Kohei and Megumi

Session 2: Male 2 to Female 2


Statistics M2

Speaking Rate

A: 111.9   B: 101.0

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

197.2 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

8.1 (368 syllables)

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 68.1   B: 57.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

417.4 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

10.5 (474 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 32.5 secs.

Percentage: 4.6%

Total Speaking Time:

695 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

4.3 sec.

Display QR

Gender Fluency QR Code


For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please


M2: Hi

F2: Hi

M2: My name is Kohei Kitagawa and I major in mechanical and control engineering.

F2: Mmm-mmm

M2: I’m a↑  fresh man.

F2: Freshman↑  freshman↑  Ok, my name is Megumi Katayama, and my major is mechanical engineering and: I am a senior major↓ four↓. Hmm heh My hobby↑ heh is playing (£) the piano

M2: Piano↓

F2: Yes, I when I was two years old, I I start playing the piano.

M2: Ah↓

F2: What, what is your hobby?

M2: I can’t play the piano.

F2: Heh heh ok ok.

M2: But, ah (.) I’m good at↑ swimming.

F2: Hmm.

M2: And, I practiced ah, swimming since I was ah kindergarten student. And in high school, I I won the competition. And I go to ah I went to Kyusyu competition in back stroke.

F2: Hmm↑ Back stroke↑ Nice, eh do do you join (.) this school…

M2: Ah, no! ↓ Not yet↓.

F2: Not yet↑? Are you, are you playing the swimming now?

M2: No.

F2: No↑?

M2: Now, no. hmm.

F2: What, what you are very good swimmer!

M2: Hmm…

F2:  Heh heh

M2: Because ah, I came here from Fukuoka city, and, (.) and use train so, it takes long time. so…

F2: Ah↑ Me too! I live in Yamaguchi prefecture. Hmm.

M2: Oh

F2: Heh heh heh. Ah (.) for I umm, (.) mmm↓ for one hour.

M2: Hmm-mmm-mmm

F2:  By train.

M2: Ah, yes. I’m one hour and half hmm from Hakata station.

F2: Heh heh heh. (Japanse: Tsugi) Why do you [[  ]] um How are you both different. Hmm I am female.

M2: Heh I’m male, of course↓.

F2: Hmm. How does hmm friends. Heh.

M2: (Ah) Different grade↓.

F2: Ah, long hair. Very sort hair.

M2: Very short, ok. Umm.

F2: Ah, umm… yes, I am older than you.

M2: Heh heh heh

F2: Umm. Next, next… Compare schedule, please read.

M2: Ah:↓ last week  I’m very busy because of middle (.) term exam. But this week, I’m free very free.

F2: Heh You have many time.

M2: So, I’m happy now↓.

F2: Hmm, when you are free, hmm, what, what do you do?

M2: Ah: of course I (.) I sleep long time and, umm (7.2) or ( 2.5) mm  listen to music like this.

F2: Yes Ok, uhm (2.1) uhm I’m, I’m busy the whole year, um, because um (.) I study ah I’m studying the debris.

M2: Debris?

F2: Ah, do you know debris, space debris?

M2: No.

F2: No!? Um, ah, there are many garbage in space. Ah, we have to remove. Heh heh  This study is very very (.) very busy.

M2: Ah

F2: Do Umm. Do, do you wanna, do you wanna um, do you wanna go master course?

M2: Hmm heh

F2: Heh heh, ok.

M2: So so↓

F2:  Yes, you are freshman. Oh, so so.

M2: Ah, but I I want to go, I want to study in Akahoshi,  Mr. Akahoshi’s, ok.

F2: Oh! Welcome, come’on

M2: Hmm, I’m interested in air crafts. So

F2: Air crafts? Ah…, bird strike.

M2: Umm I hear his study, I’m very interested in

F2: Ok. Umm (10.3) mmm (3.5) heh heh    Set 2, 2 (Japanese: ha damenankana? Ni fun tatta yone? Tatta, tatta… yoshi.)

M2: Thank you. Ha ha ha.

F2: Ah, thank you, thank you. Nice to see you.

M2: (Japanese: Hai).

