukacchau)’. So↑ um:

F1: What do you have do you have dream in the future?

M2: Do you have↑?

F1: Have dreams.

M2: Dream↑.

F1: In the future?

M2: Ah↑, (Japanese: kyuni)’ Heh heh My dream? OK. Dream (Japanese: nay) Hmm (sniffle) (.) Actually I’m not decided yet, but I think (3.1) mmm: (.) I want to go abroad to study. And I want to be an engineering who (.) work in all over the world, so now↑ (.) I have to study English. (2.4) But↑ I don’t decide the (2.7) detail. Only (.) (Japanese: muzukashi nay?)

F1: Do you study English hard?

M2: No↑, not yet↑. I just play. How about you? Do you have a dream?

F1: Um↓ I want to become an architecture.

M2: Um.

F1: I want to go architect course.

M2: Oh, yeah. So do you want to make a big aquarium?

F1: Yes↑.

M2: Heh heh ok. Good↑. Architecture. (5.6) Sounds good↓.

F1: What do you like food?

M2: I like ‘yakiniku’. I have no food I don’t like.

F1: Ah.

M2: I like all kind of foods.

F1: Wow.

M2: But↑ ah↑, I find, I don’t like ‘soramame’.

F1: Ah.

M2: Do you know ‘soramame’?

F1: Yes.

M2: Big bean. I don’t like the taste. (3.1) What is your favorite food?

F1: I like meat.

M2: Oh↑ heh, me too me too.

F1: I dislike vegetables and fishes.

M2: Ah:↑ really↑?

F1: Yes.

M2: Wow. You eat only meat?

F1: Yes.

M2: Heh heh Are you OK? Ok. (.) What meat do you like? ‘Yakiniku’ or steak?

F1: Mmm (2.9) both.

M2: Both? Ah. Everything?

F1: Yes.

M2: Good.

F1: What do you like to (.) buy this year?

M2: Buy this year?

F1: Ah what

M2: Idea?

F1: Do you like to buy this year?

M2: To buy? Ah, what do you…

F1: What do you buy?

M2: Ah, OK.


Speaking rates for both participants are moderately average 81.4 for Nanami and 92.2. Cross-talk pausing is rather low, at 6.9 seconds, and the overall percentage of silence is 10.4%  Again, as males tend to dominate discussions, Hikaru has 452 words compared to 187.  Also, in regard to MLRs Hikaru has 9.5 syllables compared to Nanami’s 4.6 syllables though Hikaru has a higher rate of meaningless syllables 29 compared to Nanami’s 10. The conversation is fluid but there is some awkward moments to it.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: Hi. = 1
2. F1: Nice meet you, too. My name is Nanami // Motomatsu. I am one grade. My ma// joring is in (3.8) = 24
3. (F1): (Japanese: ‘Kensetsu syakai’). = 0
4. F1: Nice to meet you, too↓. = 5
5. F1: This? = 1
6. F1: What. What is your hobbies? = 6
7. F1: Walking? = 2
8. F1: My hobby is going to aquari//um. I like fish. = 14
9. F1: Ah:↑, when, ‘Kaikyoukan’ in Yamaguchi. = 10
10. F1: I’m from Fukuoka. = 6
11. F1: Hakata. = 3
12. F1: Where are you from? = 4
13. F1: Um (2.8) = 1
14. (F1): I like shark = 3
15. F1: And dolphin. = 3
16. F1: and water fish. = 4
17. F1: (Japanese: ‘Kurage’). = 0
18. F1: And with my friends. = 5
19. F1: And home. = 2
20. F1: What consist of your family? = 8
21. F1: I have my younger sister. She is six//teen years old, high school student. = 17
22. F1: Yes↑. = 1
23. F1: I am good at, ah get along with my // sister. = 12
24. F1: Yes. = 1
25. F1: Jurassic Park’. = 4
26. F1: And ‘Wars of (.) Uchu tte nandakke?’ = 9
27. F1: University. = 5
28. F1: ‘Wars of universe’. = 5
29. F1: ‘Uchu senso’. = 4
30. F1: Wars↓. = 1
31. F1: Yes↑. (3.0) = 1
32. (F1) How about you? = 3
33. F1: ‘Cagliostro’↓? = 4
34. F1: Ah. = 1
35. F1: What do you have do you have dream in the // future? = 12
36. F1: Have dreams. = 3
37. F1: In the future? = 4
38. F1: Do you study English hard? = 7
39. F1: Um↓ I want to become an architec//ture. = 11
40. F1: I want to go architect course. = 8
41. F1: Yes↑. = 1
42. F1: What do you like food? = 5
43. F1: Ah. = 1
44. F1: Wow. = 1
45. F1: Ah. = 1
46. F1: Yes. = 1
47. F1: I like meat. = 3
48. F1: I dislike vegetables and fishes. = 9
49. F1: Yes. = 1
50. F1: Yes. = 1
51. F1: Mmm (2.9) = 1
52. (F1) both. = 1
53. F1: Yes. = 1
54. F1: What do you like to (.) buy this year? = 8
55. F1: Ah what = 2
56. F1: Do you like to buy this year? = 7
57. F1: What do you buy? = 4

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hi. = 1
2, M2: My name is Hikaru Endo. Um, (.) I’m // second year student. My major is me//chanical engineering. Nice to meet // you↓. = 31
3. M2: Oh, (Japanese: ‘Kensetsu syakai’). OK↑. (.) Nice to meet you. = 7
4. M2: So let’s talk. (4.8) = 3
5. (M1) = what topic, do you like? = 6
6. M2: This. (.) Hobbies. = 3
7. M2: Ah: my hobby is walking (Japanese: sanpo). = 7
8. M2: Yeah. so I often walk, and (.) see, watch the // scene↑ so seasons scene↓ heh. (Japanese: ‘Nanka ojichan mitai). So um I like↑ go // to the place when the place I lived in ve//ry 14 years ago, I like ( ). But (3.8) = 39
9. (M1) I like play sports. I play tennis, so when // I was a high school student, I belonged // to tennis club, but now I don’t join a//ny circle or clubs. I I want to play // something um: (2.4) = 43
10. (M1) I have to get a muscle. Very thin. // How about you? What is your hobby? = 19
11. M2: Aquarium, Ah↑. Really? Where? ‘Nominaka’? = 8
12. M2: Ah. Where are you from? = 5
13, M2: Fukuoka. = 4
14. M2: Ah. = 1
15. M2: Fukuoka city. Yeah. (2.4) = 7
16. (M1) Aquarium, wow↑. Which fishes // do you like? = 13
17. M2: Shark?↑ Wow!↑ = 2
18. M2: Dolphin. = 2
19. M2: Water fish? = 3
20. M2: Ah↑, I see. Eh (6.5) =4
21. (M1) Do you go to aquarium alone? = 10
22. M2: Alone? = 2
23. M2: Um. Wow. Alone. You like↓ aquarium↓. = 10
24. M2: Uh, my father, mother and me. Only // three. (2.8) = 11
25. (M1) How about you? = 4
26. M2: Um. (3.5) = 1
27. (M1) Good. I, (4.9) = 2
(M1) only child, so I want to someone to // play with. (.) Do you like sister? = 17
28. M2: Oh, good↑. = 2
29. M2: Um, so I often friends who:↑ don’t like his // brother or sister, (sniffle) yeah. OK, next. Pre//ference.↑ What is preference↑? (Japanese: Ma iika)’. Next, what is // your favorite books, do you read book? So // so↑ ah ok↑, do you like movie? = 49
30. M2: Oh, what kind of, ah what is your favorite // movie? = 12
31. M2: Oh↑. = 1
32. M2: University. = 5
33. M2: Universe. = 3
34. M2: ‘Wars of universe’? = 5
35. M2: Ah, wars↑. War. = 3
36. M2: ‘Uchu senso’↑(3.1) = 0
37. (M1) (Japanese) very↑ old one↑? = 4
38. M2: Uh, I like movie, ah: I like (.) ‘Cagl//iostro’s Castle’. = 14
39. M2: Lupin. = 2
40. M2: Lupin third↓. Yeh↓ (3.7) = 4
41. (M1) So I↑ watch a lot of, kind of movie, // and action or (.) human love comedy, // animation. All the movie, in the // all the movie I like ‘Cagliostro // No Shiro’’, because I think (.) it contains // the roman, romance. Human,(Japanese: ‘tteiuka lupin kakkoiiyone’. ‘Dameda nihonho tukacchau)’. So↑ um:// = 60
42. M2: Do you have↑? = 3
43. M2: Dream↑. =1
44. M2: Ah↑, (Japanese: kyuni)’ Heh heh My dream? OK. Dream (Japanese: nay) Hmm (sniffle) Actually // I’m not decided yet, but I think (3.1) = 19
45. (M1) mmm: (.) I want to go abroad to study. // And I want to be an engineering // who (.) work in all over the world, so now↑ (.) I // have to study English. (2.4) = 36
46. (M1) But↑ I don’t decide the (2.7) = 6
47. (M1) detail. Only (.) (Japanese: muzukashi nay?) = 4
48. M2: No↑, not yet↑. I just play. How about you? // Do you have a dream? = 15
49 M2: Um. = 1
50. M2: Oh, yeah. So do you want to make a big // aquarium? = 14
51. M2: Heh heh ok. Good↑. Architecture. (5.6) = 7
52. Sounds good↓. = 2
53. M2: I like ‘yakiniku’. I have no food // I don’t like. = 13
54. M2: I like all kind of foods. = 7
55. M2: But↑ ah↑, I find, I don’t like ‘sorama//me’. = 11
56. M2: Do you know ‘soramame’? = 7
57. M2: Big bean. I don’t like the taste. (3.1) = 7
58. (M1) What is your favorite food? = 7
59. M2: Oh↑ heh, me too. = 3
60. M2: Ah:↑ really↑? = 3
61. M2: Wow. You eat only meat? = 6
62. M2: Heh heh Are you OK? Ok. What meat do you like? // ‘Yakiniku’ or steak? = 16
63. M2: Both? Ah. Everything? = 5
64. M2: Good. = 1
65. M2: Buy this year? = 3
66. M2: Idea? = 2
67. M2: To buy? Ah, what do you = 6
68. M2: Ah, OK. = 3