F2: (Japanese)

M2: (Japanese)
[[    ]]

M2: Finished:

F2: Continue↑?
[[    ]]

F2: Share as much information about family, friends, major. Family, umm… I have a little brother. Umm, and um, when, umm, before an one hour, one year? heh heh heh I lived with brother, but he um he go to university, so he’s very surprised, so I missed hmm, I missed him heh heh.

M2: Ah I I live with father, mother and little sister, and me. A little sister go to goes to middle school, junior high school and she is two grade now

F2:  Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm

M2: And she’s (2.6) belong to swimming club

F2: Oh! Similar of you. Umm…Heh heh.

M2: I don’t know↓.

F2: (Japanese:Tsugi). Friends, friends! (Friends…) Major (Japanese: onazi dashine) Discuss the question, “what do you both have in common?”

M2: Ah, same major.

F2: Oh! Same major, same major. St, stricter… (Japanese: dou yu imi)?

M2: “You have to strict!!”

F2: Ah!

M2: …Ah! My parents isn’t strict (Hmm) about my studying. (Umm)

F2:  Me either. Umm, my, my father always say
said um you don’t have to studying. More talk with me. Um yes. Ah, Hmm. Heh heh

M2: My: parents think if, if they say, say to me that you have to study, um they know I don’t study.  So, they don’t say that

F2: Yeah, umm. My family, too. When I was, ah elementary school, my mother say umm study the Japanese, Kanji, so I don’t like Kanji heh.


This discussion is rather fluid, with low cross-talk pausing 4.3 seconds, with a total amount of silence being 32.5 seconds. Lexical dysfluency is very limited to just some L1 usage, though syntactic dysfluency is high on one variable, repetition (Megumi: 25 occurrences). MLRs are fairly the same length for both participants, 8.1 for Kohei and 10.5 for Megumi. Kohei’s speaking rate is relatively high 101.0 but Megumi’s could be much higher 57.7.  There are some minimal responses.

MLR Transcript

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hi = 1
2. M2: My name is Kohei Kitagawa and // I major in mechanical and con//trol engineering. = 25
3. M2: I’m a↑  fresh man. = 4
4. M2: Piano↓  = 2
5. M2: Ah↓  = 1
6. M2: I can’t play the piano. = 6
7. M2: But, ah (.) I’m good at↑ swimming. = 7
8. M2: And, I practiced ah, swimming since I was // ah kindergarten student. And in high // school, I I won the competition. And // I go to ah I went to Kyusyu co//petition in back stroke. = 46
9. M2: Ah, no! ↓ Not yet↓.= 4
10. M2: No. = 1
11. M2: Now, no. hmm. = 3
12. M2: Hmm…= 1
13. M2: Because ah, I came here from Fukuo//ka city, and, (.) and use train so, it takes // long time. so…= 23
14. M2: Oh. = 1
15. M2: Hmm-mmm-mmm = 3
16. M2: Ah, yes. I’m one hour and half hmm from // Hakata station. = 15
17. M2: Heh I’m male, of course↓. = 4
18. M2: (Ah) Different grade↓. = 4
19. M2: Very short, ok. Umm. = 6
20. M2: Heh heh heh = 0
21. M2: Ah:↓ last week  I’m very busy because // of middle (.) term exam. But this week, I’m // free very free. = 24
22. M2: So, I’m happy now↓. = 5
23. M2: Ah: of course I (.) I sleep long time and, umm (7.2) = 9  [1:39.2]
24. (M2) or ( 2.5) = 1
25. (M2) mm  listen to music like this. = 8
26. M2: Debris? = 2
27. M2: No. = 1
28. M2: Ah = 1
29. M2: Hmm heh = 1
30. M2: So so↓ = 2
31. M2: Ah, but I I want to go, I want to // study in Akahoshi,  Mr. A//kahoshi’s, ok. = 26
32. M2: Hmm, I’m interested in air crafts. // So = 11 [1:59.14]
33. M2: Umm I hear his study, I’m very in//terested in = 14  [2:01.5]
34. M2: Thank you. Ha ha ha. = 5 [2:02.5]
35. M2: (Japanese: Hai).  = 0
36. M2: (Japanese) = 0
37. M2: Finished: = 2
38. M2: Ah I I live with father, mother and // little sister, and me. A little sis//ter go to goes to middle school, junior // high school and she is two grade now = 38
39. M2: And she’s (2.6) = 2
40. (M2) belong to swimming club = 5
41. M2: I don’t know↓.= 3
42. M2: Ah, same major. = 4
43. M2: “You have to strict!!” = 4
44. M2: …Ah! My parents isn’t strict about // my studying. = 14
45. M2: My: parents think if, if they say, say to // me that you have to study, um they know // I don’t study.  So, they don’t say that = 29

Female 1 Mean length runs

1. F2: Hi  = 1
2. F2: Mmm-mmm = 2
3. F2: Freshman↑  freshman↑  Ok, my name is Me//gumi Katayama, and my major // is mechanical engineering and: // I am a senior major↓ four↓. Hmm heh My // hobby↑ heh is playing (£) the piano = 48
4. F2: Yes, I when I was two years old, I I // start playing the piano. = 17
5. F2: What, what is your hobby? = 6
6. F2: Heh heh ok ok. = 4
7. F2: Hmm. = 1
8. F2: Hmm↑ Back stroke↑ Nice, eh do do you join (.) this // school… = 11
9. F2: Not yet↑? Are you, are you playing the swim//ming now? = 12
10. F2: No↑? = 1
11. F2: What, what you are very good swimmer! = 9
12. F2:  Heh heh = 0
13. F2: Ah↑ Me too! I live in Yamaguchi // prefecture. Hmm. = 14
14. F2: Heh heh heh. Ah (.) for I umm, (.) mmm↓ for one hour. = 9
15. F2:  By train. = 2
16. F2: Heh heh heh. (Japanse: Tsugi) Why do you [[  ]] um How are you both differ//ent. Hmm I am female. = 16
17. F2: Hmm. How does hmm friends. Heh. = 6
18. F2: Ah, long hair. Very sort hair. = 7
19. F2: Ah, umm… yes, I am older than you. = 9
20. F2: Umm. Next, next… Compare schedule, please read. = 9
21. F2: Heh You have many time. = 5
22. F2: Hmm, when you are free, hmm, what, what do you // do? = 11
23. F2: Yes Ok, uhm (2.1) = 4
24. (F2) uhm I’m, I’m busy the whole year, um, be//cause um (.) I study ah I’m studying // the debris. = 13
25. F2: Ah, do you know debris, space debris? = 9
26. F2: No!? Um, ah, there are many garbage in // space. Ah, we have to remove. Heh heh  This study // is very very (.) very busy. = 29
27. F2: Do Umm. Do, do you wanna, do you wa//nna um, do you wanna go master course? // = 20
28. F2: Heh heh, ok. = 2
29. F2:  Yes, you are freshman. Oh, so so. = 8
30. F2: Oh! Welcome, come’on = 5
31. F2: Air crafts? Ah…, bird strike. = 5
32. F2: Ok. Umm (10.3) = 3
33. (F2) mmm (3.5) = 1
34. (F2) heh heh    Set 2, 2 (Japanese: ha damenankana? Ni fun tatta yone? Tatta, tatta… yoshi.) = 3
35. F2: Ah, thank you, thank you. Nice to see you. = 9
36. F2: (Japanese) = 0
37. F2: Continue↑?  [[    ]] = 3
38. F2: Share as much information about fam//ily, friends, major. Family, umm… I have // a little brother. Umm, and um, when, umm, // before an one hour, one year? heh heh heh I lived // with brother, but he um he go to un//iversity, so he’s very surprised, // so I missed hmm, I missed him heh heh. = 57
39. F2:  Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm = 5
40. F2: Oh! Similar of you. Umm…Heh heh.= 6
41.F2: (Japanese:Tsugi). Friends, friends! (Friends…) Major (Japanese: onazi dashine) Discuss the question, // “what do you both have in common?” = 18
42. F2: Oh! Same major, same major. St, stricter… (Japanese: dou yu imi)?  = 10
43. F2: Ah! = 1
44. F2:  Me either. Umm, my, my father always // say said um you don’t have to studying. // More talk with me. Um yes. Ah, Hmm. Heh heh = 28
45. F2: Yeah, umm. My family, too. When I was, ah // elementary school, my mother say // umm study the Japanese, Kanji, so // I don’t like Kanji heh. = 35


M2: Hi

F2: Hi

M2: My name is Kohei Kitagawa and I major in mechanical and control engineering.