M2: Hi.

F1: Hi.

M2: My name is Hikaru Endo. Um, (.) I’m second year student. My major is mechanical engineering. Nice to meet you↓.

F1: Nice meet you, too. My name is Nanami Motomatsu. I am first grade. My majoring is in (3.8) (Japanese: ‘Kensetsu syakai’).

M2: Oh, (Japanese: ‘Kensetsu syakai’). OK↑. (.) Nice to meet you.

F1: Nice to meet you, too↓.

M2: So let’s talk. (4.8) what topic, do you like?

F1: This?

M2: This. (.) Hobbies.

F1: What. What is your hobbies?

M2: Ah: my hobby is walking  (Japanese: sanpo). .

F1: Walking?

M2: Yeah. so I often walk, and (.) see, watch the scene↑ so seasons scene↓ heh. (Japanese: ‘Nanka ojichan mitai). So um I like↑ go to the place when the place I lived in very 14 years ago, I like (    ). But (3.8) I like play sports. I play tennis, so when I was a high school student, I belonged to tennis club, but now I don’t join any circle or clubs so I I want to play something um: (2.4) I have to get a muscle. Very thin. How about you? What is your hobby?

F1: My hobby is going to aquarium. I like fish.

M2: Aquarium, Ah↑. Really? Where? ‘Nominaka’?

F1: Ah:↑, when, ‘Kaikyoukan’ in Yamaguchi.

M2: Ah. Where are you from?

F1: I’m from Fukuoka.

M2: Fukuoka.

F1: Hakata.

M2: Ah.

F1: Where are you from?

M2: Fukuoka city. Yeah. (2.4) Aquarium, wow↑. Which fishes do you like?

F1: Um (2.8) I like shark.

M2: Shark?↑ Wow!↑

F1: And dolphin.

M2: Dolphin.

F1: and water fish.

M2: Water fish?

F1: (Japanese: ‘Kurage’).

M2: Ah↑, I see. Eh (6.5) Do you go to aquarium alone?

F1: And with my friends.

M2: Alone?

F1: And home.

M2: Um. Wow. Alone. You like↓ aquarium↓.

F1: What consist of your family?

M2: Uh, my father, mother and me. Only three. (2.8) How about you?

F1: I have my younger sister. She is 16 years old, high school student.

M2: Um. (3.5) Good. I, (4.9) only child, so I want to someone to play with. (.) Do you like sister?

F1: Yes↑.

M2: Oh, good↑.

F1: I am good at, ah get along with my sister.

M2: Um, so I often friends who:↑ don’t like his brother or sister, (sniffle) yeah. OK, next. Preference.↑ What is preference↑? (Japanese: Ma iika)’. Next, what is your favorite books, do you read book? So so↑  ah ok↑, do you like movie?

F1: Yes.

M2: Oh, what kind of, ah what is your favorite movie?

F1:  Jurassic Park’.

M2: Oh↑.

F1: And ‘Wars of (.) Uchu tte nandakke?’

M2: University.

F1: University.

M2: Universe.

F1: ‘Wars of universe’.

M2: ‘Wars of universe’?

F1: ‘Uchu senso’.

M2: Ah, wars↑. War.

F1: Wars↓.

M2: ‘Uchu senso’↑(3.1) (Japanese) very↑ old one↑?

F1: Yes↑. (3.0) How about you?

M2: Uh, I like movie, ah: I like (.)  ‘Cagliostro’s Castle’.

F1: ‘Cagliostro’↓?

M2: Lupin.

F1: Ah.

M2: Lupin third↓. Yeh↓ (3.7) So I↑ watch a lot of, kind of movie, and action or (.) human love comedy, animation. All the movie, in the all the movie I like ‘Cagliostro No Shiro’’, because I think (.) it contains the roman, romance. Human,(Japanese: ‘tteiuka lupin kakkoiiyone’. ‘Dameda nihonho tukacchau)’. So↑ um:

F1: What do you have do you have dream in the future?

M2: Do you have↑?

F1: Have dreams.

M2: Dream↑.

F1: In the future?

M2: Ah↑, (Japanese: kyuni)’ Heh heh My dream? OK. Dream (Japanese: nay) Hmm (sniffle) (.) Actually I’m not decided yet, but I think (3.1) mmm: (.) I want to go abroad to study. And I want to be an engineering who (.) work in all over the world, so now↑ (.) I have to study English. (2.4) But↑ I don’t decide the (2.7) detail. Only (.) (Japanese: muzukashi nay?)

F1: Do you study English hard?

M2: No↑, not yet↑. I just play. How about you? Do you have a dream?

F1: Um↓ I want to become an architecture.

M2: Um.

F1: I want to go architect course.

M2: Oh, yeah. So do you want to make a big aquarium?

F1: Yes↑.

M2: Heh heh ok. Good↑. Architecture. (5.6) Sounds good↓.

F1: What do you like food?

M2: I like ‘yakiniku’. I have no food I don’t like.

F1: Ah.

M2: I like all kind of foods.

F1: Wow.

M2: But↑ ah↑, I find, I don’t like ‘soramame’.

F1: Ah.

M2: Do you know ‘soramame’?

F1: Yes.

M2: Big bean. I don’t like the taste. (3.1) What is your favorite food?

F1: I like meat.

M2: Oh↑ heh, me too me too.

F1: I dislike vegetables and fishes.

M2: Ah:↑ really↑?

F1: Yes.

M2: Wow. You eat only meat?

F1: Yes.

M2: Heh heh Are you OK? Ok. (.) What meat do you like? ‘Yakiniku’ or steak?

F1: Mmm (2.9) both.

M2: Both? Ah. Everything?

F1: Yes.

M2: Good.

F1: What do you like to (.) buy this year?

M2: Buy this year?

F1: Ah what

M2: Idea?

F1: Do you like to buy this year?

M2: To buy? Ah, what do you…

F1: What do you buy?

M2: Ah, OK.

Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 96.5   B: 92.2

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

401.9 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

9.5 (647 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F1

Speaking Rate

A: 84.6   B: 81.4

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

186.4 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

4.6 (263 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 68.7 secs.

Percentage: 10.4%

Total Speaking Time:

657 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

6.9 sec.