F2: Mmm-mmm

M2: I’m a↑  fresh man.

F2: Freshman↑  freshman↑  Ok, my name is Megumi Katayama, and my major is mechanical engineering and: I am a senior major↓ four↓. Hmm heh My hobby↑ heh is playing (£) the piano

M2: Piano↓

F2: Yes, I when I was two years old, I I start playing the piano.

M2: Ah↓

F2: What, what is your hobby?

M2: I can’t play the piano.

F2: Heh heh ok ok.

M2: But, ah (.) I’m good at↑ swimming.

F2: Hmm.

M2: And, I practiced ah, swimming since I was ah kindergarten student. And in high school, I I won the competition. And I go to ah I went to Kyusyu competition in back stroke.

F2: Hmm↑ Back stroke↑ Nice, eh do do you join (.) this school…

M2: Ah, no! ↓ Not yet↓.

F2: Not yet↑? Are you, are you playing the swimming now?

M2: No.

F2: No↑?

M2: Now, no. hmm.

F2: What, what you are very good swimmer!

M2: Hmm…

F2:  Heh heh

M2: Because ah, I came here from Fukuoka city, and, (.) and use train so, it takes long time. so…

F2: Ah↑ Me too! I live in Yamaguchi prefecture. Hmm.

M2: Oh

F2: Heh heh heh. Ah (.) for I umm, (.) mmm↓ for one hour.

M2: Hmm-mmm-mmm

F2:  By train.

M2: Ah, yes. I’m one hour and half hmm from Hakata station.

F2: Heh heh heh. (Japanse: Tsugi) Why do you [[  ]] um How are you both different. Hmm I am female.

M2: Heh I’m male, of course↓.

F2: Hmm. How does hmm friends. Heh.

M2: (Ah) Different grade↓.

F2: Ah, long hair. Very sort hair.

M2: Very short, ok. Umm.

F2: Ah, umm… yes, I am older than you.

M2: Heh heh heh

F2: Umm. Next, next… Compare schedule, please read.

M2: Ah:↓ last week  I’m very busy because of middle (.) term exam. But this week, I’m free very free.

F2: Heh You have many time.

M2: So, I’m happy now↓.

F2: Hmm, when you are free, hmm, what, what do you do?

M2: Ah: of course I (.) I sleep long time and, umm (7.2) or ( 2.5) mm  listen to music like this.

F2: Yes Ok, uhm (2.1) uhm I’m, I’m busy the whole year, um, because um (.) I study ah I’m studying the debris.

M2: Debris?

F2: Ah, do you know debris, space debris?

M2: No.

F2: No!? Um, ah, there are many garbage in space. Ah, we have to remove. Heh heh  This study is very very (.) very busy.

M2: Ah

F2: Do Umm. Do, do you wanna, do you wanna um, do you wanna go master course?

M2: Hmm heh

F2: Heh heh, ok.

M2: So so↓

F2:  Yes, you are freshman. Oh, so so.

M2: Ah, but I I want to go, I want to study in Akahoshi,  Mr. Akahoshi’s, ok.

F2: Oh! Welcome, come’on

M2: Hmm, I’m interested in air crafts. So

F2: Air crafts? Ah…, bird strike.

M2: Umm I hear his study, I’m very interested in

F2: Ok. Umm (10.3) mmm (3.5) heh heh    Set 2, 2 (Japanese: ha damenankana? Ni fun tatta yone? Tatta, tatta… yoshi.)

M2: Thank you. Ha ha ha.

F2: Ah, thank you, thank you. Nice to see you.

M2: (Japanese: Hai).

F2: (Japanese)

M2: (Japanese)
[[    ]]

M2: Finished:

F2: Continue↑?
[[    ]]

F2: Share as much information about family, friends, major. Family, umm… I have a little brother. Umm, and um, when, umm, before an one hour, one year? heh heh heh I lived with brother, but he um he go to university, so he’s very surprised, so I missed hmm, I missed him heh heh.

M2: Ah I I live with father, mother and little sister, and me. A little sister go to goes to middle school, junior high school and she is two grade now

F2:  Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm

M2: And she’s (2.6) belong to swimming club

F2: Oh! Similar of you. Umm…Heh heh.

M2: I don’t know↓.

F2: (Japanese:Tsugi). Friends, friends! (Friends…) Major (Japanese: onazi dashine) Discuss the question, “what do you both have in common?”

M2: Ah, same major.

F2: Oh! Same major, same major. St, stricter… (Japanese: dou yu imi)?

M2: “You have to strict!!”

F2: Ah!

M2: …Ah! My parents isn’t strict (Hmm) about my studying. (Umm)

F2:  Me either. Umm, my, my father always say
said um you don’t have to studying. More talk with me. Um yes. Ah, Hmm. Heh heh

M2: My: parents think if, if they say, say to me that you have to study, um they know I don’t study.  So, they don’t say that

F2: Yeah, umm. My family, too. When I was, ah elementary school, my mother say umm study the Japanese, Kanji, so I don’t like Kanji heh.

Statistics P1

Speaking Rate

A: 111.9   B: 101.0

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

197.2 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

8.1 (368 syllables)

For a reference of acronyms used in conversation statistics, please

 Click Here

Statistics F2

Speaking Rate

A: 68.1   B: 57.7

Number of Words:


Articulation Rate:


Speaking Time:

417.4 seconds

Mean Length Runs:

10.5 (474 syllables)

Statistics Shared

Silence Total: 32.5 secs.

Percentage: 4.6%

Total Speaking Time:

695 secs

Cross-Talk Pausing:

4.3 sec.


This discussion is rather fluid, with low cross-talk pausing 4.3 seconds, with a total amount of silence being 32.5 seconds. Lexical dysfluency is very limited to just some L1 usage, though syntactic dysfluency is high on one variable, repetition (Megumi: 25 occurrences). MLRs are fairly the same length for both participants, 8.1 for Kohei and 10.5 for Megumi. Kohei’s speaking rate is relatively high 101.0 but Megumi’s could be much higher 57.7.  There are some minimal responses.

MLR Transcript

Male 2 Mean length runs

1. M2: Hi = 1
2. M2: My name is Kohei Kitagawa and // I major in mechanical and con//trol engineering. = 25
3. M2: I’m a↑  fresh man. = 4
4. M2: Piano↓  = 2
5. M2: Ah↓  = 1
6. M2: I can’t play the piano. = 6
7. M2: But, ah (.) I’m good at↑ swimming. = 7
8. M2: And, I practiced ah, swimming since I was // ah kindergarten student. And in high // school, I I won the competition. And // I go to ah I went to Kyusyu co//petition in back stroke. = 46
9. M2: Ah, no! ↓ Not yet↓.= 4
10. M2: No. = 1
11. M2: Now, no. hmm. = 3
12. M2: Hmm…= 1
13. M2: Because ah, I came here from Fukuo//ka city, and, (.) and use train so, it takes // long time. so…= 23
14. M2: Oh. = 1
15. M2: Hmm-mmm-mmm = 3
16. M2: Ah, yes. I’m one hour and half hmm from // Hakata station. = 15
17. M2: Heh I’m male, of course↓. = 4
18. M2: (Ah) Different grade↓. = 4
19. M2: Very short, ok. Umm. = 6
20. M2: Heh heh heh = 0
21. M2: Ah:↓ last week  I’m very busy because // of middle (.) term exam. But this week, I’m // free very free. = 24
22. M2: So, I’m happy now↓. = 5
23. M2: Ah: of course I (.) I sleep long time and, umm (7.2) = 9  [1:39.2]
24. (M2) or ( 2.5) = 1
25. (M2) mm  listen to music like this. = 8
26. M2: Debris? = 2
27. M2: No. = 1
28. M2: Ah = 1
29. M2: Hmm heh = 1
30. M2: So so↓ = 2
31. M2: Ah, but I I want to go, I want to // study in Akahoshi,  Mr. A//kahoshi’s, ok. = 26
32. M2: Hmm, I’m interested in air crafts. // So = 11 [1:59.14]
33. M2: Umm I hear his study, I’m very in//terested in = 14  [2:01.5]
34. M2: Thank you. Ha ha ha. = 5 [2:02.5]
35. M2: (Japanese: Hai).  = 0
36. M2: (Japanese) = 0
37. M2: Finished: = 2
38. M2: Ah I I live with father, mother and // little sister, and me. A little sis//ter go to goes to middle school, junior // high school and she is two grade now = 38
39. M2: And she’s (2.6) = 2
40. (M2) belong to swimming club = 5
41. M2: I don’t know↓.= 3
42. M2: Ah, same major. = 4
43. M2: “You have to strict!!” = 4
44. M2: …Ah! My parents isn’t strict about // my studying. = 14
45. M2: My: parents think if, if they say, say to // me that you have to study, um they know // I don’t study.  So, they don’t say that = 29