Speaking rates for both participants are moderately average 81.4 for Nanami and 92.2. Cross-talk pausing is rather low, at 6.9 seconds, and the overall percentage of silence is 10.4%  Again, as males tend to dominate discussions, Hikaru has 452 words compared to 187.  Also, in regard to MLRs Hikaru has 9.5 syllables compared to Nanami’s 4.6 syllables though Hikaru has a higher rate of meaningless syllables 29 compared to Nanami’s 10. The conversation is fluid but there is some awkward moments to it.

MLR Transcript

Female 1 Mean length runs.

1. F1: Hi. = 1
2. F1: Nice meet you, too. My name is Nanami // Motomatsu. I am one grade. My ma// joring is in (3.8) = 24
3. (F1): (Japanese: ‘Kensetsu syakai’). = 0
4. F1: Nice to meet you, too↓. = 5
5. F1: This? = 1
6. F1: What. What is your hobbies? = 6
7. F1: Walking? = 2
8. F1: My hobby is going to aquari//um. I like fish. = 14
9. F1: Ah:↑, when, ‘Kaikyoukan’ in Yamaguchi. = 10
10. F1: I’m from Fukuoka. = 6
11. F1: Hakata. = 3
12. F1: Where are you from? = 4
13. F1: Um (2.8) = 1
14. (F1): I like shark = 3
15. F1: And dolphin. = 3
16. F1: and water fish. = 4
17. F1: (Japanese: ‘Kurage’). = 0
18. F1: And with my friends. = 5
19. F1: And home. = 2
20. F1: What consist of your family? = 8
21. F1: I have my younger sister. She is six//teen years old, high school student. = 17
22. F1: Yes↑. = 1
23. F1: I am good at, ah get along with my // sister. = 12
24. F1: Yes. = 1
25. F1: Jurassic Park’. = 4
26. F1: And ‘Wars of (.) Uchu tte nandakke?’ = 9
27. F1: University. = 5
28. F1: ‘Wars of universe’. = 5
29. F1: ‘Uchu senso’. = 4
30. F1: Wars↓. = 1
31. F1: Yes↑. (3.0) = 1
32. (F1) How about you? = 3
33. F1: ‘Cagliostro’↓? = 4
34. F1: Ah. = 1
35. F1: What do you have do you have dream in the // future? = 12
36. F1: Have dreams. = 3
37. F1: In the future? = 4
38. F1: Do you study English hard? = 7
39. F1: Um↓ I want to become an architec//ture. = 11
40. F1: I want to go architect course. = 8
41. F1: Yes↑. = 1
42. F1: What do you like food? = 5
43. F1: Ah. = 1
44. F1: Wow. = 1
45. F1: Ah. = 1
46. F1: Yes. = 1
47. F1: I like meat. = 3
48. F1: I dislike vegetables and fishes. = 9
49. F1: Yes. = 1
50. F1: Yes. = 1
51. F1: Mmm (2.9) = 1
52. (F1) both. = 1
53. F1: Yes. = 1
54. F1: What do you like to (.) buy this year? = 8
55. F1: Ah what = 2
56. F1: Do you like to buy this year? = 7
57. F1: What do you buy? = 4