Female 1 Mean length runs

1. F2: Hi  = 1
2. F2: Mmm-mmm = 2
3. F2: Freshman↑  freshman↑  Ok, my name is Me//gumi Katayama, and my major // is mechanical engineering and: // I am a senior major↓ four↓. Hmm heh My // hobby↑ heh is playing (£) the piano = 48
4. F2: Yes, I when I was two years old, I I // start playing the piano. = 17
5. F2: What, what is your hobby? = 6
6. F2: Heh heh ok ok. = 4
7. F2: Hmm. = 1
8. F2: Hmm↑ Back stroke↑ Nice, eh do do you join (.) this // school… = 11
9. F2: Not yet↑? Are you, are you playing the swim//ming now? = 12
10. F2: No↑? = 1
11. F2: What, what you are very good swimmer! = 9
12. F2:  Heh heh = 0
13. F2: Ah↑ Me too! I live in Yamaguchi // prefecture. Hmm. = 14
14. F2: Heh heh heh. Ah (.) for I umm, (.) mmm↓ for one hour. = 9
15. F2:  By train. = 2
16. F2: Heh heh heh. (Japanse: Tsugi) Why do you [[  ]] um How are you both differ//ent. Hmm I am female. = 16
17. F2: Hmm. How does hmm friends. Heh. = 6
18. F2: Ah, long hair. Very sort hair. = 7
19. F2: Ah, umm… yes, I am older than you. = 9
20. F2: Umm. Next, next… Compare schedule, please read. = 9
21. F2: Heh You have many time. = 5
22. F2: Hmm, when you are free, hmm, what, what do you // do? = 11
23. F2: Yes Ok, uhm (2.1) = 4
24. (F2) uhm I’m, I’m busy the whole year, um, be//cause um (.) I study ah I’m studying // the debris. = 13
25. F2: Ah, do you know debris, space debris? = 9
26. F2: No!? Um, ah, there are many garbage in // space. Ah, we have to remove. Heh heh  This study // is very very (.) very busy. = 29
27. F2: Do Umm. Do, do you wanna, do you wa//nna um, do you wanna go master course? // = 20
28. F2: Heh heh, ok. = 2
29. F2:  Yes, you are freshman. Oh, so so. = 8
30. F2: Oh! Welcome, come’on = 5
31. F2: Air crafts? Ah…, bird strike. = 5
32. F2: Ok. Umm (10.3) = 3
33. (F2) mmm (3.5) = 1
34. (F2) heh heh    Set 2, 2 (Japanese: ha damenankana? Ni fun tatta yone? Tatta, tatta… yoshi.) = 3
35. F2: Ah, thank you, thank you. Nice to see you. = 9
36. F2: (Japanese) = 0
37. F2: Continue↑?  [[    ]] = 3
38. F2: Share as much information about fam//ily, friends, major. Family, umm… I have // a little brother. Umm, and um, when, umm, // before an one hour, one year? heh heh heh I lived // with brother, but he um he go to un//iversity, so he’s very surprised, // so I missed hmm, I missed him heh heh. = 57
39. F2:  Mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm-mmm = 5
40. F2: Oh! Similar of you. Umm…Heh heh.= 6
41.F2: (Japanese:Tsugi). Friends, friends! (Friends…) Major (Japanese: onazi dashine) Discuss the question, // “what do you both have in common?” = 18
42. F2: Oh! Same major, same major. St, stricter… (Japanese: dou yu imi)?  = 10
43. F2: Ah! = 1
44. F2:  Me either. Umm, my, my father always // say said um you don’t have to studying. // More talk with me. Um yes. Ah, Hmm. Heh heh = 28
45. F2: Yeah, umm. My family, too. When I was, ah // elementary school, my mother say // umm study the Japanese, Kanji, so // I don’t like Kanji heh. = 35

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