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hi. = 1
2, M2: My name is Hikaru Endo. Um, (.) I’m // second year student. My major is me//chanical engineering. Nice to meet // you↓. = 31
3. M2: Oh, (Japanese: ‘Kensetsu syakai’). OK↑. (.) Nice to meet you. = 7
4. M2: So let’s talk. (4.8) = 3
5. (M1) = what topic, do you like? = 6
6. M2: This. (.) Hobbies. = 3
7. M2: Ah: my hobby is walking (Japanese: sanpo). = 7
8. M2: Yeah. so I often walk, and (.) see, watch the // scene↑ so seasons scene↓ heh. (Japanese: ‘Nanka ojichan mitai). So um I like↑ go // to the place when the place I lived in ve//ry 14 years ago, I like ( ). But (3.8) = 39
9. (M1) I like play sports. I play tennis, so when // I was a high school student, I belonged // to tennis club, but now I don’t join a//ny circle or clubs. I I want to play // something um: (2.4) = 43
10. (M1) I have to get a muscle. Very thin. // How about you? What is your hobby? = 19
11. M2: Aquarium, Ah↑. Really? Where? ‘Nominaka’? = 8
12. M2: Ah. Where are you from? = 5
13, M2: Fukuoka. = 4
14. M2: Ah. = 1
15. M2: Fukuoka city. Yeah. (2.4) = 7
16. (M1) Aquarium, wow↑. Which fishes // do you like? = 13
17. M2: Shark?↑ Wow!↑ = 2
18. M2: Dolphin. = 2
19. M2: Water fish? = 3
20. M2: Ah↑, I see. Eh (6.5) =4
21. (M1) Do you go to aquarium alone? = 10
22. M2: Alone? = 2
23. M2: Um. Wow. Alone. You like↓ aquarium↓. = 10
24. M2: Uh, my father, mother and me. Only // three. (2.8) = 11
25. (M1) How about you? = 4
26. M2: Um. (3.5) = 1
27. (M1) Good. I, (4.9) = 2
(M1) only child, so I want to someone to // play with. (.) Do you like sister? = 17
28. M2: Oh, good↑. = 2
29. M2: Um, so I often friends who:↑ don’t like his // brother or sister, (sniffle) yeah. OK, next. Pre//ference.↑ What is preference↑? (Japanese: Ma iika)’. Next, what is // your favorite books, do you read book? So // so↑ ah ok↑, do you like movie? = 49
30. M2: Oh, what kind of, ah what is your favorite // movie? = 12
31. M2: Oh↑. = 1
32. M2: University. = 5
33. M2: Universe. = 3
34. M2: ‘Wars of universe’? = 5
35. M2: Ah, wars↑. War. = 3
36. M2: ‘Uchu senso’↑(3.1) = 0
37. (M1) (Japanese) very↑ old one↑? = 4
38. M2: Uh, I like movie, ah: I like (.) ‘Cagl//iostro’s Castle’. = 14
39. M2: Lupin. = 2
40. M2: Lupin third↓. Yeh↓ (3.7) = 4
41. (M1) So I↑ watch a lot of, kind of movie, // and action or (.) human love comedy, // animation. All the movie, in the // all the movie I like ‘Cagliostro // No Shiro’’, because I think (.) it contains // the roman, romance. Human,(Japanese: ‘tteiuka lupin kakkoiiyone’. ‘Dameda nihonho tukacchau)’. So↑ um:// = 60
42. M2: Do you have↑? = 3
43. M2: Dream↑. =1
44. M2: Ah↑, (Japanese: kyuni)’ Heh heh My dream? OK. Dream (Japanese: nay) Hmm (sniffle) Actually // I’m not decided yet, but I think (3.1) = 19
45. (M1) mmm: (.) I want to go abroad to study. // And I want to be an engineering // who (.) work in all over the world, so now↑ (.) I // have to study English. (2.4) = 36
46. (M1) But↑ I don’t decide the (2.7) = 6
47. (M1) detail. Only (.) (Japanese: muzukashi nay?) = 4
48. M2: No↑, not yet↑. I just play. How about you? // Do you have a dream? = 15
49 M2: Um. = 1
50. M2: Oh, yeah. So do you want to make a big // aquarium? = 14
51. M2: Heh heh ok. Good↑. Architecture. (5.6) = 7
52. Sounds good↓. = 2
53. M2: I like ‘yakiniku’. I have no food // I don’t like. = 13
54. M2: I like all kind of foods. = 7
55. M2: But↑ ah↑, I find, I don’t like ‘sorama//me’. = 11
56. M2: Do you know ‘soramame’? = 7
57. M2: Big bean. I don’t like the taste. (3.1) = 7
58. (M1) What is your favorite food? = 7
59. M2: Oh↑ heh, me too. = 3
60. M2: Ah:↑ really↑? = 3
61. M2: Wow. You eat only meat? = 6
62. M2: Heh heh Are you OK? Ok. What meat do you like? // ‘Yakiniku’ or steak? = 16
63. M2: Both? Ah. Everything? = 5
64. M2: Good. = 1
65. M2: Buy this year? = 3
66. M2: Idea? = 2
67. M2: To buy? Ah, what do you = 6
68. M2: Ah, OK. = 3

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